1,794 research outputs found

    Optomechanically induced transparency

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    Coherent interaction of laser radiation with multilevel atoms and molecules can lead to quantum interference in the electronic excitation pathways. A prominent example observed in atomic three-level-systems is the phenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), in which a control laser induces a narrow spectral transparency window for a weak probe laser beam. The concomitant rapid variation of the refractive index in this spectral window can give rise to dramatic reduction of the group velocity of a propagating pulse of probe light. Dynamic control of EIT via the control laser enables even a complete stop, that is, storage, of probe light pulses in the atomic medium. Here, we demonstrate optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT)--formally equivalent to EIT--in a cavity optomechanical system operating in the resolved sideband regime. A control laser tuned to the lower motional sideband of the cavity resonance induces a dipole-like interaction of optical and mechanical degrees of freedom. Under these conditions, the destructive interference of excitation pathways for an intracavity probe field gives rise to a window of transparency when a two-photon resonance condition is met. As a salient feature of EIT, the power of the control laser determines the width and depth of the probe transparency window. OMIT could therefore provide a new approach for delaying, slowing and storing light pulses in long-lived mechanical excitations of optomechanical systems, whose optical and mechanical properties can be tailored in almost arbitrary ways in the micro- and nano-optomechanical platforms developed to date

    Human Food Safety Implications of Variation in Food Animal Drug Metabolism

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    Citation: Lin, Z., Vahl, C. I., & Riviere, J. E. (2016). Human Food Safety Implications of Variation in Food Animal Drug Metabolism. Scientific Reports, 6. doi:10.1038/srep27907Violative drug residues in animal-derived foods are a global food safety concern. The use of a fixed main metabolite to parent drug (M/D) ratio determined in healthy animals to establish drug tolerances and withdrawal times in diseased animals results in frequent residue violations in food-producing animals. We created a general physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for representative drugs (ceftiofur, enrofloxacin, flunixin, and sulfamethazine) in cattle and swine based on extensive published literature. Simulation results showed that the M/D ratio was not a fixed value, but a time-dependent range. Disease changed M/D ratios substantially and extended withdrawal times; these effects exhibited drug-and species-specificity. These results challenge the interpretation of violative residues based on the use of the M/D ratio to establish tolerances for metabolized drugs

    An experimental investigation of the laminar horseshoe vortex around an emerging obstacle

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    An emerging long obstacle placed in a boundary layer developing under a free-surface generates a complex horseshoe vortex (HSV) system, which is composed of a set of vortices exhibiting a rich variety of dynamics. The present experimental study examines such flow structure and characterizes precisely, using PIV measurements, the evolution of the HSV geometrical and dynamical properties over a wide range of dimensionless parameters (Reynolds number Reh∈[750,8300]Re_h \in [750, 8300], boundary layer development ratio h/δ∈[1.25,4.25]h/\delta \in [1.25, 4.25] and obstacle aspect ratio W/h∈[0.67,2.33]W/h \in [0.67, 2.33]). The dynamical study of the HSV is based on the categorization of the HSV vortices motion into an enhanced specific bi-dimensional typology, separating a coherent (due to vortex-vortex interactions) and an irregular evolution (due to appearance of small-scale instabilities). This precise categorization is made possible thanks to the use of vortex tracking methods applied on PIV measurements, A semi-empirical model for the HSV vortices motion is then proposed to highlight some important mechanisms of the HSV dynamics, as (i) the influence of the surrounding vortices on a vortex motion and (ii) the presence of a phase shift between the motion of all vortices. The study of the HSV geometrical properties (vortex position and characteristic lengths and frequencies) evolution with the flow parameters shows that strong dependencies exist between the streamwise extension of the HSV and the obstacle width, and between the HSV vortex number and its elongation. Comparison of these data with prior studies for immersed obstacles reveals that emerging obstacles lead to greater adverse pressure gradients and down-flows in front of the obstacle

    Metabolic Changes Following Perinatal Asphyxia: Role of Astrocytes and Their Interaction with Neurons

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    Perinatal Asphyxia (PA) represents an important cause of severe neurological deficits including delayed mental and motor development, epilepsy, major cognitive deficits and blindness. The interaction between neurons, astrocytes and endothelial cells plays a central role coupling energy supply with changes in neuronal activity. Traditionally, experimental research focused on neurons, whereas astrocytes have been more related to the damage mechanisms of PA. Astrocytes carry out a number of functions that are critical to normal nervous system function, including uptake of neurotransmitters, regulation of pH and ion concentrations, and metabolic support for neurons. In this work, we aim to review metabolic neuron-astrocyte interactions with the purpose of encourage further research in this area in the context of PA, which is highly complex and its mechanisms and pathways have not been fully elucidated to this day.Fil: Logica Tornatore, Tamara Maite Ayelén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas; ArgentinaFil: Riviere, Stephanie. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas; ArgentinaFil: Holubiec, Mariana Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas; ArgentinaFil: Castilla Lozano, Maria del Rocio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas; ArgentinaFil: Barreto, George E.. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; ColombiaFil: Capani, Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas; Argentina. Universidad Argentina "John F. Kennedy"; Argentina. Universidad Autónoma de Chile; Chil

    Limitations of MIC as sole metric of pharmacodynamic response across the range of antimicrobial susceptibilities within a single bacterial species

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    Citation: Wen, X. S., Gehring, R., Stallbaumer, A., Riviere, J. E., & Volkova, V. V. (2016). Limitations of MIC as sole metric of pharmacodynamic response across the range of antimicrobial susceptibilities within a single bacterial species. Scientific Reports, 6, 8. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep37907The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of an antimicrobial drug for a bacterial pathogen is used as a measure of the bacterial susceptibility to the drug. However, relationships between the antimicrobial concentration, bacterial susceptibility, and the pharmacodynamic (PD) inhibitory effect on the bacterial population are more complex. The relationships can be captured by multi-parameter models such as the E-max model. In this study, time-kill experiments were conducted with a zoonotic pathogen Pasteurella multocida and the fluoroquinolone enrofloxacin. Pasteurella multocida isolates with enrofloxacin MIC of 0.01 mu g/mL, 1.5 mu g/mL, and 2.0 mu g/mL were used. An additive inhibitory E-max model was fitted to the data on bacterial population growth inhibition at different enrofloxacin concentrations. The values of PD parameters such as maximal growth inhibition, concentration achieving a half of the maximal inhibition, and Hill coefficient that captures steepness of the relationships between the concentration and effect, varied between the isolate with low MIC and less susceptible isolates. While enrofloxacin PD against the isolate with low MIC exhibited the expected concentration-dependent characteristics, the PD against the less susceptible isolates demonstrated time-dependent characteristics. The results demonstrate that bacterial antimicrobial susceptibility may need to be described by a combination of parameters rather than a single parameter of the MIC

    Nitric Acid Particles in Cold Thick Ice Clouds Observed at Global Scale: Link with Lightning, Temperature, and Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor

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    Signatures of nitric acid particles (NAP) in cold thick ice clouds have been derived from satellite observations. Most NAP are detected in the Tropics (9 to 20% of clouds with T less than 202.5 K). Higher occurrences were found in the rare mid-latitudes very cold clouds. NAP occurrence increases as cloud temperature decreases and NAP are more numerous in January than July. Comparisons of NAP and lightning distributions show that lightning is the main source of the NOx, which forms NAP in cold clouds. Qualitative comparisons of NAP with upper tropospheric humidity distributions suggest that NAP play a role in the dehydration of the upper troposphere when the tropopause is colder than 195K

    Predicting Adsorption Affinities of Small Molecules on Carbon Nanotubes Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    Citation: Comer, J., Chen, R., Poblete, H., Vergara-Jaque, A., & Riviere, J. E. (2015). Predicting Adsorption Affinities of Small Molecules on Carbon Nanotubes Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation. ACS Nano, 9(12), 11761–11774. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.5b03592Computational techniques have the potential to accelerate the design and optimization of nanomaterials for applications such as drug delivery and contaminant removal; however, the success of such techniques requires reliable models of nanomaterial surfaces as well as accurate descriptions of their interactions with relevant solutes. In the present work, we evaluate the ability of selected models of naked and hydroxylated carbon nanotubes to predict adsorption equilibrium constants for about 30 small aromatic compounds with a variety of functional groups. The equilibrium constants determined using molecular dynamics coupled with free-energy calculation techniques are directly compared to those derived from experimental measurements. The calculations are highly predictive of the relative adsorption affinities of the compounds, with excellent correlation (r ? 0.9) between calculated and measured values of the logarithm of the adsorption equilibrium constant. Moreover, the agreement in absolute terms is also reasonable, with average errors of less than one decade. We also explore possible effects of surface loading, although we demonstrate that they are negligible for the experimental conditions considered. Given the degree of reliability demonstrated, we move on to employing the in silico techniques in the design of nanomaterials, using the optimization of adsorption affinity for the herbacide atrazine as an example. Our simulations suggest that, compared to other modifications of graphenic carbon, polyvinylpyrrolidone conjugation gives the highest affinity for atrazine—substantially greater than that of graphenic carbon alone—and may be useful as a nanomaterial for delivery or sequestration of atrazine

    Robot assisted stapedotomy ex vivo with an active handheld instrument

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    Micron is a fully handheld active micromanipulator that helps to improve position accuracy and precision in microsurgery by cancelling hand tremor. This work describes adaptation, tuning, and testing of the Micron system for stapedotomy, a microsurgical procedure performed in the middle ear to restore hearing that requires accurate manipulation in narrow spaces. Two end-effectors, a handle, and a brace (or rest) were designed and prototyped. The control system was adapted for the new hardware. The system was tested ex vivo in stapedotomy procedure comparing manually-performed and Micron-assisted surgical tasks. Tremor amplitude was found to be reduced significantly. Further testing is needed in order to obtain statistically significant results regarding other parameters dealing with regularity of the fenestra shap

    DZ Cha: a bona fide photoevaporating disc

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    DZ Cha is a weak-lined T Tauri star (WTTS) surrounded by a bright protoplanetary disc with evidence of inner disc clearing. Its narrow \Ha line and infrared spectral energy distribution suggest that DZ Cha may be a photoevaporating disc. We aim to analyse the DZ Cha star + disc system to identify the mechanism driving the evolution of this object. We have analysed three epochs of high resolution optical spectroscopy, photometry from the UV up to the sub-mm regime, infrared spectroscopy, and J-band imaging polarimetry observations of DZ Cha. Combining our analysis with previous studies we find no signatures of accretion in the \Ha line profile in nine epochs covering a time baseline of ∼20\sim20 years. The optical spectra are dominated by chromospheric emission lines, but they also show emission from the forbidden lines [SII] 4068 and [OI] 6300 A˚\,\AA that indicate a disc outflow. The polarized images reveal a dust depleted cavity of ∼7\sim7 au in radius and two spiral-like features, and we derive a disc dust mass limit of M_\mathrm{dust} 80 \MJup) companions are detected down to 0\farcs07 (∼8\sim 8 au, projected). The negligible accretion rate, small cavity, and forbidden line emission strongly suggests that DZ Cha is currently at the initial stages of disc clearing by photoevaporation. At this point the inner disc has drained and the inner wall of the truncated outer disc is directly exposed to the stellar radiation. We argue that other mechanisms like planet formation or binarity cannot explain the observed properties of DZ Cha. The scarcity of objects like this one is in line with the dispersal timescale (≲105\lesssim 10^5 yr) predicted by this theory. DZ Cha is therefore an ideal target to study the initial stages of photoevaporation.Comment: A&A in press, language corrections include
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