2,568 research outputs found

    Adolescents’ perceptions about non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts

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    Introduction: Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal thoughts and behaviors present high prevalence rates in adolescence. Aims: This study aimed to describe adolescents’ perceptions about these phenomena, and to analyze and compare the differences of these perceptions among adolescents with and without a history of non-suicidal selfinjury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Methods: The convenience sample consisted of 452 adolescents in ages between 12 and 18 (M(SD) = 15.59(1.50), 48% male and 52% female. For data collection, the Free Association Test was used in a survey, and data was analyzed through content analysis. Results: Results showed that 10.8% of the participants presented a history of non-suicidal self-injury, 19.9% suicidal ideation, and 2.7% suicide attempts. Perceptions were grouped into eight dimensions: Consumption of Psychoactive Substances; Death/Suicide; Interpersonal Factors; Intrapersonal Factors; Moral Judgments; Negative Emotions; Psychological Functions; and Self-Injurious Methods. Further analysis revealed that adolescents with and without a history of non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts presented differences in their perceptions of these phenomena. Conclusions: These findings contribute to the understanding regarding the perceptions of adolescents about these phenomena and might have implications regarding their prevention and intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dialectos da dor: Representações sociais sobre as funções dos comportamentos auto-lesivos em adolescentes

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialização de Psicologia Clínica, , apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioOs comportamentos auto-lesivos são actualmente considerados um problema de saúde pública, especialmente em adolescentes e jovens adultos. Tem existido um crescente foco investigacional nesta área e tem-se vindo a reconhecer a importância da esfera interpessoal, particularmente em termos de prevenção e intervenção. Contudo, são escassas as investigações que abordem as representações sociais sobre as funções destes comportamentos, nomeadamente no âmbito familiar e do grupo de pares. De igual modo, são poucos os instrumentos relativos a comportamentos auto-lesivos validados para Portugal que possibilitem o estudo destes comportamentos e das suas representações sociais. O primeiro artigo consiste na adaptação e validação para adolescentes Portugueses da primeira secção do Inventory of Statements About Self-Injury (Klonsky & Glenn, 2009). A análise das qualidades psicométricas e da estrutura factorial deste instrumento revelou boa consistência interna e uma organização dos métodos auto-lesivos em três factores (Comportamentos Auto-Lesivos Severos e Tentativas de Suicídio; Comportamentos Auto- Lesivos Leves/Moderados; e Consumo de Substâncias Psicoactivas). Assim, este inventário demonstrou ser um bom recurso para o estudo da frequência dos comportamentos auto-lesivos e dos métodos utilizados. No segundo artigo apresentamos uma análise qualitativa de várias entrevistas, que teve como objectivo a descrição e comparação das representações sociais sobre as funções dos comportamentos auto-lesivos de três grupos: adolescentes com uma história destes comportamentos, adolescentes sem uma história destes comportamentos e adultos igualmente sem uma história destes comportamentos. Os participantes referenciaram oito funções que vão ao encontro das descritas na literatura (e.g. Klonsky, 2007b) e duas novas funções. Foram também encontradas diferenças entre os grupos, nomeadamente que os adultos enfatizaram as funções interpessoais e que ambos os grupo de adolescentes mencionaram mais funções intrapessoais. Os artigos três e quatro apresentam a construção e validação de dois questionários para o estudo das representações sociais sobre as funções dos comportamentos auto-lesivos, para adolescentes (Artigo 3) e para adultos (Artigo 4). Estes instrumentos foram desenvolvidos com base na segunda secção do Inventory of Statements About Self-Injury (Klonsky & Glenn, 2009), na análise anteriormente mencionada de entrevistas, e na análise de uma amostra da imprensa escrita generalista Portuguesa. Ambos os questionários demonstraram boas viii qualidades psicométricas em termos de consistência interna e de estrutura factorial, possibilitando a sua utilização em estudos posteriores. O dois últimos artigos (artigo 5 e artigo 6) tiveram como objectivo a exploração e comparação das representações sociais sobre as funções dos comportamentos auto-lesivos de adolescentes com e sem estes comportamentos e de pais. Os instrumentos utilizados nestes estudos consistiram no Inventário de Comportamentos Auto-Lesivos (ICAL), no Questionário das Representações sobre as Funções dos Comportamentos Auto-Lesivos para Adolescentes (QRFCAL-Adolescentes) e no Questionário das Representações sobre as Funções dos Comportamentos Auto-Lesivos para Adultos (QRFCAL-Adultos), previamente validados. O artigo 5 focou-se na comparação entre as representações sociais de adolescentes com e sem comportamentos auto-lesivos, e na comparação das representações sociais de mães e pais de adolescentes com e sem comportamentos auto-lesivos. Em termos gerais, os resultados obtidos revelaram que os adolescentes sem comportamentos auto-lesivos atribuíram mais relevância às funções interpessoais e que os adolescentes com comportamentos valorizaram algumas funções intrapessoais. Por acréscimo, os pais de adolescentes com e sem estes comportamentos apresentaram algumas diferenças entre as suas representações sociais, especialmente no sentido em que as mães de adolescentes com comportamentos auto-lesivos enfatizaram algumas funções intrapessoais. O artigo 6 baseou-se na comparação das representações sociais sobre as funções de comportamentos auto-lesivos em famílias (filho/a, mãe e pai) de adolescentes com e sem estes comportamentos. A partir da análise destes resultados surgiram diferenças consideráveis entre ambos os grupos de adolescentes e os respectivos pais, principalmente no sentido em que os pais enfatizaram as funções interpessoais e desvalorizaram as funções intrapessoais. Estas diferenças acentuaram-se nas famílias de adolescentes com comportamentos auto-lesivos.Deliberate self-harm is nowadays considered a public health problem, especially in adolescents and young adults. Research has increasingly focused on this area and the relevance of the interpersonal context has been recognized, particularly in terms of prevention and clinical intervention. However, there are few investigations based on the study of the social representations concerning the functions of these behaviours, namely on the familiar and peer settings. Likewise, there are few instruments validated to Portugal that allow the study of deliberate self-harm and its social representations. The first article is based on the adaptation and validation for Portuguese adolescents of the first section of the Inventory of Statements About Self-Injury (Klonsky & Glenn, 2009). The analysis of the psychometric properties and of the factorial structure of this instrument revealed good internal consistency and a structure of three factors (Severe Deliberate Self- Harm and Suicide Attempts; Mild/Moderate Deliberate Self-Harm; and Consumption of Psychoactive Substances). Therefore, this instrument demonstrated to be a good resource for the study of deliberate self-harm frequency and the methods used in these behaviours. In the second article, we present a qualitative analysis of several interviews. This analysis had the objective of describing and comparing the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm from three groups: adolescents with a history of these behaviours, adolescents without a history of these behaviours, and adults also without a history of these behaviours. The participants mentioned eight functions that are in accordance with those described in the literature (e.g. Klonsky, 2007b) and two new functions. We also found differences between the groups, namely that adults emphasized interpersonal functions and that both groups of adolescents cited more intrapersonal functions. Articles three and four present the development and validation of two questionnaires to study the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm, one for adolescents (Article 3) and one for adults (Article 4). These instruments were based on the second section of the Inventory of Statements About Self-Injury (Klonsky & Glenn, 2009), on the aforementioned analysis of interviews and on the analysis of a sample of Portuguese written press. Both questionnaires revealed good psychometric properties regarding internal consistency and factorial structure, allowing its further use. The last two articles had the objective of exploring and comparing the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm from adolescents with and without x these behaviours and from parents. The instruments used in these studies consisted of the Inventory of Deliberate Self-Harm Behaviours (Inventário de Comportamentos Auto-Lesivos, ICAL), the Questionnaire of Representations about the Functions of Deliberate Self-Harm for Adolescents (Questionário das Representações sobre as Funções dos Comportamentos Auto- Lesivos para Adolescentes, QRFCAL-Adolescentes) and the Questionnaire of Representations about the Functions of Deliberate Self-Harm for Adults (Questionário das Representações sobre as Funções dos Comportamentos Auto-Lesivos para Adultos, QRFCAL-Adultos), previously validated. Article 5 focused on the comparison between the social representations of adolescents with and without deliberate self-harm and on the comparison of the social representations from parents (mothers and fathers) of adolescents with and without deliberate self-harm. Globally, results showed that adolescents without deliberate self-harm gave more relevance to interpersonal functions and that adolescents with a history of these behaviours valued some intrapersonal functions. In addition, the parents of adolescents with and without these behaviours showed some differences between their social representations, since mothers of adolescents with deliberate self-harm emphasized some intrapersonal functions. Article 6 was based on the comparison of the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm in families (adolescent, mother and father) of adolescents with and without these behaviours. Results revealed considerable differences between both groups of adolescents and their parents, mostly because parents emphasized interpersonal functions and devalued intrapersonal functions. These differences were accentuated in the families of adolescents with deliberate self-harm

    The compression chord capacity model for the shear design and assessment of reinforced and prestressed concrete beams

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: [Cladera, A., Marí, A., Bairán, J. M., Ribas, C., Oller, E. and Duarte, N. (2016), The compression chord capacity model for the shear design and assessment of reinforced and prestressed concrete beams. Structural Concrete, 17: 1017–1032. doi:10.1002/suco.201500214], which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/suco.201500214/fullA simplified mechanical model is presented for the shear strength prediction of reinforced and prestressed concrete members with and without transverse reinforcement, with I, T or rectangular cross-section. The model, derived with further simplifications from a previous one developed by the authors, incorporates the contributions of the concrete compression chord, the cracked web, the dowel action and the shear reinforcement in a compact formulation. The mechanical character of the model provides valuable information about the physics of the problem and incorporates the most relevant parameters governing the shear strength of structural concrete members. The predictions of the model fit very well the experimental results collected in the ACI-DAfStb databases of shear tests on slender reinforced and prestressed concrete beams with and without stirrups. Due to this fact and the simplicity of the derived equations it may become a very useful tool for structural design and assessment in engineering practice.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Perspectivas sobre a auto-injúria não-suicida em jovens

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioA auto-injúria não-suicida consiste na destruição intencional de tecido corporal sem intenção suicida e que obedece a motivos não sancionados socialmente (Klonsky, 2007). O presente estudo teve como objectivo explorar a percepção individual do próprio mundo relacional e a existência de comportamentos de abuso de substâncias, assim como a caracterização, experienciação e conceptualização da auto-injúria não-suicida. Para tal, foi estruturado um guião de entrevista semi-directiva e feita uma selecção de seis cartões do Teste de Apercepção Temática (3BM, 5, 8BM, 13B, 19 e 16), tendo ambos os instrumentos sido aplicados a sete participantes que apresentavam estas práticas, cinco do sexo feminino e dois do sexo masculino, entre os 19 e os 21 anos de idade. Os dados obtidos através da entrevista foram submetidos a um processo de análise de conteúdo e as respostas do TAT foram codificadas consoante a respectiva folha de decomposição. Em termos gerais, os resultados revelaram um acentuado número de referências quanto à distância relacional da figura paterna, à disparidade relacional (positiva/negativa) quanto à figura materna, um relacionamento actual positivo com o grupo de pares, e uma elevada incidência do consumo de álcool e drogas ílicitas. Ao nível da auto-injúria não-suicida os resultados corroboraram as informações presentes na literatura, tendo também surgido dados que apontam para uma conceptualização individual ego-sintónica e funcional da mesma. O TAT obteve um elevado número de respostas de Série C (86), seguindo-se as séries A (47), E (44) e B (19).ABSTRACT: Non-Suicidal Self-Injury is the intentional destruction of body tissue without suicidal intent and for purposes not socially sanctioned (Klonsky, 2007). The present study had the main objective of exploring the individual perceptions of their own relational world and the existence of substance abuse, as well as the characterization, experience and conceptualisation of non-suicidal self-injury. For that purpose, a semi-directive interview was designed, and six boards of Thematic Apperception Test were chose (3BM, 5, 8BM, 13B, 19 e 16). Both instruments were applied to seven participants who presented these behaviours, five females and two males, with ages between 19 and 21 years old. The data obtained through the interview were processed through content analysis, and all TAT answers were codified according to the decomposition matrix. Generally, the results revealed a great number of references about the relational distance regarding the father figure, a relational disparity (positive and negative) regarding the mother figure, a positive present relationship with the peers, and a high incidence of the use of alcohol and illicit drugs. Concerning non-suicidal self-injury, the results supported the information existing in the literature. Some data also pointed out to a functional and ego-syntonic conception of these behaviours. The TAT revealed a high number of answers in Series C (86), followed by Series A (47), E (44) and B (19)

    Gadofluorine M-enhanced MRI shows involvement of circumventricular organs in neuroinflammation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Circumventricular organs (CVO) are cerebral areas with incomplete endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB) and therefore regarded as "gates to the brain". During inflammation, they may exert an active role in determining immune cell recruitment into the brain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a longitudinal study we investigated <it>in vivo </it>alterations of CVO during neuroinflammation, applying Gadofluorine M- (Gf) enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model of multiple sclerosis. SJL/J mice were monitored by Gadopentate dimeglumine- (Gd-DTPA) and Gf-enhanced MRI after adoptive transfer of proteolipid-protein-specific T cells. Mean Gf intensity ratios were calculated individually for different CVO and correlated to the clinical disease course. Subsequently, the tissue distribution of fluorescence-labeled Gf as well as the extent of cellular inflammation was assessed in corresponding histological slices.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We could show that the Gf signal intensity of the choroid plexus, the subfornicular organ and the area postrema increased significantly during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, correlating with (1) disease severity and (2) the delay of disease onset after immunization. For the choroid plexus, the extent of Gf enhancement served as a diagnostic criterion to distinguish between diseased and healthy control mice with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 80%. Furthermore, Gf improved the detection of lesions, being particularly sensitive to optic neuritis. In correlated histological slices, Gf initially accumulated in the extracellular matrix surrounding inflammatory foci and was subsequently incorporated by macrophages/microglia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Gf-enhanced MRI provides a novel highly sensitive technique to study cerebral BBB alterations. We demonstrate for the first time <it>in vivo </it>the involvement of CVO during the development of neuroinflammation.</p

    How do families represent the functions of deliberate self-harm? A comparison between the social representations from Adolescents and Their Parents

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    Research has recognized the importance of understanding the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm, particularly in the context of clinical intervention. In addition, parents can play a relevant role in the rehabilitation of adolescents with these behaviors. However, there are few studies that focused on the description and comparison of the social representations about these functions, particularly in families. This article aimed to analyze the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm from adolescents and their parents. We developed two sets of analyses: first we compared the social representations from adolescents without a history of deliberate self-harm and their parents, and secondly we compared the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm from adolescents with a history of these behaviors and their parents' social representations. Results revealed significant differences between both groups of families, implying that the groups of participants represent the functions of deliberate self-harm differently. Overall, parents emphasized interpersonal functions and devalued intrapersonal functions. These differences were heightened in the families of adolescents with deliberate self-harm. The present article provides important insights regarding the social representations about the functions of deliberate self-harm and the differences between parents' social representations and their children experiences and social representations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corrigendum: Resolving the abundance and air-sea fluxes of airborne microorganisms in the North Atlantic Ocean

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    We found an implementation error in the calculation of the deposition velocity (vd) which, in turn, affected all the estimated vd-depending parameters (deposition flux, residence time, and traveled distance by microorganisms). Deposition fluxes are now somewhat lower than previously estimated, resulting in residence times and traveled distances longer than those previously estimated. In addition, the spray fluxes were calculated using a spray generation function (dF/dr0) valid for droplets of radii between 0.5 and 12 μm proposed by Blanchard (1963) and Gathman (1982) as corrected by Andreas et al. (1995). However, in the calculation of dF/dr0, we exceeded this valid range of radii given that we included droplets with radii from 0.2 μm according to the small size of some microbial cells. Thus, a different formulation of dF/dr0, developed by Gong (2003), is now used for the estimation of spray fluxes of microbes, which is valid even for small droplets from a radius of 0.07 μm. Below, we offer a new corrected version of the paragraphs affected by corrections along the text. In addition, we show corrected versions of Figure 1 (forward trajectories according residence times), Figure 3 (deposition velocity values), Figure 5 (spray and deposition fluxes), Figure 6 (Net fluxes), and Table 1. The authors apologize for the errors in the estimates reported in the original manuscript. These corrections only affect the magnitude of some of the reported variables and even though they do not change the scientific conclusions of the article they are reported here for accuracy and reproducibility.En prens