127 research outputs found

    Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i lokal tjenesteyting. Noen sosiologiske refleksjoner

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    I Norge er prøveforelesning en selvstendig del av eksaminasjonenfor ph.d.-graden. Hensikten er å prøve kandidatens evne til å tilegne seg kunnskaper utover avhandlingenstema, og evnen til å formidle disse i en forelesningssituasjon. Tema for prøveforelesningen fastsettes av bedømmelseskomiteen og kunngjøres for ph.d.-kandidaten 10 arbeidsdager før forelesningen. Prøveforelesningen skal ha en varighet på 45 minutter, og vurderes umiddelbart etter av bedømmelseskomiteen. Prøveforelesningen må være bestått før disputas kan avholdes. Vanligvis finner disputas sted samme dag eller dagen etter. Denne teksten er basert på Ann Christin E. Nilsens prøveforelesning for ph.d.-graden i sosiologi, og har derfor en mer muntlig sjanger enn det som er vanlig for vitenskapelige artikler. Det oppgitte temaet for Nilsens prøveforelesning var: «Drøft muligheter og utfordringer knyttettil tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i lokal tjenesteyting, i lys av sosiologisk teori». Prøveforelesningen fant sted på Universitetet i Agder i Kristiansand den 3. april 2017

    In-between discourses

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    During the last decades, early intervention has become a major concern across political parties in Norway. In line with the discourse of early intervention, kindergartens are perceived as important arenas for identifying children at risk and initiating intervention. Equally important in the kindergarten sector is the discourse of diversity, in which a tolerance for behaviours that deviate from the majority norm is assumed. Drawing on an institutional ethnography in Norwegian kindergartens, and in particular the concept of ruling relations, I compare these two discourses in this article and discuss how kindergarten staff have to negotiate between different, and sometimes conflicting, institutional discourses that can justify different interventions. As a consequence, and despite good intentions, kindergarten staff can end up treating children with different backgrounds unequally

    "Making up pupils"

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    Author's version of an article in the journal: Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/file/pdf/66740174/making_up_pupils.pdfI denne artikkelen tar vi utgangspunkt i kritikken av målstyringsideologien som har vokst frem i det norske utdanningssystemet. Vi gjør rede for det internasjonale opphavet til den standardiserings- og homogeniseringstendensen som påvirker dagens norske skoler og barnehager, og som har resultert i en nasjonal politikk med større oppmerksomhet på grunnleggende ferdigheter, testing og kartlegging. For å forankre denne utdanningskulturen kreves det et stort statistisk arbeid med registrering og klassifisering. Hva skjer i slike klassifikasjonsprosesser der nye kategorier blir forsøkt etablert? Dette diskuterer vi med utgangspunkt i Ian Hackings arbeider om statistikk og sosiale effekter av kategorikonstruksjoner. I siste del av artikkelen anvender vi hans teorier i en analyse av de kategorikonstruksjonene som foregår i norsk utdanningspolitikk og i norske skoler og barnehager. Hackings begreper bidrar til å brette ut standardiseringspraksisen på en kunnskapssosiologisk måte som kan videreutvikle eksisterende tolkninger av dagens utdanningspolitikk

    Historical and regional particularities in the prevalence of traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder in Germany

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    Purpose: Research on prevalence rates of traumatic events and PTSD has shown significant differences between countries, due to their different history and socialization processes. In the case of Germany, with its history of two divided states, this is highly relevant. This study explores the prevalence of traumatic events and PTSD in formerly divided East and West Germany. Methods: We used data of four representative surveys (years 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2016) for the prevalence of traumatic events with a total of N = 9.200 respondents. For the analyses of the prevalence of PTSD we used data of three representative surveys (years 2005, 2007, 2008) with a total of N = 6676 respondents. We compared different birth cohorts as well as persons who lived in the former West vs. East using a Chi-Square-Test. Results: We found significant differences in the occurrence of traumatic events between genders, different age cohorts as well as between people who live in East and West Germany. Significant differences in the prevalence of PTSD can only be observed for different age cohorts. Most of the age effects may be due to traumatic events related to WWII. Conclusions: Our data suggests that socio-political factors may need to be considered when accounting for differences in occurrence rates of traumatic events between East and West Germany. However, we couldn’t find any differences in the overall prevalence of PTSD between the former GDR and FRG. Nevertheless, future epidemiological trauma research should take historical and regional peculiarities of countries into account

    Living with children who have coeliac disease: a parental perspectivec ch_1273 484..489

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    Abstract Background This study explores how a child's coeliac disease (CD) influences the daily life o

    Genetic variation of biomass recalcitrance in a natural Salix viminalis (L.) population

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    Background: Salix spp. are high-productivity crops potentially used for lignocellulosic biofuels such as bioethanol. In general, pretreatment is needed to facilitate the enzymatic depolymerization process. Biomass resistance to degradation, i.e., biomass recalcitrance, is a trait which can be assessed by measuring the sugar released after combined pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. We have examined genetic parameters of enzymatic sugar release and other traits related to biorefnery use in a population of 286 natural Salix viminalis clones. Furthermore, we have evaluated phenotypic and genetic correlations between these traits and performed a genomewide association mapping analysis using a set of 19,411 markers. Results: Sugar release (glucose and xylose) after pretreatment and enzymatic saccharifcation proved highly variable with large genetic and phenotypic variations, and chip heritability estimates (h2 ) of 0.23–0.29. Lignin syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratio and wood density were the most heritable traits (h2=0.42 and 0.59, respectively). Sugar release traits were positively correlated, phenotypically and genetically, with biomass yield and lignin S/G ratio. Association mapping revealed seven marker–trait associations below a suggestive signifcance threshold, including one marker associated with glucose release. Conclusions: We identifed lignin S/G ratio and shoot diameter as heritable traits that could be relatively easily evaluated by breeders, making them suitable proxy traits for developing low-recalcitrance varieties. One marker below the suggestive threshold for marker associations was identifed for sugar release, meriting further investigation while also highlighting the difculties in employing genomewide association mapping for complex trait

    Demographic Factors Associated with Hantavirus Infection in Bank Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus)

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    The bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) is the natural reservoir of Puumala virus (PUUV), a species in the genus Hantavirus. PUUV is the etiologic agent of nephropathia epidemica, a mild form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Factors that influence hantavirus transmission within host populations are not well understood. We evaluated a number of factors influencing on the association of increased PUUV infection in bank voles captured in a region in northern Sweden endemic for the virus. Logistic regression showed four factors that together correctly predicted 80% of the model outcome: age, body mass index, population phase during sampling (increase, peak, or decline/low), and gender. This analysis highlights the importance of population demography in the successful circulation of hantavirus. The chance of infection was greatest during the peak of the population cycle, implying that the likelihood of exposure to hantavirus increases with increasing population density

    RAD sequencing and a hybrid Antarctic fur seal genome assembly reveal rapidly decaying linkage disequilibrium, global population structure and evidence for inbreeding

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    Recent advances in high throughput sequencing have transformed the study of wild organisms by facilitating the generation of high quality genome assemblies and dense genetic marker datasets. These resources have the potential to significantly advance our understanding of diverse phenomena at the level of species, populations and individuals, ranging from patterns of synteny through rates of linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay and population structure to individual inbreeding. Consequently, we used PacBio sequencing to refine an existing Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) genome assembly and genotyped 83 individuals from six populations using restriction site associated DNA (RAD) sequencing. The resulting hybrid genome comprised 6,169 scaffolds with an N50 of 6.21 Mb and provided clear evidence for the conservation of large chromosomal segments between the fur seal and dog (Canis lupus familiaris). Focusing on the most extensively sampled population of South Georgia, we found that LD decayed rapidly, reaching the background level by around 400 kb, consistent with other vertebrates but at odds with the notion that fur seals experienced a strong historical bottleneck. We also found evidence for population structuring, with four main Antarctic island groups being resolved. Finally, appreciable variance in individual inbreeding could be detected, reflecting the strong polygyny and site fidelity of the species. Overall, our study contributes important resources for future genomic studies of fur seals and other pinnipeds while also providing a clear example of how high throughput sequencing can generate diverse biological insights at multiple levels of organization

    Systematic In Vivo Analysis of the Intrinsic Determinants of Amyloid β Pathogenicity

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    Protein aggregation into amyloid fibrils and protofibrillar aggregates is associated with a number of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. We have established, using a computational approach, that knowledge of the primary sequences of proteins is sufficient to predict their in vitro aggregation propensities. Here we demonstrate, using rational mutagenesis of the Aβ42 peptide based on such computational predictions of aggregation propensity, the existence of a strong correlation between the propensity of Aβ42 to form protofibrils and its effect on neuronal dysfunction and degeneration in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer disease. Our findings provide a quantitative description of the molecular basis for the pathogenicity of Aβ and link directly and systematically the intrinsic properties of biomolecules, predicted in silico and confirmed in vitro, to pathogenic events taking place in a living organism

    Rapid Accumulation of CD14+CD11c+ Dendritic Cells in Gut Mucosa of Celiac Disease after in vivo Gluten Challenge

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    Of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) expressing HLA-DQ molecules in the celiac disease (CD) lesion, CD11c(+) dendritic cells (DCs) co-expressing the monocyte marker CD14 are increased, whereas other DC subsets (CD1c(+) or CD103(+)) and CD163(+)CD11c(-) macrophages are all decreased. It is unclear whether these changes result from chronic inflammation or whether they represent early events in the gluten response. We have addressed this in a model of in vivo gluten challenge.Treated HLA-DQ2(+) CD patients (n = 12) and HLA-DQ2(+) gluten-sensitive control subjects (n = 12) on a gluten-free diet (GFD) were orally challenged with gluten for three days. Duodenal biopsies obtained before and after gluten challenge were subjected to immunohistochemistry. Single cell digests of duodenal biopsies from healthy controls (n = 4), treated CD (n = 3) and untreated CD (n = 3) patients were analyzed by flow cytometry.In treated CD patients, the gluten challenge increased the density of CD14(+)CD11c(+) DCs, whereas the density of CD103(+)CD11c(+) DCs and CD163(+)CD11c(-) macrophages decreased, and the density of CD1c(+)CD11c(+) DCs remained unchanged. Most CD14(+)CD11c(+) DCs co-expressed CCR2. The density of neutrophils also increased in the challenged mucosa, but in most patients no architectural changes or increase of CD3(+) intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) were found. In control tissue no significant changes were observed.Rapid accumulation of CD14(+)CD11c(+) DCs is specific to CD and precedes changes in mucosal architecture, indicating that this DC subset may be directly involved in the immunopathology of the disease. The expression of CCR2 and CD14 on the accumulating CD11c(+) DCs indicates that these cells are newly recruited monocytes
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