624 research outputs found

    Effect of diet on live weight and egg weight of backyard hens during the rainy season

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    The objective was to determine the effect of diet on live weight (LW) and egg weight (EW) of backyard hens (BH) during the rainy season in the Bajío region of the state of Michoacán, Mexico. Seventeen municipalities were sampled, where 101 BH (six hens/municipality) were captured and weighed and 101 eggs (six eggs/municipality) were harvested and weighed. The crops of the captured hens were removed Post-sacrifice, the organic content/crop (OCC) was classified and weighed by components, to later perform chemical compositional analysis. Data were analysed using generalised linear models and the differences between municipalities were obtained by the method of least squares means. The weight of the OCC (36.4 ± 22.4 g) was affected by the municipality (P<0.001), but not by the LW of the BH (P>0.05). Commercial feed (8.1 ± 6.0 g), grains: maize and sorghum (13.9 ± 13.5 g) kitchen waste (1.5 ± 2.9 g), herbaceous (0.6 ± 0.9 g) and insects (0.3 ± 0.7 g) were found in the crop. According to the commercial feed (COF) component, two feeding systems (FS) were identified: traditional FS, without COF and nontraditional FS, with COF. The diets of both FS were similar (P>0.05) in nutritional composition and do not meet the nutritional requirements of the hens. The LW (1.567 ± 0.316 kg) and EW (51.3 ± 1.0 g) of the BH cannot be completely attributed to the diet consumed during the rainy season

    Protein diagenesis in archaeological gastropod shells and the suitability of this material for amino acid racemisation dating: Phorcus lineatus (da Costa, 1778)

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    Abstract: The inter-and intra-crystalline fractions of the topshell Phorcus lineatus recovered from modern specimens and shells from archaeological sites in Northern Spain covering Neolithic, Mesolithic, and Upper Magdalenian periods were examined for amino acidcomposition and racemisation over time. The main loss of proteins from the inter-crystalline fraction occurred within the first 6000 years after the death of the organism. In contrast, the intra-crystalline fraction isolated by bleaching?with a different protein composition to that of the inter-crystalline fraction?appeared to behave like a closed system for at least 12.6 ka, as reflected by the lack of a significant decrease in amino acid content. However, changes in the relative composition of the amino acids present in these shells occurred during this period. The concentration of aspartic acid remained almost constant with age within the intra-crystalline fraction and its contribution to the total amino acid content also remained the same. Good correspondence was obtained between Asx D/L values in unbleached and bleached samples and age, thereby allowing the dating of archaeological sites and the determination of chronometric age.This research was part of the projects HAR2010-22115-C02-01, HAR2010-22115-C02-02, and HAR2013-46802-P, all of them funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. IGZ was supported by the Newton International Fellowships scheme (grant number NF100413) and the Juan de la Cierva Research Programme (grant number This research was part of the projects HAR2010-22115-C02-01, HAR2010-22115-C02-02, and HAR2013-46802-P, all of them funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. IGZ was supported by the Newton International Fellowships scheme (grant number NF100413) and the Juan de la Cierva Research Programme (grant number JCI-2012-12094)

    Length-weight relationships for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) caught from the Lybian trap fishery in 1999-2002

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    This paper reports length-weight relationships for the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) in the Mediterranean. The estimated equations that are based on data from the Libyan trap fishery during 1999 to 2002, allow conversions from fork length to round weight.Le présent document fournit una série de rapports lonqueur-poids pour le thon rouge de la Mediterranée. Les équations estimées qui sont basées sur les données des pêcherie libyenne de madrague au long de 1999 a 2002, permettent de convertir la lonqueur à la fourche en poids totale.Este documento presenta una serie de relaciones talla-peso para el atún rojo en el Mediterráneo. Las ecuaciones estimadas que se basan en datos de la pesquería libia de almadraba de 1999 a 2002, permiten realizar conversiones de longitud a la furca a peso vivo

    Analysis of sex-ratio by length-class for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) caught from the Lybian trap fishery

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    This article analyzes patterns of bluefin tuna sex-ratio by length-class for the Libyan trap fishery in the Mediterranean Sea.Le présent document analyse les schémas du sex-ratio du thon rouge par classe de tailles pour la pêcherie libyenne de madrague dans la Méditerraneé.Este documento analiza patrones de ratio de sexos del atún rojo por clases de talla para la pesquería libia de almadraba en el Mediterráneo

    New young planetary nebulae in IPHAS

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern Observatory. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200811575Aims. We search for very small-diameter galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) representing the earliest phases of PN evolution. The IPHAS catalogue of H-emitting stars provides a useful basis for this study since all sources present in this catalogue must be of small angular diameter. Methods. The PN candidates are selected based on their location in two colour-colour diagrams: IPHAS (r' - H) vs. (r' - i'), and 2MASS (J - H) vs. (H - ). Spectroscopic follow-up was carried out on a sample of candidates to confirm their nature. Results. We present a total of 83 PN candidates. We were able to obtain spectra or find the classification from the literature for 35 candidates. Five of these objects are likely to be new PNe, including one large bipolar PN discovered serendipitously close to an emission-line star. PN distances deduced from extinction-distance relations based on IPHAS field-star photometry are presented for the first time. These yield distance estimates for our objects in the range 2 kpc and 6 kpc. From the data in hand, we conclude that four of the discovered objects are probably young PNe.Peer reviewe

    Quantum Feature Maps for Graph Machine Learning on a Neutral Atom Quantum Processor

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    Using a quantum processor to embed and process classical data enables the generation of correlations between variables that are inefficient to represent through classical computation. A fundamental question is whether these correlations could be harnessed to enhance learning performances on real datasets. Here, we report the use of a neutral atom quantum processor comprising up to 3232 qubits to implement machine learning tasks on graph-structured data. To that end, we introduce a quantum feature map to encode the information about graphs in the parameters of a tunable Hamiltonian acting on an array of qubits. Using this tool, we first show that interactions in the quantum system can be used to distinguish non-isomorphic graphs that are locally equivalent. We then realize a toxicity screening experiment, consisting of a binary classification protocol on a biochemistry dataset comprising 286286 molecules of sizes ranging from 22 to 3232 nodes, and obtain results which are comparable to those using the best classical kernels. Using techniques to compare the geometry of the feature spaces associated with kernel methods, we then show evidence that the quantum feature map perceives data in an original way, which is hard to replicate using classical kernels

    Gangrena de Fournier en paciente obeso con COVID-19: reporte de caso

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    La Gangrena de Fournier (GF) es una fascitis necrotizante que afecta los planos superficiales. Se presenta frecuentemente en hombres entre 50 y 79 años con una elevada tasa de mortalidad, la cual aumenta con la presencia de factores de riesgo destacándose entre ellos la diabetes y obesidad. Se reporta el caso de un paciente obeso diagnosticado con COVID-19 antes del ingreso y tratado con corticoides, que acude por aparente celulitis escrotal que evoluciona a GF, la cual fue diagnosticada 2 días luego de la hospitalización. Se le realiza intervención quirúrgica inmediata, previa cobertura antibiótica. La COVID-19 no tuvo relevancia clínica en la evolución y pronóstico de la GF; sin embargo, fueron las terapias desmesuradas las que influyeron negativamente. A pesar de ello, el paciente evolucionó favorablemente hasta su recuperación total. Palabras clave: Gangrena de Fournier, obesidad, COVID-19 (MeSH) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17268/rmt.2020.v16i01.1
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