45 research outputs found

    DNA repair as a human biomonitoring tool: comet assay approaches.

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    The comet assay offers the opportunity to measure both DNA damage and repair. Various comet assay based methods are available to measure DNA repair activity, but some requirements should be met for their effective use in human biomonitoring studies. These conditions include i) robustness of the assay, ii) sources of inter- and intra-individual variability must be known, iii) DNA repair kinetics should be assessed to optimize sampling timing; and iv) DNA repair in accessible surrogate tissues should reflect repair activity in target tissues prone to carcinogenic effects. DNA repair phenotyping can be performed on frozen and fresh samples, and is a more direct measurement than genomic or transcriptomic approaches. There are mixed reports concerning the regulation of DNA repair by environmental and dietary factors. In general, exposure to genotoxic agents did not change base excision repair (BER) activity, whereas some studies reported that dietary interventions affected BER activity. On the other hand, in vitro and in vivo studies indicated that nucleotide excision repair (NER) can be altered by exposure to genotoxic agents, but studies on other life style related factors, such as diet, are rare. Thus, crucial questions concerning the factors regulating DNA repair and inter-individual variation remain unanswered. Intra-individual variation over a period of days to weeks seems limited, which is favourable for DNA repair phenotyping in biomonitoring studies. Despite this reported low intra-individual variation, timing of sampling remains an issue that needs further investigation. A correlation was reported between the repair activity in easily accessible peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and internal organs for both NER and BER. However, no correlation was found between tumour tissue and blood cells. In conclusion, although comet assay based approaches to measure BER/NER phenotypes are feasible and promising, more work is needed to further optimize their application in human biomonitoring and intervention studie

    Electron precipitation from EMIC waves: a case study from 31 May 2013

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    On 31 May 2013 several rising-tone electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves with intervals of pulsations of diminishing periods (IPDP) were observed in the magnetic local time afternoon and evening sectors during the onset of a moderate/large geomagnetic storm. The waves were sequentially observed in Finland, Antarctica, and western Canada. Co-incident electron precipitation by a network of ground-based Antarctic Arctic Radiation-belt Dynamic Deposition VLF Atmospheric Research Konsortia (AARDDVARK) and riometer instruments, as well as the Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) electron telescopes, was also observed. At the same time POES detected 30-80 keV proton precipitation drifting westwards at locations that were consistent with the ground-based observations, indicating substorm injection. Through detailed modelling of the combination of ground and satellite observations the characteristics of the EMIC-induced electron precipitation were identified as: latitudinal width of 2-3° or ΔL=1 Re, longitudinal width ~50° or 3 hours MLT, lower cut off energy 280 keV, typical flux 1×104 el. cm-2 sr-1 s-1 >300 keV. The lower cutoff energy of the most clearly defined EMIC rising tone in this study confirms the identification of a class of EMIC-induced precipitation events with unexpectedly low energy cutoffs of <400 keV

    A case study of electron precipitation fluxes due to plasmaspheric hiss

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    We find that during a large geomagnetic storm in October 2011 the trapped fluxes of >30, >100, and >300 keV outer radiation belt electrons were enhanced at L=3-4 during the storm main phase. A gradual decay of the trapped fluxes was observed over the following 5–7 days, even though no significant precipitation fluxes could be observed in the Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (POES) electron precipitation detectors. We use the Antarctic-Arctic Radiation-belt (Dynamic) Deposition - VLF Atmospheric Research Konsortium (AARDDVARK) receiver network to investigate the characteristics of the electron precipitation throughout the storm period. Weak electron precipitation was observed on the dayside for 5–7 days, consistent with being driven by plasmaspheric hiss. Using a previously published plasmaspheric hiss-induced electron energy e-folding spectrum of E0=365 keV, the observed radiowave perturbation levels at L=3-4 were found to be caused by >30 keV electron precipitation with flux ~100 el. cm−2 s−1 sr−1. The low levels of precipitation explain the lack of response of the POES telescopes to the flux, because of the effect of the POES lower sensitivity limit and ability to measure weak diffusion-driven precipitation. The detection of dayside, inner plasmasphere electron precipitation during the recovery phase of the storm is consistent with plasmaspheric hiss wave-particle interactions, and shows that the waves can be a significant influence on the evolution of the outer radiation belt trapped flux that resides inside the plasmapause

    A clinical and economic evaluation of Control of Hyperglycaemia in Paediatric intensive care (CHiP): a randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Early research in adults admitted to intensive care suggested that tight control of blood glucose during acute illness can be associated with reductions in mortality, length of hospital stay and complications such as infection and renal failure. Prior to our study, it was unclear whether or not children could also benefit from tight control of blood glucose during critical illness. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine if controlling blood glucose using insulin in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) reduces mortality and morbidity and is cost-effective, whether or not admission follows cardiac surgery. DESIGN: Randomised open two-arm parallel group superiority design with central randomisation with minimisation. Analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis. Following random allocation, care givers and outcome assessors were no longer blind to allocation. SETTING: The setting was 13 English PICUs. PARTICIPANTS: Patients who met the following criteria were eligible for inclusion: ≥ 36 weeks corrected gestational age; ≤ 16 years; in the PICU following injury, following major surgery or with critical illness; anticipated treatment > 12 hours; arterial line; mechanical ventilation; and vasoactive drugs. Exclusion criteria were as follows: diabetes mellitus; inborn error of metabolism; treatment withdrawal considered; in the PICU > 5 consecutive days; and already in CHiP (Control of Hyperglycaemia in Paediatric intensive care). INTERVENTION: The intervention was tight glycaemic control (TGC): insulin by intravenous infusion titrated to maintain blood glucose between 4.0 and 7.0 mmol/l. CONVENTIONAL MANAGEMENT (CM): This consisted of insulin by intravenous infusion only if blood glucose exceeded 12.0 mmol/l on two samples at least 30 minutes apart; insulin was stopped when blood glucose fell below 10.0 mmol/l. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was the number of days alive and free from mechanical ventilation within 30 days of trial entry (VFD-30). The secondary outcomes comprised clinical and economic outcomes at 30 days and 12 months and lifetime cost-effectiveness, which included costs per quality-adjusted life-year. RESULTS: CHiP recruited from May 2008 to September 2011. In total, 19,924 children were screened and 1369 eligible patients were randomised (TGC, 694; CM, 675), 60% of whom were in the cardiac surgery stratum. The randomised groups were comparable at trial entry. More children in the TGC than in the CM arm received insulin (66% vs. 16%). The mean VFD-30 was 23 [mean difference 0.36; 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.42 to 1.14]. The effect did not differ among prespecified subgroups. Hypoglycaemia occurred significantly more often in the TGC than in the CM arm (moderate, 12.5% vs. 3.1%; severe, 7.3% vs. 1.5%). Mean 30-day costs were similar between arms, but mean 12-month costs were lower in the TGC than in CM arm (incremental costs -£3620, 95% CI -£7743 to £502). For the non-cardiac surgery stratum, mean costs were lower in the TGC than in the CM arm (incremental cost -£9865, 95% CI -£18,558 to -£1172), but, in the cardiac surgery stratum, the costs were similar between the arms (incremental cost £133, 95% CI -£3568 to £3833). Lifetime incremental net benefits were positive overall (£3346, 95% CI -£11,203 to £17,894), but close to zero for the cardiac surgery stratum (-£919, 95% CI -£16,661 to £14,823). For the non-cardiac surgery stratum, the incremental net benefits were high (£11,322, 95% CI -£15,791 to £38,615). The probability that TGC is cost-effective is relatively high for the non-cardiac surgery stratum, but, for the cardiac surgery subgroup, the probability that TGC is cost-effective is around 0.5. Sensitivity analyses showed that the results were robust to a range of alternative assumptions. CONCLUSIONS: CHiP found no differences in the clinical or cost-effectiveness of TGC compared with CM overall, or for prespecified subgroups. A higher proportion of the TGC arm had hypoglycaemia. This study did not provide any evidence to suggest that PICUs should stop providing CM for children admitted to PICUs following cardiac surgery. For the subgroup not admitted for cardiac surgery, TGC reduced average costs at 12 months and is likely to be cost-effective. Further research is required to refine the TGC protocol to minimise the risk of hypoglycaemic episodes and assess the long-term health benefits of TGC. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN61735247. FUNDING: This project was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 18, No. 26. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Health Outcome Prioritization in Alzheimer's Disease:Understanding the Ethical Landscape

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    Objective: Health outcome prioritisation is the ranking in order of desirability or importance of a set of disease related objectives and their associated cost or risk. We analyse the complex ethical landscape in which this takes place in the most common dementia, Alzheimer’s disease. Background: Dementia has been described as the greatest global health challenge in the 21st century on account of longevity gains increasing its incidence, escalating health and social care pressures. These pressures highlight ethical, social, political challenges about healthcare resource allocation, what health improvements matter to patients, and how they are measured. This study highlights the complexity of the ethical landscape, relating particularly to the balances that need to be struck when allocating resources; when measuring and prioritising outcomes; and when individual preferences are sought. Methods: Narrative review of literature published since 2007, incorporating snowball sampling where necessary. We identified, thematised and discussed key issues of ethical salience. Results: Eight areas of ethical salience for outcome prioritisation emerged: (1) Public health and distributive justice, (2) Scarcity of resources, (3) Heterogeneity and changing circumstances, (4) Knowledge of treatment, (5) Values and circumstances, (6) Conflicting priorities, (7) Communication, autonomy and Caregiver issues, (8) Disclosure of risk. Conclusion: These areas highlight the difficult balance to be struck when allocating resources, when measuring and prioritising outcomes, and when individual preferences are sought. We conclude by reflecting on how tools in social sciences and ethics can help address challenges posed by resource allocation, measuring and prioritising outcomes, and eliciting stakeholder preferences.</p

    Targeting DNA Damage Response and Replication Stress in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Background and aims: Continuing recalcitrance to therapy cements pancreatic cancer (PC) as the most lethal malignancy, which is set to become the second leading cause of cancer death in our society. The study aim was to investigate the association between DNA damage response (DDR), replication stress and novel therapeutic response in PC to develop a biomarker driven therapeutic strategy targeting DDR and replication stress in PC. Methods: We interrogated the transcriptome, genome, proteome and functional characteristics of 61 novel PC patient-derived cell lines to define novel therapeutic strategies targeting DDR and replication stress. Validation was done in patient derived xenografts and human PC organoids. Results: Patient-derived cell lines faithfully recapitulate the epithelial component of pancreatic tumors including previously described molecular subtypes. Biomarkers of DDR deficiency, including a novel signature of homologous recombination deficiency, co-segregates with response to platinum (P &lt; 0.001) and PARP inhibitor therapy (P &lt; 0.001) in vitro and in vivo. We generated a novel signature of replication stress with which predicts response to ATR (P &lt; 0.018) and WEE1 inhibitor (P &lt; 0.029) treatment in both cell lines and human PC organoids. Replication stress was enriched in the squamous subtype of PC (P &lt; 0.001) but not associated with DDR deficiency. Conclusions: Replication stress and DDR deficiency are independent of each other, creating opportunities for therapy in DDR proficient PC, and post-platinum therapy