107 research outputs found

    Recapitulating Parkinson's disease pathology in a three-dimensional human neural cell culture model.

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    Extensive loss of dopaminergic neurons, and aggregation of the protein α-synuclein into ubiquitin-positive Lewy bodies represents a major neuropathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease. At present the generation of large nuclear-associated Lewy bodies from endogenous wild-type α-synuclein, translationally regulated under its own promoter in human cell culture models requires costly and time-consuming protocols. Here, we demonstrate that fully differentiated human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells grown in three-dimensional cell culture develop Lewy body-like pathology upon exposure to exogenous α-synuclein species. In contrast to most cell- and rodent-based models that exhibit multiple diffuse α-synuclein aggregates throughout the cytoplasm, a single large nuclear inclusion immuno-positive for α-synuclein and ubiquitin is rapidly obtained in our model. This was achieved, without the need for over-expression of α-synuclein or genetic modification of the cell line. However, phosphorylation of α-synuclein within these inclusions was not observed. The system described here provides an ideal tool to screen compounds to therapeutically intervene in Lewy body formation and to investigate the mechanisms involved in disease progression in synucleinopathies

    Monitoring alpha-synuclein oligomerization and aggregation using bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays: What you see is not always what you get.

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    Funder: École Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneBimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) was introduced a decade ago as a method to monitor alpha-synuclein (α-syn) oligomerization in intact cells. Since then, several α-syn BiFC cellular assays and animal models have been developed based on the assumption that an increase in the fluorescent signal correlates with increased α-syn oligomerization or aggregation. Despite the increasing use of these assays and models in mechanistic studies, target validation and drug screening, there have been no reports that (1) validate the extent to which the BiFC fluorescent signal correlates with α-syn oligomerization at the biochemical level; (2) provide a structural characterization of the oligomers and aggregates formed by the BiFC. To address this knowledge gap, we first analysed the expression level and oligomerization properties of the individual constituents of α-syn-Venus, one of the most commonly used BiFC systems, in HEK-293 & SH-SY5Y cells from three different laboratories using multiple biochemical approaches and techniques. Next, we investigated the biochemical and aggregation properties of α-syn upon co-expression of both BiFC fragments. Our results show that (1) the C-terminal-Venus fused to α-syn (α-syn-Vc) is present in much lower abundance than its counterpart with N-terminal-Venus fused to α-syn (Vn-α-syn); (2) Vn-α-syn exhibits a high propensity to form oligomers and higher-order aggregates; and (3) the expression of either or both fragments does not result in the formation of α-syn fibrils or cellular inclusions. Furthermore, our results suggest that only a small fraction of Vn-α-syn is involved in the formation of the fluorescent BiFC complex and that some of the fluorescent signal may arise from the association or entrapment of α-syn-Vc in Vn-α-syn aggregates. The fact that the N-terminal fragment exists predominantly in an aggregated state also indicates that one must exercise caution when using this system to investigate α-syn oligomerization in cells or in vivo. Altogether, our results suggest that cellular and animal models of oligomerization, aggregation and cell-to-cell transmission based on the α-syn BiFC systems should be thoroughly characterized at the biochemical level to ensure that they reproduce the process of interest and measure what they are intended to measure

    Artificial intelligence for dementia drug discovery and trials optimization

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    Drug discovery and clinical trial design for dementia have historically been challenging. In part these challenges have arisen from patient heterogeneity, length of disease course, and the tractability of a target for the brain. Applying big data analytics and machine learning tools for drug discovery and utilizing them to inform successful clinical trial design has the potential to accelerate progress. Opportunities arise at multiple stages in the therapy pipeline and the growing availability of large medical data sets opens possibilities for big data analyses to answer key questions in clinical and therapeutic challenges. However, before this goal is reached, several challenges need to be overcome and only a multi‐disciplinary approach can promote data‐driven decision‐making to its full potential. Herein we review the current state of machine learning applications to clinical trial design and drug discovery, while presenting opportunities and recommendations that can break down the barriers to implementation

    Observation- and model-based estimates of particulate dry nitrogen deposition to the oceans

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    Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) emissions to the atmosphere have increased significantly the deposition of nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) to the surface waters of the open ocean, with potential impacts on marine productivity and the global carbon cycle. Global-scale understanding of the impacts of N deposition to the oceans is reliant on our ability to produce and validate models of nitrogen emission, atmospheric chemistry, transport and deposition. In this work, ~2900 observations of aerosol NO3- and NH4+ concentrations, acquired from sampling aboard ships in the period 1995 - 2012, are used to assess the performance of modelled N concentration and deposition fields over the remote ocean. Three ocean regions (the eastern tropical North Atlantic, the northern Indian Ocean and northwest Pacific) were selected, in which the density and distribution of observational data were considered sufficient to provide effective comparison to model products. All of these study regions are affected by transport and deposition of mineral dust, which alters the deposition of N, due to uptake of nitrogen oxides (NOx) on mineral surfaces. Assessment of the impacts of atmospheric N deposition on the ocean requires atmospheric chemical transport models to report deposition fluxes, however these fluxes cannot be measured over the ocean. Modelling studies such as the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP), which only report deposition flux are therefore very difficult to validate for dry deposition. Here the available observational data were averaged over a 5° x 5° grid and compared to ACCMIP dry deposition fluxes (ModDep) of oxidised N (NOy) and reduced N (NHx) and to the following parameters from the TM4-ECPL (TM4) model: ModDep for NOy, NHx and particulate NO3- and NH4+, and surface-level particulate NO3- and NH4+ concentrations. As a model ensemble, ACCMIP can be expected to be more robust than TM4, while TM4 gives access to speciated parameters (NO3- and NH4+) that are more relevant to the observed parameters and which are not available in ACCMIP. Dry deposition fluxes (CalDep) were calculated from the observed concentrations using estimates of dry deposition velocities. Model – observation ratios, weighted by grid-cell area and numbers of observations, (RA,n) were used to assess the performance of the models. Comparison in the three study regions suggests that TM4 over-estimates NO3- concentrations (RA,n = 1.4 – 2.9) and under-estimates NH4+ concentrations (RA,n = 0.5 – 0.7), with spatial distributions in the tropical Atlantic and northern Indian Ocean not being reproduced by the model. In the case of NH4+ in the Indian Ocean, this discrepancy was probably due to seasonal biases in the sampling. Similar patterns were observed in the various comparisons of CalDep to ModDep (RA,n = 0.6 – 2.6 for NO3-, 0.6 – 3.1 for NH4+). Values of RA,n for NHx CalDep - ModDep comparisons were approximately double the corresponding values for NH4+ CalDep - ModDep comparisons due to the significant fraction of gas-phase NH3 deposition incorporated in the TM4 and ACCMIP NHx model products. All of the comparisons suffered due to the scarcity of observational data and the large uncertainty in dry deposition velocities used to derive deposition fluxes from concentrations. These uncertainties have been a major limitation on estimates of the flux of material to the oceans for several decades. Recommendations are made for improvements in N deposition estimation through changes in observations, modelling and model – observation comparison procedures. Validation of modelled dry deposition requires effective comparisons to observable aerosol-phase species concentrations and this cannot be achieved if model products only report dry deposition flux over the ocean

    Alpha synuclein determines ferroptosis sensitivity in dopaminergic neurons via modulation of ether-phospholipid membrane composition.

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    There is a continued unmet need for treatments that can slow Parkinson's disease progression due to the lack of understanding behind the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration. Since its discovery, ferroptosis has been implicated in several diseases and represents a therapeutic target in Parkinson's disease. Here, we use two highly relevant human dopaminergic neuronal models to show that endogenous levels of α-synuclein can determine the sensitivity of dopaminergic neurons to ferroptosis. We show that reducing α-synuclein expression in dopaminergic neurons leads to ferroptosis evasion, while elevated α-synuclein expression in patients' small-molecule-derived neuronal precursor cells with SNCA triplication causes an increased vulnerability to lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis. Lipid profiling reveals that ferroptosis resistance is due to a reduction in ether-linked phospholipids, required for ferroptosis, in neurons depleted of α-synuclein (α-syn). These results provide a molecular mechanism linking α-syn levels to the sensitivity of dopaminergic neurons to ferroptosis, suggesting potential therapeutic relevance

    The geochemical cycling of reactive chlorine through the marine troposphere

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    Heterogeneous reactions involving sea‐salt aerosol in the marine troposphere are the major global source for volatile inorganic chlorine. We measured reactant and product species hypothesized to be associated with these chemical transformations as a function of phase, particle size, and altitude over the North Atlantic Ocean during the summer of 1988. Concentrations of HCl were typically less than 1.0 ppbv near the sea surface and decreased with altitude and with distance from the U.S. east coast. Concentrations of Cl volatilized from aerosols were generally equivalent to the corresponding concentrations of HCl and ranged from less than detection limits to 125 nmol m−3 STP. Highest absolute and percentage losses of particulate Cl were typically associated with elevated concentrations of anthropogenic combustion products. Concentrations of product nss SO42− and N03− in coarse aerosol fractions indicate that on average only 38% of measured Cl− deficits could be accounted for by the combined effects of acid‐base desorption and reactions involving nonacidic N gases. We hypothesize a mechanism for the Cl loss initiated by reaction of O3 at sea‐salt aerosol surfaces, generating Cl2 followed by rapid photochemical conversion of Cl2 to HCl via Cl atoms (Cl˙) and eventual recapture of HCl by the aerosol. Simulations with a zero‐dimension (0‐D) photochemical model suggest that oxidation by Cl˙ may be an important tropospheric sink for dimethyl sulfide and hydrocarbons. Under low‐NOx conditions, the rapid cycling of reactive Cl would provide a catalytic loss mechanism for O3, which would possibly explain the low O3 concentrations often observed above the world\u27s oceans

    iPSC-derived neuronal models of PANK2-associated neurodegeneration reveal mitochondrial dysfunction contributing to early disease

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    Mutations in PANK2 lead to neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation. PANK2 has a role in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A (CoA) from dietary vitamin B5, but the neuropathological mechanism and reasons for iron accumulation remain unknown. In this study, atypical patient-derived fibroblasts were reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and subsequently differentiated into cortical neuronal cells for studying disease mechanisms in human neurons. We observed no changes in PANK2 expression between control and patient cells, but a reduction in protein levels was apparent in patient cells. CoA homeostasis and cellular iron handling were normal, mitochondrial function was affected; displaying activated NADH-related and inhibited FADH-related respiration, resulting in increased mitochondrial membrane potential. This led to increased reactive oxygen species generation and lipid peroxidation in patient-derived neurons. These data suggest that mitochondrial deficiency is an early feature of the disease process and can be explained by altered NADH/FADH substrate supply to oxidative phosphorylation. Intriguingly, iron chelation appeared to exacerbate the mitochondrial phenotype in both control and patient neuronal cells. This raises caution for the use iron chelation therapy in general when iron accumulation is absent

    Long-Term Mortality of Patients with Septic Ocular or Central Nervous System Complications from Pyogenic Liver Abscess: A Population-Based Study

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    Background: Taiwan is endemic for pyogenic liver abscess (PLA). Septic ocular or central nervous system (CNS) complications derived from PLA can result in catastrophic disability. We investigated the epidemiology and long-term prognosis of PLA patients with septic ocular or CNS complications over an 8-year period. Methodology/Principal Findings: We extracted 21,307 patients with newly diagnosed PLA from a nationwide health registry in Taiwan between 2000 and 2007. The frequency of and risk factors for PLA with septic ocular or CNS complications were determined. The 2-year survival of these patients was compared between those with and without septic ocular or CNS complications. Septic ocular or CNS complications accounted for 2.1 % of all PLA patients. Age and the Charlson comorbidity index were significantly lower in PLA patients with ocular or CNS complications than those without. Diabetes and age,65 years were independent predictors of septic ocular or CNS complications. The 2-year mortality of patients with septic ocular or CNS complications was similar to those without complications (24.8 % vs. 27.5%, p = 0.502). However, among patients,65 years old and a Charlson index #1, the 2-year mortality was significantly higher in those with than without complications (18.6 % vs. 11.8%, p = 0.001). Conclusions/Significance: Physicians should recognize that catastrophic disability due to ocular or neurologica

    Phase Shift from a Coral to a Corallimorph-Dominated Reef Associated with a Shipwreck on Palmyra Atoll

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    Coral reefs can undergo relatively rapid changes in the dominant biota, a phenomenon referred to as phase shift. Various reasons have been proposed to explain this phenomenon including increased human disturbance, pollution, or changes in coral reef biota that serve a major ecological function such as depletion of grazers. However, pinpointing the actual factors potentially responsible can be problematic. Here we show a phase shift from coral to the corallimorpharian Rhodactis howesii associated with a long line vessel that wrecked in 1991 on an isolated atoll (Palmyra) in the central Pacific Ocean. We documented high densities of R. howesii near the ship that progressively decreased with distance from the ship whereas R. howesii were rare to absent in other parts of the atoll. We also confirmed high densities of R. howesii around several buoys recently installed on the atoll in 2001. This is the first time that a phase shift on a coral reef has been unambiguously associated with man-made structures. This association was made, in part, because of the remoteness of Palmyra and its recent history of minimal human habitation or impact. Phase shifts can have long-term negative ramification for coral reefs, and eradication of organisms responsible for phase shifts in marine ecosystems can be difficult, particularly if such organisms cover a large area. The extensive R. howesii invasion and subsequent loss of coral reef habitat at Palmyra also highlights the importance of rapid removal of shipwrecks on corals reefs to mitigate the potential of reef overgrowth by invasives