7,982 research outputs found

    DPA on quasi delay insensitive asynchronous circuits: formalization and improvement

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    The purpose of this paper is to formally specify a flow devoted to the design of Differential Power Analysis (DPA) resistant QDI asynchronous circuits. The paper first proposes a formal modeling of the electrical signature of QDI asynchronous circuits. The DPA is then applied to the formal model in order to identify the source of leakage of this type of circuits. Finally, a complete design flow is specified to minimize the information leakage. The relevancy and efficiency of the approach is demonstrated using the design of an AES crypto-processor.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDAA (http://www.edaa.com/

    The structure and radiation spectra of illuminated accretion discs in AGN. I. Moderate illumination

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    We present detailed computations of the vertical structure of an accretion disc illuminated by hard X-ray radiation with the code {\sc titan-noar} suitable for Compton thick media. The energy generated via accretion is dissipated partially in the cold disc as well as in the X-ray source. We study the differences between the case where the X-ray source is in the form of a lamp post above the accretion disc and the case of a heavy corona. We consider radiative heating via Comptonization together with heating via photo-absorption on numerous heavy elements as carbon, oxygen, silicon, iron. The transfer in lines is precisely calculated. A better description of the heating/cooling through the inclusion of line transfer, a correct description of the temperature in the deeper layers, a correct description of the entire disc vertical structure, as well as the study of the possible coronal pressure effect, constitute an improvement in comparison to previous works. We show that exact calculations of hydrostatic equilibrium and determination of the disc thickness has a crucial impact on the optical depth of the hot illuminated zone. We assume a moderate illumination where the viscous flux equals the X-ray radiation flux. A highly ionized skin is created in the lamp post model, with the outgoing spectrum containing many emission lines and ionization edges in emission or absorption in the soft X-ray domain, as well as an iron line at ∼7\sim 7 keV consisting of a blend of low ionization line from the deepest layers and hydrogen and helium like resonance line from the upper layers, and almost no absorption edge, contrary to the case of a slab of constant density.A full heavy corona completely suppresses the highly ionized zone on the top of the accretion disc and in such case the spectrum is featureless.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, corrected two sentences, accepted by MNRA

    X-ray He-like ions diagnostics: New Computations for Photoionized Plasmas: I. preliminary considerations

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    Using the new version of the photoionization code Titan designed for plane-parallel photoionized thick hot media, which is unprecedented from the point of view of line transfer, we have undertaken a study of the influence of different parameters on the He-like and H-like emission of a medium photoionized by an X-ray source. We explain why in modelling the emitting medium it is important to solve in a self-consistent way the thermal and ionization equilibria and to take into account the interconnection between the different ions. We give the equivalent widths of the sum of the He-like triplets and the triplet intensity ratios GG and RR, for the most important He-like ions, for a range of density, column density, and ionization parameter, in the case of constant density media. We show that the line intensities from a given ion can be accounted for, either by small values of both the column density and of the ionization parameter, or by large values of both quantities, and it is necessary to take into account several ions to disentangle these possibilities. We show also that a "pure recombination spectrum" almost never exists in a photoionized medium: either it is thin, and resonance lines are formed by radiative excitation, or it is thick, and free-bound absorption destroys the resonance photons as they undergo resonant diffusion.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted in A &

    Obscuration model of Variability in AGN

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    There are strong suggestions that the disk-like accretion flow onto massive black hole in AGN is disrupted in its innermost part (10-100 Rg), possibly due to the radiation pressure instability. It may form a hot optically thin quasi spherical (ADAF) flow surrounded by or containing denser clouds due to the disruption of the disk. Such clouds might be optically thick, with a Thompson depth of order of 10 or more. Within the frame of this cloud scenario (Collin-Souffrin et al. 1996, Czerny & Dumont 1998), obscuration events are expected and the effect would be seen as a variability. We consider expected random variability due to statistical dispersion in location of clouds along the line of sight for a constant covering factor. We discuss a simple analytical toy model which provides us with the estimates of the mean spectral properties and variability amplitude of AGN, and we support them with radiative transfer computations done with the use of TITAN code of Dumont, Abrassart & Collin (1999) and NOAR code of Abrassart (1999).Comment: to appear in Proc. of 5th Compton Symposium on Gamma-Ray Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Breadth-first serialisation of trees and rational languages

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    We present here the notion of breadth-first signature and its relationship with numeration system theory. It is the serialisation into an infinite word of an ordered infinite tree of finite degree. We study which class of languages corresponds to which class of words and,more specifically, using a known construction from numeration system theory, we prove that the signature of rational languages are substitutive sequences.Comment: 15 page

    Global fit to Higgs signal strengths and couplings and implications for extended Higgs sectors

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    The most recent LHC data have provided a considerable improvement in the precision with which various Higgs production and decay channels have been measured. Using all available public results from ATLAS, CMS and the Tevatron, we derive for each final state the combined confidence level contours for the signal strengths in the (gluon fusion + ttH associated production) versus (vector boson fusion + VH associated production) space. These "combined signal strength ellipses" can be used in a simple, generic way to constrain a very wide class of New Physics models in which the couplings of the Higgs boson deviate from the Standard Model prediction. Here, we use them to constrain the reduced couplings of the Higgs boson to up-quarks, down-quarks/leptons and vector boson pairs. We also consider New Physics contributions to the loop-induced gluon-gluon and photon-photon couplings of the Higgs, as well as invisible/unseen decays. Finally, we apply our fits to some simple models with an extended Higgs sector, in particular to Two-Higgs-Doublet models of Type I and Type II, the Inert Doublet model, and the Georgi-Machacek triplet Higgs model.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figures; v2: fixed important factor of 2 missing in Eq. (1) (results unchanged), extended discussion in the next-to-last paragraph of Section 3, some references added; v3: appendices and references added, matches version accepted by PR

    The primordial deuterium abundance at z = 2.504 from a high signal-to-noise spectrum of Q1009+2956

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    The spectrum of the zem=2.63z_{\rm em} = 2.63 quasar Q1009+2956 has been observed extensively on the Keck telescope. The Lyman limit absorption system zabs=2.504z_{\rm abs} = 2.504 was previously used to measure D/H by Burles & Tytler using a spectrum with signal to noise approximately 60 per pixel in the continuum near Ly {\alpha} at zabs=2.504z_{\rm abs} = 2.504. The larger dataset now available combines to form an exceptionally high signal to noise spectrum, around 147 per pixel. Several heavy element absorption lines are detected in this LLS, providing strong constraints on the kinematic structure. We explore a suite of absorption system models and find that the deuterium feature is likely to be contaminated by weak interloping Ly {\alpha} absorption from a low column density H I cloud, reducing the expected D/H precision. We find D/H = 2.48−0.35+0.41×10−52.48^{+0.41}_{-0.35}\times10^{-5} for this system. Combining this new measurement with others from the literature and applying the method of Least Trimmed Squares to a statistical sample of 15 D/H measurements results in a "reliable" sample of 13 values. This sample yields a primordial deuterium abundance of (D/H)p=(2.545±0.025)×10−5_{\rm p} = (2.545 \pm 0.025)\times10^{-5}. The corresponding mean baryonic density of the Universe is Ωbh2=0.02174±0.00025\Omega_{\rm b}h^2 = 0.02174\pm0.00025. The quasar absorption data is of the same precision as, and marginally inconsistent with, the 2015 CMB Planck (TT+lowP+lensing) measurement, Ωbh2=0.02226±0.00023\Omega_{\rm b}h^2 = 0.02226\pm0.00023. Further quasar and more precise nuclear data are required to establish whether this is a random fluctuation.Comment: accepted by MNRAS, 18 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Power Allocation Games in Wireless Networks of Multi-antenna Terminals

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    We consider wireless networks that can be modeled by multiple access channels in which all the terminals are equipped with multiple antennas. The propagation model used to account for the effects of transmit and receive antenna correlations is the unitary-invariant-unitary model, which is one of the most general models available in the literature. In this context, we introduce and analyze two resource allocation games. In both games, the mobile stations selfishly choose their power allocation policies in order to maximize their individual uplink transmission rates; in particular they can ignore some specified centralized policies. In the first game considered, the base station implements successive interference cancellation (SIC) and each mobile station chooses his best space-time power allocation scheme; here, a coordination mechanism is used to indicate to the users the order in which the receiver applies SIC. In the second framework, the base station is assumed to implement single-user decoding. For these two games a thorough analysis of the Nash equilibrium is provided: the existence and uniqueness issues are addressed; the corresponding power allocation policies are determined by exploiting random matrix theory; the sum-rate efficiency of the equilibrium is studied analytically in the low and high signal-to-noise ratio regimes and by simulations in more typical scenarios. Simulations show that, in particular, the sum-rate efficiency is high for the type of systems investigated and the performance loss due to the use of the proposed suboptimum coordination mechanism is very small
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