927 research outputs found

    Clinicopathologic study on the effects of Glyphosate (Roundup?) at sublethal levels in a murine experimental model

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    P?ginas 17-24Recurso Electr?nicoEn Colombia, los pesticidas a base de glifosato se usan para el control de malezas en la agricultura y erradicaci?n de cultivos il?citos. Sin embargo, los efectos t?xicos en animales y humanos expuestos a dosis subletales son desconocidos. Este estudio evalu? los efectos cl?nico-patol?gicos de dietas con 7,5 ppm y 15 ppm glifosato en ratones Mus musculus gestantes, usando el herbicida Roundup?. Se registr? el peso corporal de las hembras, de sus cr?as, y la viabilidad de las camadas diariamente. Las lesiones macrosc?picas e histopatol?gicas en el h?gado, ri??n, ?tero y cerebro se determinaron a trav?s de necropsias en los d?as 5, 30 y 45 despu?s de la exposici?n, adem?s de los ?ndices org?nicos hep?tico y cardiaco. No hubo diferencias significativas en el peso corporal, el tama?o y la viabilidad de las camadas a ninguna de las dosis evaluadas. Se observ? congesti?n y aumento en el tama?o del h?gado, ri??n y bazo, despu?s de 5 d?as de exposici?n, sugiriendo un proceso de desintoxicaci?n. A 30 y 45 d?as, no se observaron signos cl?nicos ni lesiones patol?gicas atribuibles al glifosato; sin embargo, un aumento en el tama?o de los hepatocitos, con contenido vacuolar y granular de aspecto protein?ceo indican un efecto evidente, aunque sutil del Roundup? a dosis subletales con posible adaptabilidad org?nica. Se concluye que el consumo de alimento con 7,5 ppm y 15 ppm de glifosato durante 5, 30 y 45 d?as causa alteraciones sutiles de toxicidad en ratones durante la gestaci?n, la lactancia y el posparto, pero no en sus camadas.ABSTRACT. In Colombia, glyphosate-based pesticides are used for weed control in agriculture and eradication of illicit crops; however, the toxic effects in animals and humans exposed to sublethal doses are unknown. This study evaluated the clinical and pathological changes induced by diets containing glyphosate at 7,5 ppm and 15 ppm in pregnant mice Mus musculus, using the herbicide Roundup ?. The body-weight of pregnant females and offspring and the viability of litters were recorded daily. Gross and microscopic lesions in liver, kidney, uterus and brain were determined at necropsies performed at 5, 30 and 45 days post- exposure, in addition to the liver and heart organic indexes. No significant differences were found in body weight, size and viability of litters at any dose. Organs such as the liver, kidney and spleen were enlarged and congested at day 5 post exposure, suggesting a detoxification process. At 30 and 45 days, no clinical signs or pathological lesions attributed to glyphosate were found. However, there was an increase in the hepatocyte size, with vacuolar and granular cytoplasm and proteinaceus-like content, suggesting a subtle effect of sublethal doses of Roundup ?, with possible organ adaptability. We conclude that the consumption of food containing 7.5 ppm and 15 ppm of glyphosate for 5, 30 and 45 days, cause subtle toxic alterations in mice during pregnancy, lactation and postpartum, but not in their litters

    A spectrophotometric study on light attenuation properties of dental bleaching gels: potential relevance to irradiation parameters.

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    open access articleBackground: During in-office bleaching, appropriate light sources are applied in order to enhance the activity of the bleaching gels applied onto teeth. For this method to be effective, a high absorption of light within the gel is necessary. Variation in the light attenuation capability of the gel, the duration of application and light activation can contribute towards safety hazards associated with this procedure. Methods: In this study, seven different gels and hydrogen peroxide have been evaluated for their optical properties by means of spectrophotometry (440–1000 nm). The transmitted light spectrum was used to estimate the intensity loss for each gel. The mean intensity decreases observed were statistically analysed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The five more-pigmented gels tested indicated a very similar intensity loss of around 80%, whereas the remaining two gels showed significantly less attenuation (predominantly, p < 10−6). Conclusions: Throughout the spectrum of wavelengths examined, and according to the underlying studies evaluated, five of the gels assessed demonstrated an attenuation high enough to possibly avoid overheating of the underlying enamel dentine and pulp. An evaluation of appropriate irradiation parameters is proposed

    Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report

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    We present the activities of the "New Physics" working group for the "Physics at TeV Colliders" workshop (Les Houches, France, 30 May-17 June, 2011). Our report includes new agreements on formats for interfaces between computational tools, new tool developments, important signatures for searches at the LHC, recommendations for presentation of LHC search results, as well as additional phenomenological studies.Comment: 243 pages, report of the Les Houches 2011 New Physics Group; fix three figure

    Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: beyond the Standard Model phenomena

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    This report summarises the physics opportunities in the search and study of physics beyond the Standard Model at a 100 TeV pp collider.Comment: 196 pages, 114 figures. Chapter 3 of the "Physics at the FCC-hh" Repor