6,685 research outputs found

    Food Habits and Feeding Periodicity of the Rainbow, Fantail, and Banded Darters in Four Mile Creek

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    Author Institution: Department of Zoology, Miami UniversityStomach analyses were carried out on 3 darter species {Etheostoma caeruleum, E. flabellare and E. zonale) from Four Mile Creek, Ohio, May 1973-May 1974. These species are mainly insectivorous in this stream. Trichopterans were the most important food type by weight in the diets of E. caeruleum and E. flabellare; chironomid larvae and pupae and Simulium sp. dominated the diet of E. zonale. Electivity indices indicated a general selection for Simulium sp. and Trichoptera by E. caeruleum and E. flabellare, with E. zonale selecting against all trichopterans. Feeding activity of the 3 species was largely confined to the daylight hours, and 2 feeding peaks were generally observed for E. caeruleum and E. flabellare: one in the morning and the other in late afternoon or early evening. Over a 24 hr period, E. zonale consumed smaller quantities of food than the other species and exhibited no feeding maxima

    Distribution, Abundance, and Age Structure of a Population of the Burrowing Mayfly, Hexagenia Limbata, in an Ohio Pond

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    Author Institution: Department of Zoology, Miami UniversityRUTTER, ROBERT P., AND THOMAS E. WISSING, Distribution, Abundance and Age Structure of a Population of the Burrowing Mayfly, Hexagenia limbata, in an Ohio Pond. Ohio J. Sci. 75(1): 7, 1975

    Ultra-Relativistic Magnetic Monopole Search with the ANITA-II Balloon-borne Radio Interferometer

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    We have conducted a search for extended energy deposition trails left by ultra-relativistic magnetic monopoles interacting in Antarctic ice. The non-observation of any satisfactory candidates in the 31 days of accumulated ANITA-II flight data results in an upper limit on the diffuse flux of relativistic monopoles. We obtain a 90% C.L. limit of order 10^{-19}/(cm^2-s-sr) for values of Lorentz boost factor 10^{10}<gamma at the anticipated energy E=10^{16} GeV. This bound is stronger than all previously published experimental limits for this kinematic range.Comment: updated to version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Heppa III Intercomparison Experiment on Electron Precipitation Impacts: 2. Model‐Measurement Intercomparison of Nitric Oxide (NO) During a Geomagnetic Storm in April 2010

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    Precipitating auroral and radiation belt electrons are considered to play an important part in the natural forcing of the middle atmosphere with a possible impact on the climate system. Recent studies suggest that this forcing is underestimated in current chemistry-climate models. The HEPPA III intercomparison experiment is a collective effort to address this point. In this study, we apply electron ionization rates from three data-sets in four chemistry-climate models during a geomagnetically active period in April 2010. Results are evaluated by comparison with observations of nitric oxide (NO) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Differences between the ionization rate data-sets have been assessed in a companion study. In the lower thermosphere, NO densities differ by up to one order of magnitude between models using the same ionization rate data-sets due to differences in the treatment of NO formation, model climatology, and model top height. However, a good agreement in the spatial and temporal variability of NO with observations lends confidence that the electron ionization is represented well above 80 km. In the mesosphere, the averages of model results from all chemistry-climate models differ consistently with the differences in the ionization-rate data-sets, but are within the spread of the observations, so no clear assessment on their comparative validity can be provided. However, observed enhanced amounts of NO in the mid-mesosphere below 70 km suggest a relevant contribution of the high-energy tail of the electron distribution to the hemispheric NO budget during and after the geomagnetic storm on April 6

    HEPPA III Intercomparison Experiment on Electron Precipitation Impacts: 1. Estimated Ionization Rates During a Geomagnetic Active Period in April 2010

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    Precipitating auroral and radiation belt electrons are considered an important part of the natural forcing of the climate system. Recent studies suggest that this forcing is underestimated in current chemistry-climate models. The High Energy Particle Precipitation in the Atmosphere III intercomparison experiment is a collective effort to address this point. Here, eight different estimates of medium energy electron (MEE) (urn:x-wiley:21699380:media:jgra56926:jgra56926-math-0001) ionization rates are assessed during a geomagnetic active period in April 2010. The objective is to understand the potential uncertainty related to the MEE energy input. The ionization rates are all based on the Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detector (MEPED) on board the NOAA/POES and EUMETSAT/MetOp spacecraft series. However, different data handling, ionization rate calculations, and background atmospheres result in a wide range of mesospheric electron ionization rates. Although the eight data sets agree well in terms of the temporal variability, they differ by about an order of magnitude in ionization rate strength both during geomagnetic quiet and disturbed periods. The largest spread is found in the aftermath of enhanced geomagnetic activity. Furthermore, governed by different energy limits, the atmospheric penetration depth varies, and some differences related to latitudinal coverage are also evident. The mesospheric NO densities simulated with the Whole Atmospheric Community Climate Model driven by highest and lowest ionization rates differ by more than a factor of eight. In a follow-up study, the atmospheric responses are simulated in four chemistry-climate models (CCM) and compared to satellite observations, considering both the CCM structure and the ionization forcing

    Hyperandrogenism and Metabolic Syndrome Are Associated With Changes in Serum-Derived microRNAs in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) remains one of the most common endocrine disorder in premenopausal women with an unfavorable metabolic risk profile. Here, we investigate whether biochemical hyperandrogenism, represented by elevated serum free testosterone, resulted in an aberrant circulating microRNA (miRNAs) expression profile and whether miRNAs can identify those PCOS women with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Accordingly, we measured serum levels of miRNAs as well as biochemical markers related to MetS in a case-control study of 42 PCOS patients and 20 Controls. Patients were diagnosed based on the Rotterdam consensus criteria and stratified based on serum free testosterone levels (≥0.034 nmol/l) into either a normoandrogenic (n = 23) or hyperandrogenic (n = 19) PCOS group. Overall, hyperandrogenic PCOS women were more insulin resistant compared to normoandrogenic PCOS women and had a higher prevalence of MetS. A total of 750 different miRNAs were analyzed using TaqMan Low-Density Arrays. Altered levels of seven miRNAs (miR-485-3p, -1290, -21-3p, -139-3p, -361-5p, -572, and -143-3p) were observed in PCOS patients when compared with healthy Controls. Stratification of PCOS women revealed that 20 miRNAs were differentially expressed between the three groups. Elevated serum free testosterone levels, adjusted for age and BMI, were significantly associated with five miRNAs (miR-1290, -20a-5p, -139-3p, -433-3p, and -361-5p). Using binary logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC), a combination panel of three miRNAs (miR-361-5p, -1225-3p, and -34-3p) could correctly identify all of the MetS cases within the PCOS group. This study is the first to report comprehensive miRNA profiling in different subgroups of PCOS women with respect to MetS and suggests that circulating miRNAs might be useful as diagnostic biomarkers of MetS for a different subset of PCOS