1,574 research outputs found

    Atmospheric waves and the nature of buoyancy turbulence in the context of the waves VS 2D-turbulence debate

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    The problem of how to empirically distinguish between velocity fluctuations due to turbulence and those due to atmospheric waves is addressed. The physical differences between waves and turbulence are reviewed. New theoretical ideas on the subject of bouyancy range turbulence are presented. A unique scale K sub B is given that allows one to differentiate between waves and turbulence for the special case of theta = 0 (i.e., horizontal propagating waves)

    A proposed experimental test to distinguish waves from 2-D turbulence

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    A theory of buoyancy range turbulence that leads to a unique scale, K sub B, that allows one to differentiate between waves and turbulence for the special case of theta = 0 (i.e., horizontally propagating waves) is discussed. The theory does not seem to lead to a practical empirical distinction for the general situation. This is due to the fact that, as theta is increased, one has the ever-increasing presence of BRT for longer wavelengths. The fact that the numerical values of epsilon prime are not yet available compounds the difficulty. In addition, it does not appear possible to encompass true 2-D turbulence in the theory. We are thus driven to a test which circumvents all these difficulties. A proposed test is based on the idea that waves are coherent and propagate, while in turbulence we have the opposite situation. In particular, the test is suggested by the following quotation from MULLER (1984), on the nature of such turbulence: The turbulence in each horizontal plane is independent from the turbulence in the other planes. If this statement were to be taken literally, it would imply that the temporal coherence between horizontal speeds, separated only in altitude, would be zero. Any vertical separation would be forced to take into account the effects of viscosity: that is to say, a specific finite vertical separation would be needed to destroy coherence. In order to estimate this distance, L, one can use L = C(v/S) (1/2) were v is the kinematic viscosity, S is the shear scale, and C is a constant of order unity

    A Faculty Development Workshop for High-Value Care Education Across Clinical Settings.

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    IntroductionDespite rising health care costs, trainees frequently do not receive formal high-value care (HVC) training. As medical education often occurs through informal learning, it is imperative that medical educators be prepared to teach HVC concepts across clinical settings.MethodsThis workshop was created to provide frameworks for teaching HVC across four pediatric educational settings: (1) case-based conferences, (2) inpatient rounding, (3) ambulatory visits, and (4) conversations with patients and families. Frameworks were developed based on literature review, content experts' knowledge, and internal assessment and feedback. The workshop was divided into two sections: a didactic overview of HVC education and interactive small-group sessions to practice application of the Toolkit for Teaching High-Value Care. At the end of the workshop, participants completed the Prescription for High-Value Care to create a personal action plan.ResultsThis workshop has been presented at both national and local pediatric conferences. From over 89 evaluations (83% response rate), participants felt the workshop met objectives, served as a valuable use of their time, and provided useful resources. Evaluations elicited specific actions that participants gleaned from workshop content along with proposed behavior changes, such as creating HVC case-based conferences at their home institution and initiating more value-based discussions.DiscussionThis workshop has been successfully presented in both national and local settings and has been well received by participants. The workshop is targeted for clinical educators and aims to address the gap in faculty development for HVC education

    Diagnosed with primary adrenal insufficiency? search adrenoleukodystrophy-two brothers presented with similar phenotype

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    X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a genetic disease with a variety of phenotypic expression. This is the first case report of X-AMN/ALD in two brothers in Bangladesh confirmed by raised VLCFA. Our index patient of 19 years presented on 2014 with adrenal insufficiency, after one year developed progressive spastic paraparesis along with cognitive declination and behavioral abnormality. His only brother was clinically asymptomatic at presentation with Addison’s disease and extensor planter reflexes. After three years of follow up, index patient became bed bound with slurred speech, urinary urge incontinence and his brother developed spastic paraparesis with cognitive impairment. None had gonadal impairment. Follow up MRI after three years revealed lesion in brainstem in both along with atrophy of thoracic segment of spinal cord in index patient and cerebellum, internal capsule involvement in his brother. Both were of pure AMN variety but due to presence of cognitive impairment and behavioral abnormality they can be categorized as cerebral variety of AMN. On 2023, our index patient is still surviving with major functional disability and his brother died on 2019, 5 years of initial diagnosis

    High resolution evidence for the Garrett-Munk spectrum of stratospheric gravity waves

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    Vertical profiles of scalar horizontal winds have been measured at high resolution (10 m) in the 13 to 37 km region of the stratosphere. This resolution (at that range of altitude) represents the state-of-the-art, and is unique. The technique used smoke trails laid by rockets in the stratosphere, and were taken by AFGL at Wallops Island, VA, White Sands Missile Range, NM, and Ft. Churchill, Canada, in the 1977-78 time period. Two or three cameras were used to give the time-lapse photographs. The goal was to ascertain whether or not the internal waves of the stratosphere behave consistently with the Garrett-Munk model which was originally created for oceanic internal waves. Five profiles of horizontal wind are presented. It is concluded: (1) stratospheric internal waves obey the Garrett-Munk model for vertical wave numbers; (2) there is not statistically significant evidence for a break in the curve at high wave numbers when due allowance is made for aliasing effects; and (3) the power density level of the spectra are almost equal on a log-log scale in spite of the difference in time, season, and geographical location

    Relativistic contraction and related effects in noninertial frames

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    Although there is no relative motion among different points on a rotating disc, each point belongs to a different noninertial frame. This fact, not recognized in previous approaches to the Ehrenfest paradox and related problems, is exploited to give a correct treatment of a rotating ring and a rotating disc. Tensile stresses are recovered, but, contrary to the prediction of the standard approach, it is found that an observer on the rim of the disc will see equal lengths of other differently moving objects as an inertial observer whose instantaneous position and velocity are equal to that of the observer on the rim. The rate of clocks at various positions, as seen by various observers, is also discussed. Some results are generalized for observers arbitrarily moving in a flat or a curved spacetime. The generally accepted formula for the space line element in a non-time-orthogonal frame is found inappropriate in some cases. Use of Fermi coordinates leads to the result that for any observer the velocity of light is isotropic and is equal to cc, providing that it is measured by propagating a light beam in a small neighborhood of the observer.Comment: 15 pages, significantly revised version, title changed, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mutual Coupling Reduction in Antenna Using EBG on Double Substrate

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    In this paper, a mutual coupling studies is conducted between two-element array antenna on dual substrate. A single patch antenna is firstly designed on dual substrate layer to testify appropriate performance at 2.45 GHz. Subsequently, an array of two element patches on dual substrate are constructed with one of them is incorporated with three EBG unit cell on the bottom substrate. The radiating patch is on the top substrate, while the EBG unit cells is on the bottom substrate. With EBGs in separate layers from the antenna array, the antenna elements are closely separated by a distance of 22 mm with a significant reduced mutual coupling of -26.61 dB. This correspond to a distance reduction of 34.68%. The proposed structure implemented only three EBG unit cells. Apart from that, the study of overlapped case of EBG with the antenna is also presented

    On Testing Dependence between Time to Failure and Cause of Failure when Causes of Failure Are Missing

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    The hypothesis of independence between the failure time and the cause of failure is studied by using the conditional probabilities of failure due to a specific cause given that there is no failure up to certain fixed time. In practice, there are situations when the failure times are available for all units but the causes of failures might be missing for some units. We propose tests based on U-statistics to test for independence of the failure time and the cause of failure in the competing risks model when all the causes of failure cannot be observed. The asymptotic distribution is normal in each case. Simulation studies look at power comparisons for the proposed tests for two families of distributions. The one-sided and the two-sided tests based on Kendall type statistic perform exceedingly well in detecting departures from independence

    Kata Pengantar

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    Alhamdulillah akhirnya kami bisa meneruskan edisi ke-3 volume 1 e-Journal Agro-Industri Indonesia ini dengan bantuan dan dukungan penuh staf pengajar di Departemen Teknologi Industri, IPB, Bogor.  Edisi ke 3 ini sekaligus menandai kembalinya semangat tim untuk melanjutkan kelangsungan  e-Journal dalam pembahasan yang lebih baru.   Pada edisi ke-3 ini kami menerima 17 naskah yang direvisi dan ditetapkan menjadi sembilan judul. Ciri bahasan yang dikelola pada edisi ke-3 ini lebih didominasi oleh bidang penelitian berbasis teknologi pengolahan bahan non pangan dan material baru.  Tentu saja sebagai cerminan diskusi dan bidang garapan yang menjadi arus utama dalam Agro-industri kami juga menyertakan artikel jurnal dalam pembahasan pemasaran. Harapan kami sebagai penutup volume satu kami pada edisi ke 4 mendatang akan dikelola dengan lebih tajam dan lebih cepat dipublikasikan.  Besar harapan kami stamina  dan kualitas pembahasan juga akan menyertai seluruh tahapan pekerjaan anggota dewan redaksi e-journal ini.  Akhirnya kami sampaikan terimakasih  banyak atas keikutsertaan semua pihak, baik dari sisi penyediaan substansi artikel maupun pekerjaan  teknis yang telah memungkinkan edisi ini bisa kita realisasikan