8 research outputs found

    Thinning wood properties of Nothofagus alpina under three different silvicultural conditions

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the properties of Nothofagus alpina wood from thinning that originates from two sites with intensive silviculture and one similar to a secondary growth forest, with different soil, climatic conditions and age. To achieve this, some mechanical, physical and chemical-crystalline properties were characterized; studying the differences from pith to bark and between the selected trees that were taken from the thinning of the three plantations. Among the studied plantation sites, there were statistical differences in equilibrium moisture content, density and modulus of elasticity. Furthermore, FT-IR was able to differentiate the chemical-crystalline compositions from pith to bark and between plantations, while the X-Ray Diffraction showed differences in the crystallinity index. It was possible to differentiate between the sites with a more intense silvicultural intervention and the one with more variable growth conditions

    Functional Renormalization Group flows on Friedman-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker backgrounds

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    We reanalyze the construction of the gravitational functional renormalization group equation tailored to the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formulation emphasizing its connection to the covariant formulation. The results obtained from projecting the renormalization group flow onto the Einstein-Hilbert action are reviewed in detail and we provide a novel example illustrating how the formalism may be connected to the Causal Dynamical Triangulations approach to quantum gravity.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Serratia strains isolated from the rhizosphere of raulĂ­ ( Nothofagus alpina ) in volcanic soils harbour PGPR mechanisms and promote raulĂ­ plantlet growth

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    [EN] RaulĂ­ is one of the most emblematic tree species of the Chilean temperate forests. Due to the high quality wood, this tree has been used for furniture and handicrafts manufacturing, which has positioned raulĂ­ as one of the most important commercial timber species in Chile. Currently, the international market demands sustainable production system for forest production, more specifically in plantlets production. In this regard, plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) inoculants may enhance the growth and survival of plantlets in nurseries, which means an increase in the effectiveness of replanting operations. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to isolate, characterize and screen rhizosphere-associated bacteria with PGPR potential, isolated from raulĂ­ that growth in volcanic soils in southern Chile. A total of 1,261 bacterial strains were isolated from different volcanic soils. Out of 1,261 isolates, 100 were selected based on their high levels of indole acetic acid (IAA) production. These isolates were then subjected to screening for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase activity, and their ability to fix nitrogen was determined. From the 100 selected isolates, 7 were chosen for producing the highest amount of IAA to continue with genetic characterization based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences. These 7 isolates were characterized as members of the Serratia genus and were used to develop multi-strain inoculant mixtures. Later, a nursery study followed to determine the effect of inoculation with the Serratia strains on the growth of RA88 raulĂ­ clone plantlets. The nursery experiment demonstrated that Serratia strains have the potential to increase the root collar diameter, height, relative chlorophyll content, biomass and nitrogen content of raulĂ­ plantlets. The study concluded, that Serratia strains have the potential to be used as biofertilizers to increase plant growth in nursery conditions

    PolĂ­ticas pĂșblicas

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    Amputación de extremidades superiores: caracterización epidemiológicaAnálisis comparado de las políticas de promoción de la salud entre Chile y CataluñaAnálisis de los Avisa para la toma de decisiones en políticas de saludAntecedentes de colelitiasis en pacientes que presentaron colecistitis aguda. ¿Se puede prevenir la urgencia?Asociación entre alcoholemia y traumatismos en Copiapó, 2009Automedicación en la población asistente al Cesfam de Puerto NatalesAutotoma vaginal para detección de VPH para la prevención de cáncer cervicouterino, ChileCalidad de atención programa Auge- cáncer cervicouterino: la perspectiva de los profesionalesCaracterización de los casos de traumatismo encéfalo craneano en la comuna de Til-TilConocimiento de conductores universitarios sobre la alcoholemia permitida para conducir y su equivalencia en bebidas alcohólicasDescripción de la consulta dermatológica pediátrica en el Hospital Roberto del Río (2007-2008)Elementos para un abordaje metodológico de la salud intercultural en la Región Metropolitana de SantiagoEstudio descriptivo de consultas Sapu Cesfam Angachilla, visión tras dos años de registro clínico-electrónicoEstudio descriptivo de ingresos a Conin Valdivia, una revisión de 10 años (1998-2008)Estudio descriptivo de pacientes hospitalizados por absceso y celulitis peritonsilar en el hospital de PurranqueEvaluación de la aceptabilidad y consumo de alimentos del Pacam inscritos en el Cesfam Dr. V.M.FEvaluación de la interacción de medicinas alternativas o complementarias (MAC) en dos centros APSExposición a humo de tabaco ambiental. Signos y síntomas respiratorios bajos: estudio de prevalenciaFactores relacionados con la rotación laboral de médicos en consultorios del Gran SantiagoFibrosis quística como patología GES: una mirada críticaHipersensibilidad dentinaria: comparación de diferentes alternativas terapéuticasImpacto del GES en cáncer mamario: seguimiento a 5 años en un hospital del SSMSImplementación de la política nacional de medicamentos: percepción del profesional químico farmacéuticoLa implementación de políticas públicas cambió mortalidad de los pacientes gran quemado en Chile¿La infertilidad debería ser considerada un problema de salud pública en el Perú?Modelo de monitoreo de una política de protección a la infanciaMortalidad materna en el Hospital Dr. Alfredo van Grieken Coro, Estado Falcón, Venezuela 2005-2009Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio. Modelación de la mortalidad infantil Nicaragua - Costa Rica 1978-2008Percepción de riesgo y beneficio respecto del cigarrillo y su relación con el tabaquismo adolescentePolíticas públicas y salud intercultural: la experiencia de la organización indígena Taiñ adkimnPrevalencia de atipias celulares del cuello uterino en mujeres entre 18 y 24 añosProceso de ser histerectomizada: relatos de experiencias de mujeres en un hospital público de SantiagoProceso de ser histerectomizada: relatos de experiencias de mujeres en un hospital público de SantiagoPrograma Auge y cáncer cervicouterino: calidad de atención percibida por las usuarias del programaResolución quirúrgica por patología adenoamigdalina: ¿Es la población mapuche un grupo de riesgo?Resultados de alcoholemias tanatológicas del Servicio Médico Legal de Copiapó 1999-2009Resultados de la evaluación de los objetivos sanitarios de la década 2000-2010Una mirada a los servicios de salud para adolescentes en Puente Alt