596 research outputs found

    Vegetative propagation of dieback-tolerant Fraxinus excelsior on

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    book chapterThis publication is based on the work of Action FP1103 FRAXBACK, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)Ash trees which are tolerant to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus may be selected in all age classes among heavily infected populations. They may be produced also by controlled crossings of disease tolerant trees, because the genetic component of inheritance for disease tolerance is high. For mature and juvenile plant material, the deployment of disease tolerant genotypes could be potentially achieved by vegetatively propagating selected genotypes. We describe a system to vegetatively propagate selected ash genotypes and we discuss the prospects and options for using vegetative propagation on all age classes of trees. Mature trees were rejuvenated through the process of micropropagation to establish mother plants in large trays which were cut back repeatedly (hedged) to produce at least two crops of cuttings per year. The rooting capacity of ten genotypes was tested by a commercial nursery over a period of three years, to assess the feasibility of using hedged mother plants for efficient propagation. Commercial practise was to treat cuttings with 0.25% IBA, insert them in plug pots and maintain them covered with fine plastic within low plastic tunnels in a non heated greenhouse and without supplementary heating at the cutting base. In the first year, the mean rooting rate was 53 % for the first crop of cuttings and 35 % for the second. In the second and third years the rooting rates improved to over 80% for each crop of cuttings as experience was gained in handling the material. Rooting rate varied among the genotypes. We assessed the growth and development of micropropagated ash trees in the field from an observation clonal trial, consisting of four mature genotypes which had been established in 2002 in five replicate plots. The micropropagated trees were generally similar in height and dbh to seed derived control trees and developed normally. These observations are discussed in the context of using vegetative propagation as a tool in breeding and for the large scale deployment of ash with tolerance to H. fraxineus.European Cooperation in Science and Technolog

    Vector boson fusion searches for dark matter at the LHC

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    The vector boson fusion (VBF) event topology at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) allows efficient suppression of dijet backgrounds and is therefore a promising target for new physics searches. We consider dark matter models which interact with the Standard Model through the electroweak sector: either through new scalar and pseudoscalar mediators which can be embedded into the Higgs sector, or via effective operators suppressed by some higher scale, and therefore have significant VBF production cross-sections. Using realistic simulations of the ATLAS and CMS analysis chain, including estimates of major error sources, we project the discovery and exclusion potential of the LHC for these models over the next decade.Comment: 16 pages, 2 tables, 12 figure

    Project WISH: The Emerald City

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    Phase 3 of Project WISH saw the evolution of the Emerald City (E-City) from a collection of specialized independent analyses and ideas to a working structural design integrated with major support systems and analyses. Emphasis was placed on comparing and contrasting the closed and open cycle gas core nuclear rocket engines to further determine the optimum propulsive system for the E-City. Power and thermal control requirements were then defined and the question of how to meet these requirements was addressed. Software was developed to automate the mission/system/configuration analysis so changes dictated by various subsystem constraints could be managed efficiently and analyzed interactively. In addition, the liquid hydrogen propellant tank was statically designed for minimum mass and shape optimization using a finite element modeling package called SDRC I-DEAS. Spoke and shaft cross-sectional areas were optimized on ASTROS (Automated Structural Optimization System) for mass minimization. A structural dynamic analysis of the optimal structure also conducted using ASTROS enabled a study of the modes, frequencies, displacements, and accelerations of the E-City. Finally, the attitude control system design began with an initial mass moment of inertia analysis and was then designed and optimized using linear quadratic regulator control theory

    Development of GIS Tools to Optimize Identification of Road Segments Prone to Flood Damage

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    This report investigates the peak flow at culverts in Vermont. A tool was developed using a geographic information system to quickly identify the parameters for estimating flow volume in order to assess the likelihood of flood damage to existing or planned infrastructure. The tool was developed to analyze environments in New England, whereas previous studies were insufficient for the region\u2019s unique climate and terrain. The tool was found to be successful in deriving an equation to predict peak flow estimation at all of Vermont\u2019s bridges and culverts. The report recommends further fine-tuning in order to expand its usage

    Effect of Three Cueing Devices for People with Parkinson’s disease with Gait Initiation Difficulties

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    Background: Freezing of gait (FOG) remains one of the most common debilitating aspects of Parkinson’s disease and has been linked to injuries, falls and reduced quality of life. Although commercially available portable cueing devices exist claiming to assist with overcoming freezing; their immediate effectiveness in overcoming gait initiation failure currently unknown. This study investigated the effects of three different types of cueing device in people with Parkinson’s disease who experience freezing. Methods: Twenty participants with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease who experienced freezing during gait but who were able to walk short distances indoors independently were recruited. At least three attempts at gait initiation were recorded using a ten camera Qualisys motion analysis system and four force platforms. Test conditions were: laser cane, sound metronome, vibrating metronome, walking stick and no intervention. Results: During testing 12 of the 20 participants had freezing episodes, from these participants 100 freezing and 91 non-freezing trials were recorded. Clear differences in the movement patterns were seen between freezing and non-freezing episodes. The laser cane was most effective cueing device at improving the forwards/backwards and side to side movement and had the least number of freezing episodes. The walking stick also showed significant improvements compared to the other conditions. The vibration metronome appeared to disrupt movement compared to the sound metronome at the same beat frequency. Conclusion: This study identified differences in the movement patterns between freezing episodes and non-freezing episodes, and identified immediate improvements during gait initiation when using the laser cane over the other interventions

    Tele-branding in TVIII: the network as brand and the programme as brand

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    In the era of TVIII, characterized by deregulation, multimedia conglomeration, expansion and increased competition, branding has emerged as a central industrial practice. Focusing on the case of HBO, a particularly successful brand in TVIII, this article argues that branding can be understood not simply as a feature of television networks, but also as a characteristic of television programmes. It begins by examining how the network as brand is constructed and conveyed to the consumer through the use of logos, slogans and programmes. The role of programmes in the construction of brand identity is then complicated by examining the sale of programmes abroad, where programmes can be seen to contribute to the brand identity of more than one network. The article then goes on to examine programme merchandising, an increasingly central strategy in TVIII. Through an analysis of different merchandising strategies the article argues that programmes have come to act as brands in their own right, and demonstrates that the academic study of branding not only reveals the development of new industrial practices, but also offers a way of understanding the television programme and its consumption by viewers in a period when the texts of television are increasingly extended across a range of media platforms

    Fourth-wave HCI meets the 21st century manifesto:Creative subversion in the 'CHI-verse'

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    We take up Bødker’s challenge to ‘identify’ a fourth wave HCI, building on the work of Blevis et al. and others to shore up a new vision that places ‘politics and values and ethics’ at the forefront without abandoning the strengths of previous waves. We insist that a fourth wave must push harder, beyond measured criticism for actual (e.g. institutional) change. We present two studies performed at CHI’19, where we used our MANIFESTO! game to: 1) take the temperature of colleagues on adopting an activist stance, 2) test manifesto writing as a key activity in pushing HCI forward into the fourth wave, and 3) test our game for subsequent iterations, and as a probe for inspiring new digital tools. With the enthusiastic response received to gameplay, facilitated in part through a novel method using tableau vivant, we argue for taking political activism from the margins into mainstream HCI

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy
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