23 research outputs found

    Restoration of functional PAX6 in aniridia patient iPSC-derived ocular tissue models using repurposed nonsense suppression drugs

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    Congenital aniridia is a rare, pan-ocular disease causing severe sight loss, with only symptomatic intervention offered to patients. Approximately 40% of aniridia patients present with heterozygous nonsense variants in PAX6, resulting in haploinsufficiency. Translational readthrough inducing compounds (TRIDs) have the ability to weaken the recognition of in-frame premature stop codons (PTCs), permitting full-length protein to be translated. We have established induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived 3D optic cups and 2D limbal epithelial stem cell (LESC) models from two aniridia patients with prevalent PAX6 nonsense mutations. Both in vitro models show reduced PAX6 protein levels, mimicking the disease. Repurposed TRIDs amlexanox and 2,6-diaminopurine (DAP), and positive control compounds ataluren and G418 were tested for their efficiency. Amlexanox was identified as the most promising TRID, increasing full-length PAX6 levels in both models, and rescuing the disease phenotype through normalization of VSX2 and cell proliferation in the optic cups and reduction of ABCG2 protein and SOX10 expression in LESC. This study highlights the significance of patient iPSC-derived cells as a new model system for aniridia and proposes amlexanox as a new putative treatment for nonsense-mediated aniridia

    hiPSC-Derived Epidermal Keratinocytes from Ichthyosis Patients Show Altered Expression of Cornification Markers

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    Inherited ichthyoses represent a large heterogeneous group of skin disorders characterised by impaired epidermal barrier function and disturbed cornification. Current knowledge about disease mechanisms has been uncovered mainly through the use of mouse models or human skin organotypic models. However, most mouse lines suffer from severe epidermal barrier defects causing neonatal death and human keratinocytes have very limited proliferation ability in vitro. Therefore, the development of disease models based on patient derived human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) is highly relevant. For this purpose, we have generated hiPSCs from patients with congenital ichthyosis, either non-syndromic autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) or the ichthyosis syndrome trichothiodystrophy (TTD). hiPSCs were successfully differentiated into basal keratinocyte-like cells (hiPSC-bKs), with high expression of epidermal keratins. In the presence of higher calcium concentrations, terminal differentiation of hiPSC-bKs was induced and markers KRT1 and IVL expressed. TTD1 hiPSC-bKs showed reduced expression of FLG, SPRR2B and lipoxygenase genes. ARCI hiPSC-bKs showed more severe defects, with downregulation of several cornification genes. The application of hiPSC technology to TTD1 and ARCI demonstrates the successful generation of in vitro models mimicking the disease phenotypes, proving a valuable system both for further molecular investigations and drug development for ichthyosis patients

    Unknown mutations and genotype/phenotype correlations of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis in patients from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

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    Background Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) is a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous skin disease, associated with defects in the skin permeability barrier. Several but not all genes with underlying mutations have been identified, but a clear correlation between genetic causes and clinical picture has not been described to date. Methods Our study included 19 families from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Pakistan. All patients were born to consanguineous parents and diagnosed with ARCI. Mutations were analyzed by homozygosity mapping and direct sequencing. Results We have detected mutations in all families in five different genes: TGM1, ABCA12, CYP4F22, NIPAL4, and ALOXE3. Five likely pathogenic variants were unknown so far, a splice site and a missense variant in TGM1, a splice site variant in NIPAL4, and missense variants in ABCA12 and CYP4F22. We attributed TGM1 and ABCA12 mutations to the most severe forms of lamellar and erythematous ichthyoses, respectively, regardless of treatment. Other mutations highlighted the presence of a phenotypic spectrum in ARCI. Conclusion Our results contribute to expanding the mutational spectrum of ARCI and revealed new insights into genotype/phenotype correlations. The findings are instrumental for a faster and more precise diagnosis, a better understanding of the pathophysiology, and the definition of targets for more specific therapies for ARCI

    REP1 deficiency causes systemic dysfunction of lipid metabolism and oxidative stress in choroideremia

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    Choroideremia (CHM) is an X-linked recessive chorioretinal dystrophy caused by mutations in CHM, encoding for Rab escort protein 1 (REP1). Loss of functional REP1 leads to the accumulation of unprenylated Rab proteins and defective intracellular protein trafficking, the putative cause for photoreceptor, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and choroidal degeneration. CHM is ubiquitously expressed, but adequate prenylation is considered to be achieved, outside the retina, through the isoform REP2. Recently, the possibility of systemic features in CHM has been debated; therefore, in this study, whole metabolomic analysis of plasma samples from 25 CHM patients versus age- and sex-matched controls was performed. Results showed plasma alterations in oxidative stress-related metabolites, coupled with alterations in tryptophan metabolism, leading to significantly raised serotonin levels. Lipid metabolism was disrupted with decreased branched fatty acids and acylcarnitines, suggestive of dysfunctional lipid oxidation, as well as imbalances of several sphingolipids and glycerophospholipids. Targeted lipidomics of the chmru848 zebrafish provided further evidence for dysfunction, with the use of fenofibrate over simvastatin circumventing the prenylation pathway to improve the lipid profile and increase survival. This study provides strong evidence for systemic manifestations of CHM and proposes potentially novel pathomechanisms and targets for therapeutic consideration

    Identification of the regulatory circuit governing corneal epithelial fate determination and disease.

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    The transparent corneal epithelium in the eye is maintained through the homeostasis regulated by limbal stem cells (LSCs), while the nontransparent epidermis relies on epidermal keratinocytes for renewal. Despite their cellular similarities, the precise cell fates of these two types of epithelial stem cells, which give rise to functionally distinct epithelia, remain unknown. We performed a multi-omics analysis of human LSCs from the cornea and keratinocytes from the epidermis and characterized their molecular signatures, highlighting their similarities and differences. Through gene regulatory network analyses, we identified shared and cell type-specific transcription factors (TFs) that define specific cell fates and established their regulatory hierarchy. Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) analyses of the cornea and the epidermis confirmed these shared and cell type-specific TFs. Notably, the shared and LSC-specific TFs can cooperatively target genes associated with corneal opacity. Importantly, we discovered that FOSL2, a direct PAX6 target gene, is a novel candidate associated with corneal opacity, and it regulates genes implicated in corneal diseases. By characterizing molecular signatures, our study unveils the regulatory circuitry governing the LSC fate and its association with corneal opacity

    Erratum to: The study of cardiovascular risk in adolescents – ERICA: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining cardiovascular risk factor profile in Brazilian adolescents

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    Erratum to: The study of cardiovascular risk in adolescents – ERICA: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining cardiovascular risk factor profile in Brazilian adolescents

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    The Spectrum of PAX6 Mutations and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in the Eye

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    The transcription factor PAX6 is essential in ocular development in vertebrates, being considered the master regulator of the eye. During eye development, it is essential for the correct patterning and formation of the multi-layered optic cup and it is involved in the developing lens and corneal epithelium. In adulthood, it is mostly expressed in cornea, iris, and lens. PAX6 is a dosage-sensitive gene and it is highly regulated by several elements located upstream, downstream, and within the gene. There are more than 500 different mutations described to affect PAX6 and its regulatory regions, the majority of which lead to PAX6 haploinsufficiency, causing several ocular and systemic abnormalities. Aniridia is an autosomal dominant disorder that is marked by the complete or partial absence of the iris, foveal hypoplasia, and nystagmus, and is caused by heterozygous PAX6 mutations. Other ocular abnormalities have also been associated with PAX6 changes, and genotype-phenotype correlations are emerging. This review will cover recent advancements in PAX6 regulation, particularly the role of several enhancers that are known to regulate PAX6 during eye development and disease. We will also present an updated overview of the mutation spectrum, where an increasing number of mutations in the non-coding regions have been reported. Novel genotype-phenotype correlations will also be discussed

    Restoration of functional PAX6 in aniridia patient iPSC-derived ocular tissue models using repurposed nonsense suppression drugs

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    Congenital aniridia is a rare, pan-ocular disease causing severe sight loss, with only symptomatic intervention offered to patients. Approximately 40% of aniridia patients present with heterozygous nonsense variants in PAX6, resulting in haploinsufficiency. Translational readthrough-inducing drugs (TRIDs) have the ability to weaken the recognition of in-frame premature termination codons (PTCs), permitting full-length protein to be translated. We established induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived 3D optic cups and 2D limbal epithelial stem cell (LESC) models from two aniridia patients with prevalent PAX6 nonsense mutations. Both in vitro models show reduced PAX6 protein levels, mimicking the disease. The repurposed TRIDs amlexanox and 2,6-diaminopurine (DAP) and the positive control compounds ataluren and G418 were tested for their efficiency. Amlexanox was identified as the most promising TRID, increasing full-length PAX6 levels in both models and rescuing the disease phenotype through normalization of VSX2 and cell proliferation in the optic cups and reduction of ABCG2 protein and SOX10 expression in LESCs. This study highlights the significance of patient iPSC-derived cells as a new model system for aniridia and proposes amlexanox as a new putative treatment for nonsense-mediated aniridia