21 research outputs found

    Recommendations for tick-borne encephalitis vaccination from the Central European Vaccination Awareness Group (CEVAG)

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    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral neurological zoonotic disease transmitted to humans by ticks or by consumption of unpasteurised dairy products from infected cows, goats, or sheep. TBE is highly endemic in areas of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia where it is a major public health concern. However, it is difficult to diagnose TBE as clinical manifestations tend to be relatively nonspecific and a standardised case definition does not exist across the region. TBE is becoming more important in Europe due to the appearance of new endemic areas. Few Central European Vaccination Awareness Group (CEVAG) member countries have implemented universal vaccination programmes against TBE and vaccination coverage is not considered sufficient to control the disease. When implemented, immunization strategies only apply to risk groups under certain conditions, with no harmonised recommendations available to date across the region. Effective vaccination programmes are essential in preventing the burden of TBE. This review examines the current situation of TBE in CEVAG countries and contains recommendations for the vaccination of children and high-risk groups. For countries at very high risk of TBE infections, CEVAG strongly recommends the introduction of universal TBE vaccination in children > 1 y of age onwards. For countries with a very low risk of TBE, recommendations should only apply to those traveling to endemic areas. Overall, it is generally accepted that each country should be free to make its own decision based on regional epidemiological data and the vaccination calendar, although recommendations should be made, especially for those living in endemic areas.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    History of Ladimirevci

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    U ovom radu će se govoriti o povijesti sela Ladimirevaca. Cilj je istraživanja prikazati povijesni razvoj sela Ladimirevci od njegova nastanka do današnjih dana. Selo Ladimirevci, smješteno uz rijeku Dravu u blizini Valpova, ima bogatu i raznoliku povijest koja seže unatrag mnogo stoljeća. Ovaj rad pruža detaljan uvid u povijest, demografski razvoj, gospodarski razvoj, društvene promjene, obrazovanje i vjerski život ovog malog sela. Povijest Ladimirevaca obuhvaća različite periode, uključujući naseljavanje prvih stanovnika, promjene u gospodarskim aktivnostima, te kulturne i društvene događaje koji su oblikovali život lokalne zajednice. Tijekom vremena, selo je prošlo kroz demografske promjene, a migracije su utjecale na njegovu demografsku strukturu. Kulturna baština Ladimirevaca obogaćena je tradicionalnim običajima, kulturnim manifestacijama i značajnim spomenicima. Gospodarski razvoj sela je usko povezan s poljoprivredom, obrtništvom i industrijom, a društveni razvoj obuhvaća obrazovne institucije, društvene organizacije i udruge koje su igrale važnu ulogu u životu zajednice. Vjerski život također ima svoje mjesto u povijesti Ladimirevaca, s crkvom ili drugim vjerskim zajednicama koje su igrale značajnu ulogu u životima stanovnika. Suvremeno stanje Ladimirevaca odražava se kroz demografske podatke, ekonomsku situaciju i izazove s kojima se selo suočava u današnjem vremenu. Kroz ovaj rad istaknuto je bogatstvo povijesti i kulture Ladimirevaca te njegova važnost u širem kontekstu. Ovaj završni rad predstavlja sveobuhvatan pregled povijesti i razvoja Ladimirevaca, pružajući dublje razumijevanje ovog sela i njegove uloge u lokalnoj i regionalnoj povijesti.This paper will talk about the history of the village of Ladimirevci. The aim of the research is to show the historical development of the village of Ladimirevci from its creation to the present day. The village of Ladimirevci, located along the Drava River near Valpovo, has a rich and diverse history that goes back many centuries. This work provides a detailed insight into the history, demographic development, economic development, social changes, education and religious life of this small village. The history of Ladimirevci includes different periods, including the settlement of the first inhabitants, changes in economic activities, and cultural and social events that shaped the life of the local community. Over time, the village went through demographic changes, and migrations affected its demographic structure. The cultural heritage of Ladimirevci is enriched with traditional customs, cultural manifestations and significant monuments. The economic development of the village is closely related to agriculture, crafts and industry, and the social development includes educational institutions, social organizations and associations that played an important role in the life of the community. Religious life also has its place in the history of Ladimirevci, with the church or other religious communities playing a significant role in the lives of the inhabitants. The contemporary situation of Ladimirevci is reflected through demographic data, the economic situation and the challenges the village is facing today. Through this work, the richness of the history and culture of the Ladimirevci people and its importance in a wider context are highlighted. This final paper presents a comprehensive overview of the history and development of Ladimirevci, providing a deeper understanding of this village and its role in local and regional history

    History of Ladimirevci

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    U ovom radu će se govoriti o povijesti sela Ladimirevaca. Cilj je istraživanja prikazati povijesni razvoj sela Ladimirevci od njegova nastanka do današnjih dana. Selo Ladimirevci, smješteno uz rijeku Dravu u blizini Valpova, ima bogatu i raznoliku povijest koja seže unatrag mnogo stoljeća. Ovaj rad pruža detaljan uvid u povijest, demografski razvoj, gospodarski razvoj, društvene promjene, obrazovanje i vjerski život ovog malog sela. Povijest Ladimirevaca obuhvaća različite periode, uključujući naseljavanje prvih stanovnika, promjene u gospodarskim aktivnostima, te kulturne i društvene događaje koji su oblikovali život lokalne zajednice. Tijekom vremena, selo je prošlo kroz demografske promjene, a migracije su utjecale na njegovu demografsku strukturu. Kulturna baština Ladimirevaca obogaćena je tradicionalnim običajima, kulturnim manifestacijama i značajnim spomenicima. Gospodarski razvoj sela je usko povezan s poljoprivredom, obrtništvom i industrijom, a društveni razvoj obuhvaća obrazovne institucije, društvene organizacije i udruge koje su igrale važnu ulogu u životu zajednice. Vjerski život također ima svoje mjesto u povijesti Ladimirevaca, s crkvom ili drugim vjerskim zajednicama koje su igrale značajnu ulogu u životima stanovnika. Suvremeno stanje Ladimirevaca odražava se kroz demografske podatke, ekonomsku situaciju i izazove s kojima se selo suočava u današnjem vremenu. Kroz ovaj rad istaknuto je bogatstvo povijesti i kulture Ladimirevaca te njegova važnost u širem kontekstu. Ovaj završni rad predstavlja sveobuhvatan pregled povijesti i razvoja Ladimirevaca, pružajući dublje razumijevanje ovog sela i njegove uloge u lokalnoj i regionalnoj povijesti.This paper will talk about the history of the village of Ladimirevci. The aim of the research is to show the historical development of the village of Ladimirevci from its creation to the present day. The village of Ladimirevci, located along the Drava River near Valpovo, has a rich and diverse history that goes back many centuries. This work provides a detailed insight into the history, demographic development, economic development, social changes, education and religious life of this small village. The history of Ladimirevci includes different periods, including the settlement of the first inhabitants, changes in economic activities, and cultural and social events that shaped the life of the local community. Over time, the village went through demographic changes, and migrations affected its demographic structure. The cultural heritage of Ladimirevci is enriched with traditional customs, cultural manifestations and significant monuments. The economic development of the village is closely related to agriculture, crafts and industry, and the social development includes educational institutions, social organizations and associations that played an important role in the life of the community. Religious life also has its place in the history of Ladimirevci, with the church or other religious communities playing a significant role in the lives of the inhabitants. The contemporary situation of Ladimirevci is reflected through demographic data, the economic situation and the challenges the village is facing today. Through this work, the richness of the history and culture of the Ladimirevci people and its importance in a wider context are highlighted. This final paper presents a comprehensive overview of the history and development of Ladimirevci, providing a deeper understanding of this village and its role in local and regional history

    Stress analysis among employees in the Municipality of Ljubljana

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    Visoka pričakovanja s strani organizacije in nizke sposobnosti zaposlenih pogosto privedejo do stresa na delovnem mestu. Od vsakega posameznika pa je odvisno, kako se bo odzval na različne stresne situacije. Namen diplomskega dela je bil z metodo anketiranja izvesti raziskavo v Mestni občini Ljubljana ter ugotoviti, ali je stres med zaposlenimi prisoten, kateri dejavniki povzročajo stres ter kako se zaposleni z njim soočajo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so zaposleni v Mestni občini Ljubljana na delovnem mestu pod stresom. Stresorji med zaposlenimi se razlikujejo glede na spol in delovno mesto. Moški se v povprečju večkrat soočajo s slabimi odnosi z nadrejenimi kot ženske, zaposleni na nevodstvenih delovnih mestih pa s pomanjkljivim nagrajevanjem bolj kot zaposleni na vodstvenih delovnih mestih. Zaposleni morajo poskrbeti za svoje zdravje in obvladovanje stresa tako na delovnem mestu kot v zasebnem življenju, saj sta med seboj povezani. S strani organizacije pa je potrebna skrb za zaposlene z izvajanjem različnih sprostitvenih in družabnih aktivnosti, s katerimi bi se poskrbelo za zmanjšanje stresa pri zaposlenih ter za okrepitev medosebnih odnosov.High expectations from organization and employee\u27s low abilities often lead to stress at workplace. It depends on each individual how he or she will react to different stressful situations. The purpose of the thesis was to conduct a research using a survey method in the Municipality of Ljubljana and find out whether stress is present among employees, which factors cause stress and how employees cope with it. The results of the research showed that employees in the Municipality of Ljubljana are under stress at the workplace. Stress among employees vary according to gender and workplace. On average, men face more poor relationships with superiors than women, and employees in non-managerial positions face more inadequate remuneration than those in managerial positions. Employees need to take care of their health and stress management both at work and in private life as they are interlinked. Organizations need to take care of their employees by implementing various relaxation and social activities to reduce stress among employees and strengthen interpersonal relationships

    European sheep tick Ixodes ricinus as a vector of tick-borne encephalitis virus in Slovenia

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    Phylogeographic characterization of tick-borne encephalitis virus from patients, rodents and ticks in Slovenia.

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is the most important arboviral agent causing infections of the central nervous system in central Europe. Previous studies have shown that TBEV exhibits pronounced genetic variability, which is often correlated to the geographical origin of TBEV. Genetic variability of TBEV has previously been studied predominantly in rodents and ticks, while information about the variability in patients is scarce. In order to understand the molecular relationships of TBEV between natural hosts, vectors and humans, as well as correlation between phylogenetic and geographical clustering, sequences of TBEV E and NS5 protein genes, were obtained by direct sequencing of RT-PCR products from TBE-confirmed patients as well as from rodents and ticks collected from TBE-endemic regions in Slovenia. A total of 27 partial E protein gene sequences representing 15 human, 4 rodent and 8 tick samples and 30 partial NS5 protein gene sequences representing 17 human, 5 rodent and 8 tick samples were obtained. The complete genome sequence of TBEV strain Ljubljana I was simultaneously obtained. Phylogenetic analysis of the E and NS5 protein gene sequences revealed a high degree of TBEV variability in patients, ticks and rodents. Furthermore, an evident correlation between geographical and phylogenetic clustering was shown that was independent of the TBEV host. Moreover, we show the presence of a possible recombination event in the TBEV genome obtained from a patient sample, which was supported with multiple recombination event detection methods. This is the first study that simultaneously analyzed the genetic relationships of directly sequenced TBEV samples from patients, ticks and rodents and provides the largest set of patient-derived TBEV sequences up to date. In addition, we have confirmed the geographical clustering of TBEV sequences in Slovenia and have provided evidence of a possible recombination event in the TBEV genome, obtained from a patient

    Correlation of geographical and phylogenetic clustering based on A) TBEV E sequences and B) TBEV NS5 sequences.

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    <p>Figure shows the geographic distribution of sample isolation sites of tick and rodent sample or location of patients' residency with respect to the phylogenetic clustering of their partial A) TBEV E and B) NS5 protein gene sequences. Legend shows the coloring of isolates from different clades; Clade A1: yellow placemark, clade A2: blue placemark, clade A3: green placemark, clade A4: red placemark, clade A5: pink placemark, clade A6: black placemark, clade A7: violet placemark. Numbers in the placemarks represent sample ID.</p

    Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the partial E protein gene sequences (757 bp) from human, tick and rodent samples in Slovenia.

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    <p>Branch labels represent posterior probabilities. Sample information is given in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048420#pone-0048420-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>. Designations A1–A7 represent the determined phylogenetic clusters.</p