21 research outputs found

    Antioksidansi i trovanje organofosfornim spojevima

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    Oxidative stress has recently been implicated as a factor in the mortality and morbidity induced by organophosphorus (OP) compound poisoning. An overwhelming number of research papers are based on studying at the cellular and organ level. Such studies have concluded that antioxidants can be used as an adjunct compound in the treatment of both chronic as well as acute OP poisoning. Still, the role of antioxidants in reducing the mortality and morbidity induced by OP compounds has scarcely been verified, as well as their role as adjunct treatment compounds for both structurally and functionally different OP compounds. The present review of the literature was undertaken to establish the role of antioxidants in survival studies following acute exposure to OP compounds. The review found no substantial evidence that antioxidants demonstrate any positive effect following extremely toxic poisoning. However, for a more comprehensive and rational conclusion, further research needs to be conducted.Oksidacijski stres u novije je vrijeme označen kao faktor pri mortalitetu i morbiditetu uzrokovanom trovanjem organofosfornim spojevima. Sve veći broj studija zasnovan je na proučavanju na razini stanice i organa i takve su studije većinom zaključile da se antioksidansi mogu rabiti kao dodatne tvari pri liječenju kroničnog, ali i akutnog trovanja organofosfornim spojevima. No uloga antioksidansâ u smanjenju mortaliteta i morbiditeta izazvanog trovanjem organofosfornim spojevima još nije u dovoljnoj mjeri potvrđena. Štoviše, funkcija antioksidansâ kao dodatnih tvari pri liječenju i dalje je uvelike nerazjašnjena za strukturalno i funkcionalno različite vrste organofosfornih spojeva. Ovaj pregledni rad napisan je s namjerom određivanja uloge antioksidansâ u studijama preživljavanja zbog akutne izloženosti organofosfornim spojevima. Pregledom se nije utvrdio nijedan čvršći dokaz da antioksidansi imaju pozitivan učinak nakon ekstremno toksičnog trovanja. Međutim za sveobuhvatniji i racionalniji zaključak nužno je dalje proučavanje

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    Not AvailableThe effect of puddling in reducing water and nitrogen losses, and increasing rice (Oryza sativa L.) yields and N uptake depends on its intensity and also on the level of pre-puddling tillage, although an increase in the intensity of these operations involves excessive energy and may lead to a negative effect on the yield of succeeding wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) due to sub-soil compaction. A 3-year field experiment was conducted on a sandy loam (Typic Ustochrept) soil of Modipuram, India to study the interactive effects of pre-puddling tillage and puddling intensity on irrigation water productivity (IWP) in rice, the concentration of nitrate-N in the soil profile, and the performance of rice and wheat crops. Treatments included 3 levels of pre-puddling tillage – discing followed by a tine-cultivation and planking (T1), discing followed by 2 tine-cultivations and planking (T2), or discing followed by 4 tine-cultivations and planking (T4); and 3 puddling intensities, i.e. 1, 2 or 4 passess of a puddler in ponded water (P1, P2 and P4, respectively), each followed by planking. Increasing tillage levels from T1P1 to T4P4 decreased irrigation water requirement by 22–25%, and increased rice grain yield by 1.6–2.2 t ha−1 and IWP by 0.26–0.34 kg m−3 in different years. The post-rice nitrate-N concentration in the soil further indicated the advantage of puddling in retaining more nitrate-N in the upper profile, i.e. effective root zone. There was a significant (p≤0.05) interaction between pre-puddling tillage and puddling intensity on puddling index, which was the highest (0.63–0.65) under T4P4 during all years. Treatment T4P4 also increased bulk density over T1P1, especially at 28–33 cm depth. This sub-soil compaction led to decreased wheat root mass density and wheat grain yield; the adverse effect of excessive puddling on wheat yield increased with time. The present study indicated 2 pre-puddling tillage operations followed by 2 passes of puddler, i.e. T2P2 as the optimum tillage combination with respect to energy efficiency in rice, total annual productivity and economic returns of the rice–wheat system.Not Availabl

    Influence of consumed power on structural and nano-mechanical properties of nano-structured diamond-like carbon thin films

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    Mixed Ar-C2H2 plasma was characterized by VI probe for estimating the actual consumed power (CP) in the plasma and its effect on diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films deposited at different CPs in the range 1685 W. The structural properties of the films were examined using variety of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques, such as Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. The film deposited at 36 W CP showed the formation of nano-structure, creation of optimum sp(3)/sp(2) bonding ratio and excellent nano-mechanical properties with the maximum hardness of similar to 28.2 GPa. However, the nano-mechanical properties of the films got altered with the variation of CP, which is attributed to the changes seen in the structural properties. These findings show that high quality DLC films with higher hardness can be deposited by monitoring and controlling the process parameters of the plasma

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    Not AvailableCirrhinus mrigala is an Indian major carp originally inhabitant of the Ganga river system in Northern India. There is paucity of knowledge on age and growth of this commercially important species from Ganges basin. To fulfill this gap, 250 samples of C. mrigala were collected from the main channel of Ganga River and its five major drainages to evaluate intra-basin variations in age and growth composition. Maximum 8+ year age class was recorded from river Betwa. Back-calculation method revealed significant variation (p < 0.05) in different year age classes among the studied rivers. With increase in age, specific rate of linear growth (Cl) and specific rate of weight (Cw) decreased in all the studied rivers. This study will provide new baseline information to fisheries biologists on the current status of biological attributes of C. mrigala across the river Ganga basin.Not Availabl

    Theoretical estimation of heat capacity, density and thermal expansivity of liquid metal alloys

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    1171-1175Theoretical formulation has been made for estimating heat capacity, density and thermal expansivity of liquid metal alloys of Na+Cs and K+Rb at three different temperatures and at various compositions. The entire formulation has been based on Flory's statistical theory. Theoretically estimated values have been compared with the observed values from literature, and good agreement has been found