26 research outputs found

    Sampling, isolating and identifying microplastics ingested by fish and invertebrates

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    Microplastic debris (<5 mm) is a prolific environmental pollutant, found worldwide in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Interactions between biota and microplastics are prevalent, and there is growing evidence that microplastics can incite significant health effects in exposed organisms. To date, the methods used to quantify such interactions have varied greatly between studies. Here, we critically review methods for sampling, isolating and identifying microplastics ingested by environmentally and laboratory exposed fish and invertebrates. We aim to draw attention to the strengths and weaknesses of the suite of published microplastic extraction and enumeration techniques. Firstly, we highlight the risk of microplastic losses and accumulation during biotic sampling and storage, and suggest protocols for mitigating contamination in the field and laboratory. We evaluate a suite of methods for extracting microplastics ingested by biota, including dissection, depuration, digestion and density separation. Lastly, we consider the applicability of visual identification and chemical analyses in categorising microplastics. We discuss the urgent need for the standardisation of protocols to promote consistency in data collection and analysis. Harmonized methods will allow for more accurate assessment of the impacts and risks microplastics pose to biota and increase comparability between studies


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    Nowadays, teaching and learning process using computers becomes inseparable process, especially on information technology department. The teaching process often occurs on the laboratory, which is every student will do the learning process in front of a computer. A computer can help the learning process but also can disturb the learning process because student can be distracted to do something else. Therefore, this research will develop server and client applications to help control the process of learning and teaching that give on a computer laboratory by broadcast everything that show on computer server monitor to each client. The server can also control the keyboard, mouse, monitor and terminate or block an application that run on computer client. This application will be build using Microsoft Visual C#. Testing results showed that the number of clients does not affect the bandwidth consumption and CPU usage at broadcast. The smooth multicast depends on several factors such as type of image compression and resolution sizes. Selection resolution size and type appropriate image compression is recommended that more real-time multicast. Keywords- Broadcast, Learning System, Multicast, Network

    Perancangan dan pembuatan broadcast learning system

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    Praktikum sebagai salah satu bentuk proses belajar mengajar yang menggunakan komputer. Sebuah komputer dapat membantu proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih baik tetapi juga dapat mengganggu proses belajar mengajar. Oleh karena itu, pada Skripsi ini, dibuat aplikasi server dan client untuk membantu mengendalikan proses belajar mengajar dalam kelas praktikum. Server dapat melakukan multicast supaya setiap client dapat mengikuti pelajaran saat praktikum. Selain multicast, server dapat mengendalikan keyboard, mouse, membatasi aplikasi dan memonitor proses client. Aplikasi dibuat menggunakan Microsoft Visual C#. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah client tidak mempengaruhi konsumsi bandwidth dan CPU usage pada saat multicast. Kelancaran multicast bergantung pada beberapa faktor seperti tipe kompresi gambar dan ukuran resolusi. Pemilihan ukuran resolusi dan tipe kompresi gambar yang tepat sangat disarankan agar multicast semakin real time

    The correlation of dative bond length and parameter n in adducts Me3N-AlMe3-nCln (n

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    Complexes of the general formula Me3N-AlMe3-nCln (Me = CH3; n = 0, 1, 2, 3) 1-4 have been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. The shape of the molecules is trigonal-antiprismatic with the nitrogen and aluminium atoms being tetrahedrally surrounded. The length of the dative bond N-Al is correlated with the parameter n due to inductive effects of the electronegative chlorine substituents, resulting in a difference in N-Al between 1 and 4 of 0.1 Angstrom (2.045, 2.010, 1.971, and 1.949 Angstrom). This shortening with increasing n, however, is not linear