547 research outputs found

    Solar interacting protons versus interplanetary protons in the core plus halo model of diffusive shock acceleration and stochastic re-acceleration

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    With the first observations of solar γ-rays from the decay of pions, the relationship of protons producing ground level enhancements (GLEs) on the Earth to those of similar energies producing the γ-rays on the Sun has been debated. These two populations may be either independent and simply coincident in large flares, or they may be, in fact, the same population stemming from a single accelerating agent and jointly distributed at the Sun and also in space. Assuming the latter, we model a scenario in which particles are accelerated near the Sun in a shock wave with a fraction transported back to the solar surface to radiate, while the remainder is detected at Earth in the form of a GLE. Interplanetary ions versus ions interacting at the Sun are studied for a spherical shock wave propagating in a radial magnetic field through a highly turbulent radial ray (the acceleration core) and surrounding weakly turbulent sector in which the accelerated particles can propagate toward or away from the Sun. The model presented here accounts for both the first-order Fermi acceleration at the shock front and the second-order, stochastic re-acceleration by the turbulence enhanced behind the shock. We find that the re-acceleration is important in generating the γ-radiation and we also find that up to 10% of the particle population can find its way to the Sun as compared to particles escaping to the interplanetary space

    CAMISIM: Simulating metagenomes and microbial communities

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: Shotgun metagenome data sets of microbial communities are highly diverse, not only due to the natural variation of the underlying biological systems, but also due to differences in laboratory protocols, replicate numbers, and sequencing technologies. Accordingly, to effectively assess the performance of metagenomic analysis software, a wide range of benchmark data sets are required. Results: We describe the CAMISIM microbial community and metagenome simulator. The software can model different microbial abundance profiles, multi-sample time series, and differential abundance studies, includes real and simulated strain-level diversity, and generates second- and third-generation sequencing data from taxonomic profiles or de novo. Gold standards are created for sequence assembly, genome binning, taxonomic binning, and taxonomic profiling. CAMSIM generated the benchmark data sets of the first CAMI challenge. For two simulated multi-sample data sets of the human and mouse gut microbiomes, we observed high functional congruence to the real data. As further applications, we investigated the effect of varying evolutionary genome divergence, sequencing depth, and read error profiles on two popular metagenome assemblers, MEGAHIT, and metaSPAdes, on several thousand small data sets generated with CAMISIM. Conclusions: CAMISIM can simulate a wide variety of microbial communities and metagenome data sets together with standards of truth for method evaluation

    Heliospheric Transport of Neutron-Decay Protons

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    We report on new simulations of the transport of energetic protons originating from the decay of energetic neutrons produced in solar flares. Because the neutrons are fast-moving but insensitive to the solar wind magnetic field, the decay protons are produced over a wide region of space, and they should be detectable by current instruments over a broad range of longitudes for many hours after a sufficiently large gamma-ray flare. Spacecraft closer to the Sun are expected to see orders-of magnitude higher intensities than those at the Earth-Sun distance. The current solar cycle should present an excellent opportunity to observe neutron-decay protons with multiple spacecraft over different heliographic longitudes and distances from the Sun.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to be published in special issue of Solar Physic

    Meeting Report: GBIF hackathon-workshop on Darwin Core and sample data (22-24 May 2013)

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    The workshop-hackathon was convened by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) at its secretariat in Copenhagen over 22-24 May 2013 with additional support from several projects (RCN4GSC, EAGER, VertNet, BiSciCol, GGBN, and Micro B3). It assembled a team of experts to address the challenge of adapting the Darwin Core standard for a wide variety of sample data. Topics addressed in the workshop included 1) a review of outstanding issues in the Darwin Core standard, 2) issues relating to publishing of biodiversity data through Darwin Core Archives, 3) use of Darwin Core Archives for publishing sample and monitoring data, 4) the case for modifying the Darwin Core Text Guide specification to support many-to-many relations, and 5) the generalization of the Darwin Core Archive to a "Biodiversity Data Archive". A wide variety of use cases were assembled and discussed in order to inform further developments

    Meeting Report: GBIF hackathon-workshop on Darwin Core and sample data (22-24 May 2013)

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    The workshop-hackathon was convened by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) at its secretariat in Copenhagen over 22-24 May 2013 with additional support from several projects (RCN4GSC, EAGER, VertNet, BiSciCol, GGBN, and Micro B3). It assembled a team of experts to address the challenge of adapting the Darwin Core standard for a wide variety of sample data. Topics addressed in the workshop included 1) a review of outstanding issues in the Darwin Core standard, 2) issues relating to publishing of biodiversity data through Darwin Core Archives, 3) use of Darwin Core Archives for publishing sample and monitoring data, 4) the case for modifying the Darwin Core Text Guide specification to support many-to-many relations, and 5) the generalization of the Darwin Core Archive to a "Biodiversity Data Archive". A wide variety of use cases were assembled and discussed in order to inform further developments

    Developing fencing policies in dryland ecosystems

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    The daily energy requirements of animals are determined by a combination of physical and physiological factors, but food availability may challenge the capacity to meet nutritional needs. Western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) are an interesting model for investigating this topic because they are folivore-frugivores that adjust their diet and activities to seasonal variation in fruit availability. Observations of one habituated group of western gorillas in Bai-Hokou, Central African Republic (December 2004-December 2005) were used to examine seasonal variation in diet quality and nutritional intake. We tested if during the high fruit season the food consumed by western gorillas was higher in quality (higher in energy, sugar, fat but lower in fibre and antifeedants) than during the low fruit season. Food consumed during the high fruit season was higher in digestible energy, but not any other macronutrients. Second, we investigated whether the gorillas increased their daily intake of carbohydrates, metabolizable energy (KCal/g OM), or other nutrients during the high fruit season. Intake of dry matter, fibers, fat, protein and the majority of minerals and phenols decreased with increased frugivory and there was some indication of seasonal variation in intake of energy (KCal/g OM), tannins, protein/fiber ratio, and iron. Intake of non-structural carbohydrates and sugars was not influenced by fruit availability. Gorillas are probably able to extract large quantities of energy via fermentation since they rely on proteinaceous leaves during the low fruit season. Macronutrients and micronutrients, but not digestible energy, may be limited for them during times of low fruit availability because they are hind-gut fermenters. We discuss the advantages of seasonal frugivores having large dietary breath and flexibility, significant characteristics to consider in the conservation strategies of endangered species

    Pathogenic Polyglutamine Tracts Are Potent Inducers of Spontaneous Sup35 and Rnq1 Amyloidogenesis

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    © 2010 Goehler et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedDOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0009642The glutamine/asparagine (Q/N)-rich yeast prion protein Sup35 has a low intrinsic propensity to spontaneously self-assemble into ordered, β-sheet-rich amyloid fibrils. In yeast cells, de novo formation of Sup35 aggregates is greatly facilitated by high protein concentrations and the presence of preformed Q/N-rich protein aggregates that template Sup35 polymerization. Here, we have investigated whether aggregation-promoting polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts can stimulate the de novo formation of ordered Sup35 protein aggregates in the absence of Q/N-rich yeast prions. Fusion proteins with polyQ tracts of different lengths were produced and their ability to spontaneously self-assemble into amlyloid structures was analyzed using in vitro and in vivo model systems. We found that Sup35 fusions with pathogenic (≥54 glutamines), as opposed to non-pathogenic (19 glutamines) polyQ tracts efficiently form seeding-competent protein aggregates. Strikingly, polyQ-mediated de novo assembly of Sup35 protein aggregates in yeast cells was independent of pre-existing Q/N-rich protein aggregates. This indicates that increasing the content of aggregation-promoting sequences enhances the tendency of Sup35 to spontaneously self-assemble into insoluble protein aggregates. A similar result was obtained when pathogenic polyQ tracts were linked to the yeast prion protein Rnq1, demonstrating that polyQ sequences are generic inducers of amyloidogenesis. In conclusion, long polyQ sequences are powerful molecular tools that allow the efficient production of seeding-competent amyloid structures

    Observations of Electrons from the Decay of Solar Flare Neutrons

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    We have found evidence for fluxes of energetic electrons in interplanetary space on board the ISEE-3 spacecraft which we interpret as the decay products of neutrons generated in a solar flare on 1980 June 21. The decay electrons arrived at the s/c shortly before the electrons from the flare and can be distinguished from the latter by their distinctive energy spectrum. The time profile of the decay electrons is in good agreement with the results from a simulation based on a scattering mean free path derived from a fit to the flare electron data. The comparison with simultaneously observed decay protons and a published direct measurement of high-energy neutrons places important constraints on the parent neutron spectrum.Comment: 4 pages (postscript), accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands 1990-2012 : Informative Inventory Report 2014

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    Emissies Nederland blijven in 2012 onder nationale plafonds De uitstoot van stikstofoxiden (NOx), ammoniak, zwaveldioxide en niet-methaan vluchtige organische stoffen (NMVOS) is in 2012 in Nederland licht gedaald. Daarmee bleef de uitstoot onder de maxima die de Europese Unie daaraan sinds 2010 stelt. Nederland voldoet daardoor, net als in 2011, aan de vier 'nationale emissieplafonds' (NEC) voor deze stoffen. Dit blijkt uit de Nederlandse emissiecijfers van grootschalige luchtverontreinigende stoffen. Het RIVM verzamelt en analyseert deze cijfers. Behalve bovengenoemde stoffen gaat het om de uitstoot van koolmonoxide, fijn stof (PM10), zware metalen en persistente organische stoffen (POP's). De uitstoot van al deze stoffen is tussen 1990 en 2012 gedaald. Dit komt vooral door schonere auto's en brandstoffen en door emissiebeperkende maatregelen van industriële sectoren. Meer kilometers door bromfietsen Door de jaren heen zijn de methoden om de emissies te berekenen verbeterd, wat nu resulteert in nauwkeurigere cijfers. De emissies van bromfietsen en motorfietsen zijn afhankelijk van het aantal gereden kilometers per jaar en daar is nu beter inzicht in. Het totale aantal gereden kilometers door bromfietsen blijkt in de afgelopen jaren bijna twee keer zo hoog is als werd gedacht. Daarmee is de uitstoot van schadelijke stoffen navenant hoger. Ten opzichte van andere typ voertuigen blijven bromfietsen echter een relatief kleine emissiebron en dragen ze beperkt bij aan de totale nationale emissies. In steden zijn ze wel een relevante bron. Het aantal gereden kilometers door motorfietsen, en daarmee de uitstoot, blijft in lijn met eerdere inzichten. Vrachtauto's zwaarder beladen De uitstoot van schadelijke stoffen door vrachtauto's is voor het eerst berekend op basis van recente inzichten in het gewicht van vrachtauto's. Trekker-opleggers blijken zwaarder beladen dan tot nu toe werd verondersteld. Ook rijden vrachtauto's vaker met een aanhanger dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen, waardoor ze zwaarder zijn. Een hoger gewicht betekent een hoger brandstofverbruik, en veelal ook een hogere uitstoot per gereden kilometer. De uitstoot van PM10 door vrachtauto's is hierdoor circa 5 procent hoger dan in de vorige IIR-rapportage. Hogere emissies ammoniak De uitstoot van ammoniak blijkt hoger dan eerder werd verondersteld vanwege enkele nieuwe inzichten; de cijfers zijn hierdoor vanaf 1997 bijgesteld. Zo worden luchtwassers, die voornamelijk op varkensstallen zitten, niet altijd gebruikt. Ook is vanaf 2002 in melkveestallen het leefoppervlak per dier toegenomen. Door het grotere contactoppervlak van mest met lucht wordt meer ammoniak uitgestoten. Door de aangepaste aannames is het nationale totaal met 6,6 kiloton verhoogd ten opzichte van 2011.Emissions the Netherlands in 2012 remain under national ceilings Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia, sulphur dioxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) in the Netherlands have slightly decreased in 2012. Consequently, the emissions stayed below the caps the European Union has set from 2010. Herewith, the Netherlands comply with all four so-called emission ceilings (NEC). This has become apparent from the emission data on air pollutants from the Netherlands. RIVM collects and reports these data. Besides above-mentioned substances, emissions of carbon monoxide, particulate matter (PM10), heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been reported. The emissions of all substances have decreased in the 1990 - 2012 period. The downward trend may in particular be attributed to cleaner fuels, cleaner car engines and to emission reductions in the industrial sectors. More kilometres by mopeds Over the years emission calculation methods have been improved, resulting in higher data accuracy. In 2012, the emissions from mopeds and motorcycles have been calculated, based on improved knowledge of the mileages. The total number of kilometres driven by mopeds appears to have been nearly twice as high in recent years. As a result, the emissions of pollutants are proportionally higher. In relation to the total number of vehicles, the number of mopeds however remains relatively low and their contribution to the total national emissions is limited. In cities, they are a relevant source. The mileages by motorcycles, and consequently their emissions remain in line with previous insights. Heavy-duty vehicles carry heavier loads Emissions of pollutants by heavy-duty trucks have for the first time been calculated on the basis of recent insights in truck loads. Tractor-trailer combinations appear to carry heavier loads and the fraction of trailers behind rigid trucks is larger than previously assumed. A heavier load means a higher fuel use and for most substances a higher emission per kilometre driven. PM10 emissions by heavy-duty trucks are about 5 percent higher than in the previous IIR report. Higher agricultural ammonia emissions Agricultural ammonia emissions appear to be higher than previously assumed because of new insights. Air scrubbers on animal housing (predominantly pigs) were not always in use or even employed. Since 2002, the living space per animal has increased for dairy cattle housing. This resulted in a higher contact surface manure-air and thus more ammonia emitted. The new insights have raised the national total of ammonia emissions by about 6 percent compared to 2011

    All-sky Galactic radiation at 45 MHz and spectral index between 45 and 408 MHz

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    Aims: We study the Galactic large-scale synchrotron emission by generating a reliable all-sky spectral index map and temperature map at 45 MHz. Methods: We use our observations, the published all-sky map at 408 MHz, and a bibliographical compilation to produce a map corrected for zero-level offset and extragalactic contribution. Results: We present full sky maps of the Galactic emission at 45 MHz and the Galactic spectral index between 45 and 408 MHz with an angular resolution of 5\degs. The spectral index varies between 2.1 and 2.7, reaching values below 2.5 at low latitude because of thermal free-free absorption and its maximum in the zone next to the Northern Spur.Comment: A&A accepte
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