325 research outputs found

    Factores determinantes en la masificación de la impresión 3D como tecnología de fabricación personal

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    Se estudia la influencia de ciertos factores de cambio tecnológicos, económicos y sociales; en la manera como se percibe y utiliza la impresión 3D como tecnología emergente de fabricación personal. Una encuesta en línea es realizada entre los miembros de las comunidades virtuales de impresión 3D.Carrillo Duarte, JH. (2012). Factores determinantes en la masificación de la impresión 3D como tecnología de fabricación personal. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/60846Archivo delegad

    Research priorities and future of alfalfa in Latin America

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    Future actions aimed at the technological development of Latin American’s agrifood and agroindustrial systems should seek to anticipate trends and ensure the permanent adjustment of research and development priorities, viewing innovations inspired by the logic of productive chains, which are increasingly dependent upon knowledge and technology. To ensure quantity and quality for the growing demand of food while preserving natural resources and adding value to the product, it is necessary to invest in research with a transdisciplinary approach in order to manage systems which are increasingly complex and strikingly bound to convergent technologies. The migration of production systems with few activities for those more complex stands out as a strong trend for the next decades. This will certainly require to handle increasingly dynamic processes that will be part of the agribusiness that opens up for the near future.INTA. Centro Regional Córdoba. EEA Manfredi.Fil: Vivela, Duarte. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Gado de Leite; BrasilFil: Basigalup, Daniel Horacio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Manfredi. Grupo Recursos Forrajeros; ArgentinaFil: Juntolli, Fabrício V.Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento; BrasilFil: Ferreira de Paula, Reinaldo. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Gado de Leite; Brasi

    Rupturas y continuidades en la recuperación browniana de las investigaciones de Foucault sobre el neoliberalismo

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    The Michel Foucault’s courses given at the Collège de France, between 1977 and 1979, wield a lucid critic of the neoliberalism, but especially innovative for its time. However, his ideas have not been exempted of controversy, which are also added to the series of innovations that the last forty years of neoliberalism have brought, leaving some parts of Foucault’s investigation out of date. That is why Wendy Brown, assuming its legacy even against the author, offers an interesting revision of the scope and limits of the governmental studies, drawing a series of continuities and ruptures between her own ideas and Foucault’s courses. So is that, elaborating an original theory about the Homo Politicus from an exam of the Foucauldian Homo Economicus, this thinker reveals the disastrous effects that neoliberalism unleashes over democracy and its emancipatory imaginary; a problem by the way, highly dismissed by Foucault. The present article rebuilds, in general terms, the different readings and critics that surrounds the work of the philosopher, later explaining the Brownian appreciation in this regard, and her studies on democratic crises in the neoliberal era.Los cursos de Michel Foucault dictados en el Collège de France, entre 1977 y 1979, esgrimen una crítica lúcida del neoliberalismo, pero por sobre todo, novedosa para su tiempo. Sin embargo, sus ideas no han estado exentas de controversias, que se suman además a la serie de innovaciones que los últimos cuarenta años de neoliberalismo han traído consigo, dejando desactualizados algunos aspectos de las investigaciones del autor. Por ello es que, asumiendo su legado incluso en contra de este, Wendy Brown ofrece una interesante revisión de los alcances y límites de los estudios gubernamentales, trazando una serie de continuidades y rupturas entre sus ideas y los cursos del autor. De esta manera, elaborando una original teoría del Homo Politicus desde un examen del Homo Economicus foucaultiano, esta pensadora revela los desastrosos efectos que el neoliberalismo desata sobre la soberanía democrática y sus imaginarios emancipatorios; una problemática, por cierto, muy desestimada por el autor. El presente artículo reconstruye en términos generales las distintas lecturas y críticas de rodean la obra del filósofo, explicitando luego la apreciación browniana al respecto, y sus estudios sobre las crisis democráticas en la era neoliberal

    In vitro production of porcine embryos with use of chemically semi-defined culture media system

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a semi-defined culture media system developed in our laboratory, named Pigs Media System (PMS) on the in vitro production of porcine embryos. In a first assay, the cummulus-oocytes complexes (COCs) were matured, fertilized and cultured for embryo development in PMS supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA), and in North Carolina State University-23 (NCSU-23) supplemented with fluid follicular, until blastocysts evaluation. In the assay 2, maturation and culture were performed in PMS using BSA or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement (PMS-BSA/BSA, PMS-BSA/PVA, PMS-PVA/PVA, PMS-PVA/BSA). The PMS had a positive effect on the total cell number (58.04) and the decrease of the total lipids (49.4%) regarding the NCSU-23 medium (37.98 and 59.2% respectively; p<0.05). The percentage of monospermic fertilization was significantly lower (42.3%; p<0.05) when oocytes were matured with PMS-BSA than in PMS-PVA (52.6%). The supplementation of BSA in the PMS for embryo culture, increased the blastocyst development, the cell number of blastocysts and decreased the content of total lipids (36.8%, 46.9 and 49.6% respectively; p<0.05), in comparison with the supplementation of PVA in the PMS for embryo culture. These results suggest that the semi-defined culture media system developed by the National Genetic Resources Center (CNRG), have proved favorable effects on the total cell number and the decrease of total lipids of porcine blastocysts in vitro produced. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a semi-defined culture media system developed in our laboratory, named Pigs Media System (PMS) on the in vitro production of porcine embryos. In a first assay, the cummulus-oocytes complexes (COCs) were matured, fertilized and cultured for embryo development in PMS supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA), and in North Carolina State University-23 (NCSU-23) supplemented with fluid follicular, until blastocysts evaluation. In the assay 2, maturation and culture were performed in PMS using BSA or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement (PMS-BSA/BSA, PMS-BSA/PVA, PMS-PVA/PVA, PMS-PVA/BSA). The PMS had a positive effect on the total cell number (58.04) and the decrease of the total lipids (49.4%) regarding the NCSU-23 medium (37.98 and 59.2% respectively; p<0.05). The percentage of monospermic fertilization was significantly lower (42.3%; p<0.05) when oocytes were matured with PMS-BSA than in PMS-PVA (52.6%). The supplementation of BSA in the PMS for embryo culture, increased the blastocyst development, the cell number of blastocysts and decreased the content of total lipids (36.8%, 46.9 and 49.6% respectively; p<0.05), in comparison with the supplementation of PVA in the PMS for embryo culture. These results suggest that the semi-defined culture media system developed by the National Genetic Resources Center (CNRG), have proved favorable effects on the total cell number and the decrease of total lipids of porcine blastocysts in vitro produced.

    Respuesta de la actividad sexual a la suplementación alimenticia de machos cabríos tratados con días largos, con un manejo extensivo a libre pastoreo

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate if food supplementation in photoperiodic-treated male goat increases their sexual activity during natural sexual rest period. Two groups of male goat (n=5 each) were placed separately in two herds of female goats grazed under extensive conditions in native pastures (daily from 1000 to 1800). When animals returned from grazing, males were separated from the females and placed in pens near their flock. Both male groups were submitted artificially for 2.5 mo to a long days treatment (16 h light/d) beginning on November 1. Treated group of males was supplemented daily with 1 kg of alfalfa hay (17 % CP) and 300 g of commercial feed concentrate (14 % PC) per animal. Body condition was better in the supplemented than in the control group from the middle January (2.5±0.2 vs 2.1±0.1, respectively) to the end of March (2.8±0.1 vs 2.2±0.2, respectively, P0.05). Finally, in both groups, testicular weight increased from middle December to the end of the study (from 78.0±6 to 124±4 g, in the control group and from 70.7 to 117±9 g, in the supplemented group, respectively). However, in this variable there was neither an interaction group-time, nor an effect of group (P>0.05). The results of this study show that in these conditions, feed supplementation does not increase the sexual response of male goats treated with 2.5 mo of long days under extensive grazing conditions.El objetivo fue evaluar si la suplementación alimenticia incrementa la respuesta sexual de los machos cabríos tratados con 2.5 meses de días largos, durante la estación no reproductiva. Dos grupos de machos (n=5 c/u) fueron integrados separadamente en dos rebaños de cabras pastoreadas extensivamente consumiendo la vegetación local (de 1000 a 1800). Cuando estos machos regresaban del pastoreo, fueron separados de las hembras, puestos cada grupo en un corral contiguo a su rebaño de hembras, y ambos grupos fueron sometidos a 2.5 meses días largos (16 h luz/día) a partir del 1 de noviembre. Un grupo de machos fue suplementado diariamente con 1 kg de heno de alfalfa (17 % PC) y 300 g de concentrado comercial (14 % PC) por día/macho. La condición corporal fue diferente entre el grupo no suplementado y el suplementado a partir del día 15 de enero (2.1±0.1 vs 2.5±0.2, respectivamente, P0.05). En los dos grupos, el peso testicular se incrementó a partir de 15 de diciembre hasta el final del estudio (78±6 a 124±4 g, no suplementado y 70±7 a 117±9 g, suplementado, P>0.05). Los resultados del presente estudio demuestran que, la suplementación alimenticia no incrementa la respuesta sexual de los machos cabríos tratados con 2.5 meses de días largos y explotados extensivamente

    Implementation of HIV Drug Resistance Testing in Kenya

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    Background: Testing for HIV drug resistance prior to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is standard of care in the United States but is rarely performed in Africa due to its high cost. The prevalence of HIV drug resistance is increasing in resource-limited settings (RLS). An affordable and feasible strategy is needed in RLS to identify individuals with drug resistance and prescribe effective ART. Our group developed a low-cost oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA) that detects mutations conferring resistance. Little data exists on implementing HIV drug resistance testing in RLS. Here, we describe the implementation of OLA in one laboratory in Kenya and discuss practical aspects of executing the OLA over two years. Methods: The OLA was transferred to a research laboratory at the Coptic Hope Center in Nairobi, Kenya, as part of a randomized trial testing use of the OLA in individuals starting first-line ART to improve virologic outcome. The Seattle Lab Manager (SLM) transported equipment needed for OLA to Nairobi, set up the laboratory, and trained two Kenyan lab technicians to perform OLA. Two additional technicians were later trained. Technicians had education either as a lab technologist or lab scientist, with limited training in molecular techniques. Results: OLA was successfully performed by Kenyan lab technicians on 565 blood samples. Each week, OLA was performed on approximately 7 samples, requiring an estimated 10 hours of technician labor, and 2 hours of remote technical support, review of test results and oversight from the SLM. Some sample results were delayed during two temporary, month-long pauses in testing of specimens, due to suboptimal performance of the OLA. This required trouble-shooting by the SLM in conjunction with lab personnel. Conclusion: OLA technology was successfully transferred to the Kenyan laboratory. However, it required time-intensive technician labor and substantial oversight by the SLM. The complexity of OLA, and a paucity of lab technicians and on-site supervisors trained in molecular techniques are potential bottlenecks for implementation of the current version of OLA at a larger population-level. Research is ongoing to develop OLA Simple, a simplified kit aimed to address these challenges and serve as a point-of-care assay

    HRTEM characterization of gold nanoparticles produced by wheat biomass

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    In this study, the bio-reduction of Au(III) to Au(0) by wheat biomass and the subsequent production of gold nanoparticles of various shapes and sizes is presented. The dry biomass was ground and sieved in order to assure a uniform particle size and having more area of biomass exposed to the gold. Wheat biomass was exposed to a 0.3mM potassium tetrachloroaurate solution at pH values of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for three and a half hours at room temperature. After that time, the biomass pellets were analyzed using a high resolution transmission electron microscope, JEOL-4000 EX, in order to characterize the gold nanoparticles. The results showed that wheat biomass produced nanostructures of the following morphologies: Fcc tetrahedral (T), decahedral (Dh), hexagonal (He), icosahedral multitwinned (I), irregular shape (Irr), and rod shape nanoparticles. The highest percent of the nanoparticles formed had a particle size ranging from 10-30 nm.Fil: Armendáriz, V.. University of Texas at El Paso; Estados UnidosFil: José Yacamán, Miguel. University of Texas at Austin; Estados UnidosFil: Duarte Moller, A.. University of Texas at El Paso; Estados Unidos. Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados; MéxicoFil: Peralta Videa, J. R.. University of Texas at El Paso; Estados UnidosFil: Troiani, Horacio Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. University of Texas at Austin; Estados UnidosFil: Herrera, I.. University of Texas at El Paso; Estados UnidosFil: Gardea Torres, J. L.. University of Texas at El Paso; Estados Unido

    Addressing Pediatric HIV Pretreatment Drug Resistance and Virologic Failure in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Diagnostic-Based Strategies in Children ≥3 Years Old

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    Improvement of antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen switching practices and implementation of pretreatment drug resistance (PDR) testing are two potential approaches to improve health outcomes for children living with HIV. We developed a microsimulation model of disease progression and treatment focused on children with perinatally acquired HIV in sub-Saharan Africa who initiate ART at 3 years of age. We evaluated the cost-effectiveness of diagnostic-based strategies (improved switching and PDR testing), over a 10-year time horizon, in settings without and with pediatric dolutegravir (DTG) availability as first-line ART. The improved switching strategy increases the probability of switching to second-line ART when virologic failure is diagnosed through viral load testing. The PDR testing strategy involves a one-time PDR test prior to ART initiation to guide choice of initial regimen. When DTG is not available, PDR testing is dominated by the improved switching strategy, which has an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of USD 579/life-year gained (LY), relative to the status quo. If DTG is available, improved switching has a similar ICER (USD 591/LY) relative to the DTGstatus quo. Even when substantial financial investment is needed to achieve improved regimen switching practices, the improved switching strategy still has the potential to be cost-effective in a wide range of sub-Saharan African countries. Our analysis highlights the importance of strengthening existing laboratory monitoring systems to improve the health of children living with HIV


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    Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as publicações sobre o cuidado de enfermagem a pacientes adultos em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva no período de 2005 à 2010, mediante uma revisão integrativa, a partir da análise de artigos publicados nas bases de dados da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Base de Dados da Enfermagem (BDENF) e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). Utilizou-se como descritores para a busca os termos cuidados de enfermagem, terapia intensiva e saúde do adulto. Identificou-se 1093 artigos, e destes apenas 13 artigos disponíveis na íntegra. Com a análise dos trabalhos extraiu-se 3 categorias para discussão: Gerenciamento do cuidado de Enfermagem, Cuidado de Enfermagem com pacientes, Cuidado de Enfermagem com familiares. Com isso, percebe-se que o cuidado prestado aos pacientes adultos não se restringe apenas a seu processo patológico, mas também inclui o gerenciamento do cuidado e amplia este aos familiares dos pacientes