154 research outputs found

    Formulation optimization and wound healing activity of Vitex trifolia L leaf extract loaded chitosan hydrogel film on hyperglycemic rats

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    Decreased blood supply, high blood sugar level, and a possibility of bacterial infection in diabetic wounds pose risk for limb loss and mortality. Therefore, proper wound care is needed to improve the quality of life of diabetic patients. Vitex trifolia L (Legundi) extract is reported to have antibacterial and antioxidant activity that enhances cell proliferation and migration. The antimicrobial and hemostatic properties of chitosan film are viewed as an ideal material for enhancing wound healing. The film should retain its integrity and flexibility while used on the skin, therefore chitosan was combined with PVA and PVP K30 to improve its quality. The objectives of this study were to optimize the concentration of chitosan, PVP K30, and PVA towards the Legundi extract film properties, and to evaluate its wound healing activity on hyperglycemic mice using an incision wound model. In this study, the film’s compositions were optimized using a simplex lattice design, and the effects of its components on their characteristics, such as thickness, weight, folding endurance, swelling rate, and swelling index, were evaluated. BALB/c Mice were divided into three groups (Group I, Group II, Group III) which were treated with normal saline, placebo film, and Legundi film respectively once daily for 8 days. The result suggested that chitosan and PVA were responsible for affecting the film’s thickness, weight, and folding endurance, whilst PVP K30 was the dominant factor in increasing the swelling index and rate of the film. The optimum formula of Legundi extract films consists of 1.15 %(b/v) chitosan, 1.25 %(b/v) PVP K30, and 1.6 %(b/v) PVA. The animal treated with Legundi extract film have higher wound closure compared to the control and placebo group four days after wound incision (p<0.05). Thus, Legundi extract film was a potential dressing to treat a diabetic wound

    Introducing the tablet-based Oxford Cognitive Screen-Plus (OCS-Plus) as an assessment tool for subtle cognitive impairments

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    Here, we present the Oxford Cognitive Screen-Plus, a computerised tablet-based screen designed to briefly assess domain-general cognition and provide more fine-grained measures of memory and executive function. The OCS-Plus was designed to sensitively screen for cognitive impairments and provide a differentiation between memory and executive deficits. The OCS-Plus contains 10 subtasks and requires on average 24 min to complete. In this study, 320 neurologically healthy ageing participants (age M = 62.66, SD = 13.75) from three sites completed the OCS-Plus. The convergent validity of this assessment was established in comparison to the ACE-R, CERAD and Rey-Osterrieth. Divergent validity was established through comparison with the BDI and tests measuring divergent cognitive domains. Internal consistency of each subtask was evaluated, and test-retest reliability was determined. We established the normative impairment cut-offs for each of the subtasks. Predicted convergent and divergent validity was found, high internal consistency for most measures was also found with the exception of restricted range tasks, as well as strong test-retest reliability, which provided evidence of test stability. Further research demonstrating the use and validity of the OCS-Plus in various clinical populations is required. The OCS-Plus is presented as a standardised cognitive assessment tool, normed and validated in a sample of neurologically healthy participants. The OCS-Plus will be available as an Android App and provides an automated report of domain-general cognitive impairments in executive attention and memory

    Hematological parameters, lipid profile and cardiovascular risk analysis among genotype-controlled indigenous Kichwa men and women living at low and high altitudes

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    Introduction: Human adaptation to high-altitude is due to characteristic adjustments at every physiological level. Differences in lipid profile and cardiovascular risk factors in altitude dwellers have been previously explored, nevertheless there are no reports available on genotype-controlled matches among different altitude adapted indigenous populations. Objective: To explore the possible differences in plasma lipid profile and cardiovascular risk among autochthonous Kiwcha people inhabitants of low and high-altitude locations. Methodology: A cross-sectional analysis of plasmatic lipid profiles and cardiovascular risk factors in lowland Kiwchas from Limoncocha (230 m) and high-altitude Kiwchas from Oyacachi (3,800 m). Results: In the low altitude group, 66% were women (n=78) and 34% (n=40) were men, while at high altitude, 59% (n=56) were women and 41% (n=41%) were men. We found the proportion of overweight and obese individuals to be higher among low altitude dwellers (p<0.05). Red blood cells (RBC), Hemoglobin concentration and SpO2% were higher among high altitude dwellers and erythrocyte's size was found to be smaller at high altitude .The group located at low altitude showed also lower levels of plasma cholesterol, LDL and HDL but most of these differences are not influenced by gender or elevation. Conclusions: Living at altitude elicits well-known adaptive physiological changes such as erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, and serum glucose. We report also clinical differences in the plasma lipid profile, with higher levels of cholesterol and high density and low-density lipoproteins in Andes Mountain inhabitants versus their Amazonian basin peers. Despite we found altered underlying physiological pathways between the populations, this does not allow in a different cardiovascular risk

    A comparative analysis of lung function and spirometry parameters in genotype-controlled natives living at low and high altitude

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    Background: The reference values for lung function are associated to anatomical and lung morphology parameters, but anthropometry it is not the only influencing factor: altitude and genetics are two important agents affecting respiratory physiology. Altitude and its influence on respiratory function has been studied independently of genetics, considering early and long-term acclimatization. Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate lung function through a spirometry study in autochthonous Kichwas permanently living at low and high-altitude. Methodology: A cross-sectional study of spirometry differences between genetically matched lowland Kichwas from Limoncocha (230 m) at Amazonian basin and high-altitude Kichwas from Oyacachi (3,180 m) in Andean highlands. Chi-square method was used to analyze association or independence of categorical variables, while Student's t test was applied to comparison of means within quantitative variables. ANOVA, or in the case that the variables didn't meet the criteria of normality, Kruskal Wallis test were used to compare more than two groups. Results: People from Oyacachi (high altitude) showed a higher predicted values than those from Limonocha (low altitude). The FVC and the FEV1 were significantly greater among highlanders than lowlanders (p value < 0.001). The FEV1/FVC was significantly higher among lowlanders than highlanders for men and women. A restrictive pattern was found in 12.9% of the participants. Conclusion: Residents of Oyacachi had greater lung capacity than their peers from Limoncocha, a finding physiologically plausible according to published literature. When analyzing the spirometric patterns obtained in these populations, it was evident that no person had an obstructive pattern, while on the other hand, the restrictive pattern appeared in Limoncocha and Oyacachi populations in 12.9% although it is clear that there is a predominance of this in the individuals belonging to Limoncocha

    Intensive laparoscopic laparoscopic training in live tissues – 11 years of experience in Pius Branzeu center from timisoara, Romania

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    Surgical Clinic II , University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Aims: To assess the effectiveness of intensive laparoscopic training on pigs during 10 years of training. Method: Between 2000 and 2010, 25 intensive (3 days) and 7 advanced (2 days) laparoscopic courses (gastric, biliary, colo-rectal and bariatric) on live tissue were organized, with 324 participants coming from 13 countries. This poster presents the effectiveness of the training of the 244 surgeons who followed the 3 days laparoscopy skills courses. At the beginning of the first day, during the training and at the end of each day the acquirement of the skills participants were evaluated. Three groups where studied: the first group with no experience in laparoscopic surgery; the second group with less than 10 laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the third group with more than 10 laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Results: The first group had a lot of difficulty and were able to acquire only less than 32% of the taught techniques, the second group performed better and acquired 62% of the taught techniques and the third group performed very well acquiring 95% of the taught techniques. Conclusion: Surgeons with no previous laparoscopic surgery experience take little benefit from these courses. They should be encouraged to acquire basic skills on trainer boxes or on virtual reality simulators before the training on pigs. Surgeons with very little experience in laparoscopic surgery acquire important skills, but the best benefit is taken by surgeons with some laparoscopic surgery experience

    Formulation optimization and wound healing activity of vitex trifolia L leaf extract loaded chitosan hydrogel film on hyperglycemic rats

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    Decreased blood supply, high blood sugar level, and a possibility of bacterial infection in diabetic wounds pose risk for limb loss and mortality. Therefore, proper wound care is needed to improve the quality of life of diabetic patients. Vitex trifolia L (Legundi) extract is reported to have antibacterial and antioxidant activity that enhances cell proliferation and migration. The antimicrobial and hemostatic properties of chitosan film are viewed as an ideal material for enhancing wound healing. The film should retain its integrity and flexibility while used on the skin, therefore chitosan was combined with PVA and PVP K30 to improve its quality. The objectives of this study were to optimize the concentration of chitosan, PVP K30, and PVA towards the Legundi extract film properties, and to evaluate its wound healing activity on hyperglycemic mice using an incision wound model. In this study, the film’s compositions were optimized using a simplex lattice design, and the effects of its components on their characteristics, such as thickness, weight, folding endurance, swelling rate, and swelling index, were evaluated. BALB/c Mice were divided into three groups (Group I, Group II, Group III) which were treated with normal saline, placebo film, and Legundi film respectively once daily for 8 days. The result suggested that chitosan and PVA were responsible for affecting the film’s thickness, weight, and folding endurance, whilst PVP K30 was the dominant factor in increasing the swelling index and rate of the film. The optimum formula of Legundi extract films consists of 1.15 %(b/v) chitosan, 1.25 %(b/v) PVP K30, and 1.6 %(b/v) PVA. The animal treated with Legundi extract film have higher wound closure compared to the control and placebo group four days after wound incision (p<0.05). Thus, Legundi extract film was a potential dressing to treat a diabetic wound

    Formulation optimization and wound healing activity of vitex trifolia L leaf extract loaded chitosan hydrogel film on hyperglycemic rats

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    Decreased blood supply, high blood sugar level, and a possibility of bacterial infection in diabetic wounds pose risk for limb loss and mortality. Therefore, proper wound care is needed to improve the quality of life of diabetic patients. Vitex trifolia L (Legundi) extract is reported to have antibacterial and antioxidant activity that enhances cell proliferation and migration. The antimicrobial and hemostatic properties of chitosan film are viewed as an ideal material for enhancing wound healing. The film should retain its integrity and flexibility while used on the skin, therefore chitosan was combined with PVA and PVP K30 to improve its quality. The objectives of this study were to optimize the concentration of chitosan, PVP K30, and PVA towards the Legundi extract film properties, and to evaluate its wound healing activity on hyperglycemic mice using an incision wound model. In this study, the film’s compositions were optimized using a simplex lattice design, and the effects of its components on their characteristics, such as thickness, weight, folding endurance, swelling rate, and swelling index, were evaluated. BALB/c Mice were divided into three groups (Group I, Group II, Group III) which were treated with normal saline, placebo film, and Legundi film respectively once daily for 8 days. The result suggested that chitosan and PVA were responsible for affecting the film’s thickness, weight, and folding endurance, whilst PVP K30 was the dominant factor in increasing the swelling index and rate of the film. The optimum formula of Legundi extract films consists of 1.15 %(b/v) chitosan, 1.25 %(b/v) PVP K30, and 1.6 %(b/v) PVA. The animal treated with Legundi extract film have higher wound closure compared to the control and placebo group four days after wound incision (p<0.05). Thus, Legundi extract film was a potential dressing to treat a diabetic wound

    Measurement of gauge blocks by interferometry

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    The key comparison EURAMET.L-K1.2011 on gauge blocks was carried out in the framework of a EURAMET project starting in 2012 and ending in 2015. It involved the participation of 24 National Metrology Institutes from Europe and Egypt, respectively. 38 gauge blocks of steel and ceramic with nominal central lengths between 0.5 mm and 500 mm were circulated. The comparison was conducted in two loops with two sets of artifacts. A statistical technique for linking the reference values was applied. As a consequence the reference value of one loop is influenced by the measurements of the other loop although they did not even see the artifacts of the others. This influence comes solely from three "linking laboratories" which measure both sets of artifacts. In total there were 44 results were not fully consistent with the reference values. This represents 10% of the full set of 420 results which is a considerable high number. At least 12 of them are clearly outliers where the participants have been informed by the pilot as soon as possible. The comparison results help to support the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) of the laboratories involved in the CIPM MRA

    A new framework for sign language alphabet hand posture recognition using geometrical features through artificial neural network (part 1)

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    Hand pose tracking is essential in sign languages. An automatic recognition of performed hand signs facilitates a number of applications, especially for people with speech impairment to communication with normal people. This framework which is called ASLNN proposes a new hand posture recognition technique for the American sign language alphabet based on the neural network which works on the geometrical feature extraction of hands. A user’s hand is captured by a three-dimensional depth-based sensor camera; consequently, the hand is segmented according to the depth analysis features. The proposed system is called depth-based geometrical sign language recognition as named DGSLR. The DGSLR adopted in easier hand segmentation approach, which is further used in segmentation applications. The proposed geometrical feature extraction framework improves the accuracy of recognition due to unchangeable features against hand orientation compared to discrete cosine transform and moment invariant. The findings of the iterations demonstrate the combination of the extracted features resulted to improved accuracy rates. Then, an artificial neural network is used to drive desired outcomes. ASLNN is proficient to hand posture recognition and provides accuracy up to 96.78% which will be discussed on the additional paper of this authors in this journal