188 research outputs found

    Influence of microwave plasma treatment on the surface properties of carbon fibers and their adhesion in a polypropylene matrix

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    A commercially available carbon fiber (CF) with an epoxy-based sizing (EP-sized CF) and an unsized CF have been plasma treated to study the effect on the fiber-matrix adhesion towards a polypropylene matrix. The EP-sized fiber was chosen because of its predictable low adhesion in a polypropylene (PP) matrix. The fibers have been modified using a microwave low-pressure O2/CO2/N2-gas plasma source (Cyrannus®) developed at IWS in a batch process. One aim of this study was the evaluation of parameters using high energies and short time periods in the plasma chamber to see the effect on mechanical performance of CF. These results will be the fundamental work for a planned continuous plasma modification line. The CF surface was characterized by determining the surface energies, single fiber tensile strength and XPS analysis. The adhesion behavior before and after plasma treatment was studied by single fiber pull-out test (SFPO) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was shown that the CO2- and O2-plasma increases the number of functional groups on the fiber surface during short time plasma treatment of 30 s. Carboxylic groups on the unsized CF surface resulting from O2-plasma treatment lead to an enhanced fiber-matrix adhesion, whereas the fiber strength was merely reduced

    Coincident Pre- and Postsynaptic Activation Induces Dendritic Filopodia via Neurotrypsin-Dependent Agrin Cleavage

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    SummaryThe synaptic serine protease neurotrypsin is essential for cognitive function, as its deficiency in humans results in severe mental retardation. Recently, we demonstrated the activity-dependent release of neurotrypsin from presynaptic terminals and proteolytical cleavage of agrin at the synapse. Here we show that the activity-dependent formation of dendritic filopodia is abolished in hippocampal neurons from neurotrypsin-deficient mice. Administration of the neurotrypsin-dependent 22 kDa fragment of agrin rescues the filopodial response. Detailed analyses indicated that presynaptic action potential firing is necessary for the release of neurotrypsin, whereas postsynaptic NMDA receptor activation is necessary for the neurotrypsin-dependent cleavage of agrin. This contingency characterizes the neurotrypsin-agrin system as a coincidence detector of pre- and postsynaptic activation. As the resulting dendritic filopodia are thought to represent precursors of synapses, the neurotrypsin-dependent cleavage of agrin at the synapse may be instrumental for a Hebbian organization and remodeling of synaptic circuits in the CNS

    Nagetier-übertragene Zoonosen: Beispiele aus Untersuchungen in Süd- und Westdeutschland

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    Zusammenfassung Nagetiere und andere Kleinsäuger können eine Vielzahl von Krankheitserregern, RNA- und DNA-Viren, Bakterien und Parasiten, auf den Menschen übertragen, die teilweise lebensbedrohliche Erkrankungen hervorrufen. In der folgenden Übersicht soll erstmals ein Überblick über Ergebnisse aus drei Untersuchungen in Deutschland gegeben werden: eine Studie in drei Landkreisen Bayerns von 2001-2004, Untersuchungen in einem Freilandgehege im Rahmen eines Tularämieausbruchs in Niedersachsen im Jahr 2005, und schließlich im Jahr 2007 eine Untersuchung an einem Truppenübungsplatz in Baden-Württemberg. Es wurde dabei exemplarisch die Verbreitung von Zoonoseerregern in Nagetieren und anderen Kleinsäugern näher untersucht, von drei Viren (Hantaviren, Kuhpockenvirus, Frühsommer- Meningo-Enzephalitis-Virus) und vier Bakterien (Leptospiren, Francisellen, Borrelien und Rickettsien). Die hier zusammengefassten Erkenntnisse sind ein erster wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Erstellung von Verbreitungskarten für die genannten humanpathogenen Zoonoseerreger in ihren Reservoirwirten und der Definition von entsprechenden Risikogebieten. Diese Arbeit soll zudem einen Beitrag leisten, einen Anstoß zu verstärkter Zusammenarbeit von Zoologen, Ökologen, Virologen, Human- und Veterinärmedizinern, Mikrobiologen, Parasitologen, Genetikern, Epidemiologen, Forstwissenschaftlern und Klimaforschern zu geben

    When separation is not the answer : breastfeeding mothers and infants affected by COVID-19

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    The World Health Organisation (WHO) has provided detailed guidance on the care of infants of women who are a person under investigation (PUI) or confirmed to have COVID-19, which supports immediate postpartum mother-infant contact and breastfeeding with appropriate respiratory precautions. Although many countries have followed WHO guidance, others have implemented infection prevention and control policies (IPC) that impose varying levels of postpartum separation and discourage or prohibit breastfeeding or provision of expressed breastmilk. These policies aim to protect infants from the potential harm of infection from their mothers, yet they may fail to fully account for the impact of separation. Global COVID-19 data are suggestive of potentially lower susceptibility and a typically milder course of disease among children, although the potential for severe disease in infancy remains. Separation causes cumulative harms, including disrupting breastfeeding and limiting its protection against infectious disease, which has disproportionate impacts on vulnerable infants. Separation also presumes the replaceability of breastfeeding – a risk that is magnified in emergencies. Moreover, separation does not ensure lower viral exposure during hospitalizations and post-discharge, and contributes to the burden on overwhelmed health systems. Finally, separation magnifies maternal health consequences of insufficient breastfeeding and compounds trauma in communities who have experienced long-standing inequities and violence, including family separation. Taken together, separating PUI/confirmed SARS-CoV-2 positive mothers and their infants may lead to excess preventable illnesses and deaths among infants and women around the world. Health services must consider the short-and-long-term impacts of separating mothers and infants in their policies. This article is protected by copyright

    Tick-borne lymphadenopathy (TIBOLA) acquired in Southwestern Germany

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tick-borne lymphadenopathy (TIBOLA) was first described in 1997 in a patient in France. The causative agent, <it>Rickettsia slovaca</it>, is transmitted by <it>Dermacentor </it>ticks.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>In southwestern Germany we encountered a patient with a tick bite at the dorsal scalp that resulted in an eschar and nuchal lymphadenopathy. Additionally, fever, malaise as well as elevated inflammatory markers and transaminases occurred. The characteristic clinical picture along with positive antibody testing for rickettsiae of the tick-borne spotted fever group strongly suggest the diagnosis TIBOLA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Human rickettsioses are emerging infections. Clinicians should be aware of TIBOLA as a newly described rickettsial disease. As in our case, TIBOLA may be encountered in regions/countries where <it>R. slovaca </it>and <it>Dermacentor </it>ticks are prevalent but autochthonous acquisition was not described before.</p

    Measurement of the Neutron Spin Structure Function g1ng_1^n with a Polarized ^3He Target

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    Results are reported from the HERMES experiment at HERA on a measurement of the neutron spin structure function g1n(x,Q2)g_1^n(x,Q^2) in deep inelastic scattering using 27.5 GeV longitudinally polarized positrons incident on a polarized 3^3He internal gas target. The data cover the kinematic range 0.023<x<0.60.023<x<0.6 and 1(GeV/c)2<Q2<15(GeV/c)21 (GeV/c)^2 < Q^2 <15 (GeV/c)^2. The integral 0.0230.6g1n(x)dx\int_{0.023}^{0.6} g_1^n(x) dx evaluated at a fixed Q2Q^2 of 2.5(GeV/c)22.5 (GeV/c)^2 is 0.034±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)-0.034\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.). Assuming Regge behavior at low xx, the first moment Γ1n=01g1n(x)dx\Gamma_1^n=\int_0^1 g_1^n(x) dx is 0.037±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)±0.006(extrapol.)-0.037\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.)\pm 0.006(extrapol.).Comment: 4 pages TEX, text available at http://www.krl.caltech.edu/preprints/OAP.htm

    Polysulfates block SARS‐CoV‐2 uptake through electrostatic interactions

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    Here we report that negatively charged polysulfates can bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 via electrostatic interactions. Using a plaque reduction assay, we compare inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 by heparin, pentosan sulfate, linear polyglycerol sulfate (LPGS) and hyperbranched polyglycerol sulfate (HPGS). Highly sulfated LPGS is the optimal inhibitor, with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 67 μg/mL (approx. 1.6 μM). This synthetic polysulfates exhibit more than 60-fold higher virus inhibitory activity than heparin (IC50: 4084 μg/mL), along with much lower anticoagulant activity. Furthermore, in molecular dynamics simulations, we verified that LPGS can bind stronger to the spike protein than heparin, and that LPGS can interact even more with the spike protein of the new N501Y and E484K variants. Our study demonstrates that the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into host cells can be blocked via electrostatic interaction, therefore LPGS can serve as a blueprint for the design of novel viral inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2

    Enhancement strategies for transdermal drug delivery systems: current trends and applications

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