303 research outputs found

    On the Classification of Residues of the Grassmannian

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    We study leading singularities of scattering amplitudes which are obtained as residues of an integral over a Grassmannian manifold. We recursively do the transformation from twistors to momentum twistors and obtain an iterative formula for Yangian invariants that involves a succession of dualized twistor variables. This turns out to be useful in addressing the problem of classifying the residues of the Grassmannian. The iterative formula leads naturally to new coordinates on the Grassmannian in terms of which both composite and non-composite residues appear on an equal footing. We write down residue theorems in these new variables and classify the independent residues for some simple examples. These variables also explicitly exhibit the distinct solutions one expects to find for a given set of vanishing minors from Schubert calculus.Comment: 20 page

    An Analytic Result for the Two-Loop Hexagon Wilson Loop in N = 4 SYM

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    In the planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, the conformal symmetry constrains multi-loop n-edged Wilson loops to be basically given in terms of the one-loop n-edged Wilson loop, augmented, for n greater than 6, by a function of conformally invariant cross ratios. We identify a class of kinematics for which the Wilson loop exhibits exact Regge factorisation and which leave invariant the analytic form of the multi-loop n-edged Wilson loop. In those kinematics, the analytic result for the Wilson loop is the same as in general kinematics, although the computation is remarkably simplified with respect to general kinematics. Using the simplest of those kinematics, we have performed the first analytic computation of the two-loop six-edged Wilson loop in general kinematics.Comment: 17 pages. Extended discussion on how the QMRK limit is taken. Version accepted by JHEP. A text file containing the Mathematica code with the analytic expression for the 6-point remainder function is include

    Form Factors in N=4 Super Yang-Mills and Periodic Wilson Loops

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    We calculate form factors of half-BPS operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory at tree level and one loop using novel applications of recursion relations and unitarity. In particular, we determine the expression of the one-loop form factors with two scalars and an arbitrary number of positive-helicity gluons. These quantities resemble closely the MHV scattering amplitudes, including holomorphicity of the tree-level form factor, and the expansion in terms of two-mass easy box functions of the one-loop result. Next, we compare our result for these form factors to the calculation of a particular periodic Wilson loop at one loop, finding agreement. This suggests a novel duality relating form factors to periodic Wilson loops.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. v2: typos fixed, comments adde

    From correlation functions to Wilson loops

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    We start with an n-point correlation function in a conformal gauge theory. We show that a special limit produces a polygonal Wilson loop with nn sides. The limit takes the nn points towards the vertices of a null polygonal Wilson loop such that successive distances xi,i+120x^2_{i,i+1} \to 0. This produces a fast moving particle that generates a "frame" for the Wilson loop. We explain in detail how the limit is approached, including some subtle effects from the propagation of a fast moving particle in the full interacting theory. We perform perturbative checks by doing explicit computations in N=4 super-Yang-Mills.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures; typos corrected, references adde

    Thermal adaptation and clinal mitochondrial DNA variation of European anchovy

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    Natural populations of widely distributed organisms often exhibit genetic clinal variation over their geographical ranges. The European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, illustrates this by displaying a two-clade mitochondrial structure clinally arranged along the eastern Atlantic. One clade has low frequencies at higher latitudes, whereas the other has an anti-tropical distribution, with frequencies decreasing towards the tropics. The distribution pattern of these clades has been explained as a consequence of secondary contact after an ancient geographical isolation. However, it is not unlikely that selection acts on mitochondria whose genes are involved in relevant oxidative phosphorylation processes. In this study, we performed selection tests on a fragment of 1044 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene using 455 individuals from 18 locations. We also tested correlations of six environmental features: temperature, salinity, apparent oxygen utilization and nutrient concentrations of phosphate, nitrate and silicate, on a compilation of mitochondrial clade frequencies from 66 sampling sites comprising 2776 specimens from previously published studies. Positive selection in a single codon was detected predominantly (99%) in the anti-tropical clade and temperature was the most relevant environmental predictor, contributing with 59% of the variance in the geographical distribution of clade frequencies. These findings strongly suggest that temperature is shaping the contemporary distribution of mitochondrial DNA clade frequencies in the European anchovy.FCT [SFRH/BD/36600/2007, IF/00043/2012

    On form factors in N=4 sym

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    In this paper we study the form factors for the half-BPS operators OI(n)\mathcal{O}^{(n)}_I and the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 stress tensor supermultiplet current WABW^{AB} up to the second order of perturbation theory and for the Konishi operator K\mathcal{K} at first order of perturbation theory in N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory at weak coupling. For all the objects we observe the exponentiation of the IR divergences with two anomalous dimensions: the cusp anomalous dimension and the collinear anomalous dimension. For the IR finite parts we obtain a similar situation as for the gluon scattering amplitudes, namely, apart from the case of WABW^{AB} and K\mathcal{K} the finite part has some remainder function which we calculate up to the second order. It involves the generalized Goncharov polylogarithms of several variables. All the answers are expressed through the integrals related to the dual conformal invariant ones which might be a signal of integrable structure standing behind the form factors.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, LATEX2

    Correlation function of null polygonal Wilson loops with local operators

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    We consider the correlator of a light-like polygonal Wilson loop with n cusps with a local operator (like the dilaton or the chiral primary scalar) in planar N =4 super Yang-Mills theory. As a consequence of conformal symmetry, the main part of such correlator is a function F of 3n-11 conformal ratios. The first non-trivial case is n=4 when F depends on just one conformal ratio \zeta. This makes the corresponding correlator one of the simplest non-trivial observables that one would like to compute for generic values of the `t Hooft coupling \lambda. We compute F(\zeta,\lambda) at leading order in both the strong coupling regime (using semiclassical AdS5 x S5 string theory) and the weak coupling regime (using perturbative gauge theory). Some results are also obtained for polygonal Wilson loops with more than four edges. Furthermore, we also discuss a connection to the relation between a correlator of local operators at null-separated positions and cusped Wilson loop suggested in arXiv:1007.3243.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Avaliação da resistência ao cisalhamento da união entre duas ligas a base de CoCr e uma cerâmica

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    INTRODUCTION: Based on the importance of the integrity of the metal/ceramic interface, the purpose of this work was to evaluate the shear bond strength of the metal-ceramic union of two Co-Cr alloys (Wirobond C, Bego; Remanium 2000, Dentaurum) combined with Omega 900 ceramic (Vita Zahnfabrik). MATERIAL and METHOD: Eleven cylindrical matrixes were made for each alloy, and the metallic portion was obtained with the lost wax casting technique with standardized waxing of 4mm of height and of 4mm of diameter. The ceramic was applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations with the aid of a teflon matrix that allowed its dimension to be standardized in the same size as the metallic portion. The specimens were submitted to the shear bond test in an universal testing machine (EMIC), with the aid of a device developed for such intention, and constant speed of 0.5mm/min. RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS: The mean resistance was 48.387MPa for Wirobond C alloy, with standard deviation of 17.718, and 55.956MPa for Remanium 2000, with standard deviation of 17.198. No statistically significant difference was observed between the shear strength of the two metal-ceramic alloys. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOINTRODUÇÃO: Baseados na importância da integridade da interface metal-cerâmica, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a resistência ao cisalhamento da união metal-cerâmica de duas ligas de Co-Cr (Wirobond C, Bego; Remanium 2000, Dentaurum) combinadas com a cerâmica Omega 900 (Vita Zahnfabrik). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram confeccionados 11 corpos-de-prova cilíndricos para cada liga utilizada, sendo que a porção metálica foi obtida por fundição pela técnica da cera perdida, através de enceramentos padronizados com 4mm de altura por 4mm de diâmetro. A aplicação da cerâmica foi realizada segundo recomendações do fabricante, com auxílio de uma matriz de teflon que permitia sua padronização com as mesmas dimensões da porção metálica. Os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos ao ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento em máquina de ensaios universal (EMIC), com auxílio de dispositivo desenvolvido para tal propósito, sob velocidade constante de 0,5mm/ min. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: As médias de resistência obtidas foram 48,387 MPa para a liga Wirobond C, com desvio padrão de 17,718, e 55,956 MPa para a Remanium 2000, com desvio padrão de 17,198. Após análise de variância foi possível observar que não há diferença estatisticamente significante entre os valores de resistência ao cisalhamento das duas ligas metalocerâmicas

    Clustering of Codons with Rare Cognate tRNAs in Human Genes Suggests an Extra Level of Expression Regulation

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    In species with large effective population sizes, highly expressed genes tend to be encoded by codons with highly abundant cognate tRNAs to maximize translation rate. However, there has been little evidence for a similar bias of synonymous codons in highly expressed human genes. Here, we ask instead whether there is evidence for the selection for codons associated with low abundance tRNAs. Rather than averaging the codon usage of complete genes, we scan the genes for windows with deviating codon usage. We show that there is a significant over representation of human genes that contain clusters of codons with low abundance cognate tRNAs. We name these regions, which on average have a 50% reduction in the amount of cognate tRNA available compared to the remainder of the gene, RTS (rare tRNA score) clusters. We observed a significant reduction in the substitution rate between the human RTS clusters and their orthologous chimp sequence, when compared to non–RTS cluster sequences. Overall, the genes with an RTS cluster have higher tissue specificity than the non–RTS cluster genes. Furthermore, these genes are functionally enriched for transcription regulation. As genes that regulate transcription in lower eukaryotes are known to be involved in translation on demand, this suggests that the mechanism of translation level expression regulation also exists within the human genome

    Withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids in individuals with COPD - a systematic review and comment on trial methodology

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    Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) reduce COPD exacerbation frequency and slow decline in health related quality of life but have little effect on lung function, do not reduce mortality, and increase the risk of pneumonia. We systematically reviewed trials in which ICS have been withdrawn from patients with COPD, with the aim of determining the effect of withdrawal, understanding the differing results between trials, and making recommendations for improving methodology in future trials where medication is withdrawn. Trials were identified by two independent reviewers using MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL, citations of identified studies were checked, and experts contacted to identify further studies. Data extraction was completed independently by two reviewers. The methodological quality of each trial was determined by assessing possible sources of systematic bias as recommended by the Cochrane collaboration. We included four trials; the quality of three was adequate. In all trials, outcomes were generally worse for patients who had had ICS withdrawn, but differences between outcomes for these patients and patients who continued with medication were mostly small and not statistically significant. Due to data paucity we performed only one meta-analysis; this indicated that patients who had had medication withdrawn were 1.11 (95% CI 0.84 to 1.46) times more likely to have an exacerbation in the following year, but the definition of exacerbations was not consistent between the three trials, and the impact of withdrawal was smaller in recent trials which were also trials conducted under conditions that reflected routine practice. There is no evidence from this review that withdrawing ICS in routine practice results in important deterioration in patient outcomes. Furthermore, the extent of increase in exacerbations depends on the way exacerbations are defined and managed and may depend on the use of other medication. In trials where medication is withdrawn, investigators should report other medication use, definitions of exacerbations and management of patients clearly. Intention to treat analyses should be used and interpreted appropriately