134 research outputs found

    Nonclassical Moments and their Measurement

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    Practically applicable criteria for the nonclassicality of quantum states are formulated in terms of different types of moments. For this purpose the moments of the creation and annihilation operators, of two quadratures, and of a quadrature and the photon number operator turn out to be useful. It is shown that all the required moments can be determined by homodyne correlation measurements. An example of a nonclassical effect that is easily characterized by our methods is amplitude-squared squeezing.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Electron-boson glue function derived from electronic Raman scattering

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    Raman scattering cross sections depend on photon polarization. In the cuprates nodal and antinodal directions are weighted more strongly in B2gB_{2g} and B1gB_{1g} symmetry, respectively. On the other hand in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), electronic properties are measured along well-defined directions in momentum space rather than their weighted averages. In contrast, the optical conductivity involves a momentum average over the entire Brillouin zone. Newly measured Raman response data on high-quality Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} single crystals up to high energies have been inverted using a modified maximum entropy inversion technique to extract from B1gB_{1g} and B2gB_{2g} Raman data corresponding electron-boson spectral densities (glue) are compared to the results obtained with known ARPES and optical inversions. We find that the B2gB_{2g} spectrum agrees qualitatively with nodal direction ARPES while the B1gB_{1g} looks more like the optical spectrum. A large peak around 304030 - 40\,meV in B1gB_{1g}, much less prominent in B2gB_{2g}, is taken as support for the importance of (π,π)(\pi,\pi) scattering at this frequency.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Uncertainty Relations in Deformation Quantization

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    Robertson and Hadamard-Robertson theorems on non-negative definite hermitian forms are generalized to an arbitrary ordered field. These results are then applied to the case of formal power series fields, and the Heisenberg-Robertson, Robertson-Schr\"odinger and trace uncertainty relations in deformation quantization are found. Some conditions under which the uncertainty relations are minimized are also given.Comment: 28+1 pages, harvmac file, no figures, typos correcte

    Les Houches 2013: Physics at TeV Colliders: Standard Model Working Group Report

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    This Report summarizes the proceedings of the 2013 Les Houches workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders. Session 1 dealt primarily with (1) the techniques for calculating standard model multi-leg NLO and NNLO QCD and NLO EW cross sections and (2) the comparison of those cross sections with LHC data from Run 1, and projections for future measurements in Run 2.Comment: Proceedings of the Standard Model Working Group of the 2013 Les Houches Workshop, Physics at TeV Colliders, Les houches 3-21 June 2013. 200 page

    Quantitative comparison of single- and two-particle properties in the cuprates

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    We explore the strong variations of the electronic properties of copper-oxygen compounds across the doping phase diagram in a quantitative way. To this end we calculate the electronic Raman response on the basis of results from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). In the limits of our approximations we find agreement on the overdoped side and pronounced discrepancies at lower doping. In contrast to the successful approach for the transport properties at low energies, the Raman and the ARPES data cannot be reconciled by adding angle-dependent momentum scattering. We discuss possible routes towards an explanation of the suppression of spectral weight close to the (π,0)(\pi,0) points which sets in abruptly close to 21% doping.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report

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    This Report summarizes the proceedings of the 2015 Les Houches workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders. Session 1 dealt with (I) new developments relevant for high precision Standard Model calculations, (II) the new PDF4LHC parton distributions, (III) issues in the theoretical description of the production of Standard Model Higgs bosons and how to relate experimental measurements, (IV) a host of phenomenological studies essential for comparing LHC data from Run I with theoretical predictions and projections for future measurements in Run II, and (V) new developments in Monte Carlo event generators.Comment: Proceedings of the Standard Model Working Group of the 2015 Les Houches Workshop, Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches 1-19 June 2015. 227 page

    Gap structure in the electron-doped Iron-Arsenide Superconductor Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2: low-temperature specific heat study

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    We report the field and temperature dependence of the low-temperature specific heat down to 400 mK and in magnetic fields up to 9 T of the electron-doped Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2 superconductor. Using the phonon specific heat obtained from pure BaFe2As2 we find the normal state Sommerfeld coefficient to be 18 mJ/mol.K^2 and a condensation energy of 1.27 J/mol. The temperature dependence of the electronic specific heat clearly indicate the presence of the low-energy excitations in the system. The magnetic field variation of field-induced specific heat cannot be described by single clean s- or d-wave models. Rather, the data require an anisotropic gap scenario which may or may not have nodes. We discuss the implications of these results.Comment: New Journal of Physics in press, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Precision studies of observables in pp → W → lνl and pp → γ , Z → l+l− processes at the LHC

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    This report was prepared in the context of the LPCC Electroweak Precision Measurements at the LHC WG (https://lpcc.web.cern.ch/lpcc/index.php?page=electroweak_wg) and summarizes the activity of a subgroup dedicated to the systematic comparison of public Monte Carlo codes, which describe the Drell–Yan processes at hadron colliders, in particular at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This work represents an important step towards the definition of an accurate simulation framework necessary for very high-precision measurements of electroweak (EW) observables such as the W boson mass and the weak mixing angle. All the codes considered in this report share at least next-to-leading-order (NLO) accuracy in the prediction of the total cross sections in an expansion either in the strong or in the EW coupling constant. The NLO fixed-order predictions have been scrutinized at the technical level, using exactly the same inputs, setup and perturbative accuracy, in order to quantify the level of agreement of different implementations of the same calculation. A dedicated comparison, again at the technical level, of three codes that reach next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) accuracy in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) for the total cross section has also been performed. These fixed-order results are a well-defined reference that allows a classification of the impact of higher-order sets of radiative corrections. Several examples of higher-order effects due to the strong or the EW interaction are discussed in this common framework. Also the combination of QCD and EW corrections is discussed, together with the ambiguities that affect the final result, due to the choice of a specific combination recipe. All the codes considered in this report have been run by the respective authors, and the results presented here constitute a benchmark that should be always checked/reproduced before any high-precision analysis is conducted based on these codes. In order to simplify these benchmarking procedures, the codes used in this report, together with the relevant input files and running instructions, can be found in a repository at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/DrellYanComparison

    Buffering and the evolution of chromosome-wide gene regulation

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    Copy number variation (CNV) in terms of aneuploidies of both entire chromosomes and chromosomal segments is an important evolutionary driving force, but it is inevitably accompanied by potentially problematic variations in gene doses and genomic instability. Thus, a delicate balance must be maintained between mechanisms that compensate for variations in gene doses (and thus allow such genomic variability) and selection against destabilizing CNVs. In Drosophila, three known compensatory mechanisms have evolved: a general segmental aneuploidy-buffering system and two chromosome-specific systems. The two chromosome-specific systems are the male-specific lethal complex, which is important for dosage compensation of the male X chromosome, and Painting of fourth, which stimulates expression of the fourth chromosome. In this review, we discuss the origin and function of buffering and compensation using Drosophila as a model