3,838 research outputs found

    Correcting for Activity Effects on the Temperatures, Radii, and Estimated Masses of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs

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    We present empirical relations for determining the amount by which the effective temperatures and radii---and therefore the estimated masses---of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs are altered due to chromospheric activity. Accurate estimates of stellar radii are especially important in the context of searches for transiting exoplanets, which rely upon the assumed stellar radius/density to infer the planet radius/density. Our relations are based on a large set of well studied low-mass stars in the field and on a set of benchmark low-mass eclipsing binaries. The relations link the amount by which an active object's temperature is suppressed, and its radius inflated, to the strength of its Halpha emission. These relations are found to approximately preserve bolometric luminosity. We apply these relations to the peculiar brown-dwarf eclipsing binary 2M0535-05, in which the active, higher-mass brown dwarf has a cooler temperature than its inactive, lower-mass companion. The relations correctly reproduce the observed temperatures and radii of 2M0535-05 after accounting for the Halpha emission; 2M0535-05 would be in precise agreement with theoretical isochrones were it inactive. The relations that we present are applicable to brown dwarfs and low-mass stars with masses below 0.8 Msun and for which the activity, as measured by Halpha, is in the range -4.6 < log Lha/Lbol < -3.3. We expect these relations to be most useful for correcting radius and mass estimates of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs over their active lifetimes (few Gyr). We also discuss the implications of this work for determinations of young cluster IMFs.Comment: To appear in Cool Stars 17 proceeding

    Finite-Temperature Quasicontinuum: Molecular Dynamics without All the Atoms

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    Using a combination of statistical mechanics and finite-element interpolation, we develop a coarse-grained (CG) alternative to molecular dynamics (MD) for crystalline solids at constant temperature. The new approach is significantly more efficient than MD and generalizes earlier work on the quasicontinuum method. The method is validated by recovering equilibrium properties of single crystal Ni as a function of temperature. CG dynamical simulations of nanoindentation reveal a strong dependence on temperature of the critical stress to nucleate dislocations under the indenter

    Integrated Management of Billbugs (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) in Intermountain West Turfgrass

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    Billbugs are a serious pest of turfgrass in the Intermountain West. Billbug larvae severely discolor and eventually kill turfgrass by feeding in stems, on roots, and on crowns of the plant. Billbugs are typically managed with preventive, calendar-based applications of insecticides. Most of our knowledge on the biology and management of billbugs comes from research in the eastern U.S, and little is known about billbug biology and best management practices in the Intermountain West. First, I examined the seasonal activity of billbug life stages in Intermountain West turfgrass and developed a predictive degree-day model to better time management strategies against billbugs. I found that compared to the eastern U.S., a regional model that starts earlier (January 13) and has a cooler insect development threshold (3oC) was adequately robust to predict billbugs in Utah and Idaho. Next, I used the Utah-Idaho degree-day model to determine whether preventive and curative timings for billbug management developed in the eastern U.S. were effective in the Intermountain West. Testing four insecticides with the Utah-Idaho model and with eastern U.S. management timings I found that there was support to consider adoption of these same recommendations in Utah and Idaho, particularly for current preventive insecticides such as neonicotinoids and anthranilic diamides. Finally, considering that turf insecticides can negatively impact predatory insects, thought to viisuppress turf pests, I assessed the predatory arthropod community in Intermountain West turf and their impacts on billbugs. I found that the predatory arthropod community consisted primarily of ground beetles and spiders, representing 60% and 28% of all predators, respectively. I found that predators contributed the most by consuming billbug eggs and by changing the behavior of billbug adults with an observed reduction in mating activity. My research not only lays the ground work for development of effective, sustainable integrated management of billbugs in Intermountain West turfgrass, including conservation biocontrol,but also illustrates the necessity of regional predictive models, monitoring, and appropriate timing of management for successful turf pest suppression

    Two Extraordinary Substellar Binaries at the T/Y Transition and the Y-Band Fluxes of the Coolest Brown Dwarfs

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    Using Keck laser guide star adaptive optics imaging, we have found that the T9 dwarf WISE J1217+1626 and T8 dwarf WISE J1711+3500 are exceptional binaries, with unusually wide separations (~0.8 arcsec, 8-15 AU), large near-IR flux ratios (~2-3 mags), and small mass ratios (~0.5) compared to previously known field ultracool binaries. Keck/NIRSPEC H-band spectra give a spectral type of Y0 for WISE J1217+1626B, and photometric estimates suggest T9.5 for WISE J1711+3500B. The WISE J1217+1626AB system is very similar to the T9+Y0 binary CFBDSIR J1458+1013AB; these two systems are the coldest known substellar multiples, having secondary components of ~400 K and being planetary-mass binaries if their ages are <~1 Gyr. Both WISE J1217+1626B and CFBDSIR J1458+1013B have strikingly blue Y-J colors compared to previously known T dwarfs, including their T9 primaries. Combining all available data, we find that Y-J color drops precipitously between the very latest T dwarfs and the Y dwarfs. The fact that this is seen in (coeval, mono-metallicity) binaries demonstrates that the color drop arises from a change in temperature, not surface gravity or metallicity variations among the field population. Thus, the T/Y transition established by near-IR spectra coincides with a significant change in the ~1 micron fluxes of ultracool photospheres. One explanation is the depletion of potassium, whose broad absorption wings dominate the far-red optical spectra of T dwarfs. This large color change suggests that far-red data may be valuable for classifying objects of <~500 K.Comment: ApJ, in press (accepted Aug 1, 2012). Small cosmetic changes in version 2 to match final publicatio

    Dynamic cosmography of the local Universe: Laniakea and five more watershed superclusters

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    This article delivers the dynamical cosmography of the Local Universe within z=0.1 (1 giga light-years). We exploit the gravitational velocity field computed using the CosmicFlows-4 catalog of galaxy distances to delineate superclusters as watersheds, publishing for the first time their size, shape, main streams of matter and the location of their central attractor. Laniakea, our home supercluster's size is confirmed to be 2 ×106\times 10^6 (Mpc h1h^{-1})3^3. Five more known superclusters are now dynamically defined in the same way: Apus, Hercules, Lepus, Perseus-Pisces and Shapley. Also, the central repellers of the Bootes and Sculptor voids are found and the Dipole and Cold Spot repellers now appear as a single gigantic entity. Interestingly the observed superclusters are an order of magnitude larger than the theoretical ones predicted by cosmological Λ\LambdaCDM simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted in A&A (AA/2023/46802

    Development of a System for 3D High-resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling on Lakes

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    A high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection system for small-scale targets in lacustrine settings has been developed. Its main characteristics include navigation and shot-triggering software that fires the seismic source at regular distance intervals (max. error of 0.25m) with real-time control on navigation using differential GPS (Global Positioning System). Receiver positions are accurately calculated (error<0.20m) with the aid of GPS antennas attached to the end of each of three 24-channel streamers. Two telescopic booms hold the streamers at a distance of 7.5m from each other. With a receiver spacing of 2.5m, the bin dimension is 1.25m in inline and 3.75m in crossline direction. To test the system, we conducted a 3D survey of about 1km2 in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, over a complex fault zone. A 5-m shot spacing resulted in a nominal fold of 6. A double-chamber bubble-cancelling 15/15in3 air gun (40-650Hz) operated at 80 bars and 1m depth gave a signal penetration of 300m below water bottom and a best vertical resolution of 1.1m. Processing followed a conventional scheme, but had to be adapted to the high sampling rates, and our unconventional navigation data needed conversion to industry standards. The high-quality data enabled us to construct maps of seismic horizons and fault surfaces in three dimensions. The system proves to be well adapted to investigate complex structures by providing non-aliased images of reflectors with dips up to 30

    Resolved Spectroscopy of the T8.5 and Y0-0.5 Binary WISEPC J121756.91+162640.2AB

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    We present 0.9 - 2.5 um resolved spectra for the ultracool binary WISEPC J121756.91+162640.2AB. The system consists of a pair of brown dwarfs that straddles the currently defined T/Y spectral type boundary. We use synthetic spectra generated by model atmospheres that include chloride and sulfide clouds (Morley et al.), the distance to the system (Dupuy & Kraus), and the radius of each component based on evolutionary models (Saumon & Marley) to determine a probable range of physical properties for the binary. The effective temperature of the T8.5 primary is 550 - 600 K, and that of the Y0 - Y0.5 secondary is 450 K. The atmospheres of both components are either free of clouds or have extremely thin cloud layers. We find that the masses of the primary and secondary are 30 and 22 M_Jup, respectively, and that the age of the system is 4 - 8 Gyr. This age is consistent with astrometric measurements (Dupuy & Kraus) that show that the system has kinematics intermediate between those of the thin and thick disks of the Galaxy. An older age is also consistent with an indication by the H - K colors that the system is slightly metal-poor.Comment: 21 pages which include 6 Figures and 3 Tables. Accepted on November 8 2013 for publication in Ap

    Contamination nitratée des eaux souterraines d'un bassin versant agricole hétérogène: 1. Évaluation des apports à la nappe (modèle Agriflux)

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    Au cours des dernières décennies, la hausse de la productivité agricole s'est accompagnée d'une forte augmentation des fertilisations azotées qui a entraîné l'augmentation des concentrations en nitrates dans les eaux souterraines. Récemment, les études sur la gestion des pollutions diffuses agricoles ont intégré l'échelle du bassin versant hydrologique. Dans cet article, une approche basée sur un découpage en secteurs pédologiquement et agronomiquement homogènes a été élaborée pour permettre l'utilisation d'un modèle d'évaluation (AgriFlux), et obtenir les flux d'eau et de nitrates sortant de la zone racinaire sur l'ensemble d'un bassin. La modélisation du bassin de La Jannerie a porté sur une période de quatre ans impliquant 19 zones de simulation. L'influence du cycle végétatif des cultures et leur nature sur l'évolution des flux de nitrates a été mise en évidence par des simulations préliminaires, de même que l'influence du type de sol. L'évolution des concentrations moyennes saisonnières en nitrates sortant de la zone racinaire montre que les fertilisations minérales ne sont pas les seules sources importantes de nitrates dans les sols. Les pratiques culturales, comme le retournement des prairies, l'enfouissement des résidus de récoltes ou l'assolement, ont une forte influence sur la dynamique spatiale et temporelle des flux de nitrates percolant vers la nappe.In agricultural regions, groundwater contamination by nitrogen compounds originating from fertilizers is one of the most significant environmental problems. Along with in situ monitoring, simulation models have been developed for non point pollution (nitrates, pesticides) in order to evaluate both the level and the extent of the contamination. Simulation models, originally intended for research purposes in relation to the dynamics of agricultural systems, have been adapted and applied to environmental management in order to quantify water volumes and contaminant masses likely to reach groundwater systems. Recently, mechanistic models such as Agriflux (Banton et al., 1993) have been developed for use in the field. Agriflux is based on a mechanistic approach to the processes and incorporates a stochastic analysis that takes into account the spatial variability of the parameters. lt. calculates nitrate concentrations as well as water fluxes in the unsaturated zone. In the present study, environmental management principles integrating heterogeneity in soils and agricultural practices were applied to an agricultural watershed in Poitou (France). Preliminary simulations were carried out in order to estimate the influence of various parameters on the nitrate and water fluxes. First, a three-year wheat mono-crop was simulated using the same fertilization rate for each year. The calculated nitrate concentrations follow a trend opposite to that of the seasonal growing crop. To estimate the influence of the soil characteristics on the nitrate concentrations, the four types of soil in the watershed were simulated using the same three-year crop rotation. The results show that the soil type directly influences the amount of nitrate leaching. Under different soils types, the evolution of the concentrations over time follows the same pattern, but the concentration levels are significantly different. To quantify the impact of crops on the nitrate concentrations, the main crop rotations were simulated for the same type of soil. This set of simulations underlines the environmental differences between winter and spring crops. lt. also shows the differences induced by the presence of residues. The La Jannerie watershed was divided into homogeneous zones for soil and crop characteristics. During a four-year period, seasonal and annual nitrate concentrations were calculated for each homogeneous zone from the daily water and nitrate fluxes simulated with Agriflux. The results demonstrate the influence of the agricultural practices on the calculated concentrations. Overall, nitrate levels remain quasi-constant during the periods when the crops are active but vary considerably during the winter when the crops are absent or inactive. This winter period corresponds to a peak in nitrate leaching because of the excess rainfall and the absence of nitrogen uptake by the plants. The incorporation of crop residues in the soil in the autumn generates a high production of nitrates during winter due to the mineralization of the organic nitrogen.Two different environmental approaches can be used jointly to evaluate agricultural practices. The first consists of a comparison between the nitrate flux that can reach the saturated area and the fertilizer rate. This approach provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen lost to the aquifer. Simulations with Agriflux show that the nitrate fluxes are highest during the autumn when plant uptake is non-existent, except in fields with winter crops. The second approach compares the calculated nitrate concentrations that may occur in the aquifer with recognized water quality criteria. lt. is interesting and important to note that, during the simulated period, the calculated concentrations in the leach were often much lower than the water quality criterion (50 mg NO3/L). This result indicates that the fertilization practices applied in the watershed during this period tended to approach the real crop requirements (minimal requirements) and were more environmentally adequate (environmental optimum) than those used previously