81 research outputs found

    Quantitative Biomonitoring of Water Quality for POPs Using Freshwater Mussels

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    Determination of the gut retention of plastic microbeads and microfibers in goldfish 1 (Carassius auratus)

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    Microplastics are ubiquitous pollutants in aquatic habitats and commonly found in the gut contents of fish yet relatively little is known about the retention of these particles by fish. In this study, goldfish were fed a commercial fish food pellet amended with 50 particles of one of two microplastics types, microbeads and microfibers. Microbeads were obtained from a commercial facial cleanser while microfibers were obtained from washed synthetic textile. Following consumption of the amended pellet, fish were allowed to feed to satiation on non-amended food followed by fasting for periods ranging from 1.5 h to 6 days. Fish sacrificed at different time points were dissected to remove gut contents and the digesta contents retention and microplastic retention was determined. Although a small number of microplastic particles were retained in fish GI-tracts after 6 days (0–3 particles/50), the retention of microplastics was generally similar to the retention of bulk digesta contents. According to a breakpoint regression model fitted to digesta contents and microplastic particles, the 50% and 90% evacuation times were 10 h and 33.4 h, respectively. The results of this study indicate that neither microbeads nor microfibers are likely to accumulate within the gut contents of fish over successive meals


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    Whole-body elimination coefficients of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in two Great Lakes invasive fish species, round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris). Elimination rates were determined for a set of model PCB congeners (n=12 congeners) dosed to fish by intraperitoneal injection and allowed to depurate at a temperature of 21.4oC for 90 d. Eight PCBs (PCB 6, 13, 21, 57, 62, 68, 89, 112 and 125) exhibited significant elimination by round goby and had corresponding half lives ranging from 13 to 39.8 d. For tubenose goby, four congeners (PCBs 21, 58, 62 and 68) exhibited significant elimination with half lives in the range from 18.8 to 48.8 d. Whole-body elimination rate coefficients were significantly higher for round gobies compared to tubenose goby. In both cases, PCB elimination rate coefficients were negatively related to chemical log KOW

    A comparison of the bioaccumulation potential of mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls in goldfish (Carassius auratus)

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    Both mercury (Hg) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) demonstrate food web biomagnification in aquatic ecosystems, yet their toxicokinetics have not been simultaneously contrasted within a common fish species. This study quantifies uptake and elimination rates of Hg and PCBs in goldfish. Fish were exposed to contaminated food containing PCBs and Hg to determine dietary chemical assimilation efficiencies (AEs) and elimination coefficients (ktot). To test first-order kinetics, three exposure regimes were established by varying the proportion of contaminated fish incorporated into the food. Dietary AEs were 98 ± 10, 75 ± 12, and 40 ± 9% for MeHg, THg, and PCBs, respectively. The ktot values were 0.010 ± 0.003 and 0.010 ± 0.002 day(-1) for THg and MeHg, respectively. No significant differences were found in ktot among the dosing levels for either THg or MeHg, confirming that Hg elimination is a first-order process. For PCB, ktot ranged from 0.007 to 0.022 day(-1) and decreased with an increase in hydrophobicity. This study revealed that Hg had an AE higher than that of PCBs, while the ktot of Hg was similar to those measured for the most hydrophobic PCBs. We conclude that Hg has a bioaccumulation potential in goldfish 118% higher than the highest PCB BMF observed for congeners with a log KOW of \u3e7

    PCB Food web dynamics quantify nutrient and energy flow in aquatic ecosystems

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    Measuring in situ nutrient and energy flows in spatially and temporally complex aquatic ecosystems represents a major ecological challenge. Food web structure, energy and nutrient budgets are difficult to measure, and it is becoming more important to quantify both energy and nutrient flow to determine how food web processes and structure are being modified by multiple stressors. We propose that polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners represent an ideal tracer to quantify in situ energy and nutrient flow between trophic levels. Here, we demonstrate how an understanding of PCB congener bioaccumulation dynamics provides multiple direct measurements of energy and nutrient flow in aquatic food webs. To demonstrate this novel approach, we quantified nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and caloric turnover rates for Lake Huron lake trout, and reveal how these processes are regulated by both growth rate and fish life history. Although minimal nutrient recycling was observed in young growing fish, slow growing, older lake trout (\u3e 5 yr) recycled an average of 482 Tonnes∙yr-1of N, 45 Tonnes∙yr-1of P and assimilated 22 TJ yr-1of energy. Compared to total P loading rates of 590 Tonnes∙yr-1, the recycling of primarily bio available nutrients by fish plays an important role regulating the nutrient states of oligotrophic lakes

    Quantitative biomonitoring in the Detroit River using Elliptio complanata: Verification of steady state correction factors and temporal trends of PCBs in water between 1998-2015

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    Quantitative biomonitoring methods were applied to determine PCB concentrations in water from the Detroit River over a 17 year period. During 2014, mussels were deployed for and extended duration (21-364 d) and time dependent PCB concentrations were fit to a bioaccumulation model to estimate elimination coefficients (ktot) and provide site specific calibration of mussel toxicokinetics. The site specific calibration and different ktot versus KOW relationships from the literature were used to correct for steady state. ∑PCB concentrations in water were not significantly dependent on the ktot values used indicating that individual variation exceeds error contributed by steady state correction factors. The model was then applied to estimate ∑PCB concentrations in water using the long term (1998-2015) data. ∑PCBs concentrations in water exhibited a significant decreasing trend with a half life of 9.12 years resulting in a drop in yearly geometric mean residues from 198.1 pg/L to 43.6 pg/L

    Investigating sources and sinks of N2O expression from freshwater microbial communities in urban watershed sediments

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    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) serve as point-source inputs for a variety of nutrients often dominated by nitrogenous compounds as a result of anthropogenic influence. These effluents can impact biogeochemical cycles in freshwater estuaries, influencing microbial communities in both the water and sediment compartments. To assess the impact of point source nutrients, a transect of sediment and pore water samples were collected from 4 locations in the Little River Sub-watershed including locations above and below the Little River Pollution Control Plant (LRPCP). Variation in chemistry and microbial community/gene expression revealed significant influences of the effluent discharge on the adjacent sediments. Phosphorus and sulfur showed high concentrations within plume sediments compared to the reference sediments while nitrate concentrations were low. Increased abundance of denitrifiers Dechloromonas, Dok59 and Thermomonas correlating with increased expression of nitrous-oxide reductase suggests a conversion of N2O to N2 within the LRPCP effluent sediments. This study provides valuable insight into the gene regulation of microbes involved in N metabolism (denitrification, nitrification, and nitrite reduction to ammonia) within the sediment compartment influenced by wastewater effluent. © 2017 Elsevier Lt

    Uncovering adaptive versus acclimatized alterations in standard metabolic rate in Brown Bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus)

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    Standard metabolic rates (SMR) were measured in Brown Bullheads collected from two locations of the Detroit River, North America, representative of highly contaminated and uncontaminated areas. Measurements of SMR were completed within 10 d of fish collections (acute trials), for fish held in a common pond environment for 1 year (clearance trials) and for F1 generation fish raised in the pond environment (F1 study). SMRs were significantly higher (26%) in fish from the contaminated area during acute trials. Both populations showed large decreases in SMR (49 to 52 %) following clearance, however, differences between populations were still evident. There were no significant differences in SMRs between populations for F1 fish. This study demonstrates that Detroit River Brown Bullheads from contaminated areas have higher metabolic rates than fish from clean locations and this metabolic effect is retained for long durations after fish are placed in a common environment. The loss of metabolic differences in F1 offspring indicates that the observed differences in SMR were acclimation based and not adaptive or related to maternal effects

    Bioaccumulation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Atlantic Sea Bream (Archosargus rhomboidalis) from Kingston Harbour, Jamaica

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    Multiple sizes of Sea bream were collected from Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, to assess steady state bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in a tropical fish. Sea beam fork lengths ranged from 7.3-21.5 cm (n=36 fish) and tissue lipids decreased with body length. Larger fish had lower δ13C isotopes compared to smaller fish, suggesting a change in diet. Linear regressions showed no differences in lipid equivalent sum PCB concentrations with size. However, differences in individual congener bioaccumulation trajectories occurred. Less hydrophobic PCBs decreased with increasing body length, intermediate PCBs showed no trend, whereas highly hydrophobic (above log KOW of 6.5) PCBs increased. The different congener patterns were interpreted to be a result of decreases in overall diet PCB concentrations with increased fish length coupled with differences in PCB toxicokinetics as a function of hydrophobicity yielding dilution, pseudo-steady state and non-steady state bioaccumulation patterns

    Capacity building in stakeholders around Detroit River fish consumption advisory issues

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    Abstract The Detroit River is an international water body that has several fish consumption advisories for contaminants that affect human health and economic revenue for the USA and Canada. Despite the importance of these advisories, little progress has been made in developing effective management strategies or coordinating monitoring, research, and policy efforts between the 2 nations. We engaged 44 stakeholder organizations to increase community capacity on these issues for the Detroit River. We assessed capacity with key informant interviews and a network survey. Our analysis identified weak ties in information sharing and collaboration between countries. We used this information to improve stakeholder capacity, which included forming working groups that focused on system analysis, identification of priority issues, and definitions of organizational roles. Outcomes included outreach materials addressing environmental-justice issues and risk-analysis models of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) body burdens in fish. Our assessment of workshop participants with a longitudinal survey indicated that we increased network capacity and issue awareness in our stakeholders by providing new ways for them to work together. The engagement of stakeholders also improved research outcomes. By identifying stakeholder concerns related to scientific questions about consumption advisories early in the process, researchers were able to direct their efforts to generating translational research that better addressed stakeholder needs
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