79 research outputs found

    The price of oil as a pricing factor of the residential real es-tate at the regional market

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    The article is to study the influence of oil price variation on the parameters of the residential real estate market, which is a significant factor of the development of the country’s living standards. The analysis of oil price variation as one of the key figures determining price variation of goods and services in Russia, covers the period of the 2008 crisis and the postcrisis period of 2011-2017 (on a quarterly basis). The price variation of living space per square meter in the primary and secondary housing markets in remote federal districts (Central, Siberian, Far Eastern) has been analyzed. That allowed to identify the specifics of the process investigated in far-flung territories with significantly different indicators of economic development. As an assessment tool of the impact of structural changes in the Russian economy on price variation a statistical Chow-test, showing the presence of structural instability during the crisis, has been used. Based on the data, modeling of the interconnection between the oil price variation and a housing square meter price variation has been carried out in the period of 2011- 2017. The official data of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation have been used

    Innovative activity as an indicator of the economic health of the region

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    The article is to study the problem of maintaining the economic health of the territory by providing the relevant dynamics of its innovative component. Innovative activity of the region, as a key indicator, reflecting the efficiency of distribution and use of different resources, contributes to the competitive advantages, implemented at the regional, national (and even international) levels. It is also a tool of smoothing threats. Formation and development of economic regional and sectoral interactions determine a variability of the forms of the results obtained. The hierarchy of the economic health is based on the differentiation of the parameters of innovation activity regarding the entities of different levels of management and their mutual influence. Therefore the criteria of economic health have been detalized taking into account innovation activity and its most significant interdependencies. National and international experience of forming the conditions for intensification of innovative activity has been considered, tools of implementation have been classified. The dynamics of innovative activity of the regions of the Siberian Federal District has been analyzed. Federal State Statistics Service ( five year period) and the activity of innovative clusters have been used as a source of a fact-based official data

    Setor agroindustrial do desenvolvimento da Rússia sob sanções e contra-sanções

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    In the article they studied the specifics of Russia agro-industrial sector development in connection with the current political and economic instability, they revealed positive and negative aspects for the agriculture sector in conditions of sanctions and counter-sanctions. Besides, they analyzed the indicators characterizing the volumes of domestic product export and import, the losses of individual countries due to sanctions and counter-sanctions. In order to preserve positive shifts and increase the import substitution of agricultural products, they determined problems and possible solutions, offered the trends for the development of Russian agro-industrial sector and the strengthening of food security.En el artículo que estudiaron los detalles del desarrollo del sector agroindustrial de Rusia en relación con la actual inestabilidad política y económica, revelaron aspectos positivos y negativos para el sector agrícola en condiciones de sanciones y contra sanciones. Además, analizaron los indicadores que caracterizan los volúmenes de exportación e importación de productos nacionales, las pérdidas de países individuales debido a sanciones y contra sanciones. Con el fin de preservar los cambios positivos y aumentar la sustitución de importaciones de productos agrícolas, determinaron los problemas y las posibles soluciones, ofrecieron las tendencias para el desarrollo del sector agroindustrial ruso y el fortalecimiento de la seguridad alimentaria.No artigo que estudaram as especificidades do desenvolvimento do setor agroindustrial da Rússia em conexão com a atual instabilidade política e econômica, eles revelaram aspectos positivos e negativos para o setor agrícola em condições de sanções e contra-sanções. Além disso, analisaram os indicadores que caracterizam os volumes de exportação e importação de produtos nacionais, as perdas de países individuais devido a sanções e contra-sanções. A fim de preservar as mudanças positivas e aumentar a substituição de importações de produtos agrícolas, eles determinaram problemas e possíveis soluções, ofereceram as tendências para o desenvolvimento do setor agroindustrial russo e o fortalecimento da segurança alimentar


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    The slowdown in economic growth highlights the problem of developing tax capacity at various levels, therefore the article is devoted to the consideration of practical aspects of the assessment of the tax potential. On the example of the Belgorod region, trends in the development and increase of the tax potential were identified, measures of activation of the elements of the structure of the potential, which are essential for the budget, were proposed.The paper uses methods of comparative analysis, analysis of key indicators of tax and non–tax revenues. Conclusions are made on the need to prioritize areas for the development of tax capacity, to increase the region's independence and to create tax conditions for conducting entrepreneurial activity in the territory.Замедление темпов экономического роста выводит на первый план проблемы развития налогового потенциала на различных уровнях, поэтому статья посвящена рассмотрению практических аспектов оценки налогового потенциала. На примере Белгородской области идентифицированы тенденции развития и наращивания налогового потенциала, предложены меры активизации элементов структуры потенциала, которые имеют существенное значение для бюджета.В работе использованы методы сравнительного анализа, анализа ключевых показателей налоговых и неналоговых доходов. Сделаны выводы о необходимости выделения приоритетных направлений для развития налогового потенциала, повышения самостоятельности региона и создания налоговых условий для ведения предпринимательской деятельности на территории. Уповільнення темпів економічного зростання виводить на перший план проблеми розвитку податкового потенціалу на різних рівнях, тому стаття присвячена розгляду практичних аспектів оцінки податкового потенціалу. На прикладі Бєлгородської області ідентифіковані тенденції розвитку та нарощування податкового потенціалу, запропоновано заходи активізації елементів структури потенціалу, які мають істотне значення для бюджету.В роботі використані методи порівняльного аналізу, аналізу ключових показників податкових і неподаткових доходів. Зроблені висновки про необхідність виділення пріоритетних напрямків для розвитку податкового потенціалу, підвищення самостійності регіону та створення податкових умов для ведення підприємницької діяльності на території

    Organization of project activities in the system of advanced training of teachers

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    Project activity occupies an important place in the system of professional development. Focused on a rapidly changing environment, it provides the widest opportunities for innovative development of the field of additional education. The implementation of project activities allows you to form important for students of courses, leading decisions in the context of global educational competition and high uncertainty of the educational environment. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of organizing project activities in the system of professional development of teachers. Project activity is a joint educational creative activity of course participants that has a common goal and agreed methods to achieve it. The article reveals the experience of project activities of students in the framework of the course "Management in education". In the process of implementing project activities, the project competence of students is formed. Project activity occupies an important place in the system of professional development. Its implementation allows you to radically change the entire learning process, make it active, creative and independent.

    Formation of bachelors’ competence readiness to work in a team

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of forming the competence of bachelors' readiness to work in a team. This competence is characterized by the ability of the student to realize their role in the team and to carry out social interaction, to focus on cooperation with team members. The requirements for training modern bachelors who are capable of continuous personal and professional growth through effective collective work are reflected in regulatory documents. In the structure of the competence of readiness to work in a team, we distinguish motivational, cognitive and functional components. Their formation is carried out in the course of studying the module "Man, society, culture", the disciplines "Fundamentals of management culture", "General psychology" and others. Where a significant role is played by the use of innovative educational technologies that contribute to building effective interaction between students. Special attention is paid to the development of such qualities of the student as sociability, openness, a sense of mutual assistance, positive emotional mood. Modern educational technologies of interaction have an active impact on the process of forming the bachelor's competencies of readiness to work in a team

    Theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the quality of regional economic space

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    For the decision of problems of spatial-territorial development of innovation system of region it is necessary to realize estimation of quality of economic space on the basis of different indexes. These indicators can include territorial ones, used as tools to assess the innovation subsystem of the regional economy, as well as various approaches to the analysis of spatial factors considered in assessing the types of economic space in the regio

    Regional Features of the Socio-economic Situation of the Population of the Belgorod Region in Modern Conditions

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    The article presents the main indicators that characterize the socio-economic situation of the population of the Belgorod region in 2019 in comparison with a number of previous year