4 research outputs found

    Structural elements of primary CCR5-using HIV-1 gp120 proteins influencing sensitivity and resistance to the broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody b12

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    Structure-guided approaches to HIV-1 vaccine design depend on knowledge of the presentation of neutralizing epitopes on gp120, such as the epitope for the broadly neutralizing mAb b12. Here, we characterized predicted three-dimensional structures of functionally diverse gp120 proteins in their b12-bound conformation, to better understand the gp120 determinants that expose or occlude the b12 epitope. Mapping the gp120-b12 binding interface identified amino acid polymorphisms within the C2, C3, C4 and V5 regions of gp120 associated with augmented b12 binding, and importantly, identified residues in the b12-exclusive binding domain of gp120 that are important for b12 neutralization resistance. Structural studies suggest that these b12 resistance variants promote reduced conformational flexibility in the b12 recognition site, which we show involves structural alterations within the gp120 CD4 binding loop and the V4 loop. Together, our studies provide new mechanistic insights into the gp120 determinants influencing sensitivity and resistance to HIV-1 neutralization by b12. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    An altered and more efficient mechanism of CCR5 engagement contributes to macrophage tropism of CCR5-using HIV-1 envelopes

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    While CCR5 is the principal coreceptor used by macrophage (M)-tropic HIV-1, not all primary CCR5-using (R5) viruses enter macrophages efficiently. Here, we used functionally-diverse R5 envelope (Env) clones to characterize virus-cell interactions important for efficient CCR5-mediated macrophage entry. The magnitude of macrophage entry by Env-pseudotyped reporter viruses correlated with increased immunoreactivity of CD4-induced gp120 epitopes, increased ability to scavenge low levels of cell-surface CCR5, reduced sensitivity to the CCR5 inhibitor maraviroc, and increased dependence on specific residues in the CCR5 ECL2 region. These results are consistent with an altered and more efficient mechanism of CCR5 engagement. Structural studies revealed potential alterations within the gp120 V3 loop, the gp41 interaction sites at the gp120 C- and N-termini, and within the gp120 CD4 binding site which may directly or indirectly lead to more efficient CCR5-usage. Thus, enhanced gp120-CCR5 interactions may contribute to M-tropism of R5 HIV-1 strains through different structural mechanisms. © 2010 Elsevier Inc

    Macrophage-tropic HIV-1 variants from brain demonstrate alterations in the way gp120 engages both CD4 and CCR5

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    BR-derived HIV-1 strains have an exceptional ability to enter macrophages via mechanisms involving their gp120 Env that remain incompletely understood. Here, we used cell-based affinity-profiling methods and mathematical modeling to generate quantitative VERSA metrics that simultaneously measure Env-CD4 and Env- CCR5 interactions. These metrics were analyzed to distinguish the phenotypes of M-tropic and non-M-tropic CCR5-using HIV-1 variants derived from autopsy BRs and LNs, respectively. We show that highly M-tropic Env variants derived from brain can be defined by two distinct and simultaneously occurring phenotypes. First, BR-derived Envs demonstrated an enhanced ability to interact with CD4 compared with LN-derived Envs, permitting entry into cells expressing scant levels of CD4. Second, BR-derived Envs displayed an altered mechanism of engagement between CD4-bound gp120 and CCR5 occurring in tandem. With the use of epitope mapping, mutagenesis, and structural studies, we show that this altered mechanism is characterized by increased exposure of CD4-induced epitopes in gp120 and by a more critical interaction between BR-derived Envs and the CCR5 N-terminus, which was associated with the predicted presence of additional atomic contacts formed at the gp120-CCR5 N-terminus interface. Our results suggest that BR-derived HIV-1 variants with highly efficient macrophage entry adopt conformations in gp120 that simultaneously alter the way in which the Env interacts with CD4 and CCR5. © Society for Leukocyte Biology

    Fit-for-Purpose Quality Control System in Continuous Bioanalysis during Long-Term Pediatric Studies (vol 21, 104, 2019)

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    The LENA collaborator list below was not included in the original article.s.status: publishe