89 research outputs found

    Influence of genome-scale RNA structure disruption on the replication of murine norovirus--similar replication kinetics in cell culture but attenuation of viral fitness in vivo

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    Mechanisms by which certain RNA viruses, such as hepatitis C virus, establish persistent infections and cause chronic disease are of fundamental importance in viral pathogenesis. Mammalian positive-stranded RNA viruses establishing persistence typically possess genome-scale ordered RNA secondary structure (GORS) in their genomes. Murine norovirus (MNV) persists in immunocompetent mice and provides an experimental model to functionally characterize GORS. Substitution mutants were constructed with coding sequences in NS3/4- and NS6/7-coding regions replaced with sequences with identical coding and (di-)nucleotide composition but disrupted RNA secondary structure (F1, F2, F1/F2 mutants). Mutants replicated with similar kinetics to wild-type (WT) MNV3 in RAW264.7 cells and primary macrophages, exhibited similar (highly restricted) induction and susceptibility to interferon-coupled cellular responses and equal replication fitness by serial passaging of co-cultures. In vivo, both WT and F1/F2 mutant viruses persistently infected mice, although F1, F2 and F1/F2 mutant viruses were rapidly eliminated 1–7 days post-inoculation in competition experiments with WT. F1/F2 mutants recovered from tissues at 9 months showed higher synonymous substitution rates than WT and nucleotide substitutions that potentially restored of RNA secondary structure. GORS plays no role in basic replication of MNV but potentially contributes to viral fitness and persistence in vivo

    Investigation of powdery & downy mildew segregation in Bogazkere hybrids of Turkish wine grape

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    Powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator syn. Uncinula necator) and downy mildew (Plasmapora viticola) are the most harmful diseases to grapevine production in Turkey. The aim of this study was to generate hybrids between the susceptible Turkish wine grape variety ‘Bogazkere’ and powdery and downy mildew resistant microvine breeding lines and evaluate their resistance to these important diseases. Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) was used to determine the inheritance of powdery and downy mildew resistance and flower sex loci of the 36 F1 progeny plants obtained by cross-pollination at genotypic level. Based on the PCR results, phenotyping and leaf bioassay were performed to validate initial MAS for 11 and 9 representative progeny with four resistant and susceptible controls. As a result, two tall powdery and downy mildew-resistant vines, three powdery mildew-resistant microvines and two downy mildew-resistant microvines were obtained. The MAS results were also validated by leaf bioassays, which confirmed that resistance genes segregated to the F1 progeny are functional and provide resistance. To the best of our knowledge, this research provides the first photographic validation of the powdery and downy mildew resistance of the Turkish variety ‘Bogazkere’. Our findings could potentially provide the wine industry with a resistant wine grape cultivar and an addition to the wine grape germplasm, which could contribute to future breeding programs. Most importantly, the success of the resistance genes segregated into the candidate progeny could help significantly reduce the use of chemicals against grapevine pathogens

    Structure and Function of the TIR Domain from the Grape NLR Protein RPV1

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    The N-terminal Toll/interleukin-1 receptor/resistance protein (TIR) domain has been shown to be both necessary and sufficient for defense signaling in the model plants flax and Arabidopsis. In examples from these organisms, TIR domain self-association is required for signaling function, albeit through distinct interfaces. Here, we investigate these properties in the TIR domain containing resistance protein RPV1 from the wild grapevine Muscadinia rotundifolia. The RPV1 TIR domain, without additional flanking sequence present, is autoactive when transiently expressed in tobacco, demonstrating that the TIR domain alone is capable of cell-death signaling. We determined the crystal structure of the RPV1 TIR domain at 2.3 Å resolution. In the crystals, the RPV1 TIR domain forms a dimer, mediated predominantly through residues in the αA and αE helices ("AE" interface). This interface is shared with the interface discovered in the dimeric complex of the TIR domains from the Arabidopsis RPS4/RRS1 resistance protein pair. We show that surface-exposed residues in the AE interface that mediate the dimer interaction in the crystals are highly conserved among plant TIR domain-containing proteins. While we were unable to demonstrate self-association of the RPV1 TIR domain in solution or using yeast 2-hybrid, mutations of surface-exposed residues in the AE interface prevent the cell-death autoactive phenotype. In addition, mutation of residues known to be important in the cell-death signaling function of the flax L6 TIR domain were also shown to be required for RPV1 TIR domain mediated cell-death. Our data demonstrate that multiple TIR domain surfaces control the cell-death function of the RPV1 TIR domain and we suggest that the conserved AE interface may have a general function in TIR-NLR signaling.This research was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects DP120100685 and DP160102244. BK is a NHMRC Research Fellow (1003325 and 1110971). SW is funded by ARC DECRA (DE160100893)

    The grapevine (Vitis vinifera) LysM receptor kinases VvLYK1-1 and VvLYK1-2 mediate chitooligosaccharide-triggered immunity

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    Chitin, a major component of fungal cell walls, is a well-known pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) that triggers defense responses in several mammal and plant species. Here, we show that two chitooligosaccharides, chitin and chitosan, act as PAMPs in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) as they elicit immune signalling events, defense gene expression and resistance against fungal diseases. To identify their cognate receptors, the grapevine family of LysM receptor kinases (LysM-RKs) was annotated and their gene expression profiles were characterized. Phylogenetic analysis clearly distinguished three V. vinifera LysM-RKs (VvLYKs) located in the same clade as the Arabidopsis CHITIN ELICITOR RECEPTOR KINASE1 (AtCERK1), which mediates chitin-induced immune responses. The Arabidopsis mutant Atcerk1, impaired in chitin perception, was transformed with these three putative orthologous genes encoding VvLYK1-1, -2, or -3 to determine if they would complement the loss of AtCERK1 function. Our results provide evidence that VvLYK1-1 and VvLYK1-2, but not VvLYK1-3, functionally complement the Atcerk1 mutant by restoring chitooligosaccharide-induced MAPK activation and immune gene expression. Moreover, expression of VvLYK1-1 in Atcerk1 restored penetration resistance to the non-adapted grapevine powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator). On the whole, our results indicate that the grapevine VvLYK1-1 and VvLYK1-2 participate in chitin- and chitosan-triggered immunity and that VvLYK1-1 plays an important role in basal resistance against E. necator

    Rpv3–1 mediated resistance to grapevine downy mildew is associated with specific host transcriptional responses and the accumulation of stilbenes

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    Background: European grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera spp.) are highly susceptible to the downy mildew pathogen Plasmopara viticola. Breeding of resistant V. vinifera cultivars is a promising strategy to reduce the impact of disease management. Most cultivars that have been bred for resistance to downy mildew, rely on resistance mediated by the Rpv3 (Resistance to P. viticola) locus. However, despite the extensive use of this locus, little is known about the mechanism of Rpv3-mediated resistance. Results: In this study, Rpv3-mediated defense responses were investigated in Rpv3+ and Rpv3ˉ grapevine cultivars following inoculation with two distinct P. viticola isolates avrRpv3+ and avrRpv3ˉ, with the latter being able to overcome Rpv3 resistance. Based on comparative microscopic, metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses, our results show that the Rpv3–1-mediated resistance is associated with a defense mechanism that triggers synthesis of fungi-toxic stilbenes and programmed cell death (PCD), resulting in reduced but not suppressed pathogen growth and development. Functional annotation of the encoded protein sequence of genes significantly upregulated during the Rpv3–1-mediated defense response revealed putative roles in pathogen recognition, signal transduction and defense responses. Conclusion: This study used histochemical, transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses of Rpv3+ and susceptible cultivars inoculated with avirulent and virulent P. viticola isolates to investigate mechanism underlying the Rpv3–1-mediated resistance response. We demonstrated a strong correlation between the expressions of stilbene biosynthesis related genes, the accumulation of fungi-toxic stilbenes, pathogen growth inhibition and PCD

    The social and political lives of zoonotic disease models: Narratives, science and policy

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    Zoonotic diseases currently pose both major health threats and complex scientific and policy challenges, to which modelling is increasingly called to respond. In this article we argue that the challenges are best met by combining multiple models and modelling approaches that elucidate the various epidemiological, ecological and social processes at work. These models should not be understood as neutral science informing policy in a linear manner, but as having social and political lives: social, cultural and political norms and values that shape their development and which they carry and project. We develop and illustrate this argument in relation to the cases of H5N1 avian influenza and Ebola, exploring for each the range of modelling approaches deployed and the ways they have been co-constructed with a particular politics of policy. Addressing the complex, uncertain dynamics of zoonotic disease requires such social and political lives to be made explicit in approaches that aim at triangulation rather than integration, and plural and conditional rather than singular forms of policy advice.ESR