27 research outputs found

    Successful Treatment of Frozen Hip with Manipulation and Pressure Dilatation

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    A 44-year old man with prolonged frozen hip was treated with manipulation under anesthesia and pressure dilatation of the left hip joint. The treatment was successful and after one year the hip was symptomless

    Yläkoulun musiikintunnit nuoren psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä ja tukena

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    Tiivistelmä. Nuoruus on siirtymävaihe lapsuudesta aikuisuuteen. Nuoruus alkaa murrosiästä, johon kuuluu paljon fyysisiä, psyykkisiä ja sosiaalisia muutoksia. Yläkouluajan nuoruuden vaiheet ovat varhaisnuoruus (7.lk) ja keskinuoruus (8–9.lk). Varhaisnuoruus on kuohuvaa aikaa. Ihmisen elämänvaiheisiin kuuluu erilaisia kehitystehtäviä eli tavoitteita ja haasteita. Varhaisnuoruuden kehitystehtävät liittyvät nuoren sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja vanhemmista irtaantumiseen. Tämän vuoksi varhaisnuoruutta kutsutaan myös ihmissuhdekriisin ajaksi. Keskinuoruudessa kuohunta tasaantuu. Nuorelle alkaa muodostua yksilöllinen minäkäsitys, ja keskinuoruuteen viitataankin usein identiteettikriisinä. Hyvinvointia on hankala määritellä yksiselitteisesti, koska hyvinvointi on subjektiivinen kokemus ja sitä voidaan tutkia eri näkökulmista. Usein hyvinvointia tarkastellaan pahoinvoinnin kautta. Psyykkinen hyvinvointi on mielen hyvinvointia. Mielenterveyteen viitataan usein silloin, kun mielen hyvinvointi on häiriintynyt. Koulu on merkittävä osa suomalaisen nuoren kehitysympäristöä, ja siksi myös kouluhyvinvointi on suuri osa nuoren psyykkistä hyvinvointia. Musiikin psyykkiset hyvinvointivaikutukset ovat olleet pitkään tiedossa, vaikka sitä, miten ne tarkalleen syntyvät, ei tiedetä vielä tarpeeksi hyvin. Musiikki on tärkeää etenkin nuorille, ja musiikin kokeminen merkitykselliseksi on myös yhteydessä koulun musiikinopetukseen. Musiikki voi olla apuna varhaisnuoruuden ja keskinuoruuden kehityksessä, sillä useat nuoret rakentavat identiteettiään ja ihmissuhteitaan musiikin avulla. Hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä musiikinopettaja on suuressa roolissa. Musiikinopettajan on tärkeä ymmärtää musiikin kokonaisvaltainen rooli nuoren elämässä

    The governors of school markets? : Local education authorities, school choice and equity in Finland and Sweden

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    As one of the key elements of the Nordic welfare model, education systems are based on the idea of providing equal educational opportunities, regardless of gender, social class and geographic origin. Since the 1990s, Nordic welfare states have undergone a gradual but wide-ranging transformation towards a more market-based mode of public service delivery. Along this trajectory, the advent of school choice policy and the growing variation in the between-school achievement results have diversified the previously homogenous Nordic education systems. The aim of our paper is to analyse how Finnish and Swedish local education authorities comprehend and respond to the intertwinement of the market logic of school choice and the ideology of equality. The data consist of two sets of in-depth thematic interviews with staff from the local providers of education, municipal education authorities. The analysis discloses the ways in which national legislation has authorized municipal authorities to govern the provision of education.Peer reviewe

    Predictability of boreal forest soil bearing capacity by machine learning

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    In forest harvesting, terrain trafficability is the key parameter needed for route planning. Advance knowledge of the soil bearing capacity is crucial for heavy machinery operations. Especially peatland areas can cause severe problems for harvesting operations and can result in increased costs. In addition to avoiding potential damage to the soil, route planning must also take into consideration the root damage to the remaining trees. In this paper we study the predictability of boreal soil load bearing capacity by using remote sensing data and field measurement data. We conduct our research by using both linear and nonlinear methods of machine learning. With the best prediction method, ridge regression, the results are promising with a C-index value higher than 0.68 up to 200 m prediction range from the closest point with known bearing capacity, the baseline value being 0.5. The load bearing classification of the soil resulted in 76% accuracy up to 60 m by using a multilayer perceptron method. The results indicate that there is a potential for production applications and that there is a great need for automatic real-time sensoring in order to produce applicable predictions. (C) 2016 ISTVS. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Ten-year audit of Lichtenstein hernioplasty under local anaesthesia performed by surgical residents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To analyse in a prospective trial the long-term results of Lichtenstein hernioplasty performed by surgical trainees.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Training of tension-free Lichtenstein hernia operation was started in our ambulatory unit as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthesia in 1996. After performing 36 teaching operations together with residents and their supervising specialist, 281 patients were operated during 1996-2000 either by one senior consultant (n = 141) or by 12 surgical trainees (n = 140). After 10 years, 247 (88%) patients were available for the long-term assessment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After one month postoperatively, the rate of wound infections (consultant 1.1%, residents 0.7%) and hematomas (consultant 1.1%, residents 3.0%) were low and not related to surgeon's training level (ns). Only 6 (2.1%) clinically evident recurrences were found after 10 years: two after specialist repair and four after trainee repair (ns). Although one third of the patients reported some discomfort after 3 and 10 years, 93-95% of the patients were very satisfied with the operation, with no statistical difference between the surgeons.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ambulatory open mesh repair under local anaesthesia was a safe operation and the long-term results were acceptable among the patients operated by surgical trainees.</p