134 research outputs found

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Cocaine Addiction: A Systematic Review

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    Cocaine use disorder; Craving; Non-invasive brain stimulationTrastorn per consum de cocaïna; Ànsia; Estimulació cerebral no invasivaTrastorno por consumo de cocaína; Ansia; Estimulación cerebral no invasivaLong-term cocaine use is associated with cognitive deficits and neuro-psychiatric pathologies. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is an emerging therapeutic strategy relating to changes in brain activity. It stimulates the prefrontal cortex and is involved in inhibitory cognitive control, decision making and care. This systematic review aims to evaluate and synthesize the evidence on the safety, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of rTMS for the treatment of cocaine addiction. A systematic review of the literature was carried out. The following electronic databases were consulted from inception to October 2020: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Web of Science. Randomised controlled trials, non-randomised controlled trials and case-series and full economic evaluations were included. Twelve studies were included. No identified study reported data on cost-effectiveness. Significant results of the efficacy of TMS have been observed in terms of the reduction of craving to consume and the number of doses consumed. No serious adverse effects have been observed. Despite the low quality of the studies, the first results were observed in terms of reduction of cocaine use and craving. In any case, this effect is considered moderate. Studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-ups are required

    ¡Profes al rescate! programa de capacitación para profesores de jardines, para identificar y prevenir el abuso sexual infantil

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    Curso de Especial Interés en Psicología y SexualidadEl objetivo de la investigación fue mejorar el nivel de formación del equipo de profesoras del jardín Pequeños Encantos para la prevención e identificación del abuso sexual infantil. La investigación que se desarrolló fue de tipo pre experimental, la cual pretendía, elaborar un programa de capacitación con cuatro puntos estratégicos “Conocer-Prevenir– Detectar –Actuar”. Es viable para ser replicado en otros contextos educativos.1. Resumen. 2. Justificación. 3. Marco teórico. 4. Objetivos. 5. Metodología. 6. Estudio de Mercado. 7. Discusión. 8. Resultados. 9. Conclusiones. 10. Recomendaciones. 11. Referencias. 12. Apéndices.PregradoPsicólog

    Aplicación de estrategias educativas del plan de uso eficiente y ahorro de agua para disminuir el consumo de agua en el socorro

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    Problema Central: En el Socorro, en época seca, el suministro de agua potable es muy deficiente ya que los embalses de La Honda y Aguilitas se encuentran en su mínimo nivel. Objetivo: Implementar las estrategias educativas del Plan de Uso Eficiente y Ahorro de Agua en la comunidad de la facultad de Ingeniería Ambiental. Metodología: Se recopiló la información para aplicar estrategias educativas, se determinó la muestra por utilizar. De acuerdo con las necesidades municipales se diseñó un volante con las 8 principales estrategias de ahorro y uso eficiente de agua. Se aplicó una entrevista diseñada especialmente para establecer generalidades del proyecto. Se dieron a conocer las estrategias en cada vivienda donde se recopilaron los recibos de agua de cada una para hacer las respectivas comparaciones. Se sistematizaron y se analizaron los resultados obtenidos. Resultados: El consumo de agua registrado después de la aplicación de las estrategias en las viviendas se redujo o se mantuvo en su mayoría y se establece que esta disminución estadísticamente no es considerable y no se logró el 20 % de ahorro esperado. Conclusión: Aplicando el Plan de Ahorro y Uso Eficiente del Agua en la comunidad universitaria no se obtuvieron los resultados esperados, ya que el tiempo y el interés por parte de la ciudadanía son factores indispensables para lograr el objetivo

    COVID-19 healthcare and social-related needs from the perspective of Spanish patients and healthcare providers: a qualitative analysis of responses to open-ended questions

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    Identifying stakeholders’ needs is crucial to informing decisions and policy development. This study aims to identify healthcare and social-related needs and effective strategies associated with COVID-19 from the first-person perspectives of patients and healthcare providers. Methods: Cross-sectional online survey design including qualitative open-ended questions, conducted in primary care and hospital settings across Spain, with 12 out of 19 regions represented. Adults aged 18 years and older, who (a) resided in Spain and had a history of COVID-19 or (b) worked as healthcare providers delivering direct or indirect care for people with COVID-19 in Spanish primary care or hospitals during 2020 were eligible to participate. Recruitment was conducted via social-media networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp) and communication channels of key organizations including patient and professional associations and groups. A total of 182 people were invited to complete the surveys and 76 people completed the surveys (71% women), of which 33 were home-isolated patients, 14 were hospitalized patients, 16 were primary care professionals, and 13 were hospital care professionals. Results: A total of 327 needs and 86 effective strategies and positive aspects were identified across surveys and classified into the following overarching themes: (i) Accessibility, (ii) Basic needs, (iii) Clinical care, (iv) Person-and-family centered care, (v) Caring for the healthcare professional, (vi) Protocolization, information, health campaigns, and education, (vii) Resource availability, (viii) and Organizational needs/strategies. Discussion: Findings indicate the Spanish health and social care systems were generally unprepared to combat COVID-19. Implications for research, practice, and policy focus on integrating first-person perspectives as best practice to identify, prioritize and address needs to increase health and social care systems capacity and preparedness, as well as providing well-co-coordinated responses across government, healthcare, and non-government sectors to promote and protect the physical and mental health of al

    The relationship between patient empowerment and related constructs, affective symptoms and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    IntroductionThe aim of this systematic review is to assess the relationship between patient empowerment and other empowerment-related constructs, and affective symptoms and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes.MethodsA systematic review of the literature was conducted, according to the PRISMA guidelines. Studies addressing adult patients with type 2 diabetes and reporting the association between empowerment-related constructs and subjective measures of anxiety, depression and distress, as well as self-reported quality of life were included. The following electronic databases were consulted from inception to July 2022: Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Library. The methodological quality of the included studies was analyzed using validated tools adapted to each study design. Meta-analyses of correlations were performed using an inverse variance restricted maximum likelihood random-effects.ResultsThe initial search yielded 2463 references and seventy-one studies were finally included. We found a weak-to-moderate inverse association between patient empowerment-related constructs and both anxiety (r = −0.22) and depression (r = −0.29). Moreover, empowerment-related constructs were moderately negatively correlated with distress (r = −0.31) and moderately positively correlated with general quality of life (r = 0.32). Small associations between empowerment-related constructs and both mental (r = 0.23) and physical quality of life (r = 0.13) were also reported.DiscussionThis evidence is mostly from cross-sectional studies. High-quality prospective studies are needed not only to better understand the role of patient empowerment but to assess causal associations. The results of the study highlight the importance of patient empowerment and other empowerment-related constructs such as self-efficacy or perceived control in diabetes care. Thus, they should be considered in the design, development and implementation of effective interventions and policies aimed at improving psychosocial outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes.Systematic review registrationhttps://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42020192429, identifier CRD42020192429

    Evaluación del graduado de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Industrial de Santander : Perspectiva de los empleadores de Bucaramanga y su Área Metropolitana

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    RESUMENLa pertinencia de la formación académica del Ingeniero Industrial con las exigencias del sector empresarial de Bucaramanga y su Área Metropolitana es fundamentalpara que las organizaciones locales creen ventaja competitiva a partir de su talentohumano.Ante las fuertes exigencias del mercado laboral, la Escuela de Estudios Industrialesy Empresariales de la Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), comprometidacon el mejoramiento de la calidad educativa, realiza un estudio para identificar lapercepción de los empleadores de Bucaramanga y su Área Metropolitana sobre eldesempeño de los Ingenieros Industriales 2005-2009 de la Institución, evaluar suscompetencias, identificar las características de las empresas en las que laboran y delos cargos que ocupan; y definir el perfil profesional demandado.Este proyecto culminado a finales del 2010, presenta un estudio descriptivo ytransversal en el tiempo. Los empleadores participantes se seleccionaron por muestreo no probabilístico a conveniencia debido a las características de lapoblación. El trabajo de campo se desarrolla de forma personal. El software SPSSversión 17 se usa para el procesamiento de los datos. El análisis de los resultadospermite observar las fortalezas y debilidades del ingeniero industrial, lo queconstituye una guía para fortalecer las competencias en los próximos graduados.Palabras clave: Ingeniero industrial, pertinencia, evaluación de desempeño, perfil profesional, formación académica, competencia, actitud, valor, contratación.ABSTRACTThe relevance of academic training of the Industrial Engineer with the requirements of the business sector of Bucaramanga and its Metropolitan Area is fundamental to thelocal organizations create competitive advantage from its human talent.Before the demands of the labor market, the Industrial and Business Studies Schoolfrom Universidad Industrial de Santander, committed to improving the quality ofeducation, performs a study to identify the perception of employers of Bucaramangaand its Metropolitan Area about the performance of the Industrial Engineers 2005-2009at the Institution, assess their skills, identify the characteristics of the companies in theworking and the charges that occupy; and define professional profile in demand.This project culminated in late 2010 presents a descriptive survey and cross over time.The participating employers were selected by no probabilistic sampling a conveniencethrough the characteristics of the population. The fieldwork executes in personal way.The SPSS version 17 software uses for data processing. The analysis of the resultsallows looking at strengths and weaknesses of the industrial engineer, which is a guideto strengthening competencies in the coming graduates.KEY WORDS: Pertinence, Performance Evaluation, Professional Profile, AcademicBackground, Capability, Attitude, Value, Database, Selection Process, Recruitment processes

    Evaluación de la especificidad celular in vitro de un derivado fluorado de la sulforrodamina 101 como marcador de astrocitosis en la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    El proceso neurodegenerativo observado en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) se caracteriza por una fuerte astrogliosis reactiva que se establece de forma temprana y permanece activa durante toda la fase sintomática de la enfermedad. Previamente hemos desarrollado un derivado de sulforrodamina 101 (SR101), denominado [18F]2B-SRF101, como potencial agente de diagnóstico PET (Tomografía de emisión de positrones), con el objetivo de detectar dicho proceso de astrogliosis. La sonda fluorescente SR101 ha sido utilizada como marcador de astrocitos en la neocorteza de ratones en numerosos trabajos. Una evaluación in vivo preliminar en micro-PET/CT (Triumph(R)) reveló una mayor captación de [18F]2B-SRF101 en la corteza e hipocampo de ratones triple transgénicos (3xTg-AD) de 9-10 meses de edad en comparación con ratones no-Tg de la misma edad. Sin embargo, considerando que se ha descripto la captación de SR101 en otras células del SNC, la especificidad celular de este radiotrazador en el SNC debe ser elucidada. En este trabajo nos propusimos evaluar la especificidad celular in vitro de 2B-SRF101 en diferentes células del SNC. Para ello, preparamos cultivos primarios enriquecidos en astrocitos, microglías y neuronas a partir de ratones C57BL6/J. Al evaluar la captación de 2B-SRF101 mediante microscopía confocal de fluorescencia en dichos cultivos, observamos una rápida captación de la sonda en los astrocitos, mientras que no se observó captación específica en microglía o en neuronas. A su vez, en estudios de internalización de [18F]2B-SRF101 y competencia con SR101 en los cultivos astrocitarios pudimos determinar una captación análoga de [18F]2B-SRF101 a su precursor.Centro Uruguayo de Imagenología MolecularAgencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    COVID-19 healthcare and social-related needs from the perspective of Spanish patients and healthcare providers: a qualitative analysis of responses to open-ended questions

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    IntroductionIdentifying stakeholders’ needs is crucial to informing decisions and policy development. This study aims to identify healthcare and social-related needs and effective strategies associated with COVID-19 from the first-person perspectives of patients and healthcare providers.MethodsCross-sectional online survey design including qualitative open-ended questions, conducted in primary care and hospital settings across Spain, with 12 out of 19 regions represented. Adults aged 18 years and older, who (a) resided in Spain and had a history of COVID-19 or (b) worked as healthcare providers delivering direct or indirect care for people with COVID-19 in Spanish primary care or hospitals during 2020 were eligible to participate. Recruitment was conducted via social-media networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp) and communication channels of key organizations including patient and professional associations and groups. A total of 182 people were invited to complete the surveys and 76 people completed the surveys (71% women), of which 33 were home-isolated patients, 14 were hospitalized patients, 16 were primary care professionals, and 13 were hospital care professionals.ResultsA total of 327 needs and 86 effective strategies and positive aspects were identified across surveys and classified into the following overarching themes: (i) Accessibility, (ii) Basic needs, (iii) Clinical care, (iv) Person-and-family centered care, (v) Caring for the healthcare professional, (vi) Protocolization, information, health campaigns, and education, (vii) Resource availability, (viii) and Organizational needs/strategies.DiscussionFindings indicate the Spanish health and social care systems were generally unprepared to combat COVID-19. Implications for research, practice, and policy focus on integrating first-person perspectives as best practice to identify, prioritize and address needs to increase health and social care systems capacity and preparedness, as well as providing well-co-coordinated responses across government, healthcare, and non-government sectors to promote and protect the physical and mental health of all

    Ecophysiology of Aspergillus Section Nigri Species Potential Ochratoxin A Producers

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    After aflatoxins, ochratoxin A (OTA) is the most studied mycotoxin due to the toxicological significance in human and animal diets. OTA presence has been extensively reported worldwide in the last decade in several agricultural products. The main OTA producer in tropical and temperate climates is Aspergillus carbonarius followed by species belonging to A. niger aggregate. Currently, many scientists worldwide have studied the influence of water activity and temperature for growth and biosynthesis of OTA by these species on synthetic media. This article reviews ecophysiological studies of Aspergillus section Nigri strains on synthetic media and natural substrates. The results of these investigations suggest that significant amounts of OTA can be produced in only five days and that the use of different storage practices, such as aW and temperature levels below 0.930 and 15 °C, respectively, allow controlling fungal contamination and minimizing the OTA production in several products as peanuts, corn, dried grapes and derived products for human consumption

    The Caldera. No. 25 Special Edition 2022. 70 years

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    Especial: Instituto Caldas, 70 años de historia En las siguientes páginas, los estudiantes rinden homenaje a nuestra querida Institución, a través, especialmente, de la Palabra. Mi eterna gratitud a cada uno de ellos, jóvenes lectores, escritores, dibujantes pero, sobre todo, Caldistas de CORAZÓN: Laura Camila Herrera, Victoria Chacón Gil, María Paula Méndez, Steven Gómez Guerrero, Constanza Narváez Solano, Yatana Zea Arenas, Carolina Valencia Neira, Valery Samara Meza, Steffy Picón Carrillo y Gabriela Portilla Castellanos.Especial 70 años. Instituto Caldas 6 Reloj Solar 2021 43 IX Concurso de Lectura en Voz Alta 46 La Cuna de Excélsior 48 Equipo de Maestros 51 Perfiles Caldistas 54 Expresiones Caldistas 58 Día Caldista 98 Galería de Imágenes 103Special: Instituto Caldas, 70 years of history In the following pages, the students pay homage to our beloved Institution, especially through the Word. My eternal gratitude to each of them, young readers, writers, cartoonists but, above all, Caldistas of HEART: Laura Camila Herrera, Victoria Chacón Gil, María Paula Méndez, Steven Gómez Guerrero, Constanza Narváez Solano, Yatana Zea Arenas, Carolina Valencia Neira, Valery Samara Meza, Steffy Picón Carrillo and Gabriela Portilla Castellanos