578 research outputs found

    Comparison of the strategy use in reading with and without multiple-choice questions

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    Reading is a key skill in modern society: not only it is part of a culture, but it even shapes the way we think. However, the understandings, inferences and interpretations of a text vary from person to person. Testing reading is an equally complex process. Having a task associated with the text at hand may impact the reading process and the strategies used during it. The purpose of this study was to see how these vary when a learner has to only read, compared to when the learner has to face a set of multiple-choice (MC) questions. For this, nine EFL students in 2nd of ESO – 7th grade were asked to read a B1 level text, five of which had to answer four MC questions, while the other four only had to read; during the task, concurrent verbal protocols were used to determine the reading strategies used, as well as a reading strategy checklist after the task as a form of retrospective data collection. Results showed that the higher-level learners used more strategies than their lower-level peers, and that the ones that had to answer the MC questions used more strategies, regardless of the proficiency level. Thus, teaching reading strategies in EFL classes may prove beneficial to boost reading proficiency and text understanding, and adding a set of questions about the text engages more strategies from the learner, further promoting text comprehension.La lectura es una habilidad clave en la sociedad moderna: no solo es parte de la cultura, sino que incluso modela la forma de pensar. Sin embargo, las inferencias e interpretaciones de un texto cambian de una a otra persona. La evaluación de la lectura es un proceso igualmente complejo. Tener una tarea asociada al texto puede influir en el proceso de lectura y en las estrategias utilizadas. El propósito de este estudio es ver cómo estas varían cuando un estudiante solo lee, frente a uno que tenga que leer y responder a una serie de preguntas de opción múltiple (OM). Para ello, nueve estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera de 2º de ESO – 7º Grado leyeron un texto de nivel B1, de los cuales cinco tenían que responder a cuatro preguntas de OM, mientras que los otros cuatro solo tuvieron que leer el texto; durante la tarea, se utilizaron protocolos verbales simultáneos para determinar las estrategias de lectura utilizadas, así como una lista con estrategias de lectura como recogida de datos retrospectiva. Los resultaros mostraron que los estudiantes de nivel más alto usaron más estrategias que los de nivel más bajo, y que aquellos que tuvieron que responder a las preguntas de OM usaron más estrategias de lectura, sin importar el nivel de competencia en inglés. Así pues, la enseñanza explícita de estrategias de lectura en la clase de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera puede ser beneficioso para la competencia y la comprensión lectoras, y además añadir una serie de preguntas sobre el texto facilitaría el uso de más estrategias de lectura, ayudando a una mejor comprensión general de este

    La biografía literaria. La inquisición: Invención de identidades femeninas

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    Se expone la fundamentación teórica que defiende Mijail Bajtín (1979) en torno a las biografías literarias. Se investiga la semejanza de esta metodología con la búsqueda del escritor Benjamín Jarnés y como ejemplo se analiza la biografía novelada de Sor Patrocinio. La Monja de las Llagas (1929) cuyo biógrafo, Benjamín Jarnés, destaca lo más signi- ficativo del personaje y revela los refinados métodos de la Inquisición, maestros en la devaluación del discurso femenino. The theoretical foundation defended by Mijail Bajtín (1979) regarding literary biographies is explained. The similarity of this methodology to that of the research carried out by the writer Benjamín Jarnés is investigated and as an example the biography of Sor Patrocinio. La Monja de las Llagas (1929) (Sister Patrocinio. The Nun with the Sores) is analysed. The biographer of this novel, Benjamín Jarnés, highlights the most significant features of this character and reveals the refined methods used by the Inquisition, the members of which were masters of devaluating feminine discourse

    Reconstruction and numerical modelling of the abdominal wall. Application to hernia surgery

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    Routine hernia repair surgery involves the implant of synthetic mesh. However, this proceduremay give rise to several problems causing considerable patient disability. With the aim ofimproving surgical procedures, the healthy and the herniated human abdomen are simulatedusing finite element (FE) simulations. For that purpose, a reconstruction of the physiologicalgeometry of a human abdomen was created using magnetic resonance images. Besides,following the anatomy of the abdomen, the different muscles and aponeurosis were defined.Furthermore, collagen fibres were included in each muscle layer and their passive anisotropicmechanical contribution was modelled within the framework of hyperelasticity. In the FEsimulation of the abdomen, the constraint imposed by the shoulder is applied and an internalpressure of 23 kPa was applied to the interior abdominal wall to reproduce the abdominal loadwhen standing jumping. After generating a hernia in the front of the abdomen, differentprostheses (Surgipro®, Optilene® and Infinit®), modelled using a membrane model, are placedin the defect to simulate the behaviour of the abdomen after the surgical procedure. In thehealthy abdomen, maximal principal stresses (MPS) and displacements (MD) appear in thefront of the belly. On the other hand, once the hernia is created and the mesh is placed, theMD and MPS are higher than those attained in the healthy abdomen. Thus, just after surgery,surgical repair procedure does not fully restore normal physiological conditions and the risk ofhernia recurrence by the suture is high due to the stress concentration

    Numerical prediction of saturation in dual scale fibrous reinforcements during Liquid Composite Molding

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    This paper presents a fractional flow model based on two-phase flow, resin and air, through a porous medium to simulate numerically Liquid Composites Molding (LCM) processes. It allows predicting the formation, transport and compression of voids in the modeling of LCM. The equations are derived by combining Darcy’s law and mass conservation for each phase (resin/air). In the model, the relative permeability and capillary pressure depend on saturation. The resin is incompressible and the air slightly compressible. Introducing some simplifications, the fractional flow model consists of a saturation equation coupled with a pressure/velocity equation including the effects of air solubility and compressibility. The introduction of air compressibility in the pressure equation allows for the numerical prediction of the experimental behavior at low constant resin injection flow rate. A good agreement was obtained between the numerical prediction of saturation in a glass fiber reinforcement and the experimental observations during the filling of a test mold by Resin Transfer Molding (RTM). 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors acknowledge financial support of the Spanish Government (Project DPI2013-44903-R-AR).Gascón Martínez, ML.; García Manrique, JA.; Lebel, F.; Ruiz, E.; Trochu, F. (2015). Numerical prediction of saturation in dual scale fibrous reinforcements during Liquid Composite Molding. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 77:275-284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.05.019S2752847

    Sinovitis villonodular pigmentada difusa: Revisión de 13 casos

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    Se hace un estudio retrospectivo de trece pacientes con Sinovitis Villonodular pigmentada, seis localizadas en la rodilla, dos en la muñeca y pie, y uno en tobillo, cadera y codo respectivamente. En cinco de los casos existía una afectación del hueso. Se hace una revisión bibliográfica sobre la etiopatogenia, radiología, métodos diagnósticos y tratamientoA retrospective study of thirteen patients with pigmented villonodular synovitis was made. Six cases were localized in the knee, two in the wrist and feet, and one in ankle, hip and elbow. Five case showed bone invasion, the pathogenesis, radiographical appearance, diagnosis and treatment are discussed

    The anticancer effect related to disturbances in redox balance on Caco-2 cells caused by an alkynyl gold(I) complex

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    The alkynyl gold(I) derivative Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] (PTA = 1, 3, 5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) induces apoptosis in colorectal carcinoma tumour cells (Caco-2) without affecting to normal enterocytes. Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] is a slight lipophilic drug, stable in PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) and able to bind BSA (Bovin Serum Albumin) by hydrophobic interactions. Once inside the cell, Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] targets seleno proteins such as Thioredoxin Reductase 1, increasing ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) levels, reducing cell viability and proliferation and inducing mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic protein imbalance, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, cytochrome c release and activation of caspases 9 and 3. Moreover, unlike other metal-based drugs such as cisplatin, Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] does not target nucleic acid, reducing the risk of side mutation in the DNA. In consequence, our results predict a promising future for Au(C=CPh)(PTA)] as a chemotherapeutic agent for colorectal carcinoma

    Integrated test environment for a part of the LHCb calorimeter - TWEPP09

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    An integrated test environment for the data acquisition electronics of the Scintillator Pad Detector (SPD) from the calorimeter of the LHCb experiment is presented. It allows to test separately every single board or to perform global system tests, while being able to emulate every part of the system and debug it. This environment is foreseen to test the production of spare electronic boards and help the maintenance of the SPD electronics along the life of the detector. The heart of the system is an Altera Stratix II FPGA while the main board can be controlled over USB, Ethernet or WiFi

    Funcionalidad familiar y estilos de vida saludable en pacientes con linfoma Hodgkin en Bogotá

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    Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa descriptiva y transversal en un grupo de pacientes con linfoma Hodgkin para determinar la relación entre funcionalidad familiar y los estilos de vida saludable. Se usaron los instrumentos Escala de Evaluación de la Funcionalidad Familiar y el Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II, los dos en su versión en español. El informante familiar fue el paciente con diagnóstico de linfoma Hodgkin. Se encontró predominio de un nivel bajo de funcionalidad familiar y frecuencia de estilos de vida saludable A veces y Frecuentemente; se determinó que solo hubo correlación con significancia estadística entre la dimensión Relaciones interpersonales, perteneciente a los estilos de vida saludable, y la funcionalidad familiar. Se requiere profundizar en esta temática con otros grupos de pacientes para lograr un mejor conocimiento al respecto

    Antifungal ativity against Botryosphaeriaceae fungi of the hydro-methanolic extract of Silybum marianum capitula conjugated with stevioside

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    Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn, viz. milk thistle, has been the focus of research efforts in the past few years, albeit almost exclusively restricted to the medicinal properties of its fruits (achenes). Given that other milk thistle plant organs and tissues have been scarcely investigated for the presence of bioactive compounds, in this study, we present a phytochemical analysis of the extracts of S. marianum capitula during the flowering phenological stage (stage 67). Gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy results evidenced the presence of high contents of coniferyl alcohol (47.4%), and secondarily of ferulic acid ester, opening a new valorization strategy of this plant based on the former high-added-value component. Moreover, the application of the hydro-methanolic extracts as an antifungal agent has been also explored. Specifically, their activity against three fungal species responsible for the so-called Botryosphaeria dieback of grapevine (Neofusicoccum parvum, Dothiorella viticola and Diplodia seriata) has been assayed both in vitro and in vivo. From the mycelial growth inhibition assays, the best results (EC90 values of 303, 366, and 355 μg·mL−1 for N. parvum, D. viticola, and D. seriata, respectively) were not obtained for the hydroalcoholic extract alone, but after its conjugation with stevioside, which resulted in a strong synergistic behavior. Greenhouse experiments confirmed the efficacy of the conjugated complexes, pointing to the potential of the combination of milk thistle extracts with stevioside as a promising plant protection product in organic Viticulture