209 research outputs found

    Leveraging Self-Supervised Training for Unintentional Action Recognition

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    Unintentional actions are rare occurrences that are difficult to defineprecisely and that are highly dependent on the temporal context of the action.In this work, we explore such actions and seek to identify the points in videoswhere the actions transition from intentional to unintentional. We propose amulti-stage framework that exploits inherent biases such as motion speed,motion direction, and order to recognize unintentional actions. To enhancerepresentations via self-supervised training for the task of unintentionalaction recognition we propose temporal transformations, called TemporalTransformations of Inherent Biases of Unintentional Actions (T2IBUA). Themulti-stage approach models the temporal information on both the level ofindividual frames and full clips. These enhanced representations show strongperformance for unintentional action recognition tasks. We provide an extensiveablation study of our framework and report results that significantly improveover the state-of-the-art.<br


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT Bosowa Berlian Motor Kupang. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Bosowa Berlian Motor Kupang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel 37 karyawan dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Bosowa Berlian Motor Kupang. Bagi PT Bosowa Berlian Motor Kupang dalam rangka menjaga dan meningkatkan budaya organisasi yang terdapat pada perusahaan dan kinerja karyawan sehingga tetap pada kriteria penilaian yang sangat tinggi dan harus memperhatikan faktor lain yang dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh PT Bosowa Berlian Motor Kupang

    Geomagnetic jerks characterization via spectral analysis

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    In this study we have applied spectral techniques to analyze geomagnetic field time-series provided by observatories, and compared the results with those obtained from analogous analyses of synthetic data estimated from models. Then, an algorithm is here proposed to detect the geomagnetic jerks in time-series, mainly occurring in the eastern component of the geomagnetic field. Applying such analysis to time-series generated from global models has allowed us to depict the most important space-time features of the geomagnetic jerks all over the globe, since the beginning of XXth century. Finally, the spherical harmonic power spectrum of the third derivative of the main geomagnetic field has been computed from 1960 to 2002.5, bringing new insights to understand the spatial evolution of these rapid changes of the geomagnetic field

    Two geomagnetic regional models for Albania and south-east Italy from 1990 to 2010 with prediction to 2012 and comparison with IGRF-11

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    Here we present a revised geomagnetic reference model for the region comprising Albanian territory, south-east part of Italian Peninsula and Ionian Sea from 1990 to 2010 with prediction to 2012. This study is based on the datasets of magnetic measurements taken during different campaigns in Albania and Italy in the time of concern, together with a total intensity data set from the Ƙrsted and CHAMP satellite missions. The model is designed to represent the Cartesian components, X, Y, Z and the total intensity F of the main geomagnetic field (and its secular variation) for the period of interest. To develop the model, we applied a Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (SCHA) of the geomagnetic potential over a 16Ā° cap with most of the observations concentrated in the central 4Ā° half-angle. The use of a larger cap than that containing the data was made to reduce the typical problems in SV modelling over small regions. Also a new technique, called ``Radially Simplified Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis" (RS-SCHA), was developed to improve the model especially in the radial variation of the geomagnetic field components. Both these models provide an optimal representation of the geomagnetic field in the considered region compared with the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model (IGRF-11) and can be used as reference models to reduce magnetic surveys undertaken in the area during the time of validity of the model, or to extrapolate the field till 2012


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    Adanya Pandemi covid-19 ini menyebabkan ibu hamil menjadi tidak begitu mawas dengan asupan nutrisi dan kondisi kesehatannya secara umum. Pada umumnya, sebagian besar ibu hamil di Desa Oeprigi Popnam NTT tidak melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan apabila tidak ada keluhan yang berat selama masa kehamilan. Hal ini mereka lakukan karena takut akan tertular covid-19. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang nutrisi selama kehamilan dan mendeteksi dini gangguan/masalah kehamilan melalui kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis di Desa Oeprigi Popnam NTT. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2021 yang diikuti oleh 32 ibu hamil di Balai Desa Oeprigi Popnam. Ibu hamil diberikan pre test sebelum penyuluhan berlangsung dan diberikan post test setelah diberikan penyuluhan. Ibu hamil juga kemudian diberikan pelayanan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis untuk mengetahui status kesehatan ibu hamil sekaligus mendeteksi dini keluhan dan gangguan pada masa kehamilannya. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kesehatan tentang gizi ibu hamil memiliki dampak positif terhadap pemahaman ibu, yaitu lebih sebanyak 81,3% ibu hamil memiliki pengetahuan yang baik setelah penyuluhan disbanding sebelum penyuluhan yang hanya 9,4%. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan terdeteksi bahwa dari 32 ibu hamil, sebanyak 3 orang ibu hamil terdiagnosa mengalami masalah kehamilan. Jadi, kegiatan pendidikan kesehatan efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil mengenai pentingnya asupan gizi selama masa pandemi covid-19 dan pemeriksaan kehamilan gratis juga menjadi penting dilakukan untuk dapat melakukan deteksi dini gangguan atau masalah kehamilan selama masa pandemi covid-19

    Two geomagnetic regional models for Albania and south-east Italy from 1990 to 2010 with prediction to 2012 and comparison with IGRF-11

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    Here we present a revised geomagnetic reference model for the region comprising Albanian territory, southeast part of Italian Peninsula and Ionian Sea from 1990 to 2010 with prediction to 2012. This study is based on the datasets of magnetic measurements taken during different campaigns in Albania and Italy in the time of concern, together with a total intensity data set from the āˆ…rsted and CHAMP satellite missions. The model is designed to represent the Cartesian components, X, Y, Z and the total intensity F of the main geomagnetic field (and its secular variation SV) for the period of interest. To develop the model, we applied a Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (SCHA) of the geomagnetic potential over a 16Ā° cap with most of the observations concentrated in the central 4Ā° half-angle. The use of a larger cap than that containing the data was made to reduce the typical problems in SV modelling over small regions. Also a new technique, called "Radially Simplified Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis" (RS-SCHA), was developed to improve the model especially in the radial variation of the geomagnetic field components. Both these models provide an optimal representation of the geomagnetic field in the considered region compared with the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model (IGRF-11) and can be used as reference models to reduce magnetic surveys undertaken in the area during the time of validity of the model, or to extrapolate the field till 2012

    Urgent endovascular ligature of a ruptured splenic artery pseudoaneurysm in a patient with acute pancreatitis : a case report

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    Introduction: We report on the successful endovascular treatment of a ruptured splenic artery pseudoaneurysm. Our patient had acute pancreatitis superimposed on chronic calcific pancreatitis and chronic renal impairment. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography was used to assess post-embolization results. Case presentation: Our patient was a 67-year-old white Caucasian man with recurrent pancreatitis. Computed tomography angiography showed a pancreatic pseudocyst with a ruptured pseudoaneurysm, which was successfully embolized using an endovascular percutaneous approach. At six months, persistent renal failure led to contrast-enhanced ultrasonography. This confirmed the absence of turbulent blood flow and extravasation of contrast medium in the pseudocyst. Conclusion: Our experience with this case leads us to support the role of interventional radiology as a first-line treatment tool. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography can be used to follow-up embolization procedures in patients with impaired renal function

    Dynamics of parameters of elastic-elastic properties of arterial wall in patients with morbid obesity after conduction of bariatric treatment.

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    According to the World Health Organization, 2.8 million people die every year from diseases associated with overweight or obesity. Abdominal-visceral form is a serious predictor of mortality from cardiovascular disease. The aim of the work was to evaluate the dynamics of rigidity of the arterial wall in patients with morbid obesity after the administration of bariatric treatment. The study included 22 patients with morbid obesity, 11 women and 11 men (50%). The average age of patients was 41.9 Ā± 2.38 years. All patients were under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team of State Establishment "Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine", which included surgeons, anesthetists, cardiologists and endocrinologists. Weight loss after bariatric treatment of obesity was accompanied by positive changes in the cardiometabolic profile in patients, which was manifested not only by improving blood pressure control, decreasing doses and the number of medications taken, but also reducing the rigidity of the arterial wall, which in turn led to the reduction of the risk of serious cardiovascular events in future

    Tauopathic Changes in the Striatum of A53T Ī±-Synuclein Mutant Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Tauopathic pathways lead to degenerative changes in Alzheimer's disease and there is evidence that they are also involved in the neurodegenerative pathology of Parkinson's disease [PD]. We have examined tauopathic changes in striatum of the Ī±-synuclein (Ī±-Syn) A53T mutant mouse. Elevated levels of Ī±-Syn were observed in striatum of the adult A53T Ī±-Syn mice. This was accompanied by increases in hyperphosphorylated Tau [p-Tau], phosphorylated at Ser202, Ser262 and Ser396/404, which are the same toxic sites also seen in Alzheimer's disease. There was an increase in active p-GSK-3Ī², hyperphosphorylated at Tyr216, a major and primary kinase known to phosphorylate Tau at multiple sites. The sites of hyperphosphorylation of Tau in the A53T mutant mice were similar to those seen in post-mortem striata from PD patients, attesting to their pathophysiological relevance. Increases in p-Tau were not due to alterations on protein phosphatases in either A53T mice or in human PD, suggesting lack of involvement of these proteins in tauopathy. Extraction of striata with Triton X-100 showed large increases in oligomeric forms of Ī±-Syn suggesting that Ī±-Syn had formed aggregates the mutant mice. In addition, increased levels of p-GSK-3Ī² and pSer396/404 were also found associated with aggregated Ī±-Syn. Differential solubilization to measure protein binding to cytoskeletal proteins demonstrated that p-Tau in the A53T mutant mouse were unbound to cytoskeletal proteins, consistent with dissociation of p-Tau from the microtubules upon hyperphosphorylation. Interestingly, Ī±-Syn remained tightly bound to the cytoskeleton, while p-GSK-3Ī² was seen in the cytoskeleton-free fractions. Immunohistochemical studies showed that Ī±-Syn, pSer396/404 Tau and p-GSK-3Ī² co-localized with one another and was aggregated and accumulated into large inclusion bodies, leading to cell death of Substantia nigral neurons. Together, these data demonstrate an elevated state of tauopathy in striata of the A53T Ī±-Syn mutant mice, suggesting that tauopathy is a common feature of synucleinopathies
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