115 research outputs found

    Norma e variação: neologia no jornal A Bola e nos dicionários de referência para o português contemporâneo

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    Tese de mestrado, Linguística, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2011Pelo papel que se atribui a um dicionário de língua geral de referência para o Português e pelo que dele se espera, o de esclarecer o consulente, sobretudo no que à ortografia diz respeito, como acervo lexical que é, importa discutir o tratamento dado pelas nossas obras lexicográficas à inovação lexical que todos os dias chega às nossas mãos pela imprensa escrita e ao efectivo uso que os falantes dão à língua. Enquanto falante e responsável pelo bom uso, é comum ser confrontada com um sentimento de dever não cumprido por parte dos dicionários gerais de língua, não dando estes conta da inovação lexical, sobretudo nas linguagens de especialidade que fluem pela língua geral. Para tal, analisar-se-á a linguagem do desporto: pela influência que tem na sociedade portuguesa está mais propicia a produtividade lexical. Com o presente estudo, uma amostra empírica desse mesmo sentimento, conclui-se que a inexistência de uma norma firmada e orientadora da variação provoca, por um lado, desordenamento ortográfico e, por outro, uma barreira entre falante e informação. Assim, a partir do método data-driven de análise, são discutidos alguns casos representativos de grafias irregulares que espero contribuírem para uma nova realidade a dar à língua portuguesa por parte das instâncias com força de expressão e difusão, como a ortografia, os dicionários, a escola e os meios de comunicação social, para o que é urgente uma norma linguística e a sua salutar co-habitação com a variação. A esta última cabe a descrição e àquela a decisão, consciente da efectiva utilização da língua por parte dos falantes e do dinamismo e interferências que lhe são próprias em contacto dentro e fora das nossas fronteiras. Para este fim, são as seguintes as linhas orientadoras deste estudo: 1. A recolha de candidatos a neologismos da linguagem do desporto tendo por corpus-texto 23 edições do jornal diário A Bola; 2. A verificação da atestação dos candidatos nos dicionários gerais de referência para o português contemporâneo; 3. A análise dos dados, que dão a conhecer a realidade lexical actual em Portugal – cerca de 1200 itens à margem dos repertórios lexicais –, e denunciam a urgência de uma norma linguística.Abstract: All of us expect from the dictionary of general language that he fulfills its role, which is that of clarifying the consultant, especially as far as spelling is concerned, since it is a lexical body. Thus, it should be brought to discussion the treatment given by our lexicographic works to the lexical innovation arriving every day to our hands through the written press, and the actual use that speakers give to the language. As a speaker and responsible for a proper use, it is common for me to be confronted with a feeling that general language dictionaries don‟t fulfill their duty, giving no account of the lexical innovation, mainly in specialized languages that flow through the common language. To clarify this feeling, we‟ll analyse the specialized language of sports: its influence in Portuguese society is very favorable to lexical production. With this study, an evidence and a sample, it‟s concluded that the absence of a signed standard which can forward the language changes induces, first of all, a spelling disorder and, secondly, a gap between speaker and information. Thus, using the data- -driven method of analysis as a starting point, some representative cases of irregular spellings are discussed as a contribution, I hope, in order to point to a new reality that should be given to the Portuguese language by the authorities with power of expression and dissemination, such as spelling rules, dictionaries, school and media, but it is urgent a standard linguistic with a healthy co-habitation between variation. Bearing this in mind, the guidelines of this study are the following: 1. The catching of potential candidates to neologisms of sports language, based on a 23 editions corpus of the daily newspaper A Bola; 2. The verification of those candidates in general dictionaries of reference for contemporary Portuguese; 3. The data analysis, which enable us to know the current lexical reality in Portugal – about 1200 words and expressions outside the lexical repertoires –, and reveal the urgency for a signed standard languag

    Inclusão Escolar: percepção dos responsáveis das Instituições de Ensino da cidade de Rio Maior

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    A integração escolar, e gradual inclusão, de crianças e jovens com necessidades educativos especiais enquanto medida educativa transporta também bagagem própria e imprime na comunidade noções de inclusão e de sensibilidade perante a diferença. Este estudo de caso consiste numa investigação qualitativa com recurso à realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas e subsequente análise de conteúdo. A amostra consiste em cinco instituições escolares da cidade de Rio Maior, tendo sido entrevistados os respetivos diretores e a Vereadora da Educação da Autarquia. Identifica-se como pergunta de partida: Qual a perceção das escolas da cidade de Rio Maior sobre a sua própria atuação na educação inclusiva? Os objetivos da investigação são: Identificar a perceção dos diretores das instituições de ensino sobre a inclusão; Relacionar essa perceção e práticas de cada instituição com a teoria sobre inclusão; Interpretar semelhanças e disparidades entre instituições; Relacionar o conhecimento adquirido junto das instituições de ensino com a realidade sociopolítico do território em que se encontram; Analisar o conhecimento adquirido face aos princípios orientadores da Cidade Educadora. As hipóteses colocadas são: O Centro de Educação Especial, a Escola Fernando Casimiro e a Escola Profissional apresentarão maiores similaridades entre si na conceção e práticas de inclusão; A Escola Secundária e a Escola Superior apresentarão maiores similaridades entre si na conceção e práticas de inclusão. Os objetivos da investigação foram parcialmente atingidos. As hipóteses colocadas foram parcialmente confirmadas com destaque para o desempenho abaixo das expectativas da Escola Profissional e a Escola Secundária. Foi possível compreender a visão sobre o assunto e as práticas mais ou menos inclusivas das cinco instituições em estudo

    Mecanismos moleculares de hidrólise da parede celular vegetal: desenvolvimento de novas aplicações biotecnológicas para os módulos de ligação a carbohidratos

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências VeterináriasXyloglucan (XG) is the major plant cell wall hemicellulose. Biochemical and structural studies on a xyloglucanase, Xgh74A, from Clostridium thermocellum are presented here. In addition, the carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) from C. thermocellum Cel9D-Cel44A, CtCBM30 and CtCBM44, which recognize XG, are characterized in this work. CtCel9D-Cel44A’s C-terminal module of unknown function is a CBM, constituting the founder member of family 44. Structural studies revealed that both CtCBM30 and CtCBM44 present Type B binding site topologies where tryptophans play an important role in ligand recognition. Cel44A is an endoglucanase domain displaying some xylanase activity, which action is potentiated by CtCBM44 through a targeting effect. Biochemical and structural studies on CtLic26A-Cel5E are also described here. CtLic26A is a mixed b-1,4-b-1,3-glucanase and Cel5E an endo-b-1,4- glucanase. The three-dimensional structure of CtLic26A provides insights in the mechanism of lichenan recognition by family 26 glycoside hydrolases. Finally, novel biotechnological applications for CBMs were investigated. An experiment was conducted where a barley-based diet for broilers was supplemented with CtLic26ACel5 derivatives, with or without CtCBM11, and with a commercial enzyme. The fusion of four antimicrobial peptides with CipA from CtCBM3 originated recombinants with high affinity for crystalline cellulose, indicating CBMs could fix bioactive molecules to cellulose.RESUMO: O xiloglucano é a principal hemicelulose das paredes celulares vegetais. Neste trabalho apresentam-se estudos bioquímicos e estruturais sobre a xiloglucanase Xgh74A do Clostridium thermocellum. São também estudados módulos de ligação a carbohidratos (CBMs) com afinidade para o xiloglucano, o CtCBM30 e o CtCBM44 da CtCel9DCel44A. O módulo C-terminal revelou-se um CBM, sendo o membro fundador da família 44. As estruturas cristalográficas desses CBMs mostram locais de ligação aos polissacáridos com topologia do Tipo B, nos quais os triptofanos representam um papel importante no reconhecimento dos ligandos. A Cel44A é uma endoglucanase com actividade xilanásica, cuja acção é potenciada pelo CtCBM44. Estudos bioquímicos e estruturais sobre a CtLic26A-Cel5E são também apresentados, sendo a CtLic26A uma b-1,4-b-1,3-glucanase e a Cel5E uma endo-b-1,4-glucanase. A estrutura tridimensional da CtLic26A revelou os mecanismos estruturais que modulam a especificidade da enzima. Neste trabalho são pesquisadas novas aplicações biotecnológicas para os CBMs. Efectuou-se um ensaio com frangos de carne, suplementando dietas à base de cevada com derivados recombinantes da CtLic26A-Cel5, com e sem CtCBM11, e com uma enzima comercial. A fusão de quatro péptidos antimicrobianos com a CipA do CtCBM3 originou recombinantes com elevada afinidade para celulose cristalina, indicando que os CBMs poderão fixar moléculas bioactivas a materiais celulósicos.This work was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, grant SFRH/BD/16731/2004, and co-funded by POCI 2010 and FSE from Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superio

    O uso do solo como factor de influência na evolução de um sapal. Casos de estudo do Sapal de Corroios e do Sapal de Pancas

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente perfil Ordenamento do Território e Impactes AmbientaisOs sapais são sistemas altamente sensíveis e que têm de ser protegidos contra o crescimento urbano e de serviços que se tem feito sentir desde o século XX. O sapal de Corroios e o sapal de Pancas pertencem ambos ao estuário do Tejo no entanto, apresentam características muito diferentes. Para além do primeiro apresentar um recessão, influenciada pelos processos erosivos e dinâmica estuarina a mudança do uso do solo é também um factor que interferiu, ao longo dos anos com a evolução do sapal. Já o sapal de Pancas apresenta uma acreção de vegetação e uma maior permanência dos usos do solo originais. O estudo do uso do solo nestas duas áreas é realizada tendo em conta os anos de 1947, 1977, 1989, 1999, 2004 e 2010. Os resultados indicam que a área A, em volta ao sapal de Corroios, sofreu um boom populacional e um crescimento de tecido urbano e área industrial de 12,9 % e 6,1 %, respectivamente. Este sapal também apresenta uma forte actividade de aquacultura, actividade esta que interfere com o crescimento deste tipo de vegetação. A juntar à fraca sedimentação que este sapal apresenta, a poluição difusa proveniente do tecido urbano e industrial é também um dos factores da recessão do sapal de Corroios. A sinergia destas características provoca uma diminuição durante os anos de estudo sendo o valor final da perda de 0,6 km2. O sapal de Pancas para além de usufruir de uma taxa de sedimentação superior ao processo de erosão também apresenta outro factor favorável ao seu crescimento. O uso do solo em seu redor tem-se mantido, relativamente, no estado natural desde o início deste estudo. Ao contrário do caso de estudo do sapal de Corroios os temas maioritários são a “Floresta e vegetação arbórea aberta” e “Áreas Agrícolas e de pastagem”. Regista-se, assim, um aumento de 1,3 % da área de sapal o que corresponde a 2,1 km2

    Anterior/Posterior Competitive Deactivation/Activation Dichotomy in the Human Hippocampus as Revealed by a 3D Navigation Task

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    Anterior/posterior long axis specialization is thought to underlie the organization of the hippocampus. However it remains unclear whether antagonistic mechanisms differentially modulate processing of spatial information within the hippocampus. We used fMRI and a virtual reality 3D paradigm to study encoding and retrieval of spatial memory during active visuospatial navigation, requiring positional encoding and retrieval of object landmarks during the path. Both encoding and retrieval elicited BOLD activation of the posterior most portion of hippocampus, while concurrent deactivations (recently shown to reflect decreases in neural responses) were found in the most anterior regions. Encoding elicited stronger activity in the posterior right than the left hippocampus. The former structure also showed significantly stronger activity for allocentric vs. egocentric processing during retrieval. The anterior vs. posterior pattern mimics, from a functional point, although at much distinct temporal scales, the previous anatomical findings in London taxi drivers, whereby posterior enlargement was found at the cost of an anterior decrease, and the mirror symmetric findings observed in blind people, in whom the right anterior hippocampus was found to be larger, at the cost of a smaller posterior hippocampus, as compared with sighted people. In sum, we found a functional dichotomy whereby the anterior/posterior hippocampus shows antagonistic processing patterns for spatial encoding and retrieval of 3D spatial information. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting such a dynamical pattern in a functional study, which suggests that differential modulation of neural responses within the human hippocampus reflects distinct roles in spatial memory processing

    Continuous theta burst stimulation increases contralateral mu and beta rhythms with arm elevation:implications for neurorehabilitation

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    The study of the physiological effects underlying brain response to transcranial magnetic stimulation is important to understand its impact on neurorehabilitation. We aim to analyze the impact of a transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol, the continuous theta burst (cTBS), on human neurophysiology, particularly on contralateral motor rhythms. cTBS was applied in 20 subjects over the primary motor cortex. We recorded brain electrical activity pre- and post-cTBS with electroencephalography both at rest and while performing motor tasks, to evaluate changes in brain oscillatory patterns such as mu and beta rhythms. Moreover, we measured motor-evoked potentials before and after cTBS to assess its impact on brain's excitability. On the hemisphere contralateral to the protocol, we did observe a significant increase in mu (p = 0.027) and beta (p = 0.006) rhythms from pre- to post-cTBS, at the beginning of arm elevation. The topology of action planning and motor execution suggests that cTBS produced an inhibitory effect that propagated to the contralateral hemisphere, thereby precluding the expected/desired excitation for therapy purposes. This novel approach provides support for the notion that this protocol induces inhibitory changes in contralateral motor rhythms, by decreasing desynchronization, contradicting the ipsilateral inhibition vs. contralateral disinhibition hypothesis. Our results have implications for personalized cTBS usage as a rehabilitation intervention, suggesting that an unexpected propagation of inhibition can occur

    Neural correlates of fanhood:the role of fan identity and team brand strength

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    Introduction: We analyzed the importance of fan identity and brand strength on fans’ neural reactions to different team-related stimuli.Methods: A total of 53 fMRI scans with fans of two professional sport teams were conducted. Following up on a previous study we focused on the differences between fandom levels as well as the contrast between two team “brand” strength. Neural responses were compared among individuals based on their levels of fan identity. In sum, group comparisons between relatively high and lower identity and between weak and strong teams were made based on the notion that the latter reflects team brand strength (strong brand and weak brand).Results: Findings indicate that brain activity in emotion regulation, memory, and cognitive control circuits is influenced by the relative level of fan identity.Discussion: Higher-level identified fans showed increased reactivity to positive stimuli and the under-recruitment of their cognitive appraisal circuits, suggesting more vulnerability to marketers’ messages. The strength of the team brand activates different neural mechanisms. Interestingly, the posterior cingulate showed larger recruitment both for weaker brands and lower fan identification, suggesting that visual memory processes are more active in these cases. Neurally processed content depends on the relative brand’s strength, highlighting the importance of brand-focused communications

    The Notch Ligand Delta-Like 4 Regulates Multiple Stages of Early Hemato-Vascular Development

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    Background: In mouse embryos, homozygous or heterozygous deletions of the gene encoding the Notch ligand Dll4 result in early embryonic death due to major defects in endothelial remodeling in the yolk sac and embryo. Considering the close developmental relationship between endothelial and hematopoietic cell lineages, which share a common mesodermderived precursor, the hemangioblast, and many key regulatory molecules, we investigated whether Dll4 is also involved in the regulation of early embryonic hematopoiesis. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using Embryoid Bodies (EBs) derived from embryonic stem cells harboring hetero- or homozygous Dll4 deletions, we observed that EBs from both genotypes exhibit an abnormal endothelial remodeling in the vascular sprouts that arise late during EB differentiation, indicating that this in vitro system recapitulates the angiogenic phenotype of Dll4 mutant embryos. However, analysis of EB development at early time points revealed that the absence of Dll4 delays the emergence of mesoderm and severely reduces the number of blast-colony forming cells (BL-CFCs), the in vitro counterpart of the hemangioblast, and of endothelial cells. Analysis of colony forming units (CFU) in EBs and yolk sacs from Dll4 +/2 and Dll4 2/2 embryos, showed that primitive erythropoiesis is specifically affected by Dll4 insufficiency. In Dll4 mutant EBs, smooth muscle cells (SMCs) were seemingly unaffected and cardiomyocyte differentiation was increased, indicating that SMC specification is Dll4-independent while a normal dose of this Notch ligand is essential for th

    Red mud-based inorganic polymer spheres: innovative and environmentally friendly anaerobic digestion enhancers

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    Red mud-based inorganic polymer spheres were used as alternative pH regulators and process enhancers in sequencing batch anaerobic reactors treating cheese whey. This byproduct tends to quickly acidify under anaerobic conditions, and the common route to control pH and ensure suitable conditions for methane production involves the use of commercial alkaline raw materials. The spheres were synthesized using significant amounts of hazardous and toxic waste, red mud (50 wt% of solid components), whose recycling is challenging. The inorganic polymeric spheres, when compared to virgin alkaline raw materials, improved organic matter removal by 44%, prevented VFA accumulation (acidification degree less than 20%), maintained pH values in a range (6.5-7.2) to ensure maximum methanogenic activity by archaea microorganisms, and boosted the methane volume by ~90%. These promising results demonstrate the feasibility and performance advantages of using these innovative spheres instead of virgin raw materials, which is an important tool towards sustainable development.publishe

    Additive manufactured stoneware fired in microwave furnace

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    In the context of ceramic manufacturing, additive manufacturing or 3D printing creates new opportunities and perspectives, allowing the fabrication of parts with complex shapes, which by traditional means would be impossible to produce or would be very expensive [1]. This is the case for dinnerware and artworks (stoneware, porcelain and clay-based products). After piece forming, the greenware is gas or electrically fired at high temperatures to achieve its mechanical strength and aesthetic properties. These conventional firing processes usually require long processing times, in the present case taking 10 h to reach temperatures around 1200 °C [2]. In the search for faster firing processes, small size and cup shaped 3D printed stoneware pieces were fired using microwave radiation as the energy source. As microwave radiation has the potential to penetrate the material to be sintered, volumetric heating can be achieved, and faster firing processes are possible to implement without cracks formation and other thermal related defects. Pieces were fired in 10% of the conventional manufacturing time in a six magnetrons (energy sources) microwave furnace [3]. The microwave, the electrically-fast-fired and conventionally-fired pieces are presented in Figure 1. The conventionally-fired pieces are seen as reference samples. Temperature was controlled through a calibrated pyrometer [3], and using Process Temperature Control Rings (PTCR) the temperature of the pieces of (1207 ± 15) °C was determined. An error of only 1.25% was calculated between the temperature measured by the pyrometer and the PTCR in the piece where the pyrometer is measuring the temperature. The PTCR elements give a better representation of the real heating process at its location, concomitantly of each piece when they are placed inside it. The results show that microwave-fast-fired pieces present comparable mechanical strength to the references (10 h electrically fired) and to the electrically fast-fired pieces (41, 46 and 34 (N/mm2), respectively), and present aesthetic features closer to the reference ones. Porosity quantification does not fully agree with the mechanical strength of the pieces, of ~5% for electrically fast-fired, ~9% for the references and ~4% for microwave-fired ones. Overall, microwave heating can be used as an alternative stoneware firing technology, without compromising its quality and features with gains in the manufacturing time. Another advantage attributed to microwave heating is the reduction in the firing temperature, as claimed by the literature [4,5]. However, this possibility still requires confirmation in 3D-printed stoneware.publishe