1,940 research outputs found

    Consenso de escalas para um instrumento de avaliação interdisciplinar em saúde da população idosa

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    Objective: to describe the consensus of the content of an instrument for assessing interdisciplinary health care of the elderly population. Methods: consensus study conducted among physicians, nurses, and social workers, contemplating the construction of instrument and the pre-test for selection of scales for use in practice. Questionnaire consisting of questions that identified representative scales in the assessment of the elderly. The scales that obtained consensus criterion of equal to or greater than 75% were considered selected by the experts. Sample was composed through snowball sampling, resulting in 101 participants. Results: of the 13 scales submitted, the professionals indicated that eight were suitable for use and two were already applied within their practice. The excluded became part of the recommendations for good practices in elderly care. A discrepancy was identified between what they consider to be useful and of interest versus what is applied in practice. Conclusion: consensus among experts allowed us to identify and select interdisciplinary assessment data for a proposed instrument to support the care process. Contributions to practice: this contributes to awareness about the use of recommended scales for the elderly and to avoid the overlapping of the same interventions by several professionals, with significant gains for this population.Objetivo: descrever o consenso do conteúdo de um instrumento para avaliação assistencial interdisciplinar em saúde da população idosa. Métodos: estudo de consenso realizado entre médicos, enfermeiros e assistentes sociais, contemplando a construção de um instrumento e o pré-teste para seleção de escalas para uso na prática. Questionário constituído por perguntas com identificação de escalas representativas na avaliação dos idosos. Consideraram-se selecionadas pelos peritos as escalas que obtiveram o critério de consenso igual ou superior a 75%. Amostra constituída mediante “bola de neve”, resultando em 101 participantes. Resultados: das 13 escalas submetidas, os profissionais apontaram oito passíveis de utilização e duas que aplicavam na sua prática. As escalas excluídas constituem parte integrante das recomendações de boas práticas na assistência aos idosos. Identificou-se discrepância entre o que consideram útil e de interesse versus o que aplicam na prática. Conclusão: o consenso entre peritos permitiu identificar e selecionar dados de avaliação interdisciplinares para uma proposta de instrumento, com vistas a subsidiar o processo de cuidado. Contribuições para a prática: contribui-se, assim, para a conscientização sobre o uso de escalas recomendadas para idosos e para evitar a sobreposição das mesmas intervenções por vários profissionais, com ganhos significativos para essa população.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Water productivity and crop yield in five chickpea varieties – how important is supplemental irrigation?

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important pulse crops in the world as a source of protein for human consumption. In Mediterranean regions, chickpea is traditionally grown as a rainfed crop, thus highly dependent on rainfall. In this situation, supplemental irrigation may be applied. The objective of our study was to evaluate the improvement in crop yield and water productivity with supplemental irrigation in five chickpea varieties (three kabuli type and two desi type) from the Portuguese breeding selection program. Field tests were carried out over two cropping seasons (2009, dry year and 2010, wet year), in Southern Portugal, using four irrigation treatments, full (100%) crop irrigation requirements(IR), 50 % of IR, 25 % of IR and rainfed. A significant increase in grain and shoot biomass yields was observed especially in dry years. Elixir (kabuli type) variety showed the highest grain and biomass yield, harvest index and water productivity. In the dry year, the highest water productivity for grain and biomass production was attained at the 50% and in the wet year in the rainfed treatment

    Evaluating chickpea genotypes for abiotic stress tolerance

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    Being a leguminous crop chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is important for the establishment of sustainable and economically viable farming systems. Chickpea is grown and consumed across five continents, making this crop more important in international markets than other food legumes. Adaptation trials of 15 accessions of chickpea, 13 from the ICARDA collection and 2 from the Portuguese national catalogue, took place during two years in two different countries (Portugal, Syria). The trials were conducted under rainfed conditions using a late sowing date to naturally expose the plants to drought and heat stress. The accumulated results indicate a high variability in the yield response among genotypes and regions. In Portugal differences between the most productive accession and the least productive one was higher than 1000 kg/ha in 2009 (drought year) and than 1500Kg/ha in 2010 (rainy year). In general, genotypes that fasten their development cycle showed higher grain yield, especially in drought years. Comparing the two years, we observed three groups of genotypes: i) Stable genotypes, well adapted to distinct environments (like ILC588). ii) Genotypes adapted to adverse conditions, but not responding to favourable conditions (ICL 216); this genotype was also among the best performers under drought conditions in Syria. iii) Genotypes adapted to good conditions, but with bad performance under adverse conditions (ICL 3279). Across the two locations, Portugal and Syria, FLIP03-145C, FLIP87-8C and ILC 588 were on the top 5 during 2009. In 2010, only FLIP87-8C standout to be among the best performers under drought conditions in both countries

    Global analysis of seagrass restoration: the importance of large-scale planting

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    In coastal and estuarine systems, foundation species like seagrasses, mangroves, saltmarshes or corals provide important ecosystem services. Seagrasses are globally declining and their reintroduction has been shown to restore ecosystem functions. However, seagrass restoration is often challenging, given the dynamic and stressful environment that seagrasses often grow in. From our world-wide meta-analysis of seagrass restoration trials (1786 trials), we describe general features and best practice for seagrass restoration. We confirm that removal of threats is important prior to replanting. Reduced water quality (mainly eutrophication), and construction activities led to poorer restoration success than, for instance, dredging, local direct impact and natural causes. Proximity to and recovery of donor beds were positively correlated with trial performance. Planting techniques can influence restoration success. The meta-analysis shows that both trial survival and seagrass population growth rate in trials that survived are positively affected by the number of plants or seeds initially transplanted. This relationship between restoration scale and restoration success was not related to trial characteristics of the initial restoration. The majority of the seagrass restoration trials have been very small, which may explain the low overall trial survival rate (i.e. estimated 37%). Successful regrowth of the foundation seagrass species appears to require crossing a minimum threshold of reintroduced individuals. Our study provides the first global field evidence for the requirement of a critical mass for recovery, which may also hold for other foundation species showing strong positive feedback to a dynamic environment.Synthesis and applications. For effective restoration of seagrass foundation species in its typically dynamic, stressful environment, introduction of large numbers is seen to be beneficial and probably serves two purposes. First, a large-scale planting increases trial survival - large numbers ensure the spread of risks, which is needed to overcome high natural variability. Secondly, a large-scale trial increases population growth rate by enhancing self-sustaining feedback, which is generally found in foundation species in stressful environments such as seagrass beds. Thus, by careful site selection and applying appropriate techniques, spreading of risks and enhancing self-sustaining feedback in concert increase success of seagrass restoration. For effective restoration of seagrass foundation species in its typically dynamic, stressful environment, introduction of large numbers is seen to be beneficial and probably serves two purposes. First, a large-scale planting increases trial survival - large numbers ensure the spread of risks, which is needed to overcome high natural variability. Secondly, a large-scale trial increases population growth rate by enhancing self-sustaining feedback, which is generally found in foundation species in stressful environments such as seagrass beds. Thus, by careful site selection and applying appropriate techniques, spreading of risks and enhancing self-sustaining feedback in concert increase success of seagrass restoration

    A pantropical population genetics study on cashew crop: uncovering genetic diversity and agrobiodiversity hotspots

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    XIX ENBE Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, 18-19 December 2023, Lisboninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Big data analyses reveal patterns and drivers of the movements of southern elephant seals

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    The growing number of large databases of animal tracking provides an opportunity for analyses of movement patterns at the scales of populations and even species. We used analytical approaches, developed to cope with big data, that require no a priori assumptions about the behaviour of the target agents, to analyse a pooled tracking dataset of 272 elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) in the Southern Ocean, that was comprised of >500,000 location estimates collected over more than a decade. Our analyses showed that the displacements of these seals were described by a truncated power law distribution across several spatial and temporal scales, with a clear signature of directed movement. This pattern was evident when analysing the aggregated tracks despite a wide diversity of individual trajectories. We also identified marine provinces that described the migratory and foraging habitats of these seals. Our analysis provides evidence for the presence of intrinsic drivers of movement, such as memory, that cannot be detected using common models of movement behaviour. These results highlight the potential for big data techniques to provide new insights into movement behaviour when applied to large datasets of animal tracking.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 6 supplementary figure

    Transcriptome changes in newborn goats' skeletal muscle as a result of maternal feed restriction at different stages of gestation

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    We investigated how feed restriction at 50% of maintenance requirements during different stages of gestation affects the transcriptome of newborn goats' skeletal muscle. Fourteen pregnant dams were randomly assigned into one of the following dietary treatments: animals fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (RM, n = 6), and animals fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (MR, n = 8). At birth, samples of offspring's Longissimus muscle were collected for total RNA extraction and sequencing. Our data showed 66 differentially expressed (DE) genes (FDR < 0.05). A total of 6 genes were upregulated and 60 downregulated (FDR < 0.05) in the skeletal muscle of the newborns resulting from treatment RM compared with MR. Our results suggest that the DE genes upregulated in newborn goats' skeletal muscle from the RM group compared to MR, included genes related to satellite cells, and genes that indicates impaired insulin sensitivity and changes in the composition of intramuscular fat. The DE genes upregulated in newborn goats' skeletal muscle from the MR group compared to RM, are also related to impaired insulin sensitivity, as well as a predominantly oxidative metabolism and cellular oxidative stress. However, protective mechanisms against insulin sensitivity and oxidative stress may have been augmented in the skeletal muscle of offspring from MR treatment compared to RM, in order to maintain cellular homeostasis

    Effects of cadmium and phenanthrene mixtures on aquatic fungi and microbially mediated leaf litter decomposition

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    This version does not correspond to the published one. To access the final version go to: http://www.springerlink.com/content/t8t302617003m078/Urbanization and industrial activities have contributed to widespread contamination by metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but the combined effects of these toxics on aquatic biota and processes are poorly understood. We examined the effects of cadmium (Cd) and phenanthrene on the activity and diversity of fungi associated with decomposing leaf litter in streams. Leaves of Alnus glutinosa were immersed for 10 days in an unpolluted low-order stream in northwest Portugal to allow microbial colonization. Leaves were then exposed in microcosms for 14 days to Cd (0.06–4.5 mg L−1) and phenanthrene (0.2 mg L−1) either alone or in mixture. A total of 19 aquatic hyphomycete species were found sporulating on leaves during the whole study. The dominant species was Articulospora tetracladia, followed by Alatospora pulchella, Clavatospora longibrachiata, and Tetrachaetum elegans. Exposure to Cd and phenanthrene decreased the contribution of A. tetracladia to the total conidial production, whereas it increased that of A. pulchella. Fungal diversity, assessed as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting or conidial morphology, was decreased by the exposure to Cd and/or phenanthrene. Moreover, increased Cd concentrations decreased leaf decomposition and fungal reproduction but did not inhibit fungal biomass production. Exposure to phenanthrene potentiated the negative effects of Cd on fungal diversity and activity, suggesting that the co-occurrence of these stressors may pose additional risk to aquatic biodiversity and stream ecosystem functioning.The Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology supported this work (POCI/MAR/56964/2004) and S. Duarte (SFRH/BPD/47574/2008

    Physiotherapists’ barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a behaviour change-informed exercise intervention to promote the adoption of regular exercise practice in patients at risk of recurrence of low back pain: a qualitative study

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    Background: Recurrences of low back pain (LBP) are frequent and associated with high levels of disability and medical costs. Regular exercise practice may be an effective strategy to prevent recurrences of LBP, however, the promotion of this behaviour by physiotherapists seems to be challenging. This study aims to explore physiotherapists' perceived barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a behaviour change-informed exercise intervention to promote the adoption of regular exercise practice by patients at risk of recurrence of low back pain. Methods: Two focus groups with primary healthcare physiotherapists were conducted, based on a semi-structured interview schedule informed by the Behaviour Change Wheel, including the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) model and the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF). All focus groups were held through videoconference, audio and video recorded and transcribed verbatim. A deductive content analysis, using a coding matrix based on the COM-B and TDF, was performed by two independent researchers. A third researcher was approached to settle disagreements. Results: In total, 14 physiotherapists participated in the focus groups. The analysis revealed a total of 13 barriers (4 COM-B components and 7 TDF domains) and 23 facilitators (5 COM-B and 13 TDF) to physiotherapists' implementation of a behaviour change-informed exercise intervention. The most common barriers were the lack of skills and confidence to implement the proposed intervention. These were explained by the fact that it differs from the usual practice of most participants and requires the learning of new skills applied to their contexts. However, for those who had already implemented other similar interventions or whose rationale is aligned with the new intervention, there seemed to exist more positive determinants, such as potential benefits for physiotherapists and the profession, improvement of quality of care and willingness to change clinical practice. For others who did not previously succeed in implementing these types of interventions, more context-related barriers were mentioned, such as lack of time to implement the intervention, schedule incompatibilities and lack of material and human resources. Conclusions: This study identified modifiable barriers and facilitators to physiotherapists' implementation of a behaviour change-informed exercise intervention for patients at risk of recurrence of LBP in primary healthcare. The findings of this study will allow the systematic and theory-based development of a behaviour change-informed training programme, aimed at physiotherapists and supporting the successful implementation of the exercise intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simplified tabu search with random-based searches for bound constrained global optimization

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    This paper proposes a simplified version of the tabu search algorithm that solely uses randomly generated direction vectors in the exploration and intensification search procedures, in order to define a set of trial points while searching in the neighborhood of a given point. In the diversification procedure, points that are inside any already visited region with a relative small visited frequency may be accepted, apart from those that are outside the visited regions. The produced numerical results show the robustness of the proposed method. Its efficiency when compared to other known metaheuristics available in the literature is encouraging.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/00013/2020); FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020 of CMAT-UM