57 research outputs found

    Igreja de S. Pedro (Terena).

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    During April and May 2002, restoration work was undertaken in the Church of S. Pedro (Terena). The programmed renovation implied the removal and replacement of the existing floor; responding to the local Church request, the archaeologist responsible for the IPA Extension in Crato accompanied the operation. It became evident that previous restoration work had affected the subsoil and had damaged the tombs present. New data on the building’s architecture and on the nature of the tombs are presented here. Osteological analysis is limited to the inventory and description of the bones exhumed during construction. These represent solely the bones that were endangered by exposure

    Impacto das Políticas Públicas na Promoção da Educação Sexual: o Caso Português

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    A Europa é, provavelmente, o continente com a mais longa experiência no domínio da educação sexual. Contudo, são as experiências desenvolvidas em território norte-americano que dominam os estudos de avaliação do impacto da educação sexual. Segundo o gabinete europeu da OMS, esta dominância deve-se, sobretudo, à ausência, na Europa, de um processo de publicação sistemática das experiências e resultados nacionais no contexto internacional. É neste âmbito que nos propomos a partilhar o caso de Portugal relativamente às políticas de promoção da educação sexual, com base numa perspetiva (bio)ecológica. Portugal tem um percurso longo e algo errático neste domínio, tendo-se verificado, nas últimas três décadas, no plano crono- e macrossistémico, notáveis mudanças ao nível das medidas políticas e legislativas, que culminaram na conceção da mesma como um projeto comunitário. No plano do exo-, meso- e microssistema, estas mudanças refletem-se nas práticas. A percentagem de escolas portuguesas a implementar a educação sexual tem vindo a aumentar e, não obstante alguma variabilidade, há práticas em comum nas escolas, sobretudo no que respeita os papéis/funções desempenhados e os procedimentos de planeamento, implementação e avaliação. Há também dificuldades comuns como: envolver a comunidade escolar, implementar a transversalidade, abordar a sexualidade de forma holística e avaliar adequadamente a educação sexual. Estas dificuldades são potenciadas também por medidas politico-legislativas no domínio da educação, como corroboram as perceções da comunidade escolar e científica. Ambas receiam, atualmente, que a sustentabilidade da educação sexual nas escolas enquanto projeto comunitário esteja em causa, devido às últimas políticas educativas. Neste sentido, e com base em referências teóricas da intervenção comunitária, finalizamos este artigo apresentando uma reflexão sobre os desafios atuais no domínio, bem como um conjunto de propostas para ultrapassar os mesmos.   Europe has probably the greatest experience in sexuality education. However, in the most recent research on its impact evaluation, the majority of studies focused on experiences in US territory. According to the European Office of WHO, this dominance happens due to the absence in Europe of a systematic publishing process of national experiences and results on the international context. Therefore, we propose to share the case of Portuguese policies in promoting sexuality education, based on a (bio) ecological approach. Implementation of sexuality education in Portugal has been long and somewhat erratic. At chrono- and macrosystem levels, the last three decades have been marked by changes in policies and laws, and sexuality education has been view as a community project. These changes impact on practices, at meso and microsystem levels. The percentage of Portuguese schools implementing sexuality education has been increasing and, despite some variation, there are common practices in schools, especially those related to roles/functions played by stakeholders, and planning, implementation and evaluation procedures. There are also common difficulties such as: low school community participation, cross-curricular teaching, too heavy a focus on health-related issues, and poor-quality evaluation. These difficulties are also maximized by the educational policies and legislation, and validate the perceptions of academic and scientific community. Both fear that today the sustainability of school-based sexuality education as a community project is endangered because of the latest educational policies. So, in the end of this paper, we present an analysis of the current challenges in sexuality education, based on theoretical references of community intervention, as well as a set of proposals to overcome them

    Impacto das Políticas Públicas na Promoção da Educação Sexual: o Caso Português

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    A Europa é, provavelmente, o continente com a mais longa experiência no domínio da educação sexual. Contudo, são as experiências desenvolvidas em território norte-americano que dominam os estudos de avaliação do impacto da educação sexual. Segundo o gabinete europeu da OMS, esta dominância deve-se, sobretudo, à ausência, na Europa, de um processo de publicação sistemática das experiências e resultados nacionais no contexto internacional. É neste âmbito que nos propomos a partilhar o caso de Portugal relativamente às políticas de promoção da educação sexual, com base numa perspetiva (bio)ecológica. Portugal tem um percurso longo e algo errático neste domínio, tendo-se verificado, nas últimas três décadas, no plano crono- e macrossistémico, notáveis mudanças ao nível das medidas políticas e legislativas, que culminaram na conceção da mesma como um projeto comunitário. No plano do exo-, meso- e microssistema, estas mudanças refletem-se nas práticas. A percentagem de escolas portuguesas a implementar a educação sexual tem vindo a aumentar e, não obstante alguma variabilidade, há práticas em comum nas escolas, sobretudo no que respeita os papéis/funções desempenhados e os procedimentos de planeamento, implementação e avaliação. Há também dificuldades comuns como: envolver a comunidade escolar, implementar a transversalidade, abordar a sexualidade de forma holística e avaliar adequadamente a educação sexual. Estas dificuldades são potenciadas também por medidas politico-legislativas no domínio da educação, como corroboram as perceções da comunidade escolar e científica. Ambas receiam, atualmente, que a sustentabilidade da educação sexual nas escolas enquanto projeto comunitário esteja em causa, devido às últimas políticas educativas. Neste sentido, e com base em referências teóricas da intervenção comunitária, finalizamos este artigo apresentando uma reflexão sobre os desafios atuais no domínio, bem como um conjunto de propostas para ultrapassar os mesmos.   Europe has probably the greatest experience in sexuality education. However, in the most recent research on its impact evaluation, the majority of studies focused on experiences in US territory. According to the European Office of WHO, this dominance happens due to the absence in Europe of a systematic publishing process of national experiences and results on the international context. Therefore, we propose to share the case of Portuguese policies in promoting sexuality education, based on a (bio) ecological approach. Implementation of sexuality education in Portugal has been long and somewhat erratic. At chrono- and macrosystem levels, the last three decades have been marked by changes in policies and laws, and sexuality education has been view as a community project. These changes impact on practices, at meso and microsystem levels. The percentage of Portuguese schools implementing sexuality education has been increasing and, despite some variation, there are common practices in schools, especially those related to roles/functions played by stakeholders, and planning, implementation and evaluation procedures. There are also common difficulties such as: low school community participation, cross-curricular teaching, too heavy a focus on health-related issues, and poor-quality evaluation. These difficulties are also maximized by the educational policies and legislation, and validate the perceptions of academic and scientific community. Both fear that today the sustainability of school-based sexuality education as a community project is endangered because of the latest educational policies. So, in the end of this paper, we present an analysis of the current challenges in sexuality education, based on theoretical references of community intervention, as well as a set of proposals to overcome them

    Thematic Comparison between ESA WorldCover 2020 Land Cover Product and a National Land Use Land Cover Map

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    Duarte, D., Fonte, C., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2023). Thematic Comparison between ESA WorldCover 2020 Land Cover Product and a National Land Use Land Cover Map. Land, 12(2), 1-16. [490]. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12020490 --- Funding: This work has been supported by projects foRESTER (PCIF/SSI/0102/2017), SCAPEFIRE (PCIF/MOS/0046/2017) and FireLoc (PCIF/MPG/0128/2017), by Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC) and grant UIDB/00308/2020, all funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). It was also supported by Compete2020 (POCI-05-5762-FSE-000368), funded by the European Social Fund.This work presents a comparison between a global and a national land cover map, namely the ESA WorldCover 2020 (WC20) and the Portuguese use/land cover map (Carta de Uso e Ocupação do Solo 2018) (COS18). Such a comparison is relevant given the current amount of publicly available LULC products (either national or global) where such comparative studies enable a better understanding regarding different sets of LULC information and their production, focus and characteristics, especially when comparing authoritative maps built by national mapping agencies and global land cover focused products. Moreover, this comparison is also aimed at complementing the global validation report released with the WC20 product, which focused on global and continental level accuracy assessments, with no additional information for specific countries. The maps were compared by following a framework composed by four steps: (1) class nomenclature harmonization, (2) computing cross-tabulation matrices between WC20 and the Portuguese map, (3) determining the area occupied by each harmonized class in each data source, and (4) visual comparison between the maps to illustrate their differences focusing on Portuguese landscape details. Some of the differences were due to the different minimum mapping unit ofCOS18 and WC20, different nomenclatures and focuses on either land use or land cover. Overall, the results show that while WC20 detail is able to distinguish small occurrences of artificial surfaces and grasslands within an urban environment, WC20 is often not able to distinguish sparse/individual trees from the neighboring cover, which is a common occurrence in the Portuguese landscape. While selecting a map, users should be aware that differences between maps can have a range of causes, such as scale, temporal reference, nomenclature and errors.publishersversionpublishe

    The topology of marble: the matter of estremoz’s built heritage

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    This paper addresses built heritage from the perspective of marble as a cross-scale legacy between distant and close places. Through Estremoz marble we make visible that heritage is not only a static element to preserve but a matter continuously in motion across time and space. Topology of marble brings to the fore this awareness of seeing the interconnection between its geological formation, the extraction and the constructive processes, in a multiplicity of cycles still in transformation. The article is structured by the simultaneity of in-here and out-here interconnections: (a) Here and In-here, maps the motion of marble from the quarries with the built urban heritage of Estremoz; (b) Here and Out-here, renders visible the intimate connection with distant places, such as Europe, Africa, and South America.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Arqueologia de Transição: O Mundo Funerário

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    Actas do II Congresso Internacional Sobre Arqueologia de Transição (29 de Abril a 1 de Maio 2013

    Do Namoro ao Casamento:: Significados, Expectativas, Conflito e Amor

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    The present, exploratory, study analyses i) the meanings of marriage and love, ii) the expectations for marriage,for the partner and for oneself, and iii) the rising and resolution of conflict, in two stages: dating and marriage. Using a semistructuredinterview, five heterosexual couples, married for at least two years, were interviewed (each member separately), anddating was explored in retrospective. Content analysis was used as the data analysis strategy. It was concluded that couples,while dating, do not explore the meanings and expectations for marriage intentionally; that marriage assumes differentmeanings; that expectations are matched or surpassed; and that there are new sources of conflict in marriage as well as smallchanges in coping strategies.O presente estudo, de cariz exploratório, analisa i) os significados de casamento e de amor, ii) as expectativas para o casamento, o cônjuge e o próprio, e iii) a emergência e resolução do conflito, em duas fases: namoro e casamento. Com base numa entrevista semiestruturada, entrevistaram-se 5 casais heterossexuais (cada cônjuge separadamente) casados há pelo menos dois anos, sendo que o namoro foi explorado retrospetivamente. Para o tratamento dos dados, recorreu-se à análise de conteúdo. Concluiu-se que as díades, no namoro, não exploram intencionalmente os significados e as expectativas para o casamento; que este assume diferentes significados; que as expectativas se veem correspondidas ou superadas; que surgem novas fontes de conflito no casamento mas se mantêm as estratégias de resolução