2,538 research outputs found

    On finitely presented functors, Auslander algebras and almost split sequences

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    This thesis consists of two parts: In Part A we study the category of finitely presented functors and use it to determine the representation type of the Auslander Algebra of Aq = K-algebra , denoted Rq (K is a field). This is possible because the category of finitely generated modules over Rq, mod Rq , is equivalent to the category of finitely presented functors from (mod Aq)ᵒᵖ to Mod k. Part A finishes with the construction of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of Rq in case q = 3. Part B deals with the construction of almost split sequences in the category mod° Δ of lattices over an R-order Δ , where R is a complete discrete rank 1 valuation ring. In the first chapter of part B we give a description of some unpublished work by J. A. Green who permitted me to include it in this thesis. This work contains a method to construct a short exact sequence 0-> N-> E-> S-> 0 in a way which gives an explicit expression for the subfunctor Im( ,g) of ( ,S) , and shows that the construction of almost split sequences can be viewed as a particular case of this problem. In the second chapter of part B we continue this work by deducing a "trace formula" which provides a practical way of dealing with a certain step of the construction of almost split sequences in mod° Δ. Then we consider the particular case where Δ is the group ring

    A curricular approach to develop autonomies from the mathematics and scientific education

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    The purpose of this work is to highlight how the current Spanish education system supports the development of both scientific and mathematic competences. We understand these competences as the set of skills and capabilities needed to use mathematics or science when the situation requires. For that purpose, we have carried out a curricular didactic analysis of the current regulations in Andalusia. This analysis intends to reveal how the new educational systems emphasize the development of the formative character of teaching-learning processes, which has been overshadowed by the functional and the instrumental characters in Science and Mathematics Education. The findings of the research show that the objectives set out in the law are aimed at developing in students a number of attributes such as personal autonomy, creativity, tolerance, empathy, critical spirit, etc. From our point of view, all of these attributes contribute to developing the students' formative character. Besides, the analysis shows that course contents are not presented as an end in itself, but as a means for students to acquire these attributes and be whole human beings. Finally, it can be inferred from the analysis that both the methodological guidance and the evaluation criteria highlight the need to educate citizens to be capable of adapting to the environment and positively transforming it. Ultimately, promoting teaching-learning processes where scientific and mathematic competences are developed, educating students to be intellectually, socially and morally autonomous.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.“Criterios e instrumentos de evaluación de unidades de enseñanza y aprendizaje” (PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/16) financiado por la Universidad de Málaga en la convocatoria de 2017-2018

    Efeitos de um programa domiciliário de exercício físico de oito semanas em pacientes com fibromialgia

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    As atividades foram desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio, no Instituto Português de Reumatologia, que teve como objetivo testar os efeitos de um programa domiciliário de oito semanas. As actividades desenvolvidas foram dois momentos de avaliação, sessões educativas, exercício diário durante o internamento, um programa domiciliário resultando num relatório final, duas apresentações ao corpo clínico, uma apresentação na faculdade e a elaboração de uma base de dados partilhada com o IPR. Neste percurso, foram realizadas avaliações subjetivas e objetivas que através da sua análise nos guiaram até aos resultados. Desta forma, se compreendeu a efectividade de um programa de exercício físico domiciliário na diminuição do tempo sentado por semana (em minutos), no aumento da velocidade de marcha e na diminuição dos sintomas de fibromialgia não sendo igualmente eficaz no aumento de força na preensão manual, tendo em conta os exercícios prescritos. De uma forma geral, este trabalho contribuiu para testar os efeitos do programa domiciliário, aquisição de competências e requisitos teóricos, colocar em prática os conhecimentos adquiridos em anos de estudos e para ganhar experiência numa realidade distinta desenvolvendo características como a responsabilidade, consolidação de conhecimentos, dedicação, interação social e partilha. Será possível afirmar que foi uma etapa que me fez superar e melhorar enquanto estudante, colega, filha, amiga e consequentemente, pessoa.The activities were developed within the scope of the internship at the Portuguese Rheumatology Institute, which aimed to test the effects of a home program of eight weeks. The activities developed were two evaluation moments, educational sessions, daily exercise during hospitalization, a home program resulting in a final report, two presentations to the clinical staff, a presentation in the faculty and the elaboration of a database shared with the IPR. In this course, subjective and objective evaluations were carried out, which through their analysis guided us to the results. In this way, it was possible to understand the effectiveness of a home physical exercise program in reducing sitting time per week (in minutes), increasing walking speed and reducing symptoms of fibromyalgia, and not being equally effective in increasing manual grip strength , Taking into account the prescribed exercises. In general, this work contributed to put into practice the knowledge acquired in years of studies and to gain experience in a different reality by developing characteristics such as responsibility, consolidation of knowledge, dedication, social interaction and sharing. It is possible to affirm that it was a stage that made me overcome and improve as a student, colleague, daughter, friend and, consequently, person

    Mediação cultural: alguns dos seus agentes

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    Esta tese tem como foco principal os mediadores culturais, as suas trajectórias e os seus perfis. O seu principal objectivo é aprofundar o conhecimento dos profissionais que intervêm em actividades de mediação cultural, promovidas pelos serviços educativos de instituições culturais ou por programas públicos realizados no âmbito das políticas nos sectores da cultura e da educação. A questão da democratização cultural surge aqui abordada por um ângulo que tem sido pouco adoptado na agenda da investigação sociológica em Portugal: o que incide nos agentes que asseguram um modo específico de as pessoas se relacionarem com a cultura e as artes. A particularidade reside no facto de nessa relação intervirem outras pessoas – os mediadores culturais –, concretizando-se em actividades de teor pedagógico, tais como visitas guiadas e ateliês. O estudo é composto por três partes principais. A primeira corresponde a um enquadramento da temática, analisando-se tópicos como: antecedentes, políticas e situações profissionais. Na segunda parte, são caracterizados alguns contextos onde os mediadores culturais intervêm: instituições (museus de arte contemporânea) e iniciativas (programas de promoção do livro e da leitura e da música). A terceira parte desenvolve-se em torno dos percursos de catorze mediadores culturais, através de entrevistas aprofundadas contemplando diversas dimensões analíticas. A partir da observação de linhas distintivas e de similitudes neste conjunto foi possível delinear diferentes perfis de mediadores culturais. A estratégia metodológica adoptada combina os seguintes métodos: análise documental, entrevistas e observação directa.This thesis focuses on cultural mediators, its trajectories and profiles. The research aims to increase knowledge about professionals working within cultural mediation activities, giving special attention to the educational activity of cultural institutions and to some programmes promoted by cultural and educational policies. The research deals with the issue of cultural democratization using an approach less carried within the sociological research’s agenda in Portugal: what focuses on agents which provide a specific way to people to get connected with culture and art. The particularity has to do with the intervention of other people in this relationship – the cultural mediators –, getting materialized into pedagogical activities, such as guided tours and workshops. The thesis consist of three mains parts. The first part discusses the issue of mediation cultural, covering subjects such as genealogy, policies and professional situations. The second part includes the characterization of some contexts employing cultural mediators: institutions (contemporary art museums) and initiatives (music and reading promotion programmes). The third part focuses on the trajectories of fourteen cultural mediators, through in-depth interviews covering several analytical dimensions. From the identification of specificities and similarities in this group it was possible to define distinct profiles of cultural mediators. The chosen research strategy combines the following methods: documental analysis, interviews and direct observation

    Photocatalytic Treatment Techniques using Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Antibiotic Removal from Water

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    The increasing of emerging micropollutants presence in drinking water sources has brought new challenges to existing water treatment systems (WTS), highlighting the need of innovative and low-cost technological solutions. Recent advances in nanotechnology enable highly efficient and multifunctional processes, providing sustainable alternatives to current water treatment practices. This chapter presents the results of several pilot-scale studies developed to assess the effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on antibiotic removal efficiency, using different low-cost photocatalytic reactors. The characterization of its photo-oxidation kinetics also performed considering different test scenarios in order to assess the effects of the major abiotic parameters on oxytetracycline (OTC) removal efficiency, which achieved the maximum values of 96% and 98% using the photocatalysis with TiO2 and the photocatalytic filtration, respectively. It must be highlighted the surprising regeneration ability showed by the photocatalytic porous medium, developed at a lab-scale, which can completely recover its oxidative properties after few hours of simple sun exposure

    Risco cardiovascular em pessoas assintomáticas

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    Enquadramento: As doenças cardiovasculares são a primeira causa de morte, em ambos os sexos, nos países desenvolvidos, não sendo Portugal exceção. São um problema de saúde pública que urge minorar. Os fatores de risco, conhecidos como causas que aumentam a probabilidade de ocorrência de um determinado evento, antecedem em vários anos as doenças cardiovasculares. Destacam-se a diabetes, o excesso de peso, a obesidade, o sedentarismo, o tabagismo, as dislipidémias, a hipertensão arterial, a idade, o sexo, entre outros. Objetivo: Determinar a existência de fatores de risco cardiovascular numa amostra de pessoas assintomáticas do distrito de Viseu. Métodos: O estudo descritivo e transversal foi realizado numa amostra não probabilística, constituída por 1148 pessoas. O perfil sociodemográfico revelou tratar-se de indivíduos maioritariamente do sexo feminino (57.8%), com cerca de 37 anos e possuindo o ensino secundário (27.4%). O instrumento de colheita de dados sob a forma de Questionário de Risco Cardiovascular permitiu colher dados relativos à caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica, designadamente pressão arterial, glicémia capilar, peso, altura, IMC e perímetro abdominal. Resultados: Constatou-se que 27.6% dos participantes eram hipertensos; 59.3% apresentavam excesso de peso; 1.2% tinham valores de hiperglicemia capilar e 20,0% eram fumadores. A presença de risco cardiovascular foi identificada em 90,6%, sendo que 32.6% revelaram alto risco cardiovascular e 25.3% moderado risco; os homens apresentavam maior risco de vir a desenvolver doenças cardiovasculares quando comparados com as mulheres (48.9% vs 20.3%). O risco cardiovascular revelou-se mais elevado nos participantes com baixa escolaridade e nos mais velhos. O risco aumenta quando o IMC, a pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, o valor da glicémia capilar e o perímetro abdominal aumentavam. Conclusão: As evidências encontradas sustentam a necessidade dum investimento na prevenção da doença cardiovascular que deve ser orientado numa abordagem global dos fatores de risco, estabelecendo plataformas comuns entre os cuidados primários e diferenciados, harmonizando estratégias e procedimentos, encarando a prevenção como uma tarefa de todos; governo, sociedades científicas, comunicação social, profissionais de saúde, com responsabilidade do indivíduo. A utilização de escalas de estratificação do risco cardiovascular é essencial, contribuindo para dar suporte a decisões terapêuticas assentes na evidência científica. Palavras-chave: Fatores de Risco Cardiovascular; Estratificação; Pessoas Assintomáticas.ABSTRACT Context: The cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death, in either genders, in the developed countries, Portugal not being an exception. They are a problem of public health, which urges to be minored. The risk factors, known as causes of increasing the probability of occurrence of a determined happening, precede the cardiovascular diseases for several years. Diabetes, overweight, obesity, sedentariness, smoking, dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, age, sex, among others, can be stressed. Objective: To determinate the existence of cardiovascular risk factors in a sample of asymptomatic people in the district of Viseu. Methods: The transversal descriptive study was realized in a non-probabilistic sample, represented by 1148 people. The socio-demographic profile revealed to be composed mainly of the female sex (57.8%), having about 37 years and secondary studies (27.4%). The instrument of the data sample, used in the form of a Cardiovascular Risk Questionnaire, permitted to gather data related with the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, namely the arterial hypertension, capillary glycemia, weight and abdominal perimeter. Results: It was evidenced that 27.6% of the participants were hypertensious; 59.3% presented overweight; 1.2% had capillary hyperglycemia and 20.0% were smokers. The presence of cardiovascular risk was identified in 90.6%, being that 32.6% revealed high cardiovascular risk and 25.3% moderate risk; men presented higher risk of developing cardiac diseases when compared with women (48.9% vs 20.3%). The cardiovascular risk revealed to be higher among the participants with low studies and among the elderly people. The risk increases when the BMI, the systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, the values of capillary glycemia and the abdominal perimeter increased. Conclusion: The evidences found sustain the necessity of an investment in the prevention of the cardiovascular disease, which must be oriented in a global approach of risk factors, establishing common platforms between primary and differentiate cares, harmonizing strategies and proceedings, facing the prevention as an everybody’s task: government, scientific societies, media, health professionals, with the responsibility of the individual. The use of the cardiovascular stratification risk scale is essential, contributing in order to give support to therapeutical decisions based on scientific evidence. Keywords: Cardiovascular risk factors; Stratification; Asymptomatic people

    Riquetsioses do grupo das febres exantemáticas em canídeos domésticos em Portugal: revisão bibliográfica e estudo retrospectivo

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaAs riquétsias do grupo das febres exantemáticas estão amplamente distribuídas, em focos endémicos, por várias regiões geográficas do Mundo e são importantes causas de morbilidade e mortalidade no Homem e nos animais domésticos. Em Portugal, Rickettsia conorii é o principal agente deste grupo e causa febre botonosa em humanos. Esta foi a única riquétsia identificada por métodos de biologia molecular em cães portugueses doentes. O vector de R. conorii no país é o ixodídeo Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Os cães, os principais hospedeiros deste ixodídeo, podem servir como sentinelas e dar alguma indicação sobre a prevalência da infecção. Apesar da elevada seroprevalência desta riquétsia em canídeos, existem poucos estudos que relacionam a infecção por este agente com doença nestes animais. O mesmo animal pode ser infectado concomitantemente por vários agentes transmitidos por vectores e muitas vezes os quadros clínicos das diferentes doenças são inespecíficos e semelhantes. Por isso, deve ser feito diagnóstico diferencial entre várias patologias e neste âmbito, as técnicas laboratoriais assumem maior importância que o diagnóstico clínico. Foi realizado um estudo restrospectivo sobre uma amostra de 91 animais apresentados a consulta no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, entre Maio de 2007 e Fevereiro de 2008, com sintomas suspeitos de doença transmitida por ixodídeos e aos quais foram pesquisados anticorpos anti-R. conorii. Alguns dos casos clínicos incluídos neste estudo decorreram fora do período de estágio pelo que houve conhecimento dos mesmos pelo acesso a base de dados do hospital. A técnica de Imunofluorescência Indirecta (IFI) foi utilizada para pesquisa de anticorpos contra R. conorii (n=91), E. canis (n=90), L. infantum (n=56) e B. canis (n=26). Na amostra, a seroprevalência de R. conorii foi de 73%, superior a de qualquer um dos outros agentes. Foram encontradas possíveis co-infecções de vários agentes em 38 dos 66 animais que possuiam anticorpos contra a riquétsia em questão. A associação de sinais clínicos com resultados de IFI positivos para R. conorii foi realizada em seis animais. Foram detectados vários sinais e sintomas como piréxia, uveíte, petéquias e hematomas, dor de origem inespecífica, rigidez muscular e esplenomegália. Anemia, trombocitopénia e hipoproteinémia foram as alterações hematológicas verificadas. Nesta amostra, a maioria dos cães de rua e dos animais com história de parasitismo por ixodídeos, possuia anticorpos contra agentes transmitidos por ixodídeos, nomeadamente R. conorii.ABSTRACT Rickettsia of the Spotted Fever group are widely distributed, in endemic focii, throughout the world and are important causes of morbidity and mortality in man and domestic animals worldwide. In Portugal, Rickettsia conorii is the main organism of this group, causing boutounneuse fever in humans. Also, this was the only rickettsia identified by molecular biology methods in sick portuguese dogs. In Portugal, the arthropod that transmits this rickettsia is the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Dogs, the main hosts of this tick, may serve as sentinels and elucidate about the prevalence of infection. Despite the high prevalence of this rickettsia in these animals, there are few studies that link infection by this agent and clinical signs in canines. The same animal can be infected by several vector-borne agents simultaneously which can cause overllaping and unspecific clinical signs. Therefore, some differential diagnosis should be included and, for this concern, the laboratorial techniques assume an important role to achieve the definitive diagnosis. Between May 2007 and February 2008, several animals were assisted in Hospital Veterinário do Restelo for tick-borne diasease symptoms. Of these, 91 were included in this retrospective study. Some of the animals came to the hospital out of the externship period therefore, knowledge of the cases was taken accessing the hospital data base. An indirect fluorescent-antibody test (IFA) was performed to search for antibodies against R. conorii in (n=91), E. canis (n=90), L. infantum (n=56) and B. canis (n=26). In this sample, the R. conorii seroprevalence was 73%, higher than the seroprevalence for the other agents. Possible co-infections were found in 38 of the 66 canines that had antibodies against the rickettsia in question. The association between clinical signs in dogs and positive IFA results for R. conorii was done in 6 animals. In these canines, symptoms such as fever, uveitis, petequial hemorrhages, bruises, unspecific pain, tremors, muscle stiffness and splenomegaly were detected. Anemia, thrombocytopenia and hypoproteinemia were the hematologic changes found. In this sample, the majority of the stray dogs and animals with a history of parasitism by ticks featured antibodies against tick-borne agents, especially R. conorii

    Towards a discussion of the generative condition of the model

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    Design/Arts/Culture. - ISSN 2732-6926. - V. 2 (2021). - p. 10-21.This paper proposes reflection on the model’s place in the definition of the architect’s thought. Architectural representation — including the model — is assumed as an instance where the design thought becomes comprehensible, and not just as a vehicle to communicate that thought. The generative condition of the model is assumed, decidedly, on the acknowledgement of the radical distinction that will always exist between the model and the object it represents. Both the apparent natural proximity between the model and the architectural objects, which is the result of the three-dimensionality and the building dimension that they both share, and the apparent natural concordance between the model and the architect's thought are called into question. Because the aim is to understand ‘how’ an architect thinks and not 'what' they think when they use a model, the subject is examined from the perspective of a horizon of ‘anteriority’, an ‘anteriority’ that is ontological and not merely chronological. The model will be examined as a means of ordering the design thought, that is, as a way of giving it existence. This reflection results from the crossing of previous research on the model and on drawing (Duarte, 2016; Rodeia, 2017). The paper proposes a confrontation of the ‘generative power’ of the drawing, as identified by Robin Evans (1997b), with the ‘generative effect’ of the model explored by Peter Eisenman (1981a; 1981b). The principle of ‘logical Argumentation’, as defined by Groat and Wang (2002), is assumed as the method of inquiry

    Mechanochemistry in Portugal—A Step towards Sustainable Chemical Synthesis

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    LA/P/0140/2020 DL 57/2016 Norma transitória.In Portugal, publications with mechanochemical methods date back to 2009, with the report on mechanochemical strategies for the synthesis of metallopharmaceuticals. Since then, mechanochemical applications have grown in Portugal, spanning several fields, mainly crystal engineering and supramolecular chemistry, catalysis, and organic and inorganic chemistry. The area with the most increased development is the synthesis of multicomponent crystal forms, with several groups synthesizing solvates, salts, and cocrystals in which the main objective was to improve physical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredients. Recently, non-crystalline materials, such as ionic liquids and amorphous solid dispersions, have also been studied using mechanochemical methods. An area that is in expansion is the use of mechanochemical synthesis of bioinspired metal-organic frameworks with an emphasis in antibiotic coordination frameworks. The use of mechanochemistry for catalysis and organic and inorganic synthesis has also grown due to the synthetic advantages, ease of synthesis, scalability, sustainability, and, in the majority of cases, the superior properties of the synthesized materials. It can be easily concluded that mechanochemistry is expanding in Portugal in diverse research areas.publishersversionpublishe