414 research outputs found

    Multi-hydrogenated compounds monitoring in optical fibre manufacturing process by photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    Sub-ppm hydrogen chloride (HCl) and water vapour (H2O) monitoring using photoacoustic spectroscopy in optical fibre manufacturing is reported. The development and performance of a sensor based on an acoustic resonant configuration is described, and on-site measurements are presented. Two DFB lasers emitting in the 1370nm and 1740nm range were used for the detection of H2O and HCl, respectively. A detection limit (defined for a SNR=3) of 60ppb for HCl and 40ppb for H2O was achieved. Contamination sources of the carrier gas used for the fibre preform manufacturing are identified and discusse

    Digital Twin of a Network and Operating Environment Using Augmented Reality

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    We demonstrate the digital twin of a network, network elements, and operating environment using machine learning. We achieve network card failure localization and remote collaboration over 86 km of fiber using augmented reality

    Multi-hydrogenated compounds monitoring in optical fibre manufacturing process by photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    Sub-ppm hydrogen chloride (HCl) and water vapour (H2O) monitoring using photoacoustic spectroscopy in optical fibre manufacturing is reported. The development and performance of a sensor based on an acoustic resonant configuration is described, and on-site measurements are presented. Two DFB lasers emitting in the 1370 nm and 1740 nm range were used for the detection of H2O and HCl, respectively. A detection limit (defined for a SNR=3) of 60 ppb for HCl and 40 ppb for H2O was achieved. Contamination sources of the carrier gas used for the fibre preform manufacturing are identified and discussed. © Springer-Verlag 2006

    Live to cheat another day: bacterial dormancy facilitates the social exploitation of beta-lactamases

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    The breakdown of antibiotics by β-lactamases may be cooperative, since resistant cells can detoxify their environment and facilitate the growth of susceptible neighbours. However, previous studies of this phenomenon have used artificial bacterial vectors or engineered bacteria to increase the secretion of β-lactamases from cells. Here, we investigated whether a broad-spectrum β-lactamase gene carried by a naturally occurring plasmid (pCT) is cooperative under a range of conditions. In ordinary batch culture on solid media, there was little or no evidence that resistant bacteria could protect susceptible cells from ampicillin, although resistant colonies could locally detoxify this growth medium. However, when susceptible cells were inoculated at high densities, late-appearing phenotypically susceptible bacteria grew in the vicinity of resistant colonies. We infer that persisters, cells that have survived antibiotics by undergoing a period of dormancy, founded these satellite colonies. The number of persister colonies was positively correlated with the density of resistant colonies and increased as antibiotic concentrations decreased. We argue that detoxification can be cooperative under a limited range of conditions: if the toxins are bacteriostatic rather than bacteridical; or if susceptible cells invade communities after resistant bacteria; or if dormancy allows susceptible cells to avoid bactericides. Resistance and tolerance were previously thought to be independent solutions for surviving antibiotics. Here, we show that these are interacting strategies: the presence of bacteria adopting one solution can have substantial effects on the fitness of their neighbours

    The practices of apartheid as a war crime: a critical analysis

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    The human suffering caused by the political ideology of apartheid in South Africa during the Apartheid era (1948-1994) prompted worldwide condemnation and a variety of diplomatic and legal responses. Amongst these responses was the attempt to have apartheid recognised both as a crime against humanity in the 1973 Apartheid Convention as well as a war crime in Article 85(4)(c) of Additional Protocol I. This article examines the origins, nature and current status of the practices of apartheid as a war crime and its possible application to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Record Photon Information Efficiency with Optical Clock Transmission and Recovery of 12.5 bits/photon over an Optical Channel with 77 dB Loss

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    We experimentally demonstrate optical detection at 12.5~bits per incident photon, 9.4~dB higher than the theoretical limit of conventional coherent detection. A single laser transmits both data and optical clock, undergoes 77~dB of attenuation before quantum detection followed by optical clock and data recovery

    Actin and microtubules drive differential aspects of planar cell polarity in multiciliated cells

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    Actin dynamics are required for proper cilia spacing, global coordination of cilia polarity, and coordination of metachronic cilia beating, whereas cytoplasmic microtubule dynamics are required for local coordination of polarity between neighboring cilia