The DESC Stellarator Code Suite Part I: Quick and accurate equilibria computations


3D equilibrium codes are vital for stellarator design and operation, and high-accuracy equilibria are also necessary for stability studies. This paper details comparisons of two 3D equilibrium codes, VMEC, which uses a steepest-descent algorithm to reach a minimum-energy plasma state, and DESC, which minimizes the MHD force error in real space directly. Accuracy as measured by final plasma energy and satisfaction of MHD force balance, as well as other metrics, will be presented for each code, along with the computation time. It is shown that DESC is able to achieve more accurate solutions, especially near-axis. DESC's global Fourier-Zernike basis also yields the solution everywhere in the plasma volume, not just on discrete flux surfaces. Further, DESC can compute the same accuracy solution as VMEC in an order of magnitude less time

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