125 research outputs found

    Parallel recovery of consciousness and sleep in acute traumatic brain injury.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the progressive recuperation of consciousness was associated with the reconsolidation of sleep and wake states in hospitalized patients with acute traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: This study comprised 30 hospitalized patients (age 29.1 ± 13.5 years) in the acute phase of moderate or severe TBI. Testing started 21.0 ± 13.7 days postinjury. Consciousness level and cognitive functioning were assessed daily with the Rancho Los Amigos scale of cognitive functioning (RLA). Sleep and wake cycle characteristics were estimated with continuous wrist actigraphy. Mixed model analyses were performed on 233 days with the RLA (fixed effect) and sleep-wake variables (random effects). Linear contrast analyses were performed in order to verify if consolidation of the sleep and wake states improved linearly with increasing RLA score. RESULTS: Associations were found between scores on the consciousness/cognitive functioning scale and measures of sleep-wake cycle consolidation (p < 0.001), nighttime sleep duration (p = 0.018), and nighttime fragmentation index (p < 0.001). These associations showed strong linear relationships (p < 0.01 for all), revealing that consciousness and cognition improved in parallel with sleep-wake quality. Consolidated 24-hour sleep-wake cycle occurred when patients were able to give context-appropriate, goal-directed responses. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that when the brain has not sufficiently recovered a certain level of consciousness, it is also unable to generate a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle and consolidated nighttime sleep. This study contributes to elucidating the pathophysiology of severe sleep-wake cycle alterations in the acute phase of moderate to severe TBI

    Embodied Research Creation into Contemporary Circus / Quand la recherche-création fait corps avec le cirque contemporain

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    This series of posters (in English and in French) present the principal research processes and outcomes of the FRQ-SC-funded "La poétique du cirque contemporain: dramaturgies et grammaire d'une écriture en mouvement." The posters were presented in July 2018 at Concordia University to coincide with a series of international events, panel discussions and seminars pertaining to contemporary circus

    Molecular and genealogical characterization of the R1443X BRCA1 mutation in high-risk French-Canadian breast/ovarian cancer families

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    The Quebec population contains about six-million French Canadians, descended from the French settlers who colonized “Nouvelle-France” between 1608 and 1765. Although the relative genetic contribution of each of these founders is highly variable, altogether they account for the major part of the contemporary French-Canadian gene pool. This study was designed to analyze the role of this founder effect in the introduction and diffusion of the BRCA1 recurrent R1443X mutant allele. A highly conserved haplotype, observed in 18 French-Canadian families and generated using 17 microsatellite markers surrounding the BRCA1 locus, supports the fact that the R1443X mutation is a founder mutation in the Quebec population. We also performed haplotyping analysis of R1443X carriers on 19 other families from seven different nationalities; although the same alleles are shared for three markers surrounding the BRCA1 gene, distinct haplotypes were obtained in four families, suggesting multiple origins for the R1443X mutation. Ascending genealogies of the 18 French Canadian families and of controls were reconstructed on an average depth of 10 generations. We identified the founder couple with the highest probability of having introduced the mutation in the population. Based on the descending genealogy of this couple, we detected the presence of geographical concentration in the diffusion pattern of the mutation. This study demonstrates how molecular genetics and demogenetic analyses can complement each other to provide findings that could have an impact on public health. Moreover, this approach is certainly not unique to breast cancer genetics and could be used to understand other complex traits

    Scalable Rules for Coherent Group Motion in a Gregarious Vertebrate

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    Individuals of gregarious species that initiate collective movement require mechanisms of cohesion in order to maintain advantages of group living. One fundamental question in the study of collective movement is what individual rules are employed when making movement decisions. Previous studies have revealed that group movements often depend on social interactions among individual members and specifically that collective decisions to move often follow a quorum-like response. However, these studies either did not quantify the response function at the individual scale (but rather tested hypotheses based on group-level behaviours), or they used a single group size and did not demonstrate which social stimuli influence the individual decision-making process. One challenge in the study of collective movement has been to discriminate between a common response to an external stimulus and the synchronization of behaviours resulting from social interactions. Here we discriminate between these two mechanisms by triggering the departure of one trained Merino sheep (Ovis aries) from groups containing one, three, five and seven naïve individuals. Each individual was thus exposed to various combinations of already-departed and non-departed individuals, depending on its rank of departure. To investigate which individual mechanisms are involved in maintaining group cohesion under conditions of leadership, we quantified the temporal dynamic of response at the individual scale. We found that individuals' decisions to move do not follow a quorum response but rather follow a rule based on a double mimetic effect: attraction to already-departed individuals and attraction to non-departed individuals. This rule is shown to be in agreement with an adaptive strategy that is inherently scalable as a function of group size

    Green Edge ice camp campaigns : understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom

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    The Green Edge initiative was developed to investigate the processes controlling the primary productivity and fate of organic matter produced during the Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom (PSB) and to determine its role in the ecosystem. Two field campaigns were conducted in 2015 and 2016 at an ice camp located on landfast sea ice southeast of Qikiqtarjuaq Island in Baffin Bay (67.4797∘ N, 63.7895∘ W). During both expeditions, a large suite of physical, chemical and biological variables was measured beneath a consolidated sea-ice cover from the surface to the bottom (at 360 m depth) to better understand the factors driving the PSB. Key variables, such as conservative temperature, absolute salinity, radiance, irradiance, nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll a concentration, bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance and taxonomy, and carbon stocks and fluxes were routinely measured at the ice camp. Meteorological and snow-relevant variables were also monitored. Here, we present the results of a joint effort to tidy and standardize the collected datasets, which will facilitate their reuse in other Arctic studies

    Examining wheat yield sensitivity to temperature and precipitation changes for a large ensemble of crop models using impact response surfaces

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    Impact response surfaces (IRSs) depict the response of an impact variable to changes in two explanatory variables as a plotted surface. Here, IRSs of spring and winter wheat yields were constructed from a 25-member ensemble of process-based crop simulation models. Twenty-one models were calibrated by different groups using a common set of calibration data, with calibrations applied independently to the same models in three cases. The sensitivity of modelled yield to changes in temperature and precipitation was tested by systematically modifying values of 1981-2010 baseline weather data to span the range of 19 changes projected for the late 21st century at three locations in Europe

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)