30 research outputs found
Study of carbon contamination in Solid Oxide Cells
An attractive application for the solid oxide cell (SOC) technology is to enable reversible energy conversion. SOCs can efficiently convert chemical energy into electricity. Equally, SOCs can utilise electrical energy to upgrade low energy fuels into higher energy mixtures. A key step in the development of the reversible SOC is mitigating carbon deposition to allow stable long term operation in the presence of hydrocarbons. The work presented in this thesis describes comprehensive analysis of the performance of current state-of-the-art materials followed by the development of a copper-based electrode with both technologically relevant performance and no carbon formation during electrolysis of CO2 in the presence of methane.
For current state-of-the-art nickel materials, positive bias was found to suppress carbon deposits in pure CO, while negative bias facilitated cell degradation through increased carbon formation and subsequent electrode delamination. In situ and ex situ Raman analysis of the conventional cermet Ni/Gd0.1Ce0.9O2-δ (Ni/CGO) electrodes revealed differences in amount, location and type of carbon formed during CO – CO2 electrolysis. The rate of carbon deposition was also greatly increased in the presence of H2. The positive effect of a CGO interlayer on reducing carbon formation for nickel was demonstrated.
Building upon the result of the conventional electrodes’ testing, a new batch of electrodes was prepared through a low temperature metal infiltration technique. Low temperature processing allowed Cu/CGO electrodes to be fabricated, which are difficult to produce with conventional techniques because of the low melting point of copper. It was demonstrated that the electrochemical performance of Cu/CGO electrodes is equivalent to Ni/CGO electrodes, whilst carbon formation is fully suppressed. This observation suggests that the electrocatalytic activity of these electrodes is dependent on CGO rather than metal (Cu or Ni), and moreover that the electrodes are ideally suited to biogas upgrade applications without deleterious carbon deposition.Open Acces
Possible consequences of Brexit on European pharmaceutical market
Brexit has been a hot topic of discussions since the referendum held in June 23 2016; the long and
difficult negotiations and multiple delays of the Brexit have caused uncertainty and confusion in pharmaceutical
industry in both UK and EU. As EU pharmaceutical companies have been part of UK pharmaceutical market for
decades and makes considerable contribution to UK`s health system it is important to acknowledge what the Brexit
might bring to the industry and how the company marketing strategies should be aligned to cope with the consequences
caused by Brexit.
Purpose of the article: The purpose of the research is to assess the influence of Brexit on EU and UK
pharmaceutical markets and industry in order to acknowledge potential risks, challenges for conducting marketing
activities in UK pharmaceutical market after Brexit. The findings of this article could later be used by pharmaceutical
industry professionals to better understand the Brexit influence on pharmaceutical industry and align their marketing
Objective: To assess the possible consequences of Brexit on UK and EU pharmaceutical markets and industry.
Methodology/methods: In order to attain the goal and objectives, the following quantitative and qualitative
methods were used: meta and content analyses, analysis of the most recent scientific and professional literature
available and in-depth interviews of industry experts. The study is based on scientific papers published by foreign
scholars, general and special literature, periodicals, governmental and industry reports.
Findings: the research outlined the challenges that pharmaceutical industry is facing due to Brexit process; it also
outlines the possible future challenges that industry might face in the future and outlines possible solutions that can
be adapted in practice
Internal communication as an instrument of loyalty and motivation: analysis of stock company "Air Baltic Corporation" Cabin crew department
Bakalaura darbā "Iekšējā komunikācija kā lojalitātes un motivācijas instruments: A/S "Air Baltic Corporation" Stjuartu dienesta analīze" apskatīta esošā Stjuartu dienesta lojalitātes veicināšanas un motivācijas sistēma, kā arī uzņēmuma iekšējās komunikācijas ietekme uz šo sistēmu.
Darbs sastāv no trīs daļām – teorētiskā, metodoloģiskā un empīriskā. Teorētisko daļu veido nodaļas par darbinieku nozīmi organizācijā, iekšējo komunikāciju, motivāciju un lojalitāti. Metodoloģiskā daļā apskatītas pētījumā izmantotās pētījuma metodes. Empīriskajā daļā tika veikta iegūto datu analīze.
Darba rezultātā tika noskaidrots kāda ir iekšējās komunikācijas ietekme uz stjuartu lojalitāti un darba motivāciju.
Atslēgvārdi: iekšējā komunikācija, lojalitāte, motivācija, "airBaltic", stjuarts.Title of a bachelor thesis is "Internal communication as an instrument of loyalty and motivation: analysis of stock company "Air Baltic Corporation" Cabin crew department". Thesis examines existing system of motivation and facilitation of loyalty of Cabin Crew department, as well as impact of company’s internal communication on this system.
Thesis consists of three parts – theoretical, methodological and empirical. Theoretical part formed from chapters about importance of employees in organization, internal communication, loyalty and motivation. Methodological part includes review of research methods that have been used in this thesis. Empirical part contains analysis of gathered data.
As a result of this work it has been found out what is the impact of internal communication on loyalty and motivation of cabin crew.
Key words: internal communication, loyalty, motivation, "airBaltic", cabin crew
The evaluation of consumer's decisions and the factors that influence these decisions in the Latvian market of non - prescription drugs.
Māģistra darbā tiek pētīta un analizēta dažādu faktoru ietekme uz patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanas procesu Latvijas bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū. Darba mērķis, novērtējot patērētāju lēmumu pieņēmšanas procesu un to ietekmējošo faktoru īpatnības bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū, izdarīt secinājumus un izstrādāt priekšlikumus patērētāju lēmumu pieņēmšanas procesa ietekmēšanas iespējām bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū. Darbs satāv no trīs nodaļām – divām teorētiskām daļām un vienas empīriskās. Pirmā daļa tiek balstīta uz patērētāju pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas procesu un to ietekmējošiem faktoriem un produktu virzīšanas pasākumiem patērētāju lēmuma pieņēmšanas kontekstā. Otrajā daļa tiek apsktīts Latvijas bezrecepšu zāļu tirgu, tā attīstības tendencēm, bezrecepšu zāļu virzīšanas novertējums Latvijā un farmaceitiskāas aprūpes loma bezrecepšu zāļu virzīšanā. Empīrsikā daļa balstās uz petījumu par patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanu un to ietekmējošiem faktoriem Latvijas bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū. Darba ietvaros izvirzītā hipotēze “patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanu bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū lielāka mērā var ietekmet sociālie, individuālie un situācijas faktori, bet mazākā mērā psiholoģiskie un kultūras, ja produktu virzīšanas pasākumi ir vērsti tieši uz patērētāju” apstiprinājas daļēji. Darba apjoms ir ¬¬¬98 lapaspuses. Darbā iekļauti 28 attēli, 15 tabulas un 2 pielikumi. Izmantoto avotu skaits 59. Atslēgvārdi: bezrecepšu zāles, patērētāju rīcība, patērētāju lēmumu ietekmējošie faktori, pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas process.In this paper the influence of various factors on consumer’s decision-making in the Latvian non-prescription drugs market is analysed. The aim of the paper is to make conclusions and develop proposals about consumer affecting possibilities in non-prescription drugs market what are based on research of evaluation of consumer’s decision-making process and factors affecting these decisions in non-prescription drugs market. The thesis consists of three parts – two theoretical and one empirical part. The first part is based on the consumer purchase decision-making process and the factors that influence this process, and marketing communications in the context of consumer’s decision-making process. In the second part the overview for the Latvian non-prescription drugs market and its trends is given, the role of pharmaceutical care in promoting of non-prescription drugs is described, also the current situation of marketing communications of non-prescription drugs is evaluated. Empirical part is based on a study of consumer decision-making and the factors influencing consumer’s decision-making process in Latvian non-prescription drugs market. The hypothesis of paper “consumer’s decision-making process in Latvian non-prescription drugs market greater extent may affect the social, individual and situational factors, but to a lesser extent, psychological and cultural, if the product marketing communications are targeted directly to consumer. The volume of the master’s thesis is 98 pages, 28 images, 15 tables and 2 appendixes. 59 sources were used in the process of making this paper. Key words: buying decision-making process, consumer behavior, factors influencing consumer’s decision, non-prescription drugs
The evaluation of consumer's decisions and the factors that influence these decisions in the Latvian market of non - prescription drugs.
Māģistra darbā tiek pētīta un analizēta dažādu faktoru ietekme uz patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanas procesu Latvijas bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū. Darba mērķis, novērtējot patērētāju lēmumu pieņēmšanas procesu un to ietekmējošo faktoru īpatnības bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū, izdarīt secinājumus un izstrādāt priekšlikumus patērētāju lēmumu pieņēmšanas procesa ietekmēšanas iespējām bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū. Darbs satāv no trīs nodaļām – divām teorētiskām daļām un vienas empīriskās. Pirmā daļa tiek balstīta uz patērētāju pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas procesu un to ietekmējošiem faktoriem un produktu virzīšanas pasākumiem patērētāju lēmuma pieņēmšanas kontekstā. Otrajā daļa tiek apsktīts Latvijas bezrecepšu zāļu tirgu, tā attīstības tendencēm, bezrecepšu zāļu virzīšanas novertējums Latvijā un farmaceitiskāas aprūpes loma bezrecepšu zāļu virzīšanā. Empīrsikā daļa balstās uz petījumu par patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanu un to ietekmējošiem faktoriem Latvijas bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū. Darba ietvaros izvirzītā hipotēze “patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanu bezrecepšu zāļu tirgū lielāka mērā var ietekmet sociālie, individuālie un situācijas faktori, bet mazākā mērā psiholoģiskie un kultūras, ja produktu virzīšanas pasākumi ir vērsti tieši uz patērētāju” apstiprinājas daļēji. Darba apjoms ir ¬¬¬98 lapaspuses. Darbā iekļauti 28 attēli, 15 tabulas un 2 pielikumi. Izmantoto avotu skaits 59. Atslēgvārdi: bezrecepšu zāles, patērētāju rīcība, patērētāju lēmumu ietekmējošie faktori, pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas process.In this paper the influence of various factors on consumer’s decision-making in the Latvian non-prescription drugs market is analysed. The aim of the paper is to make conclusions and develop proposals about consumer affecting possibilities in non-prescription drugs market what are based on research of evaluation of consumer’s decision-making process and factors affecting these decisions in non-prescription drugs market. The thesis consists of three parts – two theoretical and one empirical part. The first part is based on the consumer purchase decision-making process and the factors that influence this process, and marketing communications in the context of consumer’s decision-making process. In the second part the overview for the Latvian non-prescription drugs market and its trends is given, the role of pharmaceutical care in promoting of non-prescription drugs is described, also the current situation of marketing communications of non-prescription drugs is evaluated. Empirical part is based on a study of consumer decision-making and the factors influencing consumer’s decision-making process in Latvian non-prescription drugs market. The hypothesis of paper “consumer’s decision-making process in Latvian non-prescription drugs market greater extent may affect the social, individual and situational factors, but to a lesser extent, psychological and cultural, if the product marketing communications are targeted directly to consumer. The volume of the master’s thesis is 98 pages, 28 images, 15 tables and 2 appendixes. 59 sources were used in the process of making this paper. Key words: buying decision-making process, consumer behavior, factors influencing consumer’s decision, non-prescription drugs
Photoinduced matter diffusion in liquids
Optiski ierosinātas izmaiņas fluorescīna ūdens šķīdumā un DCM izopropanola šķīduma ir pētījuma priekšmets. Eksperimentā tiek izmantota plāna šķīduma kartiņa starp divām stikla plāksnītēm. Zem intensīva nepārtraukta lāzera starojuma notiek krāsvielu molekulu difūzija no lāzerstara centra. Apstarotas vietas apkārtnē ir novērotas šķīduma koncentrācijas izmaņas. Koncentrāciju sadale ir analizēta ar mazjaudīga lāzera safokusētu staru. Pēc ekspozīcijas paraugs ir novietots uz bīdāmu galdiņu, kuru ar konstantu ātrumu pārvieto X virzienā. Tas ļauj iegūt transmisijas profilu, kas ir tieši saistīts ar koncentrāciju.Optically induced changes in Fluorescein and DCM solutions are under investigation. The experiment uses thin solution layer between two glass plates, which is exposed to CW laser radiation. Under intensive laser illumination transport of dye molecules towards the beam center takes place. The concentration of solution is proved to be changed around the exposed spot. Distribution of concentration is analyzed with low-intensity CW laser focused beam. After exposure the sample is placed on a shifting-tray, which is moved along X axe. This allows us to obtain transmission profile, which is directly related to concentration