7 research outputs found

    The DESC Stellarator Code Suite Part III: Quasi-symmetry optimization

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    The DESC stellarator optimization code takes advantage of advanced numerical methods to search the full parameter space much faster than conventional tools. Only a single equilibrium solution is needed at each optimization step thanks to automatic differentiation, which efficiently provides exact derivative information. A Gauss-Newton trust-region optimization method uses second-order derivative information to take large steps in parameter space and converges rapidly. With just-in-time compilation and GPU portability, high-dimensional stellarator optimization runs take orders of magnitude less computation time with DESC compared to other approaches. This paper presents the theory of the DESC fixed-boundary local optimization algorithm along with demonstrations of how to easily implement it in the code. Example quasi-symmetry optimizations are shown and compared to results from conventional tools. Three different forms of quasi-symmetry objectives are available in DESC, and their relative advantages are discussed in detail. In the examples presented, the triple product formulation yields the best optimization results in terms of minimized computation time and particle transport. This paper concludes with an explanation of how the modular code suite can be extended to accommodate other types of optimization problems.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 2 listing

    The DESC Stellarator Code Suite Part I: Quick and accurate equilibria computations

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    3D equilibrium codes are vital for stellarator design and operation, and high-accuracy equilibria are also necessary for stability studies. This paper details comparisons of two 3D equilibrium codes, VMEC, which uses a steepest-descent algorithm to reach a minimum-energy plasma state, and DESC, which minimizes the MHD force error in real space directly. Accuracy as measured by final plasma energy and satisfaction of MHD force balance, as well as other metrics, will be presented for each code, along with the computation time. It is shown that DESC is able to achieve more accurate solutions, especially near-axis. DESC's global Fourier-Zernike basis also yields the solution everywhere in the plasma volume, not just on discrete flux surfaces. Further, DESC can compute the same accuracy solution as VMEC in an order of magnitude less time

    Optimization of Nonlinear Turbulence in Stellarators

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    We present new stellarator equilibria that have been optimized for reduced turbulent transport using nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations within the optimization loop. The optimization routine involves coupling the pseudo-spectral GPU-native gyrokinetic code GX with the stellarator equilibrium and optimization code DESC. Since using GX allows for fast nonlinear simulations, we directly optimize for reduced nonlinear heat fluxes. To handle the noisy heat flux traces returned by these simulations, we employ the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) method that only uses two objective function evaluations for a simple estimate of the gradient. We show several examples that optimize for both reduced heat fluxes and good quasisymmetry as a proxy for low neoclassical transport. Finally, we run full transport simulations using T3D to evaluate the changes in the macroscopic profiles

    Magnetic Fields with General Omnigenity

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    Omnigenity is a desirable property of toroidal magnetic fields that enables the confinement of trapped particles. Equilibrium solutions that approximate omnigenity have previously been discovered for the special cases of quasi-symmetry and quasi-isodynamicity, but general omnigenity is a much larger design space than these subsets. A new model is presented and employed in the DESC stellarator optimization suite to represent the full omnigenity parameter space. Examples far from quasi-symmetry with poloidally, helically, and toroidally closed contours of magnetic field strength are shown to have low neoclassical collisional transport throughout a volume.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure


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    Stellarator Equilibrium and Optimization SuiteIf you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from this file. To cite a specific version of DESC, please cite the correct version from Zenodo at https://zenodo.org/search?page=1&size=20&q=conceptrecid:%224876504%22&sort=-version&all_versions=Tru