71 research outputs found

    César Ortiz-Echagüe en Suiza y Alemania. Viaje de ida y vuelta de la arquitectura escolar

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    Uno de los campos de la arquitectura más trabajados por César Ortiz-Echagüe ha sido el de los centros de enseñanza. En la conferencia que impartió en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Navarra en 1970, destacó la enorme transformación que experimentó la tipología escolar en los años 50 y 60 y la importancia del conocimiento de las orientaciones pedagógicas contemporáneas para dar las mejores respuestas arquitectónicas. Los viajes que realizó por Europa Central le permitieron profundizar en la materia y conocer referencias de gran calidad que tendrían repercusión en su propia obra. Asimismo, Ortiz-Echagüe daría a conocer la arquitectura española fuera de sus fronteras y desarrollaría un papel importante en el intercambio cultural de España y Europa

    La arquitectura escolar de Martorell, Bohigas y Mackay. El modelo concentrado como oportunidad educativa

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    En un momento de importante reformulación del edificio escolar, los arquitectos Martorell, Bohigas y Mackay definieron un modelo escolar de gran riqueza espacial, con una gran capacidad didáctica y especial énfasis social. Esto fue facilitado por su amplio conocimiento de experiencias destacadas, la colaboración con expertos en la enseñanza y su carácter crítico e inconformista. Sus escuelas fueron unos de los ejemplos más destacados realizados en los años 60 en España y consiguieron un importante reconocimiento internacional. El estudio de estos edificios permite no sólo poner en relieve su valor patrimonial sino también recuperarlos como referencia en la actualidad.The Martorell, Bohigas and Mackay work has been characterized by social involvement and education has been one of their main interests. Their school buildings have always attended to educational progress and have primarily reflected the transformation that school typology experienced in 50s and 60s. These architects took an active part in the school building revision by means of their designs and articles. Their work showed their wide knowledge about school buildings and also their critical, non-conformist and visionary nature. Since the beginning of xx Century, the Barcelona council had been in the vanguard of education in Europe. Their borough council did an important research work in education and founded open-air schools, summer educative centres and comprehensive schools. After Spanish Civil War, the municipal school control was transfer to the Francoist administration and educational politics were changed. However, some teachers removed from the public education founded private institutions to continue with the progressive pedagogy. Martorell, Bohigas y Mackay built some of these school buildings, which became an international reference model. According to that, the present research analyses the school work of the Catalonian office in order to establish their characteristics and contribution to the school building progress. With this purpose, their work has been put into context and their school buildings and articles have been examined. In addition, the school work of these architects has been connected with the school buildings of the international vanguard. In short, the article expects to reveal the Martorell, Bohigas and Mackay contribution to the important transformation that school building underwent in 50s and 60s

    La revista como referencia, testigo y difusora de la nueva arquitectura escolar

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    Los años 50 y 60 suponen un período destacado en la historia de la arquitectura española y coincide, al mismo tiempo, con una etapa de gran calidad en las publicaciones de arquitectura. Las revistas especializadas se presentan como una de las herramientas más valiosas para entender las circunstancias del momento. En este contexto, el edificio escolar se vio igualmente afectado: se incorporaron nuevos parámetros y se experimentaron sucesivas actualizaciones que convirtieron la escuela en un espacio de aprendizaje activo. Este gran desarrollo fue posible gracias a la estrecha colaboración entre profesionales facilitado, en gran medida, por las revistas de arquitectura que permitieron aunar esfuerzos en su investigación. El tema escolar fue profusamente publicado, tanto en artículos independientes como en números monográficos. Así, las revistas desempeñaron una triple labor: dieron a conocer la arquitectura internacional de vanguardia, fueron escenario del debate sobre el tema escolar y reflejaron la actividad nacional en la construcción de escuelas

    Modelling and simulation of several interacting cellular automata

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    Cellular Automata are used for modelling and simulation of many systems. In some applications, the system is formed by a set of subsystems that can be modelled separately, but, in such cases, the existence of interactions between these subsystems requires additional modelling and computer programming. In this paper we propose a modelling methodology for the simulation of a set of Cellular Automata models that interact with each other. The modelling methodology is described, together with an insight on implementation details. Also, it is applied to a particular Cellular Automata model, the Sanpile Model, to illustrate its use and to obtain some example simulations

    Modelling of continuous elastic systems by using the Finite Element Method

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    Propagation of mechanical waves in unidimensional systems is a fundamental part of physics, necessary for learning subjects such as acoustics and vibrations. The vibration of transverse waves in strings is the easiest case of elastic system. Usually, this is the first continuous elastic system in which students apply fundamental mathematical concepts as vibration mode, equation of motion and boundary condition. In this work the use of simulation methods is proposed to reinforce the understanding of vibratory and acoustic simple phenomena. This will be applied to the case of a string, a beam and a membrane of  finite length with different physical characteristics and boundary conditions

    Interactive Terrain Simulation and Force Distribution Models in Sand Piles

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    This paper presents an application of Cellular Automata in the field of dry Granular Systems modelling. While the study of granular systems is not a recent field, no efficient models exist, from a computational point of view, in classical methodologies. Some previous works showed that the use of Cellular Automata is suitable for the development of models that can be used in real time applications. This paper extends the existing Cellular Automata models in order to make them interactive. A model for the reaction to external forces and a pressure distribution model are presented and analyzed, with numerical examples and simulations

    Modelling of continuous elastic systems byusing the Finite Element Method

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    [EN] Propagation of mechanical waves in unidimensional systems is a fundamental part of physics, necessaryfor learning subjects such as acoustics and vibrations. The vibration of transverse waves in strings isthe easiest case of elastic system. Usually, this is the rst continuous elastic system in which studentsapply fundamental mathematical concepts as vibration mode, equation of motion and boundary condition.In this work the use of simulation methods is proposed to reinforce the understanding of vibratory andacoustic simple phenomena. This will be applied to the case of a string, a beam and a membrane of nitelength with di erent physical characteristics and boundary condition[ES] La propagación de ondas mecánicas en sistemas unidimensionales es una parte fundamental de la física, necesaria para el aprendizaje de asignaturas como acústica y vibraciones. La vibración de ondas transversales en cuerdas es el caso más sencillo de sistema elástico. Habitualmente, este es el primer sistema elástico continuo en el cual los alumnos aplican conceptos matemáticos fundamentales como modo de vibración, ecuación de movimiento y condición de contorno. En este trabajo se propone el uso de los métodos de simulación para reforzar la comprensión de fenómenos simples en acústica y vibraciones. Lo aplicaremos a los casos de cuerda vibrante, barras y membranas de longitud finita con diferentes características físicas y condiciones de contornoHerrero-Durá, I.; Picó, R.; Sánchez-Morcillo, V.; Garcia-Raffi, L. (2017). Modelización de sistemas elásticos continuos mediante el Método de Elementos Finitos. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 10(2):193-202. doi:10.4995/msel.2017.7659SWORD193202102Giere, R. N. (1988). Explaining Science. doi:10.7208/chicago/9780226292038.001.0001Gilbert, S. W. (1991). Model building and a definition of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(1), 73-79. doi:10.1002/tea.3660280107Tomasi, J. (1988). Models and modeling in theoretical chemistry. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 179(1), 273-292. doi:10.1016/0166-1280(88)80128-3Gobert, J. D., & Buckley, B. C. (2000). Introduction to model-based teaching and learning in science education. International Journal of Science Education, 22(9), 891-894. doi:10.1080/095006900416839Gilbert, J. K. (2004). Models and Modelling: Routes to More Authentic Science Education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2), 115-130. doi:10.1007/s10763-004-3186-4Kinzl, M., Schwiedrzik, J., Zysset, P. K., & Pahr, D. H. (2013). An experimentally validated finite element method for augmented vertebral bodies. Clinical Biomechanics, 28(1), 15-22. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2012.09.008Kabir, K. M. M., Matthews, G. I., Sabri, Y. M., Russo, S. P., Ippolito, S. J., & Bhargava, S. K. (2016). Development and experimental verification of a finite element method for accurate analysis of a surface acoustic wave device. Smart Materials and Structures, 25(3), 035040. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/25/3/035040Yu, C.-C., Chu, J. P., Jia, H., Shen, Y.-L., Gao, Y., Liaw, P. K., & Yokoyama, Y. (2017). Influence of thin-film metallic glass coating on fatigue behavior of bulk metallic glass: Experiments and finite element modeling. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 692, 146-155. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2017.03.071Oladejo K.A., Abu R. and Adewale M.D. (2012). Effective Modeling and Simulation of Engineering Problems with COMSOL Multiphysics. International Journal of Science and Technology 2(10), 742-748.Kinsler L.E., Frey A.R., Coppens A.B. and Sanders J.V. (2000). Fundamentals of Acoustics (4th ed.). United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc

    Forecasting Adverse Weather Situations in the Road Network

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    Weather is an important factor that affects traffic flow and road safety. Adverse weather situations affect the driving conditions directly; hence, drivers must be informed about the weather conditions downstream to adapt their driving. In the framework of intelligent transport systems, several systems have been developed to know the weather situations and inform drivers. However, these systems do not forecast weather in advance, and they need the support of road operators to inform drivers. This paper presents a new autonomous system to forecast weather conditions in a short time and to give users the information obtained. The system uses a set of algorithms and rules to determine the weather and to forecast dangerous situations on the road network. It has been implemented using a multiagent approach and tested with real data. Results are very promising. The system is able to forecast adverse situations with a high degree of quality. This quality makes it possible to trust in the system and to avoid the supervision of operators

    Texture advection on discontinuous flows

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    Texture advection techniques, which transport textures using a velocity field, are used to visualize the dynamics of a flow on a triangle mesh. Some flow phenomena lead to velocity fields with discontinuities that cause the deformation of the texture which is not properly controlled by these techniques. We propose a method to detect and visualize discontinuities on a flow, keeping consistent texture advection at both sides of the discontinuity. The method handles the possibility that the discontinuity travels across the domain of the flow with arbitrary velocity, estimating its speed with least-squares approximation. The technique is tested with different sample scenarios and with two avalanche scenes, showing that it can run at interactive rates