1,266 research outputs found

    Immobile anecdote

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    Internal control for Ottoman foundations

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze Ottoman waqfs (foundations) to determine the internal control principles followed. In order to achieve this task, extensive references have been made to an actual waqf deed, The Waqfiyah of Ahmed Pasa. The original copy of this document is in the Free Library of Philadelphia and it was written December 1511. It is hoped that this research would lead to further research dealing with early accounting thought and practices in the Middle East

    Gauge transformations of Spin-Orbit interactions in graphene

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    Inclusion of spin-dependent interactions in graphene in the vicinity of the Dirac points can be posed in terms of non-Abelian gauge potentials. Such gauge potentials being surrogates of physical electric fields and material parameters, only enjoy a limited gauge freedom. A general gauge transformation thus in general changes the physical model. We argue that this property can be useful in connecting reference physical situations, such as free particle or Rashba interactions to non-trivial physical Hamiltonians with a new set of spin-orbit interactions, albeit constrained to being isoenergetic. We analyse different combinations of spin-orbit interactions in the case of monolayer graphene and show how they are related by means of selected non-Abelian gauge transformations

    The Analysis of Teacher Candidates’ Self-Sufficiency about Their Teaching Abilities at Different Departments

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    Self-sufficiency is an individual’s perception of his/her ability and skills to overcome various possible situations. This study aims to analyze self-sufficiency about their teaching abilities of teacher candidates studying at different departments at University of Kırşehir Ahi Evran. The research groups consists of 244 teacher candidates who study classroom teaching, mathematics teaching and Turkish language teaching at Faculty of Education and physical education and sports teaching, coaching education and sports management at School of Physical Education and Sports and attend a teaching formation program. Mean age of the students participating in the study is x̄=22.52. SPSS 22.0 package program for Windows was used for descriptive and One-way ANOVA analysis, and the level of significance was taken as 0.05. When self-sufficiency points of different departments are analyzed, it can be observed that students of physical education had the highest point as 93.09±24.07, while students of classroom teaching had the lowest point as 58.64±14.03

    Texas Tourism and Recreation Information Program (TTRIP)

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    TTRIP is a cooperative program of Texas A&M University, the Texas Agricultural Experiment, the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, and the University of Houston\u27s Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management. The mission of TTRIP is to contribute to the long-term economic growth of Texas through tourism research and development. In achieving this objective, TTRIP uses a conceptual model based systems approach

    LLS: Consciousness-Raising of the Latino/Communities Diversity

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    In Latinas/os everyday lives, their culture and their race are objectified and marginalized. Historically, this is represented in the assumption that Latin-American culture is ???Latino??? culture, when their experiences are in actuality quite different. This conflation led to the establishment of Latina/o Studies here at the University of Illinois. All our group members have been students in Latina/o Studies classes, and we have conducted interviews with people in these classes, observed these classes, and handed out surveys to try and discover the reasons behind students??? interest in Latina/o Studies classes. We also asked these students in our interviews about their experiences as Latinas/os in a predominantly white university, the stereotypes they face, and the extra challenges of being a minority student here. We have come to the conclusion that ethnographic research on the Latino Community is challenging and fruitful, although we have only begun to scratch the surface. There are so many aspects to being ???Latino??? that the array of possibilities cannot be fully determined. We have, however, discussed the challenges that Latinos face in terms of education, stereotypes as well as racisms.unpublishe

    Bonsignori family estate accounting 1461-1632

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    The paper investigates the Bonsignori accounts that are in the archives of the University of Kansas, Spencer Research Library. The file contains 133 documents and bound books relating to the affairs of the Filippo Bonsignori family between 1455 and 1632. The most important documents deal with, accounting and administration of Filippo Bonsignori\u27s will. The time period involved (1455 to 1632) permits some study of the developments in accounting methods used in fulfilling fiduciary responsibilities. The paper provides insight into the history of Florentine estate accounting

    Desarrollo de la comprensi?n lectora en estudiantes del grado primero jornada tarde, de la Instituci?n Educativa Liceo Nacional de Ibagu? a partir de la interacci?n l?dica y la expresi?n corporal

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    179 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n fue realizado en el a?o 2016 con 32 ni?as estudiantes del grado primero de primaria del Liceo Nacional de Ibagu?. Se trata de una experiencia en la que por medio del juego y la expresi?n corporal buscamos que las ni?as del curso lograran mejores niveles de interacci?n comunicativa y de expresi?n de su interioridad como fundamento para el desarrollo del proceso lector que deb?an encarar en esa etapa de la vida. La idea central que desarrolla el trabajo es que cuando se obtienen mejores niveles de expresi?n corporal, de interacci?n l?dica y afectiva, la base oral del lenguaje con el que llegan los ni?os al colegio se ve enriquecida con la experiencia de identificar emociones en el otro a la vez que se expresan las propias y de reconocer en el otro a un sujeto en capacidad de comunicar y que por tanto necesita ser percibido. Estos elementos resultan determinantes en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en el comienzo del proceso escolar con lo cual se busca potenciar no s?lo la capacidad histri?nica de los aprendices sino su manera de convertir en s?mbolos gr?ficos toda la experiencia de comunicaci?n aprendida con anterioridad. La lectura es uno de los procesos pedag?gicos del lenguaje y debe facultar al individuo para acceder al conocimiento, por tanto, no se trata solamente de que reconozca o aprenda s?mbolos gr?ficos con su valor fon?tico o morfol?gico sino de que aprenda a interactuar simb?licamente con sus compa?eros y con el conocimiento por medio del lenguaje. As? mismo, la lectura es un proceso mental de construcci?n y desarrollo de una serie de habilidades del pensamiento que todo individuo debe llevar a cabo y consolidar en la construcci?n del conocimiento. Este proceso resulta potenciado cuando se hace a partir del desarrollo de la parte l?dica, afectiva y expresiva de los ni?os por cuanto la participaci?n en espacios de interacci?n genera el crecimiento y afianzamiento de la base oral fundamental para el aprendizaje de la lectura como proceso creativo. Palabras Claves: Proceso de Lecto-escritura, Expresi?n corporal, Interacci?n L?dica y comunicativa.The present research work was carried out in 2016 with 32 students of the first grade of primary school of the Liceo Nacional de Ibagu?. It is an experience in which through play and physical expression we seek that the girls of the course achieve better levels of communicative interaction and expression of their interiority as a basis for the development of the reading process that they had to face at that stage of their lifetime. The main idea that the work develops is that when better levels of corporal expression, of playful and affective interaction are achieved, the oral basis of the language with which children arrive at school is enriched with the experience of identifying emotions in the other the time they express their own and recognize in the other a subject able to communicate and therefore needs to be perceived. These elements are decisive in the learning of literacy at the beginning of the school process, which seeks to enhance not only the histrionic capacity of the learners but also their way of converting all the communication experience previously learned into graphic symbols. Reading is one of the pedagogical processes of language and must empower the individual to access knowledge; therefore, the aim is not only that the learner recognizes or learns graphic symbols with their phonetic or morphological value but that he learns to interact symbolically with his classmates and with knowledge through language. Otherwise, reading is a mental process of construction and development of a series of thinking skills that every individual must carry out and consolidate in the construction of knowledge. This process is enhanced when it is made starting from the development of the playful, affective and expressive part of the children since participation in interaction spaces generates the growth and consolidation of the fundamental oral base for the learning of reading and writing. Keyworks: processes of language, expression, communicative interaction and expressio

    La importancia del juego en el desarrollo motriz del ni?o en la edad preescolar de la instituci?n educativa exalumnas de la presentaci?n de Ibagu? Tolima

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    66 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto de investigaci?n fue realizado con el fin de conocer las dificultades motrices de las estudiantes de preescolar de la Instituci?n Educativa Exalumnas de la Presentaci?n de la ciudad de Ibagu?, en los aspectos l?dicos deportivos, desarrollo psicol?gico, social y aprendizajes. Pretendiendo aplicar estrategias pedag?gicas donde el juego sea la herramienta para el desarrollo motriz de la edad preescolar. Es as?, que este trabajo de investigaci?n descriptivo tiene como finalidad definir, clasificar y caracterizar el objeto de estudio sobre la importancia del juego en el desarrollo de las ni?as, d?ndonos como resultado una muestra cualitativa, observacional donde se registrar el comportamiento habitual de los educandos. De igual forma nos basamos en autores como Piaget que nos muestra el juego y los juguetes como "materiales ?tiles" para el desarrollo psicomotor, sensorio motor, cognitivo, del pensamiento l?gico y del lenguaje en el ni?o y Vigotsky que habla del juego como instrumento y recurso socio-cultural, el papel gozoso de ser un elemento impulsor del desarrollo mental del ni?o, facilitando el desarrollo de las funciones superiores del entendimiento tales como la atenci?n o la memoria voluntaria. Como resultados esperados se busca que por medio del juego se puedan desarrollar dichas habilidades motrices de las ni?as de la instituci?n educativa exalumnas de la presentaci?n teniendo en cuenta lo anteriormente nombrado y con el apoyo de directivos docentes y dem?s entes que nos pueden brindar su colaboraci?n y aportes para la realizaci?n de dicho proyecto.This research project was carried out with the purpose of knowing the motor difficulties of the preschool students of the Educational Institution Exalumnas of the Presentation of Ibague city, in the sporting aspects, psychological, social development and learning. Pretending to apply pedagogical strategies where the game is the tool for the motor development of the preschool age. Thus, this descriptive research aims to define, classify and characterize the object of study on the importance of game in the development of girls, giving us as a result a qualitative, observational sample where the usual behavior of learners. Likewise, we are based on authors such as Piaget who shows us the game and toys as "useful materials" for the psychomotor, sensory motor, cognitive development of logical thinking and language in the child and Vigotsky that speaks of the game as an instrument and Socio-cultural resource, the joyful role of being a driving force of the child's mental development, facilitating the development of higher functions of understanding such as attention or voluntary memory. As expected results it is sought that through the game can be developed such motor skills of the girls of the educational institution exalumnas of the presentation taking into account the aforementioned and with the support of teaching directors and other entities that can provide their collaboration and contributions for the realization of this project. Keywords: Motor, game, learning, strategy, development, psychological, socia

    Introductory Chapter: Active Antimicrobial Food Packaging

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    Active antimicrobial food packaging is a new generation of packaging. Antimicrobial food additives are incorporated in the food packaging systems to inhibit, retard, or inactivate microbial growth to extend the shelf life of foods. This book is composed of five chapters, and is aimed at introducing the reader to active antimicrobial food packaging, as well as concerns of the consumers on synthetic-based food additives
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