342 research outputs found

    Fractional Schr\"odinger equation and time dependent potentials

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    We investigate the solutions for a time dependent potential by considering two scenarios for the fractional Schr\"odinger equation. The first scenario analyzes the influence of the time dependent potential in the absence of the kinetic term. We obtain analytical and numerical solutions for this case by considering the Caputo fractional time derivative, which extends Rabi's model. In the second scenario, we incorporate the kinetic term in the Schr\"odinger equation and consider fractional spatial derivatives. For this case, we analyze the spreading of the Gaussian wave package under the action of the time and spatial fractional differential operators

    Structural connectivity modifications in the brain of selected patients with tumour after its removal by surgery (a case study)

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    Acknowledgments This study was possible by partial financial support from the following agencies: Funda¸c˜ao Arauc´aria, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). S˜ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP 2018/03211-6, 2022/13761-9). We thank 105 Group Science (www.105groupscience.com).Peer reviewe

    Multiscale model for the templated synthesis of mesoporous silica: the essential role of silica oligomers

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    A detailed theoretical understanding of the synthesis mechanism of periodic mesoporous silica has not yet been achieved. We present results of a multiscale simulation strategy that, for the first time, describes the molecular-level processes behind the formation of silica/surfactant mesophases in the synthesis of templated MCM-41 materials. The parameters of a new coarse-grained explicit-solvent model for the synthesis solution are calibrated with reference to a detailed atomistic model, which itself is based on quantum mechanical calculations. This approach allows us to reach the necessary time and length scales to explicitly simulate the spontaneous formation of mesophase structures while maintaining a level of realism that allows for direct comparison with experimental systems. Our model shows that silica oligomers are a necessary component in the formation of hexagonal liquid crystals from low-concentration surfactant solutions. Because they are multiply charged, silica oligomers are able to bridge adjacent micelles, thus allowing them to overcome their mutual repulsion and form aggregates. This leads the system to phase separate into a dilute solution and a silica/surfactant-rich mesophase, which leads to MCM-41 formation. Before extensive silica condensation takes place, the mesophase structure can be controlled by manipulation of the synthesis conditions. Our modeling results are in close agreement with experimental observations and strongly support a cooperative mechanism for synthesis of this class of materials. This work paves the way for tailored design of nanoporous materials using computational models

    Performance of polyethyleneimine–silica adsorbent for post-combustion CO2 capture in a bubbling fluidized bed

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    The high performance of polyethyleneimine (PEI)-based solid adsorbent for CO2 capture has been well recognized in thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and small-scale fixed bed reactors through the measurements of their equilibrium capacities but has not been really demonstrated on larger scales towards practical utilization. In the present study, a laboratory-scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor loaded with a few kg adsorbent is used to evaluate the adsorption performance of PEI–silica adsorbent under different working conditions including with/without the presence of moisture, different gas–solid contact times, initial bed temperatures, and CO2 partial pressures. The adsorption capacities have shown a clear degradation tendency under dry condition. However, they can be stabilized at a high level of 10.6–11.1% w/w over 60 cycles if moisture (ca. 8.8 vol%) is present in the gas flow during adsorption and desorption. Breakthrough capacities can be stabilized at the level of 7.6–8.2% w/w with the gas–solid contact time of 13 s. The adsorption capacities for the simulated flue gases containing 5% CO2 are only slightly lower than those for the simulated flue gases containing 15% CO2, indicating that the PEI–silica adsorbent is suitable for CO2 capture from flue gases of both coal-fired and natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants. The exothermal heat of adsorption is estimated by the energy balance in the fluidized bed reactor and found to be close (within 10%) to the measured value by TG-DSC. The regeneration heat for the as prepared PEI–silica adsorbent is found to be 2360 kJ/kgCO2 assuming 75% recovery of sensible heat which is well below the values of 3900–4500 kJ/kgCO2 for a typical MEA scrubbing process with 90% recovery of sensible heat

    The Role of Openness in the Effect of ICT on Governance

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    The study investigates how openness influences information and communication technology (ICT) penetration for improved government quality in sub-Saharan Africa for the period 2000–2012. Openness is measured in terms of trade and financial globalization whereas ICT is proxied with mobile phone and internet penetration rates. Ten bundled and unbundled governance indicators are used. The empirical evidence is based on Generalised Method of Moments with forward orthogonal deviations. The main findings are First, financial openness has an edge over trade openness when combined with ICT to affect both economic and institutional governance. Second, mobile phones have an edge over internet penetration in complementing (i) trade openness for economic governance and (ii) financial openness for institutional governance. Third, net effects on political governance are consistently negative. Taken together, in the short-run, openness-driven ICT policies are more rewarding in terms of economic and institutional governance than political governance. Fourth, catch-up in governance is facilitated by the interaction between openness and ICT. Contributions of these findings to literature are discussed