680 research outputs found


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    With the emergence of globalization borders are fading out and economies are getting ever more interdependent with increasing trade volumes. As global population goes up, consumption demand reinforces increases in output. In this regard, energy can be regarded as one of the most critical inputs in the process of development and growth. Accordingly, the process of growth and industrialization has been gradually increasing the dependence of world economies on energy. Energy consumption has been steadily growing with each passing year, hence increasing the dependence on energy even further. This study examines the factors that determine energy consumption. For this purpose, the factors that determine energy consumption in BRICS-T countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Turkey) are analyzed for the period of 1992-2018. Foreign direct investments, energy prices and economic growth are taken to be the potential factors determining energy consumption. Error Correction Method (ECM) proposed by Westerland and LM Boostrap cointegration tests suggested by Westerland and Edgerton is used to test the existence of long term relationship between the series. Long term cointegration coefficients have been estimated using Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG) estimator and Augmented Mean Group (AMG) estimator. The findings obtained from the analysis confirm that, firstly, all three variables (foreign direct investments, prices of energy, and economic growth) are critical and have a long-term relationship with energy consumption. Secondly, the series of foreign direct investments is significant in all countries subject to our panel data analysis. Economic growth series is only significant for Turkey and China. Energy prices series are found to be significant in Russia, S. Africa, and China.S pojavom globalizacije granice nestaju, a gospodarstva postaju sve više međuovisna, s povećanjem obujma trgovine. Kako globalna populacija raste, potražnja za potrošnjom pojačava povećanje proizvodnje. U tom smislu, energija se može smatrati jednim od najkritičnijih faktora proizvodnje u procesu razvoja i rasta. Sukladno tome, proces rasta i industrijalizacije postupno povećava ovisnost svjetskih gospodarstava o energiji. Potrošnja energije je u stalnom porastu iz godine u godinu, što dodatno povećava ovisnost o energiji. Ovo istraživanje ispituje čimbenike koji određuju potrošnju energije. U tu svrhu, analizirani su čimbenici koji određuju potrošnju energije u zemljama BRICS-T (Brazil, Rusija, Indija, Kina, Južnoafrička Republika i Turska) za razdoblje 1992.-2018. Izravna strana ulaganja, cijene energije i gospodarski rast smatraju se potencijalnim faktorima koji određuju potrošnju energije. Model korekcije pogrešaka (ECM) kojeg je predložio Westerland i LM Boostrap kointegracijski testovi predloženi od strane Westerlanda i Edgertona, koriste se za testiranje postojanja dugotrajnog odnosa između serija. Dugoročni kointegracijski koeficijenti procijenjeni su korištenjem procjenitelja srednje skupine uobičajenih koreliranih učinaka (CCEMG) i procjenitelja proširene srednje skupine (AMG). Nalazi dobiveni analizom potvrđuju kako su, prvo, sve tri varijable (izravna strana ulaganja, cijene energije i gospodarski rast) kritične i dugoročno povezane s potrošnjom energije. Kao drugo, serije izravnih stranih ulaganja značajne su u svim zemljama koje su predmet naše analize panel podataka. Serije gospodarskog rasta značajne su samo za Tursku i Kinu. Pokazalo se i kako su serije cijena energije značajne u Rusiji, Južnoj Africi i Kini

    Training of trainers: An action-based research for improving the pedagogical skills of academicians

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    Based on the philosophy of lifelong education, private/public institutions and organizations invest in continuous training of human resources. Universities also organize in-service trainings regarding the general principles of teaching and learning in the context lifelong learning activities for the development of the pedagogical skills of the academicians who have difficulty in using teaching skills and principles in the courses in their universities. Therefore, a Project entitled as Training of Trainers based on action research based on qualitative research design was carried out for aiming at providing pedagogical education for the academicians who work in different departments of Ondokuz Mayis University who are experts in different disciplines but who do not have pedagogical background in order to gain experience in basic skills and principles in education area so as to improve the quality of education in this way. During the project, which lasted for a total of 2 years, 246 academicians were trained in 24 different subjects, the opinions of the participants were taken and the distribution of these views was reflected in the tables in text. Finally, the asymptotic Significance (2-sided) for Pearson Chi-Square indicates of the yes/no answer indicates that there is a dramatic change regarding the effectiveness of the program. It is seen that it meets the needs of academicians. Therefore, the program based on action research design shows that such in-service pedagogical programs could be useful for higher education in this respect

    Renewable energy sources as the solar system: appli̇cabi̇li̇ty of Deni̇zli̇ research

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    In today's growing environmental and climatic changes, the enitire economy is affected in a fundemental way. This change mostly stems from economic growth and its developmental strategies which support consumption of humane, physical and financial funds, quickly. In addition, it stems from ignoring the ecosystem balance in the use of natural resources. The most important sources of energy constitutes one of the inputs of the manufacturing industry in Turkey, far below the needs can be produced. This situation brings Turkey a rapidly growing energy importing country. Under these circumstances, the way to ensure reliable and sustainable energy supply in Turkey passes through exploiting renewable energy sources. In this study, Denizli manufacturing industry which has an important place in Turkey's economy in terms of renewable energy sources as solar energy has investigated the applicability within the existing legal and financial requirements; to clean industrial enterprises with the findings and recommendations were presented on renewable energy. The results obtained in this study Denizli province although it is thought to serve as examples for all regions

    Organik Patates Yetiştiriciliği Üzerinde Araştırmalar

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    Samsun-Ladik’de iki yıl (2005 ve 2006) süresince yürütülen bu çalışmada bitkisel materyal olarak organik üretim için önerilen Sante çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada kontrol (gübresiz), ahır gübresi (1 ton/da), çeltik kavuzu (100 kg/da), ahır gübresi+çeltik kavuzu( 1 ton/da+100 kg/da), biofarm (250 kg/da) ve inorganik gübre (NPK, 15:5:20 kg/da) olmak üzere altı uygulama denenmiştir. Patates böceği ile mücadelede azadractin kullanılmış olup, etkili sonuç alınmıştır. Organik parsellerde 1.sınıf verim ve toplam verim NPK uygulamasına göre daha düşük olmuştur. Ortalama değerlere göre yumru iriliği ve bitki başına düşen ortalama yumru sayısı organik parsellerde NPK uygulamasına göre daha düşük bulunmuştur. Yumrunun kuru madde miktarı ve özgül ağırlık değerleri bakımından organik ve geleneksel yöntem arasında farklılık belirlenmemiştir. Buna karşın yumrunun kül ve protein miktarı bakımından uygulamalar arasında önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. En fazla kül içeriği kontrolden (%6.08) elde edilmiş olup, diğer uygulamalar aynı grup içerisinde yer almıştır. Ortalama değerler dikkate alındığında en fazla protein içeriği NPK uygulamasından (%9.26), en düşük ise ahır gübresi uygulamasından (%7.25) elde edilmiştir

    Measuring the impact of board gender and cultural diversity on corporate governance and social performance: Evidence from emerging markets

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    This study examines the effects of gender and cultural diversity of boards on the corporate governance and social performance of 373 companies listed in 24 emerging country markets over the period of 2010–2019 using panel data analysis. A two-step system GMM model is also applied to test the endogeneity problem. The results indicate that gender and cultural diversity positively affect corporate governance performance. While we note that social performance is positively associated with both gender and cultural diversity, this relationship is insignificant. The findings offer multidimensional insights for companies, policy makers, and stakeholders to promote the association between gender and cultural diversity initiatives and corporate sustainability dimensions in emerging markets

    Comparação de traqueotomia percutânea precoce e tardia em unidade de terapia intensiva para adultos

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    ResumoJustificativa e objetivosA traqueotomia percutânea tornou‐se uma boa alternativa para os pacientes com previsão de intubação prolongada em unidades de terapia intensiva. Os benefícios mais importantes da traqueotomia são alta precoce da unidade de terapia intensiva e menos tempo de permanência no hospital. As complicações da intubação intratraqueal prolongada são: lesão da laringe, paralisia das pregas vocais, estenose glótica e subglótica, infecção e lesão traqueal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as potenciais vantagens da traqueotomia percutânea precoce versus traqueotomia percutânea tardia em unidade de terapia intensiva.MétodosTraqueotomias percutâneas foram realizadas em 158 pacientes em unidade de terapia intensiva para adultos e analisadas retrospectivamente. Os pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos para traqueotomia precoce e tardia, de acordo com o tempo de intubação intratraqueal antes da traqueotomia percutânea. As traqueotomias consideradas precoces foram realizadas nos dias 0‐7 de intubação intratraqueal e as tardias realizadas após o sétimo dia de intubação intratraqueal. Os pacientes com infecção no local da traqueotomia, intubação difícil ou potencialmente difícil, idade inferior a 18 anos, pressão positiva ao final da expiração acima de 10cmH2O e aqueles com diátese hemorrágica ou contagem de plaquetas em 50.000dL−1 foram excluídos do estudo. Os tempos de ventilação mecânica e internação em UTI foram registrados.ResultadosNão houve diferença estatística entre os dados demográficos dos pacientes. Os tempos de ventilação mecânica e de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva do grupo traqueotomia precoce foram menores e a diferença foi estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05).ConclusãoTraqueotomia precoce reduz o tempo de ventilação mecânica e de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. Portanto, sugerimos a traqueotomia precoce em pacientes com suspeita de intubação prolongada.AbstractBackground and objectivesPercutaneous tracheotomy has become a good alternative for patients thought to have prolonged intubation in intensive care units. The most important benefits of tracheotomy are early discharge of the patient from the intensive care unit and shortening of the time spent in the hospital. Prolonged endotracheal intubation has complications such as laryngeal damage, vocal cord paralysis, glottic and subglottic stenosis, infection and tracheal damage. The objective of our study was to evaluate potential advantages of early percutaneous tracheotomy over late percutaneous tracheotomy in intensive care unit.MethodsPercutaneous tracheotomies applied to 158 patients in adult intensive care unit have been analyzed retrospectively. Patients were divided into two groups as early and late tracheotomy according to their endotracheal intubation time before percutaneous tracheotomy. Tracheotomies at the 0–7th days of endotracheal intubation were grouped as early and after the 7th day of endotracheal intubation as late tracheotomies. Patients having infection at the site of tracheotomy, patients with difficult or potential difficult intubation, those under 18 years old, patients with positive end‐expiratory pressure above 10cmH2O and those with bleeding diathesis or platelet count under 50,000dL‐1 were not included in the study. Durations of mechanical ventilation and intensive care stay were noted.ResultsThere was no statistical difference among the demographic data of the patients. Mechanical ventilation time and time spent in intensive care unit in the group with early tracheotomy was shorter and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).ConclusionEarly tracheotomy shortens mechanical ventilation duration and intensive care unit stay. For that reason we suggest early tracheotomy in patients thought to have prolonged intubation

    A complication of venous cut-down: Migration of catheter that remained in the vein

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    Amiyotrofik lateral skleroz tanısıyla takip edilen, parenteral besleme ve tıbbi tedavi amacıyla sol kolda sefalik vene cut-down yaklaşımıyla santral kateterizasyon uygulanan 32 yaşındaki bir erkek hastada, gerekli tedavilerin tamamlanmasından sonra kateterin çekilmesi aşamasında kateter koparak büyük bir kısmı hastanın venöz yapıları içinde kaldı. Posterior-anterior akciğer grafisinde yeri bulunan kateter, subklaviyan venden yapılan venotomi ile çıkarıldı.A 32-year-old male patient who was followed-up with a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was inserted a catheter into the left arm via cephalic vein cut-down in order to maintain parenteral nutrition and medical treatment. After the treatment, while the catheter was being removed, it was broken and a large part of it remained in the vessel. The catheter was located on a posteroanterior chest radiograph and removed by venotomy of the subclavian vein

    Effect of maintenance hemodialysis on diastolic left ventricular function in end‐stage renal disease

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the effect of maintenance hemodialysis on left ventricular diastolic function in patients with end-stage renal disease. METHODS: Study population consisted of 42 patients with end-stage renal disease. Before an arteriovenous fistula was surgically created, the patients were evaluated by conventional and Doppler echocardiography and Doppler tissue imaging. Then, the patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment when the arteriovenous fistula was compleated. After the first hemodialysis session (mean 76.14 ± 11.37 days) the second echocardiographic evaluations were performed. RESULTS: Mean age was 58 ± 13 years and 21 (%50) of the patients were female. After maintenance hemodialysis treatment; peak early (E) and peak late (A) diastolic mitral inflow velocities and E/A ratio were not significantly change however the deceleration time of E wave and left atrial diameter were significantly increased. Also there was no change in the early (Em) and late (Am) diastolic myocardial velocities and Em/Am ratios of lateral and septal walls of left ventricular. E/Em ratio was decreased insignificantly. Pulmonary vein velocities and right ventricular functions are remained almost unchanged after hemodialysis treatment. DISCUSSION: The acute and long-term effect of hemodialysis on left ventricular diastolic function is unclearly. Patients with end-stage renal disease treatment with hemodialysis via arteriovenous fistula experience a variety of hemodynamic and metabolic abnormalities that predispose to alterations in left and right ventricular functions. The present study showed that left ventricular diastolic function except left atrial diameter and right ventricular functions were not significantly change, however left ventricular systolic functions were impaired after maintenance hemodialysis treatment in patients with end-stage renal disease. CONCLUSION: It has been suggested that echocardiographic parameters are useful markers for evaluation of left ventricular and right ventricular functions in patients with end-stage renal disease. However, in patients with endstage renal disease treated with hemodialysis, repeated assessment of echocardiographic examinations to observe serial changes in left and right ventricular functions are not yet well established. In this study, we showed that acute changes of volume status and electrolytes and autonomic regulation by hemodialysis session did not affect left ventricular diastolic and right ventricular functions in a relatively long term

    Diastolic dysfunction in end-stage renal disease patient: what the ticking clock has told us?

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