14,664 research outputs found

    Semiempirical Modeling of Reset Transitions in Unipolar Resistive-Switching based Memristors

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    We have measured the transition process from the high to low resistivity states, i.e., the reset process of resistive switching based memristors based on Ni/HfO2/Si-n+ structures, and have also developed an analytical model for their electrical characteristics. When the characteristic curves are plotted in the current-voltage (I-V) domain a high variability is observed. In spite of that, when the same curves are plotted in the charge-flux domain (Q-phi), they can be described by a simple model containing only three parameters: the charge (Qrst) and the flux (rst) at the reset point, and an exponent, n, relating the charge and the flux before the reset transition. The three parameters can be easily extracted from the Q-phi plots. There is a strong correlation between these three parameters, the origin of which is still under study

    Living up to their name: Profamilia takes on gender-based violence

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    This issue of Quality/Calidad/QualitĂ© describes the evolution of Profamilia through its work on gender-based violence in the Domincan Republic.Their project was conceived along two simultaneous paths: providing support services directly to women and girls who had experienced violence and initiating advocacy in the wider policy arena. Profamilia joined the commission that ultimately designed and promoted a law to increase protection against violence, especially domestic violence against women and children. Although the clinics now run a dynamic service program, the agency has also sustained its advocacy activities. Most of Profamilia’s advocacy work is undertaken in partnership with other NGOs or with government agencies and has converted the organization from a family planning organization to a sexual and reproductive health organization that truly serves women

    Exponential improvement in photon storage fidelities using subradiance and "selective radiance" in atomic arrays

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    A central goal within quantum optics is to realize efficient interactions between photons and atoms. A fundamental limit in nearly all applications based on such systems arises from spontaneous emission, in which photons are absorbed by atoms and then re-scattered into undesired channels. In typical treatments of atomic ensembles, it is assumed that this re-scattering occurs independently, and at a rate given by a single isolated atom, which in turn gives rise to standard limits of fidelity in applications such as quantum memories or quantum gates. However, this assumption can be violated. In particular, spontaneous emission of a collective atomic excitation can be significantly suppressed through strong interference in emission. Thus far the physics underlying the phenomenon of subradiance and techniques to exploit it have not been well-understood. In this work, we provide a comprehensive treatment of this problem. First, we show that in ordered atomic arrays in free space, subradiant states acquire an interpretation in terms of optical modes that are guided by the array, which only emit due to scattering from the ends of the finite chain. We also elucidate the properties of subradiant states in the many-excitation limit. Finally, we introduce the new concept of selective radiance. Whereas subradiant states experience a reduced coupling to all optical modes, selectively radiant states are tailored to simultaneously radiate efficiently into a desired channel while scattering into undesired channels is suppressed, thus enabling an enhanced atom-light interface. We show that these states naturally appear in chains of atoms coupled to nanophotonic structures, and we analyze the performance of photon storage exploiting such states. We find that selectively radiant states allow for a photon storage error that scales exponentially better with number of atoms than previously known bounds.Comment: Fixed minor typos, is now analogous to published versio

    Entanglement of two qubits mediated by one-dimensional plasmonic waveguides

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    We investigate qubit-qubit entanglement mediated by plasmons supported by one-dimensional waveguides. We explore both the situation of spontaneous formation of entanglement from an unentangled state and the emergence of driven steady-state entanglement under continuous pumping. In both cases, we show that large values for the concurrence are attainable for qubit-qubit distances larger than the operating wavelength by using plasmonic waveguides that are currently available.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Minor Changes. Journal Reference added. Highlighted in Physic

    Faddeev eigenfunctions for point potentials in two dimensions

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    We present explicit formulas for the Faddeev eigenfunctions and related generalized scattering data for point (delta-type) potentials in two dimensions. In particular, we obtain the first explicit examples of such eigenfunctions with contour singularity in spectral parameter at a fixed real energy

    Geometrically induced modification of surface plasmons in the optical and telecom regimes

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    We demonstrate that the introduction of a subwavelength periodic modulation into a metallic structure strongly modifies the guiding characteristics of the surface plasmon modes supported by the system. Moreover, it is also shown how a new type of a tightly confined surface plasmon polariton mode can be created by just milling a periodic corrugation into a metallic ridge placed on top of a metal surface

    Optimization of photon storage fidelity in ordered atomic arrays

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    A major application for atomic ensembles consists of a quantum memory for light, in which an optical state can be reversibly converted to a collective atomic excitation on demand. There exists a well-known fundamental bound on the storage error, when the ensemble is describable by a continuous medium governed by the Maxwell-Bloch equations. The validity of this model can break down, however, in systems such as dense, ordered atomic arrays, where strong interference in emission can give rise to phenomena such as subradiance and "selective" radiance. Here, we develop a general formalism that finds the maximum storage efficiency for a collection of atoms with discrete, known positions, and a given spatial mode in which an optical field is sent. As an example, we apply this technique to study a finite two-dimensional square array of atoms. We show that such a system enables a storage error that scales with atom number NaN_\mathrm{a} like ∌(log⁥Na)2/Na2\sim (\log N_\mathrm{a})^2/N_\mathrm{a}^2, and that, remarkably, an array of just 4×44 \times 4 atoms in principle allows for an efficiency comparable to a disordered ensemble with optical depth of around 600.Comment: paper is now identical to published versio
