120 research outputs found

    Shell-Model Effective Operators for Muon Capture in ^{20}Ne

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    It has been proposed that the discrepancy between the partially-conserved axial-current prediction and the nuclear shell-model calculations of the ratio CP/CAC_P/C_A in the muon-capture reactions can be solved in the case of ^{28}Si by introducing effective transition operators. Recently there has been experimental interest in measuring the needed angular correlations also in ^{20}Ne. Inspired by this, we have performed a shell-model analysis employing effective transition operators in the shell-model formalism for the transition 20Ne(0g.s.+)+μ20F(1+;1.057MeV)+νμ^{20}Ne(0^+_{g.s.})+\mu^- \to ^{20}F(1^+; 1.057 MeV) + \nu_\mu. Comparison of the calculated capture rates with existing data supports the use of effective transition operators. Based on our calculations, as soon as the experimental anisotropy data becomes available, the limits for the ratio CP/CAC_P/ C_A can be extracted.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures include

    Закономірності формування акустичних полів прийомного циліндричного п'єзокерамічного перетворювача, розташованого в кільцевому шарі

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    Показані закономірності впливу вибору матеріалів і розмірів хвильового шару на величину і розташування інтерференційних максимумів і мінімумів тиску в освітленій області, а також на кутові характеристики повного поля.The problem on the reception of sound in a circular cylindrical converter layer with electroelastic properties of piezoelectric membrane and the transition layer in the "through" setting is considered. The interference patterns of the pressure distribution to the circular layer in the illuminated area with acoustically hard, acoustically soft elastic material and an intermediate layer for different layer thicknesses, as well as the angular distributions of the total fields at different distances from the transducer surface is investigated. The dependence of the interference maxima and minima in the near field of the degree of stiffness (elasticity) of the wave layer is showing. The influence of the choice of materials and the size of the wave layer on the size and location of the interference maxima and minima of the pressure in the illuminated region, as well as the angular characteristics of the total field is showing.Рассматривается задача о приеме звука цилиндрическим преобразователем в кольцевом слое с учетом электроупругих свойств пьезокерамической оболочки и переходного слоя в «сквозной» постановке. Исследованы интерференционные картины распределений давлений перед кольцевым слоем в освещенной зоне при акустически жестком, акустически мягком и промежуточном упругом материале слоя для различных толщин слоя, а также угловые распределения полного поля при различных расстояниях от поверхности преобразователя. Установлена зависимость интерференционных максимумов и минимумов ближнего поля от степени жесткости (упругости) волнового слоя. Показаны закономерности влияния выбора материалов и размеров волнового слоя на величину и местоположение интерференционных максимумов и минимумов давления в освещенной области, а также на угловые характеристики полного поля

    Handbook on the Carpathian Convention

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    This volume describes, article by article, the Carpathian Convention: the principles of international environmental law beyond each article, giving uselful examples of best practices and a detailed overview of the international documents providing guidance to its implementation. It is targeted at policy makers and all stakeholders involved in the implementationof the Convention itself

    Patterns in recent and Holocene pollen accumulation rates across Europe - the Pollen Monitoring Programme Database as a tool for vegetation reconstruction

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    The collection of modern, spatially extensive pollen data is important for the interpretation of fossil pollen assemblages and the reconstruction of past vegetation communities in space and time. Modern datasets are readily available for percentage data but lacking for pollen accumulation rates (PARs). Filling this gap has been the motivation of the pollen monitoring network, whose contributors monitored pollen deposition in modified Tauber traps for several years or decades across Europe. Here we present this monitoring dataset consisting of 351 trap locations with a total of 2742 annual samples covering the period from 1981 to 2017. This dataset shows that total PAR is influenced by forest cover and climate parameters, which determine pollen productivity and correlate with latitude. Treeless vegetation produced PAR values of at least 140 grains cm(-2) yr(-1). Tree PAR increased by at least 400 grains cm(-2) yr(-1) with each 10% increase in forest cover. Pollen traps situated beyond 200 km of the distribution of a given tree species still collect occasional pollen grains of that species. The threshold of this long-distance transport differs for individual species and is generally below 60 grains cm(-2) yr(-1). Comparisons between modern and fossil PAR from the same regions show similar values. For temperate taxa, modern analogues for fossil PARs are generally found downslope or southward of the fossil sites. While we do not find modern situations comparable to fossil PAR values of some taxa (e.g. Corylus), CO2 fertilization and land use may cause high modern PARs that are not documented in the fossil record. The modern data are now publicly available in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database and aid interpretations of fossil PAR data.Peer reviewe

    Nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nurse managers have the burden of experiencing frequent ethical issues related to both their managerial and nursing care duties, according to previous international studies. However, no such study was published in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to explore nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia including learning about the way they dealt with the issues.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted in August-September, 2010 involving 417 (69.2%) of total 603 nurse managers in the six Malaysian government hospitals. Data were collected using three-part self-administered questionnaire. Part I was regarding participants' demographics. Part II was about the frequency and areas of management where ethical issues were experienced, and scoring of the importance of 11 pre-identified ethical issues. Part III asked how they dealt with ethical issues in general; ways to deal with the 11 pre-identified ethical issues, and perceived stress level. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, cross-tabulations and Pearson's Chi-square.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 397 (95.2%) participants experienced ethical issues and 47.2% experienced them on weekly to daily basis. Experiencing ethical issues were not associated with areas of practice. Top area of management where ethical issues were encountered was "staff management", but "patient care" related ethical issues were rated as most important. Majority would "discuss with other nurses" in dealing generally with the issues. For pre-identified ethical issues regarding "patient care", "discuss with doctors" was preferred. Only 18.1% referred issues to "ethics committees" and 53.0% to the code of ethics.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Nurse managers, regardless of their areas of practice, frequently experienced ethical issues. For dealing with these, team-approach needs to be emphasized. Proper understanding of the code of ethics is needed to provide basis for reasoning.</p

    Patterns in recent and Holocene pollen accumulation rates across Europe - the Pollen Monitoring Programme Database as a tool for vegetation reconstruction

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    The collection of modern, spatially extensive pollen data is important for the interpretation of fossil pollen assemblages and the reconstruction of past vegetation communities in space and time. Modern datasets are readily available for percentage data but lacking for pollen accumulation rates (PARs). Filling this gap has been the motivation of the pollen monitoring network, whose contributors monitored pollen deposition in modified Tauber traps for several years or decades across Europe. Here we present this monitoring dataset consisting of 351 trap locations with a total of 2742 annual samples covering the period from 1981 to 2017. This dataset shows that total PAR is influenced by forest cover and climate parameters, which determine pollen productivity and correlate with latitude. Treeless vegetation produced PAR values of at least 140 grains cm−2 yr−1. Tree PAR increased by at least 400 grains cm−2 yr−1 with each 10 % increase in forest cover. Pollen traps situated beyond 200 km of the distribution of a given tree species still collect occasional pollen grains of that species. The threshold of this long-distance transport differs for individual species and is generally below 60 grains cm−2 yr−1. Comparisons between modern and fossil PAR from the same regions show similar values. For temperate taxa, modern analogues for fossil PARs are generally found downslope or southward of the fossil sites. While we do not find modern situations comparable to fossil PAR values of some taxa (e.g. Corylus), CO2 fertilization and land use may cause high modern PARs that are not documented in the fossil record. The modern data are now publicly available in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database and aid interpretations of fossil PAR data.publishedVersio

    Особенности суточного профиля артериального давления у больных гипертонической болезнью в сочетании с ишемической болезнью сердца и ишемической болезнью нижних конечностей

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    У статті аналізуються дані про особливості показників добового моніторингу артеріального тиску (АТ) у хворих на гіпертонічну хворобу (ГХ) поєднану з ішемічною хворобою серця (ІХС) та ішемічною хворобою нижніх кінцівок (ІХНК). Встановлено, що у хворих на ГХ, сполученої з ІХНК, більш високі рівні середньодобового, денного та нічного ДАТ, збільшення індексу часу та площі протягом доби. При поєднанні ГХ з ІХС індекс часу і площі САТ як вдень, так і вночі, а також рівень і швидкість ранкового підйому САТ, збільшилися порівняно до пацієнтів без поєднаної патології.Daily monitoring of blood pressure in the patients with essential hypertension (EH), contemporary in the with combined EH and coronary heart disease (CHD) and in a combination of EH with ischemic disease of extremities (IDE). Is has been established that at hypertensive patients in a combination with CHD an index of time and area systolic BP, the speed of its morning increasing was authentically more, than at the patients without CHD. At a combination IDE with EH the average of diastolic BP was more than in patients without IDE.Суточное мониторирование артериального давления (АД) проведено у 30 больных гипертонической болезнью (ГБ), 43 больных, у которых ГБ сочеталась в ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС) и у 47 - в сочетании с ишемической болезнью нижних конечностей (ИБНК). Установлено, что у больных ГБ в сочетании с ИБС индекс времени и площади систолического АД, скорость повышения его в утернние часы была достоверно больше, чем у пациентов без ИБС. При сочетании ИБНК с ГБ отмечается достоверное увеличение среднесуточного дневного и ночного диастоличесого АД

    A pan-European epidemiological study reveals honey bee colony survival depends on beekeeper education and disease control

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    Reports of honey bee population decline has spurred many national efforts to understand the extent of the problem and to identify causative or associated factors. However, our collective understanding of the factors has been hampered by a lack of joined up trans-national effort. Moreover, the impacts of beekeeper knowledge and beekeeping management practices have often been overlooked, despite honey bees being a managed pollinator. Here, we established a standardised active monitoring network for 5 798 apiaries over two consecutive years to quantify honey bee colony mortality across 17 European countries. Our data demonstrate that overwinter losses ranged between 2% and 32%, and that high summer losses were likely to follow high winter losses. Multivariate Poisson regression models revealed that hobbyist beekeepers with small apiaries and little experience in beekeeping had double the winter mortality rate when compared to professional beekeepers. Furthermore, honey bees kept by professional beekeepers never showed signs of disease, unlike apiaries from hobbyist beekeepers that had symptoms of bacterial infection and heavy Varroa infestation. Our data highlight beekeeper background and apicultural practices as major drivers of honey bee colony losses. The benefits of conducting trans-national monitoring schemes and improving beekeeper training are discussed