217 research outputs found

    Impact of dietary supplements based on L-carnitine on free-radical processes in model systems

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    Introduction. According to the results of numerous studies and meta-analyses, the effectiveness of male infertility therapy with micronutrients-antioxidants in various variants remains low, especially concerning the increase in live-birth rates and the incidence of clinical pregnancy. This may be due to both the empirical nature of such therapy with an imbalance of ejaculate redox systems, and an overdose of individual ingredients of antioxidant complexes.Purpose of the study. To evaluate the antioxidant activity of complex preparation based on L-carnitine for the treatment of male infertility in an experimental model system.Materials and methods. The dietary supplements «AndroDoz®» («Nizhfarm» JSC, Russian Federation) and «Proxeed® plus» (Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals Inc., Italy) were tested. The antioxidant properties of the preparations were determined in vitro by recording chemiluminescence in model systems generating reactive oxygen species using the «LKB-Wallac 1256 chemiluminometer» (Wallac Oy/PerkinElmer®, Finland). Chemiluminescence was evaluated by the light sum and the maximum amplitude of the glow, the antioxidant activity in the biological environment was studied when adding drugs to chicken yolk lipids similar to blood lipoprotein complexes.Results. The introduction of «AndroDoz®» and «Proxeed® plus» into the incubation medium in an amount comparable to the physiological level of L-carnitine in seminal plasma, inhibited the luminescence of the model system. At the same time, if «Proxeed® plus» almost completely inhibited the formation of radicals, then an equivalent dose of «AndroDoz®» reduced the intensity of chemiluminescence by 60%. Approximately in the same proportions, the preparations suppressed the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes in a model system with lipoprotein complexes similar to blood lipids, that is, the antioxidant activity was preserved in the biological environment. A decrease in the value of the chemiluminescence light sum was also found against the background of the use of these dietary supplements, which may indicate their protective effect on biological membranes, including subcellular structures of spermatozoa.Conclusion. The combined dietary supplements used in the study have a high antioxidant potential. The preparation «Proxeed® plus» can completely suppress the processes of lipoperoxidation with the possible development of a deficiency of free radicals that provide vital processes. The preparation «AndroDoz®» has a milder effect on free-radical phenomena probably due to a lower content of active ingredients and a balanced composition, which reduces the risk of complications in the form of an «antioxidant paradox» or reductive stress

    Increased fidelity of protein synthesis extends lifespan

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    Loss of proteostasis is a fundamental process driving aging. Proteostasis is affected by the accuracy of translation, yet the physiological consequence of having fewer protein synthesis errors during multi-cellular organismal aging is poorly understood. Our phylogenetic analysis of RPS23, a key protein in the ribosomal decoding center, uncovered a lysine residue almost universally conserved across all domains of life, which is replaced by an arginine in a small number of hyperthermophilic archaea. When introduced into eukaryotic RPS23 homologs, this mutation leads to accurate translation, as well as heat shock resistance and longer life, in yeast, worms, and flies. Furthermore, we show that anti-aging drugs such as rapamycin, Torin1, and trametinib reduce translation errors, and that rapamycin extends further organismal longevity in RPS23 hyperaccuracy mutants. This implies a unified mode of action for diverse pharmacological anti-aging therapies. These findings pave the way for identifying novel translation accuracy interventions to improve aging

    Successful Surgery of Severely Comorbid Cystic Pulmonary Hypoplasia

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    Background. Cystic pulmonary hypoplasia is a malformation of terminal bronchial tree as a cystic dilatation of various size at the level of subsegmental bronchi or bronchioles, which accounts for 60–80% of the overall malformation incidence.Materials and methods. We present a descriptive case of general clinical picture, diagnostic radiological examination and choosing a strategy for surgical diagnosis and treatment of cystic pulmonary hypoplasia. Patient K., 57 yo, was admitted to the Republican Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary with fibroatelectasis of the right lung lower lobe and underlying subcompensated diabetes type II, inspected by a phthisiatrician, thoracic surgeon and referred for surgical treatment.Results and discussion. A careful history inspection and X­ray data in most cases suffice to successfully diagnose the congenital type of cystic pulmonary defects. Treatment in such patients is personalised, with preference towards surgical intervention. A correct diagnosis is usually conditioned by a detailed and careful examination of the lung morbid morphology during surgery.Conclusion. Modern instrumental methods, with multispiral computed tomography in particular, are key to correctly diagnose a malformation. Relevant case reports are of interest and importance to advance research into causative factors of the disease

    Rising atmospheric methane: 2007-2014 growth and isotopic shift

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    From 2007 to 2013, the globally averaged mole fraction of methane in the atmosphere increased by 5.7±1.2ppb yr1^{-1}. Simultaneously, δ13\delta^{13}CCH4_\text{CH4} (a measure of the 13^{13}C/12^{12}C isotope ratio in methane) has shifted to significantly more negative values since 2007. Growth was extreme in 2014, at 12.5±0.4ppb, with a further shift to more negative values being observed at most latitudes. The isotopic evidence presented here suggests that the methane rise was dominated by significant increases in biogenic methane emissions, particularly in the tropics, for example, from expansion of tropical wetlands in years with strongly positive rainfall anomalies or emissions from increased agricultural sources such as ruminants and rice paddies. Changes in the removal rate of methane by the OH radical have not been seen in other tracers of atmospheric chemistry and do not appear to explain short-term variations in methane. Fossil fuel emissions may also have grown, but the sustained shift to more 13^{13}C-depleted values and its significant interannual variability, and the tropical and Southern Hemisphere loci of post-2007 growth, both indicate that fossil fuel emissions have not been the dominant factor driving the increase. A major cause of increased tropical wetland and tropical agricultural methane emissions, the likely major contributors to growth, may be their responses to meteorological change.This work was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council projects NE/N016211/1 The Global Methane Budget, NE/M005836/1 Methane at the edge, NE/K006045/1 The Southern Methane Anomaly and NE/I028874/1 MAMM. We thank the UK Meteorological Office for flask collection and hosting the continuous measurement at Ascension, the Ascension Island Government for essential support, and Thumeka Mkololo for flask collection in Cape Tow

    Bootstrapping the energy flow in the beginning of life.

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    This paper suggests that the energy flow on which all living structures depend only started up slowly, the low-energy, initial phase starting up a second, slightly more energetic phase, and so on. In this way, the build up of the energy flow follows a bootstrapping process similar to that found in the development of computers, the first generation making possible the calculations necessary for constructing the second one, etc. In the biogenetic upstart of an energy flow, non-metals in the lower periods of the Periodic Table of Elements would have constituted the most primitive systems, their operation being enhanced and later supplanted by elements in the higher periods that demand more energy. This bootstrapping process would put the development of the metabolisms based on the second period elements carbon, nitrogen and oxygen at the end of the evolutionary process rather than at, or even before, the biogenetic even

    Results of implementation of viral hepatitis B elimination program in the North-West Russia

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    Introduction. Vaccination contributed to reduce the incidence of acute hepatitis B in the territories of the North-West Russia. The urgency of this problem remains due to the high incidence of chronic hepatitis B. This accounted for the need to develop a hepatitis B elimination program in the district discussed that was approved in 2013 by the head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing. Objective is to characterize the results of the program for the elimination of acute hepatitis B virus implemented in the North-Western Federal District. Materials and methods. The 2010–2020 incidence rate of acute and chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in the regions of the North-West Russia was carried out. To determine HBV genotypes and subgenotypes, 160 blood plasma samples from patients with acute hepatitis B were studied using molecular genetic methods (PCR, sequencing). The prevalence of latent hepatitis B in various population groups was assessed. The 2016–2020 hepatitis B vaccination coverage and relevant serological monitoring in adults was carried out. Results. While implementing the program, it was found that the incidence rate of acute hepatitis B in the district decreased by 4.5-fold, revealing in 2020 no cases of the disease in 5 regions, with incidence rate in the 6 subfederal units being lower than 1.0 per 100,000 population. Moreover, the incidence rate for chronic hepatitis B decreased by 2.6 times. The 2020 vaccination coverage of children under 17 and adults in all territories comprised more than 95% and 90%, respectively. In addition, it was shown the circulation of genotypes D and A of hepatitis B virus is dominated by genotype D (91.8%), subgenotype D2 (47.8%). The prevalence of latent hepatitis B among migrants was 6.5%, pregnant women — 4.9%, hemodialysis patients — 1.7%. Conclusion. Implementation of the program on elimination of acute viral hepatitis B in the territory of the North-West Russia contributed to raise in the vaccination coverage in adult population and lowered incidence rate of acute and chronic HBV infection


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    Artery aneurysms of pool celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery are not often in clinical practice. Often, the first clinical manifestation of the aneurysm is a hemorrhagic shock which proceed from its rupture. The risk of aneurysm rupture doesn’t depend on their size, ranging from 3% to 10%. But the mortality from aneurysm rupture can be reaches 36%. As we know well that the aneurysm ruptures has a high rate of mortality, treatment as symptomatic as asymptomatic aneurysms are essential. The authors of the article represent the demonstration of successful endovascular treatment of aneurysms splenic artery and posttraumatic aneurysm of common hepatic artery using modern embolization materials. In the first case performed embolization of lumen aneurysm by embolization coil with next installation in the lumen of the artery stent graft, in the second case – the feeding artery was embolized by microemboles. Nowadays, the medical instruments for X – ray surgical interventions allow you to perform a complete embolization of pathological structures such as aneurysms of the main arteries of the celiac trunk. Thanks to low level of interventions endovascular therapies can be related to the method of choice in the treatment of many surgical diseases in compulsory with the open methods of operation.Аневризмы артерий бассейна чревного ствола и верхней брыжеечной артерии в клинической практике встречаются редко. Часто первым клиническим проявлением аневризмы становится геморрагический шок в следствие ее разрыва. Риск разрыва аневризм не зависит от их размера и составляет от 3 до 10%. При этом смертность от разрыва аневризм достигает 36%. Учитывая высокий уровень смертности при разрывах аневризм, лечение как симптомных, так и асимптомных аневризм является обязательным. Авторами статьи приводится демонстрация успешного эндоваскулярного лечения аневризмы селезеночной артерии и посттравматической аневризмы общей печеночной артерии при помощи современных эмболизационных материалов. В первом случае проведена эмболизация просвета аневризмы эмболизационной спиралью с последующей установкой в просвет артерии стент-графта, во втором питающая артерия была эмболизирована микроэмболами. На сегодняшний день инструментарий для проведения рентгенохирургических вмешательств позволяет выполнять полноценную эмболизацию патологических образований, таких как аневризмы магистральных артерий чревного ствола. Благодаря малоинвазивности рентгеноэндоваскулярные методы лечения можно отнести к методам выбора в лечении многих хирургических заболеваний по отношению к открытым способам операции.

    Эндопротезирование гастродуоденальной артерии стент-графтом с целью «выключения» ложной аневризмы из кровотока

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    Introduction. Aneurysms of visceral arteries in the abdominal cavity are very rare. Often aneurysms of branches of the abdominal aorta are an incidental finding as patients seldom present obvious clinical signs or pathological changes in the organ supplied by the artery involved. The incidence of aneurysms of branches connecting the celiac trunk and the upper mesenteric artery amounts to 3.5% of all the cases of aneurysms of abdominal aorta arteries, mostly the gastroduodenal artery. This paper presents a case of minimally invasive treatment of gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm at the BSMU Clinic.Materials and methods. Patient K, a 47-year-old female, was admitted for emergency treatment at the Bashkir State Medical University Clinic in May 2019. The patient’s complaints included feeling weak, black stool for seven days prior, faintness and epigastric pain.Results and discussions. Instrumental examination and angiography data demonstrated that the size of the pseudoaneurysm has increased 2.5 times and reached 65×45 mm; the clinical picture led to the conclusion that the aneurysm was ready to rupture and that there was an immediate need to stop the blood flow to the gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm.Conclusion. The range of currently available image-guided surgical procedures makes it possible to perform adequate embolization of pathological structures such as artery aneurysms.Введение. Аневризмы висцеральных артерий брюшной полости встречаются очень редко в клинической практике врачей. Зачастую аневризмы ветвей брюшной аорты являются диагностической находкой, так как клиническая картина редко когда отображает явные признаки ее наличия и на первый план выходят патологические изменения со стороны органа, который данная артерия кровоснабжает. Частота встречаемости аневризмы ветвей, соединяющих чревный ствол и верхнюю брыжеечную артерию, составляет 3,5 % от всех аневризм артерий брюшной аорты, и основную долю их занимает гастродуоденальная артерия.Цель исследования: демонстрация мини-инвазивного лечения ложной аневризмы гастродуоденальной артерии в Клинике БГМУ.Материалы и методы. В Клинику Башкирского государственного медицинского университета в мае 2019 года в экстренном порядке поступила пациентка К. 47 лет с жалобами на слабость, черный стул в течение 7 дней, головокружение, боли в эпигастральной области.Результаты и обсуждение. По данным инструментальных методов исследования и ангиографии, размер ложной аневризмы увеличился в 2,5 раза и составил 65×45 мм, по клинической картине можно было судить о готовности разрыва аневризмы и прямой необходимости в устранении кровоснабжения ложной аневризмы гастродуоденальной артерии.Заключение. На сегодняшний день инструментарий для проведения рентген-хирургических вмешательств позволяет выполнять полноценную эмболизацию патологических образований, таких как аневризмы артерий

    Цитокиновый профиль пациентов с тяжелым течением геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом, осложненной острой почечной недостаточностью

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    Objective: to determine the cytokine profile in blood serum in patients with severe hemorrhagic fever complicated by acute renal failure. Materials and methods. The examined persons were divided into a control group – 46 people (healthy), a group of patients with an average course of the disease – 35 people, and a group of patients with severe severity, complicated by acute renal failure – 38 people. Blood was taken from the subjects for the study of cytokines. The determination of cytokines was carried out by enzyme immunoassay using test kits in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.  Results. In patients with hemorrhagic fever, both with moderate and severe, there was an increase in interleukins IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 compared with the control group. However, the values of these interleukins were significantly higher in patients with severe hemorrhagic fever complicated by acute renal failure compared with the group of patients with moderate severity. The values of IL-8, IFN-γ and SDF-1α changed only in patients with severe course. At the same time, there was an increase in the expression of IL-8 and a decrease in IFN-γ compared with the control group. IL-8 and IFN-γ did not change statistically in patients who had just been admitted to the hospital, as well as in patients with an average degree of the disease. A change in the SDF-1α chemokine also turned out to be specific for patients with a severe course of the disease: its values increased in comparison with the control group. No significant changes in SDF-1α were detected in patients who had just been admitted to the hospital, as well as in the group of patients with moderate severity of the disease.  Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the diagnostic value of cytokine determination in severe hemorrhagic fever complicated by acute renal failure. Changes in the parameters of some cytokines, detected only in the profile of patients with severe severity, require further research to clarify their role in the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic fever, and also open up opportunities for considering them as biomarkers. Цель: определение цитокинового профиля в сыворотке крови у больных с тяжелым течением геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом, осложненной острой почечной недостаточностью Материалы и методы. Обследуемые лица были разделены на контрольную группу – 46 человек (здоровые), группу пациентов со средней тяжестью заболевания – 35 человек и группу пациентов с заболеванием тяжелой степени, осложненной острой почечной недостаточностью, – 38 чел. У обследуемых отбиралась кровь на исследование цитокинов. Определение цитокинов осуществлялось методом иммуноферментного анализа с применением тест-наборов в соответствии с инструкцией производителей.  Результаты. У больных геморрагической лихорадкой с почечным синдромом, как средней, так и тяжелой степени, отмечалось повышение интерлейкинов IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 по сравнению с контрольной группой. Однако значения данных интерлейкинов были достоверно выше у пациентов с тяжелым течением геморрагической лихорадки, осложненной острой почечной недостаточностью по сравнению с группой пациентов со средней тяжестью. Значения IL-8, IFN-γ и SDF-1α изменялись только у пациентов с тяжелым течением. При этом отмечалось усиление экспрессии IL-8 и снижение IFN-γ по сравнению с контрольной группой. У пациентов, только поступивших в стационар, а также пациентов средней степени тяжести IL-8 и IFN-γ статистически не менялись. Специфичным для пациентов с тяжелым течением заболевания также оказалось изменение хемокина SDF-1α: его значения возрастали в сравнении с контрольной группой. У пациентов, только поступивших в стационар, а также в группе больных со средней степенью тяжести заболевания достоверных изменений SDF-1α выявлено не было. Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о диагностической ценности определения цитокинов при тяжелом течении геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом, осложнённой острой почечной недостаточностью. Изменения показателей некоторых цитокинов, выявляемые только в профиле больных с тяжелым течением, требуют дальнейших исследований по уточнению их роли в патогенезе геморрагической лихорадки, а также открывают возможности для рассмотрения их в качестве биомаркеров.