14,331 research outputs found

    Gerbes, simplicial forms and invariants for families of foliated bundles

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    The notion of a gerbe with connection is conveniently reformulated in terms of the simplicial deRham complex. In particular the usual Chern-Weil and Chern-Simons theory is well adapted to this framework and rather easily gives rise to `characteristic gerbes' associated to families of bundles and connections. In turn this gives invariants for families of foliated bundles. A special case is the Quillen line bundle associated to families of flat SU(2)-bundlesComment: 28 page

    Integration of simplicial forms and Deligne cohomology

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    We present two approaches to constructing an integration map for smooth Deligne cohomology. The first is defined in the simplicial model, where a class in Deligne cohomology is represented by a simplicial form, and the second in a related but more combinatorial model.Comment: 28 pages, section on products adde

    Normalization of bundle holomorphic contractions and applications to dynamics

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    We establish a Poincar\'e-Dulac theorem for sequences (G_n)_n of holomorphic contractions whose differentials d_0 G_n split regularly. The resonant relations determining the normal forms hold on the moduli of the exponential rates of contraction. Our results are actually stated in the framework of bundle maps. Such sequences of holomorphic contractions appear naturally as iterated inverse branches of endomorphisms of CP(k). In this context, our normalization result allows to precisely estimate the distortions of ellipsoids along typical orbits. As an application, we show how the Lyapunov exponents of the equilibrium measure are approximated in terms of the multipliers of the repulsive cycles.Comment: 29 pages, references added, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourie

    Cobordism obstructions to independent vector fields

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    We define an invariant for the existence of r pointwise linearly independent sections in the tangent bundle of a closed manifold. For low values of r, explicit computations of the homotopy groups of certain Thom spectra combined with classical obstruction theory identifies this invariant as the top obstruction to the existence of the desired sections. In particular, this shows that the top obstruction is an invariant of the underlying manifold in these cases, which is not true in general. The invariant is related to cobordism theory and this gives rise to an identification of the invariant in terms of well-known invariants. As a corollary to the computations, we can also compute low-dimensional homotopy groups of the Thom spectra studied by Galatius, Tillmann, Madsen, and Weiss.Comment: 46 page

    Cytomegalovirus latency and reactivation: recent insights into an age old problem

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection remains a major cause of morbidity in patient populations. In certain clinical settings, it is the reactivation of the pre-existing latent infection in the host that poses the health risk. The prevailing view of HCMV latency was that the virus was essentially quiescent in myeloid progenitor cells and that terminal differentiation resulted in the initiation of the lytic lifecycle and reactivation of infectious virus. However, our understanding of HCMV latency and reactivation at the molecular level has been greatly enhanced through recent advancements in systems biology approaches to perform global analyses of both experimental and natural latency. These approaches, in concert with more classical reductionist experimentation, are furnishing researchers with new concepts in cytomegalovirus latency and suggest that latent infection is far more active than first thought. In this review, we will focus on new studies that suggest that distinct sites of cellular latency could exist in the human host, which, when coupled with recent observations that report different transcriptional programmes within cells of the myeloid lineage, argues for multiple latent phenotypes that could impact differently on the biology of this virus in vivo. Finally, we will also consider how the biology of the host cell where the latent infection persists further contributes to the concept of a spectrum of latent phenotypes in multiple cell types that can be exploited by the virus

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