127 research outputs found

    Listeriolysin O: a genuine cytolysin optimized for an intracellular parasite

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    Cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs)* are produced by a large number of pathogenic gram–positive bacteria. A member of this family, listeriolysin O (LLO), is produced by the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. A unique feature of LLO is its low optimal pH activity (∼6) which permits escape of the bacterium from the phagosome into the host cell cytosol without damaging the plasma membrane of the infected cell. In a recent study (Glomski et al., 2002, this issue), Portnoy's group has addressed the molecular mechanism underlying the pH sensitivity of LLO. Unexpectedly, a single amino acid substitution in LLO L461T results in a molecule more active at neutral pH and promoting premature permeabilization of the infected cells, leading to attenuated virulence. This finding highlights how subtle changes in proteins can be exploited by bacterial pathogens to establish and maintain the integrity of their specific niches

    Pourquoi le streptocoque du groupe A est-il un pathogène strictement humain ?Une première réponse apportée par un modèle de souris humanisées

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    International audienceLe streptocoque β-hémolytique dugroupe A (Streptococcus pyogenes, SGA) est un pathogène strictementhumain responsable, dans la majoritédes cas, d’infections bénignes cutanéo-muqueuses comme l’angine et l’impétigo. Cependant, dans de rares cas, cettebactérie peut être responsable d’infections invasives gravissimes (comme lafasciite nécrosante qui se traduit par ladestruction complète des tissus mous)et de syndromes de choc toxique, deuxmaladies souvent mortelles . EnFrance, des données épidémiologiquesrécentes montrent que les infectionsinvasives à SGA sont en augmentationdepuis 2000, l’incidence des septicémiesà SGA étant estimée en 2002 à 1,7 pour100 000 habitants

    Increased Intracellular Cyclic di-AMP Levels Sensitize <i>Streptococcus gallolyticus </i>subsp. <i>gallolyticus </i>to Osmotic Stress and Reduce Biofilm Formation and Adherence on Intestinal Cells

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    International audienceStreptococcus gallolyticus is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for septicemia and endocarditis in the elderly and is also strongly associated with colorectal cancer. S. gallolyticus can form biofilms, express specific pili to colonize the host tissues, and produce a specific bacteriocin allowing killing of commensal bacteria in the murine colon. Nevertheless, how the expression of these colonization factors is regulated remains largely unknown. Here, we show that c-di-AMP plays pleiotropic roles in S. gallolyticus , controlling the tolerance to osmotic stress, cell size, biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces, adherence and cell aggregation on human intestinal cells, expression of Pil3 pilus, and production of bacteriocin. This study indicates that c-di-AMP may constitute a key regulatory molecule for S. gallolyticus host colonization and pathogenesis

    O-Glycosylation of the N-terminal region of the serine-rich adhesin Srr1 of Streptococcus agalactiae explored by mass spectrometry.

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    International audienceSerine-rich (Srr) proteins exposed at the surface of Gram-positive bacteria are a family of adhesins that contribute to the virulence of pathogenic staphylococci and streptococci. Lectin-binding experiments have previously shown that Srr proteins are heavily glycosylated. We report here the first mass-spectrometry analysis of the glycosylation of Streptococcus agalactiae Srr1. After Srr1 enrichment and trypsin digestion, potential glycopeptides were identified in collision induced dissociation spectra using X! Tandem. The approach was then refined using higher energy collisional dissociation fragmentation which led to the simultaneous loss of sugar residues, production of diagnostic oxonium ions and backbone fragmentation for glycopeptides. This feature was exploited in a new open source software tool (SpectrumFinder) developed for this work. By combining these approaches, 27 glycopeptides corresponding to six different segments of the N-terminal region of Srr1 [93-639] were identified. Our data unambiguously indicate that the same protein residue can be modified with different glycan combinations including N-acetylhexosamine, hexose, and a novel modification that was identified as O-acetylated-N-acetylhexosamine. Lectin binding and monosaccharide composition analysis strongly suggested that HexNAc and Hex correspond to N-acetylglucosamine and glucose, respectively. The same protein segment can be modified with a variety of glycans generating a wide structural diversity of Srr1. Electron transfer dissociation was used to assign glycosylation sites leading to the unambiguous identification of six serines and one threonine residues. Analysis of purified Srr1 produced in mutant strains lacking accessory glycosyltransferase encoding genes demonstrates that O-GlcNAcylation is an initial step in Srr1 glycosylation that is likely required for subsequent decoration with Hex. In summary, our data obtained by a combination of fragmentation mass spectrometry techniques associated to a new software tool, demonstrate glycosylation heterogeneity of Srr1, characterize a new protein modification, and identify six glycosylation sites located in the N-terminal region of the protein

    The Abi-domain protein Abx1 interacts with the CovS histidine kinase to control virulence gene expression in group B Streptococcus

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    Group B Streptococcus (GBS), a common commensal of the female genital tract, is the leading cause of invasive infections in neonates. Expression of major GBS virulence factors, such as the hemolysin operon cyl, is regulated directly at the transcriptional level by the CovSR two-component system. Using a random genetic approach, we identified a multi-spanning transmembrane protein, Abx1, essential for the production of the GBS hemolysin. Despite its similarity to eukaryotic CaaX proteases, the Abx1 function is not involved in a post-translational modification of the GBS hemolysin. Instead, we demonstrate that Abx1 regulates transcription of several virulence genes, including those comprising the hemolysin operon, by a CovSR-dependent mechanism. By combining genetic analyses, transcriptome profiling, and site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that Abx1 is a regulator of the histidine kinase CovS. Overexpression of Abx1 is sufficient to activate virulence gene expression through CovS, overcoming the need for an additional signal. Conversely, the absence of Abx1 has the opposite effect on virulence gene expression consistent with CovS locked in a kinase-competent state. Using a bacterial two-hybrid system, direct interaction between Abx1 and CovS was mapped specifically to CovS domains involved in signal processing. We demonstrate that the CovSR two-component system is the core of a signaling pathway integrating the regulation of CovS by Abx1 in addition to the regulation of CovR by the serine/threonine kinase Stk1. In conclusion, our study reports a regulatory function for Abx1, a member of a large protein family with a characteristic Abi-domain, which forms a signaling complex with the histidine kinase CovS in GBS

    Molecular Characterization of a Streptococcus gallolyticus Genomic Island Encoding a Pilus Involved in Endocarditis

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    Background. Streptococcus gallolyticus is a causative agent of infective endocarditis associated with colon cancer. Genome sequence of strain UCN34 revealed the existence of 3 pilus loci (pil1, pil2, and pil3). Pili are long filamentous structures playing a key role as adhesive organelles in many pathogens. The pil1 locus encodes 2 LPXTG proteins (Gallo2178 and Gallo2179) and 1 sortase C (Gallo2177). Gallo2179 displaying a functional collagen-binding domain was referred to as the adhesin, whereas Gallo2178 was designated as the major pilin. Methods. S. gallolyticus UCN34, Pil1+ and Pil1−, expressing various levels of pil1, and recombinant Lactococcus lactis strains, constitutively expressing pil1, were studied. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the putative pilin subunits Gallo2178 and Gallo2179 were used in immunoblotting and immunogold electron microscopy. The role of pil1 was tested in a rat model of endocarditis. Results. We showed that the pil1 locus (gallo2179-78-77) forms an operon differentially expressed among S. gallolyticus strains. Short pilus appendages were identified both on the surface of S. gallolyticus UCN34 and recombinant L. lactis-expressing pil1. We demonstrated that Pil1 pilus is involved in binding to collagen, biofilm formation, and virulence in experimental endocarditis. Conclusions. This study identifies Pil1 as the first virulence factor characterized in S. gallolyticu

    Evidence for the Sialylation of PilA, the PI-2a Pilus-Associated Adhesin of Streptococcus agalactiae Strain NEM316.

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    International audienceStreptococcus agalactiae (or Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is a commensal bacterium present in the intestinal and urinary tracts of approximately 30% of humans. We and others previously showed that the PI-2a pilus polymers, made of the backbone pilin PilB, the tip adhesin PilA and the cell wall anchor protein PilC, promote adhesion to host epithelia and biofilm formation. Affinity-purified PI-2a pili from GBS strain NEM316 were recognized by N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuNAc, also known as sialic acid) specific lectins such as Elderberry Bark Lectin (EBL) suggesting that pili are sialylated. Glycan profiling with twenty different lectins combined with monosaccharide composition by HPLC suggested that affinity-purified PI-2a pili are modified by N-glycosylation and decorated with sialic acid attached to terminal galactose. Analysis of various relevant mutants in the PI-2a pilus operon by flow-cytometry and electron microscopy analyses pointed to PilA as the pilus subunit modified by glycosylation. Double labeling using PilB antibody and EBL lectin, which specifically recognizes N-acetylneuraminic acid attached to galactose in α-2, 6, revealed a characteristic binding of EBL at the tip of the pilus structures, highly reminiscent of PilA localization. Expression of a secreted form of PilA using an inducible promoter showed that this recombinant PilA binds specifically to EBL lectin when produced in the native GBS context. In silico search for potentially glycosylated asparagine residues in PilA sequence pointed to N427 and N597, which appear conserved and exposed in the close homolog RrgA from S. pneumoniae, as likely candidates. Conversion of these two asparagyl residues to glutamyl resulted in a higher instability of PilA. Our results provide the first evidence that the tip PilA adhesin can be glycosylated, and suggest that this modification is critical for PilA stability and may potentially influence interactions with the host

    Lipoproteins Are Critical TLR2 Activating Toxins in Group B Streptococcal Sepsis

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    Abstract Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most important cause of neonatal sepsis, which is mediated in part by TLR2. However, GBS components that potently induce cytokines via TLR2 are largely unknown. We found that GBS strains of the same serotype differ in released factors that activate TLR2. Several lines of genetic and biochemical evidence indicated that lipoteichoic acid (LTA), the most widely studied TLR2 agonist in Gram-positive bacteria, was not essential for TLR2 activation. We thus examined the role of GBS lipoproteins in this process by inactivating two genes essential for bacterial lipoprotein (BLP) maturation: the prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase gene (lgt) and the lipoprotein signal peptidase gene (lsp). We found that Lgt modification of the N-terminal sequence called lipobox was not critical for Lsp cleavage of BLPs. In the absence of lgt and lsp, lipoprotein signal peptides were processed by the type I signal peptidase. Importantly, both the Δlgt and the Δlsp mutant were impaired in TLR2 activation. In contrast to released factors, fixed Δlgt and Δlsp GBS cells exhibited normal inflammatory activity indicating that extracellular toxins and cell wall components activate phagocytes through independent pathways. In addition, the Δlgt mutant exhibited increased lethality in a model of neonatal GBS sepsis. Notably, LTA comprised little, if any, inflammatory potency when extracted from Δlgt GBS. In conclusion, mature BLPs, and not LTA, are the major TLR2 activating factors from GBS and significantly contribute to GBS sepsis