26 research outputs found

    An Updated Midline Rule: Visual Callosal Connections Anticipate Shape and Motion in Ongoing Activity across the Hemispheres

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    It is generally thought that callosal connections (CCs) in primary visual cortices serve to unify the visual scenery parted in two at the vertical midline (VM). Here, we present evidence that this applies also to visual features that do not cross yet but might cross the VM in the future. During reversible deactivation of the contralateral visual cortex in cats, we observed that ipsilaterally recorded neurons close to the border between areas 17 and 18 receive selective excitatory callosal input on both ongoing and evoked activity. In detail, neurons responding well to a vertical Gabor patch moving away from the deactivated hemifield decreased prestimulus and stimulus-driven activity much more than those preferring motion toward the cooled hemifield. Further, activity of neurons responding to horizontal lines decreased more than the response to vertical lines. Embedding a single Gabor into a collinear line context selectively stabilized responses, especially when the context was limited to the intact hemifield. These findings indicate that CCs interconnect not only neurons coding for similar orientations but also for similar directions of motion. We conclude that CCs anticipate stimulus features that are potentially relevant for both hemifields (i.e., coherent motion but also collinear shape) because already prestimulus activity and activity to stimuli not crossing the VM revealed feature specificity. Finally, we hypothesize that intrinsic and callosal networks processing different orientations and directions are anisotropic close to the VM facilitating perceptual grouping along likely future motion or (shape) trajectories before the visual stimulus arrives

    Ethnopolitics Across Central and Eastern Europe in a State of Flux: Time for Updating and Upgrading?

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    This chapter illustrates why and how the existing theoretical models in the study of ethnopolitics need to be updated in light of the latest developments and the increasing impact of new catalysts. These are, namely, anti-immigration and the rise of the populist and radical right across Central and Eastern Europe. This chapter hints that the more systematic cooperation between academic experts in nationalism and academic experts in the populist and radical right will enable: (a) the former to assess more accurately the degree to which new variables such as Euroscepticism and anti-immigrant trends can reshape ethnopolitics, both as a living reality and a field of study, across Central and Eastern Europe; (b) the latter to formulate new interpretative models about how (right-wing) populist and Eurosceptic actors embed their agendas inside the pre-existing political cultures of nationalism and particularistic identity and memory politics. This chapter introduces and outlines the ethnosymbolic approach as well as the triadic and quadratic configurations of ethnopolitics. Then, it proceeds into a more empirical assessment of the applicability of these theoretical approaches in a series of case studies during the 1990s, as well as the more recent emergence of new catalysts and the ensuing necessity to update and upgrade the existing theoretical models

    Factor graph based detection approach for high-mobility OFDM systems with large FFT modes

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    In this article, a novel detector design is proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems over frequency selective and time varying channels. Namely, we focus on systems with large OFDM symbol lengths where design and complexity constraints have to be taken into account and many of the existing ICI reduction techniques can not be applied. We propose a factor graph (FG) based approach for maximum a posteriori (MAP) symbol detection which exploits the frequency diversity introduced by the ICI in the OFDM symbol. The proposed algorithm provides high diversity orders allowing to outperform the free-ICI performance in high-mobility scenarios with an inherent parallel structure suitable for large OFDM block sizes. The performance of the mentioned near-optimal detection strategy is analyzed over a general bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) system applying low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. The inclusion of pilot symbols is also considered in order to analyze how they assist the detection process

    Stronger Neural Modulation by Visual Motion Intensity in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Theories of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have focused on altered perceptual integration of sensory features as a possible core deficit. Yet, there is little understanding of the neuronal processing of elementary sensory features in ASD. For typically developed individuals, we previously established a direct link between frequency-specific neural activity and the intensity of a specific sensory feature: Gamma-band activity in the visual cortex increased approximately linearly with the strength of visual motion. Using magnetoencephalography (MEG), we investigated whether in individuals with ASD neural activity reflect the coherence, and thus intensity, of visual motion in a similar fashion. Thirteen adult participants with ASD and 14 control participants performed a motion direction discrimination task with increasing levels of motion coherence. A polynomial regression analysis revealed that gamma-band power increased significantly stronger with motion coherence in ASD compared to controls, suggesting excessive visual activation with increasing stimulus intensity originating from motion-responsive visual areas V3, V6 and hMT/V5. Enhanced neural responses with increasing stimulus intensity suggest an enhanced response gain in ASD. Response gain is controlled by excitatory-inhibitory interactions, which also drive high-frequency oscillations in the gamma-band. Thus, our data suggest that a disturbed excitatoryinhibitory balance underlies enhanced neural responses to coherent motion in ASD

    Mirror me: imitative responses in adults with autism

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    Dysfunctions of the human mirror neuron system have been postulated to underlie some deficits in autism spectrum disorders including poor imitative performance and impaired social skills. Using three reaction time experiments addressing mirror neuron system functions under simple and complex conditions, we examined 20 adult autism spectrum disorder participants and 20 healthy controls matched for age, gender and education. Participants performed simple finger-lifting movements in response to (1) biological finger and non-biological dot movement stimuli, (2) acoustic stimuli and (3) combined visual-acoustic stimuli with different contextual (compatible/incompatible) and temporal (simultaneous/asynchronous) relation. Mixed model analyses revealed slower reaction times in autism spectrum disorder. Both groups responded faster to biological compared to non-biological stimuli (Experiment 1) implying intact processing advantage for biological stimuli in autism spectrum disorder. In Experiment 3, both groups had similar 'interference effects' when stimuli were presented simultaneously. However, autism spectrum disorder participants had abnormally slow responses particularly when incompatible stimuli were presented consecutively. Our results suggest imitative control deficits rather than global imitative system impairments

    Pregnancy outcome after exposure to ranitidine and other H2- blockers - A collaborative study of the European Network of Teratology Information Services

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    BACKGROUND: Published data on pregnancy outcome after exposure to H2-blockers is scarce. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the data collected by the memberships of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS). METHODS: The patients were pregnant women who or whose doctor or midwife did contact a Teratology Information Service for risk assessment after the use of a H2-blocker in pregnancy. The data were prospectively collected, i.e. before the outcome of pregnancy was known. Standardized procedures for data collection were used by each centre. The data of the exposed women were compared to those of a control group exposed to non-teratogenic substances. RESULTS: Data on the outcome of 553 pregnancies with exposure to an H2-blocker were evaluated (ranitidine n=335; cimetidine n=113, famotidine n=75; nizatidine n=15, roxatidine n=15). Most of them had been exposed at least in the first trimester. The incidence of premature deliveries was higher in the exposed group compared to the control group. There was no increase in the incidence of major malformations. Two pregnancies with maternal use of famotidine in early pregnancy were terminated after the prenatal diagnosis of a neural tube defect. CONCLUSION: There is no indication for an increased risk of major malformations after the use of H2-blockers during pregnancy